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100 Days of Awesome "Whole 100" Group Log


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Day8.....no sleep again last night:(. I woke up in a cold sweat, not sure why. I felt great this morning but am so tired I feel like I cold pass out. I pray that I can sleep tonight! It seems so many of us ar having sleep trouble, any thoughts on why??

Love all the bone broth recipes! I need to make some. I tried once, but I didn't cook it long enough. I think I'll give it another try. Anything I can do to get myself healthier these days I am so into:)

Day 8 in the bag!! Hope I can sleep tonight!!!!!

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Yes my source said labeled dog bones but were fine for people too! I will error on the side of caution:)! Thank you for pointing that out! I have a whole chicken on now that smells delicious and will just get used to doing this a lot more often!

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Yes my source said labeled dog bones but were fine for people too! I will error on the side of caution:)! Thank you for pointing that out! I have a whole chicken on now that smells delicious and will just get used to doing this a lot more often!

Aj, if you trust your source, then they are probably a okay. I have not seen them packaged like that and I thought you literally were grabbing bones packaged specifically for dogs (as in the regular dog food freezer) and using them. :)

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I had another interview this morning (yay), and between here and there are a lot of interesting-sounding restaurants. I really wished I could have stopped at the barbeque places I passed -- ribs and rib tips sounded awesome, and I kind of miss barbeque sauce. I may have to see what I can find in the way of homemade bbq sauce that doesn't have sugar. Anybody know of a good recipe?

By the time I got home I was mostly over wanting the bbq and wanted chocolate instead, much like yesterday. I had lunch (sauteed spinach, a fermented red cabbage and beets salad that I really like, and 3 eggs cooked in coconut oil) and wasn't hungry afterwards, but still really wanted that chocolate... I say grr to my sugar beast. :( I finally made myself a cup of anti-heartburn tea in the hopes of 1) not having heartburn like I did yesterday afternoon and 2) satisfying my mouth's desire for something that had close to the same feel as the way chocolate feels. It kind of worked! No heartburn until just now -- which is about 90 minutes after eating dinner -- and the chocolate craving went away. I'm honestly not sure whether that happened because I satisfied my mouth's desire or if I just moved on mentally and forgot that I wanted chocolate (an up side to brain fog?), but hey, it worked.

Dinner was half of an incredibly delicious steak made with garam masala, plus mushrooms cooked in ghee and heavily seasoned with the "Roma" herb blend. Also salad with watermelon radish, a tiny amount of raw shallot, a small handful of pecan bits and a small handful of dried cranberries, and balsamic vinegar and EVOO. Yum! My housemate who is doing the Whole30 along with me is the best: I was griping about not getting to have a nice dinner out at a restaurant to celebrate two interviews that went well, and she said, "How about we make steak for dinner?" Yes, please. :)

Day 6 in the bag! Stay strong, everyone.

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| had a really good day today. Saw someone today whom I had not seen since before Christmas. She asked me what had happened to me. She thought I looked different, radiant. I was able to share my whole 30 journey; she took notes. lol

B - Carrot soufle, homemade deer sausage

L - raw veggies, bison sausage, banana, black coffee - Im actually starting to like black coffee

D - big salad with chicken, peppermint tea

Its wierd how I can have this killer headache and feel fantastic at the same time. But I am encouraged that something is starting to happen and other people can to see it in me. :D

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hi all! I am checking in on the eve of day 8...today was a tough day. I am so grateful to come on here and see how you all are doing, be reminded that I am not doing this alone, and just vent a little. I had shopping to do today and I could NOT get out of my head all the junk I wanted to eat. I went to Macy's and they have chocolate bars at the cash register. I went to Target and thought about my favorite pretzels and coke zero, and of course the registers there have a huge AISLE of candy before you pay. sigh. and it was one of those days where something went wrong at every turn...BUT, I stayed compliant the whole entire day. one tip I love from the book and on this site is to go into this with the idea that a slip or quitting isn't an option. I needed that mindset today!

