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100 Days of Awesome "Whole 100" Group Log


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Hi all, I'm not here very much, but I am in the Jan Whole30 and I may stick out this 100 days thing!

This is like my 6th W30 and it is fascinating--I swear my body remembers immediately what to do and this weekend I was totally tiger energy! It is so awesome (ahem, why don't I just eat this way *all the time?* That's a longer story).

Anyways, to all, KEEP ON! If you are struggling it will get better and if it is good, ENJOY! :D

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I still have the cold from hell and if I didn't have a deadline due tomorrow, I totally would have (should have) stayed home from work. I at least slept in a bit and strolled in an hour or so late. I'm dead tired & miserable.

B - sweet potato hash, apple, 1 HB egg

L - chicken veggie soup, 1 HP egg

D - apple salad, leftover pork, and whatever else I can find in my fridge in a minute

I'm guilty of too much fruit, though I can't see cutting it out completely! I've been a fruit-snacker almost my entire life, so I like Jtandi's idea to only eat it with a meal or other protein. On my other Whole30s, I never got to the fantastic tiger-blood feeling - I blame it on medical issues that will take much longer than 30 days to resolve - and have read that added carbs can help. Since the only real starchy carb I somewhat like are sweet potatoes, good or bad, I rely on fruit a bit more than most.

I feel like the bloat is going away and I finally (yay!) felt like had a full... eh hem... elimination this morning.

Anyone else having strange dreams? A few nights ago, I had a dream that my cat snuck outside and was dancing in the puddles in the rain.

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Still rolling along over here, although I've been blogging my foodz so I haven't been double-enthused about posting them here.

Two observations:

  1. I love breathing through my nose!
  2. I wish I liked kale more.

Actually a third observation: I was not compliant during the holidays. Pretty much starting on a couple of business trips I did just before Thanksgiving, got a little more compliant in early December, then it all went to hell in El Paso. By New Year's dinner in San Francisco I was enthusiastically partaking of delicious brown bread and cookies. I was also aching all over. Like we'd walk a few miles in the city and I felt like I was going to die. Now I'm back, 6 days into Whole 30 and I am not hurting anywhere. NO WHEAT FOR ME. I almost wish it made me immediately violently sick so I could just never, ever say "oh just a little bit won't hurt".

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I hope no one minds, but I just have never felt the need to log my food. It makes me feel like I'm still on those 'other' sites where you had to log carbs or calories or points. I know I'm compliant, and if I was having issues I'd log food in a heartbeat, if for no other reason than to have someone look at it and pick up on something I was missing.

I'd rather just pop in randomly with observations or self-discovery, or a really great recipe I found or invented.

Like tonight. Here's my observation: Spinach, chard, bok choy, etc. I'm always disappointed at how little is left in the pan when it's done cooking. Have to make sure I cook enough other veggies along with them so I don't wind up eating a whole pound of spinach at one sitting.

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I hope no one minds, but I just have never felt the need to log my food. It makes me feel like I'm still on those 'other' sites where you had to log carbs or calories or points. I know I'm compliant, and if I was having issues I'd log food in a heartbeat, if for no other reason than to have someone look at it and pick up on something I was missing.

I'd rather just pop in randomly with observations or self-discovery, or a really great recipe I found or invented.

Like tonight. Here's my observation: Spinach, chard, bok choy, etc. I'm always disappointed at how little is left in the pan when it's done cooking. Have to make sure I cook enough other veggies along with them so I don't wind up eating a whole pound of spinach at one sitting.

Maryann, I am the same way. I think logging food is helpful to some but it bores me to tears. I cut up a big Napa cabbage and steam saute it with other greens. It seems to hold it's bulk. Then I just grab what I want and throw it in a pan with ghee and maybe some coconut aminos. Easy peasy.

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Day 7! Completed:)

Had a much better day today than yesterday. Sooo tired....hoping to get some sleep tonight. I haven't slept good in days. Still nicotine free:) and I am so thrilled about making that decision.

JTandi, Thanks for the encouragement. I really appreciate it.

If I wasn't so tired I'd have more to say. Tomorrow maybe:)

Good night!!

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Today I interviewed for a job I would probably really like (don't know if I would like some parts of it, but, having never done them before, can't be sure how I might or might not like them). I thought the interview went pretty well, which was promising. :) On the way home, I had a longing to go out to my favorite Thai restaurant and get something there... anything, really, that I wouldn't have to cook myself! I went home and hunted through my leftovers for the most savory stuff I could find, and ended up eating a good-sized serving of chicken-with-40-cloves-of-garlic. I'm really glad I held out for the organic, free-range chicken when my husband balked at the price: that chicken skin and fat was 100% pure deliciousness. (And then I didn't want chocolate any more, either, which was the other thing that cropped up while I was on my way home.)

I'm not sure that there's any real way to address my grumbling of "But I want to just be able to go to a restaurant and order something compliant and not have to cook or wash dishes myself," except acknowledging it and then sitting with it, but argh. Thank you for being witnesses, all.

Nearly a week in! Go us!

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I'm into my third week now and doing okay, had a bit of a rough patch a few days ago but back on top of things again today. Made some spicy kale chips, soup and cooked meats and sweet potato chips and yesterday mince and veg so lots of compliant choices. Trying to limit fruit, caffeine and nuts for awhile and up my vegie intake.

Good luck to everyone starting their second week!

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Visions of sugar plumbs danced in my head...

Actually, it was cookies, cupcakes and icing in my dreams last night? I didn't eat those before (except on rare occasion), so why the weird dreams that I cheated on my W30 with chocolate cupcakes and white icing (YUCK!!)? I know this happens to lots of us, but it is still strange....

Have a great W30 Day everyone!

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Had a great day 7.

Breakfast: beef & bell pepper frittata, 2 slices of bacon, root vegetable hash, and 1/4 of an avocado

Snack (pre-workout): spoonful of almond butter and a banana

Lunch: spaghetti squash w/ homemade red sauce, meat from oxtail bones (after using them to make bone broth), and braised cabbage.

Dinner: Nom Nom Paleo's slow cooker cheater stew and roasted asparagus

I still seem to be having issues sleeping. Last night was better. I actually slept a solid 6 1/2 hours without waking up (usually I'm up at least once a night). I guess that's a step in the right direction. Would have slept longer, but couldn't get back to sleep.

I did run into one thing that bothered me yesterday. I have 2 boys (ages 5 and 6). I volunteer twice a week in their school library. Yesterday my 5yr olds class came in. The lesson for them was about the food pyramid (or my plate as it's being turned into). I immediately knew I wasn't going to be happy with it. As she was reading, the librarian kept talking about how important grains and dairy were. I just wanted to scream!!!

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[email protected] LOVE the homemade bone broth from Dianne Sanfilippo's book "Practical Paleo". It takes a while (I like to give it a full 24 hours after the initial 4 hours to get it boiling). Absolutely delicious!!! Since I gave up coffee to go along with this Whole100, a mug of bone broth is quite tasty to go along with breakfast.

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I had dreams like that the second time I tried whole30! Last night I dreamed about bone broth lol. Have never made it and was learning about it last night before bed haha. Any tips would be great!

I've been making it all along in my crock pot, but decided this time to do it on the stove. Much better! I have better control of the simmer, and it came out a much darker, richer color. All I add are onions and salt, like French onion soup. The onions caramelized nicely on the stove, in the crock they stay white and just cook. They were so pretty I thought about saving them for use in something else, but when I tasted them all they had no flavor left--it was all in the soup and all I had was slices of cellulose. I did simmer it for 36 hours.

My goal is to have 8 oz of broth every morning, as religiously as I drink coffee. It is supposed to be a bad flu season and I don't do vaccines, so any help I can give my immune system is a plus. I also made a batch of killer vegetable stock last week, and chicken is on the agenda next.

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Good Morning!

Happy Day 8!

I had a crazy busy day yesterday and didn't make the time to post here. Note to self - set aside time in the mornings to journal and check in...it makes a big difference!

Yesterday was a tough-ish day. My sleep has been fitfull like many of you and not as sound as I would like. I woke up so exhausted yesterday and to compound that feeling, my cupboards are reaching bare and there was not a lot to take to work for me to eat. Consequently I ate less, had less energy and was just this side of discontent.

I read todays Day 8 email and it promised that sleep & my mood would both improve in week 2. GOD I hope so!

I have another busy day ahead, so I am going to go root out the best of what's left in my fridge and create something pretty, nutritious and satisfying to eat today.

On a positive note, I've completed 7 days on the Whole30!

I've been 100% compliant and feel terrific about where I'm going

When I get discouraged, I remember the saying "It took 50 miles to walk into the woods, it will take 50 miles to walk out" this is a journey not a race, a lifestyle not a diet.

I am thrilled to make my health my number 1 priority!

Wishing you all compliant day and may your choices be ever in your favor!


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I hope no one minds, but I just have never felt the need to log my food. It makes me feel like I'm still on those 'other' sites where you had to log carbs or calories or points. I know I'm compliant, and if I was having issues I'd log food in a heartbeat, if for no other reason than to have someone look at it and pick up on something I was missing.

I'd rather just pop in randomly with observations or self-discovery, or a really great recipe I found or invented.

Like tonight. Here's my observation: Spinach, chard, bok choy, etc. I'm always disappointed at how little is left in the pan when it's done cooking. Have to make sure I cook enough other veggies along with them so I don't wind up eating a whole pound of spinach at one sitting.

Maryann, I feel the same way. Logging every bite triggers an "oh, no, I'm on a diet" reaction for me that is NEVER good.