Elizabeth: I've seen several recipes for bbq sauce but haven't tried any yet

today my food was good other than the fact that I didn't plan well for lunch and my errands. I made it to Whole Foods to shop and had to grab some nuts and fruit to put in my belly while I was shopping, then grabbed some steamed veggies and turkey from their hot food bar. anyone else have trouble trusting food not made in your own home? I felt a little bad grilling the people working there about whether or not the sign with ingredients was accurate or not!

I tried making cauliflower "rice" today and it was great! for dinner I made coconut chicken fingers - they were AWESOME and the kids loved them, they will be a once a week event around here.

I ordered some Thai curry - the Mae Ploy brand and it - and it ALL HAS SUGAR in the ingredients! I obviously bought the wrong thing but I'm so irritated! I guess I'm back to Thai Kitchen until I figure it out.

and LASTLY - Kombuchi tea. my new love. if I wasn't married I would marry it. I am really enjoying it and such a nice treat to have something other than water.

ok, not lastly. THIS is lastly...I have some hazelnuts soaking tonight I'm going to make hazelnut milk tomorrow with vanilla bean, dates, cinnamon, cardamom, and nutmeg. I'm SO excited. the site also has a recipe to make homemade lara bars from the leftover pulp! can't wait to try it!!!

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Congrats everyone on interviews, not smoking, eating well, etc.!

I'm home sick today. Actually, I went in for 2 hours to finish up a proposal that's due today, and after my coworker said I looked like death warmed over, I proclaimed to my boss that I felt like #($* and was going home. So I'm on the couch today, had soup for breakfast & lunch (both made with homemade bone broth), and am taking it easy. I never do this - I usually just work through it (like I did yesterday) so I'm proud of myself for taking the time.

The good news is that it gave me time to set up a meat CSA! There's a local meat processor/market (Black Earth Meats, just outside of Madison WI) that has a really good reputation. Their meats are stocked at my local co-op, but most prices are too pricey for me to justify. The little that I have purchased from them was delish. I signed up for a monthly box of grass-fed meat (their options were 'grandpa's way', 'grass-fed', and 'organic'). $75/month will get me about 12-16 pounds of a beef / pork mix a month. My first pick-up is next week already! I don't get to chose what goes into each box, but I can add on to my order with anything else at a 10% discount. I'm stoked! He said they also throw in one unusual item a month with a recipe, so it may force me to venture out a bit.

I'm obviously not feeling great due to this killer cold, but, the endometriosis pain that had been creeping in with my free-for-all diet and the constipation of the past few months is gone. That didn't take long this time! The bloat is certainly gone and I'm starting to feel like minor shifts are happening inside of my body. Woo hoo!

Karen, I hope you are feeling better today! I also have endometriosis (stage 4). I was diagnosed when I was 19, had surgery when I was 20 (I'm now 46) and have been on every kind of medication possible for it. My symptoms have been much improved since going paleo a few years ago. I do still have a few large cysts (currently there is a 5cm cyst on my right ovary), but I just don't experience the pain from it that I used to. I am so happy that healthy eating can do what drugs just can't.

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Day 8 and I feel I am now firmly back on track, I hadn't deviated too much from the w30 since starting in October, I added a little cheese now and then which I was fine with, but stuck with pretty clean Paleo eating most of the time, then Christmas happened, where I didn't go mad but did indulge in things I wouldn't normally touch with a barge pole! but feeling good now and I am actually sleeping really well already, feeling quite groggy in the mornings due to sleeping well it seems, I know this will pass as it did before, after my 1st w30 I would not only sleep well but wake before my alarm raring to go, looking forward to that bit!

Hope you sleepless guys, manage to follow suit soon, and speedy recovery to those under the weather.

Having a cook up as it is my day off today, about to make cauliflower hummus, tried the summer squash one which was lovely so hopefully this will be too, roasted two homegrown pumpkins earlier and some garlic to make soup with later. Now to scoff some squash, sweet potato and carrot quiche that is fresh out of the oven! :)

Anyone got one of those Spiralo veggie slicers? they are awesome, cant recommend it enough, breeze to slice with and makes great veggie noodles, bye bye speed peeler Hello Spiralo!