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Did you guys take your measurements before you started? A whole30 is about so much more than weight loss, but I'm guessing that many people end up here because they are looking to change their body composition. I ran a food challenge during November and took measurements of all of the participants on day 1 and day 30. One lady was disappointed at the end when she stepped on the scale and hadn't lost much weight. HOWEVER, her face sure did light up when we took her measurements---she had lost 11 cm. I hate the scale, but measurements may give you valuable information. I went to the Ancestral Health Symposium at Harvard this last summer and Robb Wolf summed it up by saying we should tie a bow on our scales and give them to somebody we hate! :D Just thought I'd encourage you to measure yourself.

My husband is an amazing cook and he cooked me up this recipe for dinner the other night. I love that I got to eat the leftovers for breakfast. Day 8 is finishing up for me and I'm off to do my crossfit workout.

I hope that some of you will sleep better tonight :)

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"Spinach, chard, bok choy, etc. I'm always disappointed at how little is left in the pan when it's done cooking. Have to make sure I cook enough other veggies along with them so I don't wind up eating a whole pound of spinach at one sitting."

Maryann, I SO get this. I cooked what looked like a HUGE amount of spinach the other day and when it was cooked it was barely enough for 2 people.

I'm learning with the leafy greens that if I double the amount it's still less than I think but enough so i can have some leftovers. ;)

Have a great day!


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Congrats everyone on interviews, not smoking, eating well, etc.!

I'm home sick today. Actually, I went in for 2 hours to finish up a proposal that's due today, and after my coworker said I looked like death warmed over, I proclaimed to my boss that I felt like #($* and was going home. So I'm on the couch today, had soup for breakfast & lunch (both made with homemade bone broth), and am taking it easy. I never do this - I usually just work through it (like I did yesterday) so I'm proud of myself for taking the time.

The good news is that it gave me time to set up a meat CSA! There's a local meat processor/market (Black Earth Meats, just outside of Madison WI) that has a really good reputation. Their meats are stocked at my local co-op, but most prices are too pricey for me to justify. The little that I have purchased from them was delish. I signed up for a monthly box of grass-fed meat (their options were 'grandpa's way', 'grass-fed', and 'organic'). $75/month will get me about 12-16 pounds of a beef / pork mix a month. My first pick-up is next week already! I don't get to chose what goes into each box, but I can add on to my order with anything else at a 10% discount. I'm stoked! He said they also throw in one unusual item a month with a recipe, so it may force me to venture out a bit.

I'm obviously not feeling great due to this killer cold, but, the endometriosis pain that had been creeping in with my free-for-all diet and the constipation of the past few months is gone. That didn't take long this time! The bloat is certainly gone and I'm starting to feel like minor shifts are happening inside of my body. Woo hoo!

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Doing great on Day Eight! :) My cold is getting better and I did not surrender to the toast temptation. This morning I baked a salmon fillet for breakfast and I felt like a queen! It seemed very decadent.

I have noticed that I feel a little wiped out, but that could be the cold, too. Today I walked a few blocks to my car and felt worn out. I hope this passes soon.

I have a question for the bone broth-ers: where do you get the bones? do you get grassfed or does it matter? It kind of grosses me out to handle bones, but the final product sounds so good! Thanks for any info you can pass along!

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Thank you all for the bone broth tips!! Obvious not an expert on this and the bones are kinda gross to me too:). But I've read where you can get them at a butcher shop, save the bones from cooking whole chickens...turkeys....meat etc. I've also learned that you can find some labeled dog bones at a whole food store. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone but that is what I'm learning so far.

Other suggestions would be great!

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Thank you all for the bone broth tips!! Obvious not an expert on this and the bones are kinda gross to me too:). But I've read where you can get them at a butcher shop, save the bones from cooking whole chickens...turkeys....meat etc. I've also learned that you can find some labeled dog bones at a whole food store. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone but that is what I'm learning so far.

Other suggestions would be great!

Yes, everything you said is true. I think you'll get over thinking bones are gross. A couple of batches of golden elixer and I think you'll think bones are cool. :) Just checking though..I don't think you should use bones that are labeled for dogs. They are probably fine, but the standards are different. Maybe you meant for the pooch?

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Visions of sugar plumbs danced in my head...

Actually, it was cookies, cupcakes and icing in my dreams last night? I didn't eat those before (except on rare occasion), so why the weird dreams that I cheated on my W30 with chocolate cupcakes and white icing (YUCK!!)? I know this happens to lots of us, but it is still strange....

Have a great W30 Day everyone!

Yes... weird dreams! I have had vivid dreams the last few nights, chocked it up to a marinara I've topped food with a few days in a row. But last night! All kinds of cake in my dreams in some way but don't remember much else. So odd.

I typically don't remember my dreams so this is way bizarre. Otherwise, W30 chugging along. I feel good and have steady energy. But I will say on some strange level I just have no patience for things in my life that chafe.... i.e. high maintenance people, annoying situations. Just trying to bite my tongue and carry on.

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