Have a good day everyone.

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Lisa - yes, so amazing what diet can do! I started making some changes almost 4 years ago, and if I hadn't, well, I can assure you I would have had another surgery by now. I still get a bad day or two every month, but as long as I eat clean and avoid all the things that irritate me, I'm much better off than before. I can't recommend diet changes enough whenever I meet someone with endo! I'm so glad you're able to manage much better as well!

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Argh, I had my first food dream last night!!!!! I "accidentally" ate a TON of junk and then decided I would give myself one cheat meal a week, but then I remembered cheat days aren't allowed and I got super bummed I had to start over so I decided to pig out on more junk before I did.

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For sleepless folks: I find a combo of Natural Calm (a supplement you drink in warm water before bed) and Relora (an herbal supplement in pill form) puts me to fast, deep sleep every single time with no grogginess. I got them both on Amazon.

Wow, day 9 already. Time is flying! I did a Whole 30 in October and it seemed to drag, I think I was just counting the days until I could have a glass of wine, haha. It's one reason I'm loving the Whole 100 -- no use counting so many days. It's just how I'm living life now.

Hope everyone has/is having an easy/compliant day.


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Did anyone get the plate number of the truck that hit me?

I got up at 2 am to use the bathroom feeling fine. Went right back to bed, and went right back to sleep.

At 4 am I woke up with a steel band squeezing my skull, a stuffy nose, a cough, and a tummy ache. Very nauseous. I wound up vomiting numerous times, but there wasn't anything in my stomach so it was mostly dry heaves. Crawled back into bed eventually, chilled and in a clammy sweat. Took my temperature, expecting a high fever, and it was only 97.1. What's up with that?

Spent the next two hours in a semi-sleep state. Head hurt too much to sleep, too exhausted to get up, and too nauseous for much else. Got up around 7 am. (Thank goodness my p/t employee was glad to get some extra hours to cover for me at the store)

Let the dogs out and could barely fix their food, my sense of smell was working way overtime and it was making me sick. I also couldn't watch any TV commercials with food in them. The mere sight of it on the screen made my stomach turn over.

Knew I needed some bone broth, but started retching as soon as I opened the jar. Back to bed, sipping water only, for another couple of hours.

Finally got up to feed the parrots around 10. Stomach not so bad, mostly muscle ache from the retching. Head still feels like an over-inflated tire, and it hurts to move my eyeballs around in my head. Managed to have a cup of broth and keep it down. Still no appetite. Just the thought of food, any kind of food, makes me feel nauseous all over again. Temp now up to 79.9 Hope whatever it is is on the way out.

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Did anyone get the plate number of the truck that hit me?

I got up at 2 am to use the bathroom feeling fine. Went right back to bed, and went right back to sleep.

At 4 am I woke up with a steel band squeezing my skull, a stuffy nose, a cough, and a tummy ache. Very nauseous. I wound up vomiting numerous times, but there wasn't anything in my stomach so it was mostly dry heaves. Crawled back into bed eventually, chilled and in a clammy sweat. Took my temperature, expecting a high fever, and it was only 97.1. What's up with that?

Spent the next two hours in a semi-sleep state. Head hurt too much to sleep, too exhausted to get up, and too nauseous for much else. Got up around 7 am. (Thank goodness my p/t employee was glad to get some extra hours to cover for me at the store)

Let the dogs out and could barely fix their food, my sense of smell was working way overtime and it was making me sick. I also couldn't watch any TV commercials with food in them. The mere sight of it on the screen made my stomach turn over.

Knew I needed some bone broth, but started retching as soon as I opened the jar. Back to bed, sipping water only, for another couple of hours.

Finally got up to feed the parrots around 10. Stomach not so bad, mostly muscle ache from the retching. Head still feels like an over-inflated tire, and it hurts to move my eyeballs around in my head. Managed to have a cup of broth and keep it down. Still no appetite. Just the thought of food, any kind of food, makes me feel nauseous all over again. Temp now up to 79.9 Hope whatever it is is on the way out.

Oh Maryann..I am so sorry. That sounds so miserable. Sounds like you have a rotavirus or even the official flu. My temp goes low at the beginning of an illness. I swear that feels worse than a fever. Drink your liquids and sleep, sleep, sleep.

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Happy Day 9!

I am so excited by how much easier this Whole30 is for me...phew! I guess it means my body is in a little better shape than it was before.

My day 8 was good. I've been very busy at work so have had trouble getting timein to make enough food. I'm planning on doing a shop tonight and will do some catch up cooking. This is such a vital part of me being successful every day.

I am happy to report that I looked at myself in the mirror last night and my skin was a pretty pink. As in the pink of health! It was such a small thing really but so exciting for me! It's working and I need those little indicators to keep me moving forward.

My bloating is finally gone and for lack of aplomb, I'm pooping again too. Woo hoo! Not quite where I desire but every day I see progress.

I realize that the difference between this Whole30 and the one I did in August is that I am in complete acceptance. There is no fighting and this has made my journey so much richer!

Hey, I have a few compliancy questions...

Since Kombucha is made with sugar, is it whole30 compliant? I haven't had it but if it's ok, that would be such a treat for me to start brewing again!

Almond milk - homemade or unsweetened...is that ok?

Thanks in advance to anyone who knows the answers to these questions.

In response to others comments, Tina I'm having the sleeping issue as well and chalk it up to the detoxing my body is doing. I expected it but I am also exhausted BUT I slept a little bit better last night so I think I'll get back on track.

Elizabeth Anne - I had horrible heartburn and I found that drinking a lot more water made it go away. It's such an awful feeling!

MaryAnn - I hope you are on the mend and back on your feet soon.

TurquoiseTiger - I have the veggie peeler and it is nothing short of AWESOME!!

Wishing you all a compliant day and may your choices be ever in your favor!


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Almond milk - homemade or unsweetened...is that ok?

Homemade. None of us have yet found a commercial one that doesn't have off-limit stuff in it. It only lasts 4-5 days in the fridge, so don't make too much (it's really easy, if a little messy). That's probably why there are so many preservatives and stabilizers in the pre-made stuff.

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Since Kombucha is made with sugar, is it whole30 compliant? I haven't had it but if it's ok, that would be such a treat for me to start brewing again!

Almond milk - homemade or unsweetened...is that ok?

Kombucha is fine. The sugar is food for the scoby. It eats the sugar during the fermentation process and the end sugar content of your kombucha is actually quite low.

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Wow, Day 9 already! I couldn't get to sleep last night... Seems my energy is still out of whack. My Natural Calm arrived yesterday so I drank it before going to bed and although I didn't feel sleepy from it, I did sleep much more restfully. Still up and down with the energy, hoping it gets better soon since I am supposed to run/walk a half marathon on Sunday morning (Day 13 for me).

My crossfit workout sucked today! I had no energy and was surprised I made it through the workout. Good part was, that I recovered lots quicker than usual.... Hmmmm

Oh, I forgot to tell y'all. I am making my first ever batch of sauerkraut! Besides having cabbage all over my kitchen when I was done packing it into the crock, it is working just like wild fermentation website said it would! I will let you know in a couple of days if it is starting to look edible.

Have a grea W30 day everyone!

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Hi! Full disclosure. I was doing great until I forgot that the carb flu would hit like a ton of bricks, especially after the way I ate during the holidays. I got really freaked out and just caved and had sugar. That's very unlike me, but the depression symptoms were scaring me. I refreshed myself on eating good carbs like sweet potatoes, and now I'm back on track. My Whole100 is going from January 7th to April 16th. Having my W30 at the first third of the year is going to be very healing for my mind and body. Those good habits are gonna stick like glue!

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Day 9 and feeling good - still have a lingering headache. Made some expresso this morning and added some coconut milk - it was ok. I think I am starting to prefer it black. That's crazy, never saw that coming. I am hypo thyroid, taking natural thyroid meds. Been taking my temperature last few days hoping to see a rise ( it's usually only about 96 F) but it seems to be dropping. I'm not sure if I should be concerned. Maybe I should just wait a bit to see if it corrects itself.

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I'm planning on doing a shop tonight and will do some catch up cooking. This is such a vital part of me being successful every day.

Since Kombucha is made with sugar, is it whole30 compliant? I haven't had it but if it's ok, that would be such a treat for me to start brewing again!

Almond milk - homemade or unsweetened...is that ok?

I just discovered Kombucha tea - holy amazing! I love love love it! such a great break from water for me. I don't make my own, though. I'm just getting what I can at the store, but I may have to look into making it myself soon since it's so expensive

I make my own almond milk and add a couple dates for a little sweetness. I'm not really in move with the taste. this morning I made some hazelnut milk and the little I tried before my little one accidentally (?) threw the vitamix on the floor was good. I over spiced a little, this time I will go exactly by the recipe: 2c hazelnuts soaked overnight, 4 cups water, 1/4 tsp of nutmeg, cinnamon, & cardamom, and then I added a little vanilla bean. I think I blended it a bit too long, too since it was still a little grainy after the nut bag. the site also has a great recipe to make "lara" bars with the leftover pulp

Hi! Full disclosure. I was doing great until I forgot that the carb flu would hit like a ton of bricks, especially after the way I ate during the holidays. I got really freaked out and just caved and had sugar. That's very unlike me, but the depression symptoms were scaring me. I refreshed myself on eating good carbs like sweet potatoes, and now I'm back on track. My Whole100 is going from January 7th to April 16th. Having my W30 at the first third of the year is going to be very healing for my mind and body. Those good habits are gonna stick like glue!

Suzy - awesome for you to get back up! I really use this group so much to fight of my temptations and it has been so useful for me!

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I'm on day 5 of the cold from hell. I stayed home again today - couldn't even consider going in to work as I slept horribly last night. Every day, I keep hoping I'll wake up feeling at least a bit better, but it seems to be the opposite ever day. Ugh. I've been spending a lot of time in front of the TV in zombie mode. It's comical to watch the talk shows that have the 'healthy' food segments, reducing bad food to even worse in an effort to spare fat and calories. I also saw a few minutes of Paula Dean's show - she made a burger w/egg, served on two glazed dougnuts. Gasp! I have to be honest, it's so nice not to have to worry about that - to be able to enjoy real food without having to count or justify the good with the bad.

I've been eating mostly soup the past few days. I'm really, really bored with it. Fingers crossed I wake up feeling a bit better tomorrow!

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I think I got hit by the same truck. Woke up so tired this morning, couldnt get back to sleep after 5am so got up at 6am for my usual walk. Had a big breakfast of mince and vegies with a few berries in but I think that didnt even put back enough fuel in the tank (have done extra exercise the last few days but havent eaten enough extra I guess). I sort of felt hungry but not like the way I used to (ravenous cravings etc) but I also felt like I was going round in circles not able to settle to anything (even tried to nap for half an hour) so I thought I must really need fuel so I cooked and ate some sweet potatoes and egg and had some melon at 10am. Starting to feel better now. Still tired but able to function again, phew. Sometimes ya just gotta eat!

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I am so upset right now! Ok, so I have not slept for more than 2 hr increments over the past week. I had hormonal issues, my daughter has been up sick for days, I can't sleep, etc...so today I was literally delirious. I went to work this morning and came home early to run 2 kids under 4 to 2 doctors and a hospital for blood work:). By the time I was done, I was soooo hungry and soooo tired. The last thing I felt like doing was cooking. My husband eats a version of paleo/primal and told me that our Chinese place will make shrimp without sugar and MSG and my eyes lit up:). So I ordered our dinner. I ate and then felt sick, I felt the way I feel when I have gluten or flour...so I called and they told me they do put corn starch in their sauce:(. So now what? Do I need to re-start? What does everyone think? I feel so bummed right now.

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