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Eggs - How Many is Too Many

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Hi Everyone!

I am a man who loves his eggs! any which way I just love them.... well as long as the yolk is still nice and gooey! But I was wondering how many is too many??

I am 28, 6'1" and weigh about 178lbs with maybe about 12-14%bf (a guess) and have been eating 4 eggs every morning for about 6 months. the eggs I eat are from my folks house and the hens have a great life roaming around the garden and paddock doing their thing. They are awesome. Anyway, is 28 eggs a week too much?

as for the rest of my diet, you can check out my first whole30 feed, but in a nutshell, im eating 2 palms of protien (organic, pastured, biodynamic, grass fed), a heap of vegies (till I can eat no more) and 2tbs sometimes a touch more of additional fats (usually clarified butter, olive oil, duck fat or coconut butter) for every other meal. I dont really eat any nuts and I have on the odd occasion had a handful of raspberries with breakfast.

So, 28 a week..... too much?

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First, I have to call you a lucky duck to get the eggs that you do. I pay $7.99 a dozen for eggs like that. :) You can eat all the eggs you want. Your eating plan sounds like perfection!!

thanks Susan, exactly what I want to hear :)... The eggs are fantastic. I am very lucky indeed, but my folks are thankful that someone is eating them.... I am, naturally, happy to oblige :)

and so you dont feel so bad.... for years I was paying the same as you for eggs.... get yourself some Chickens

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Lol..I live in a condo so no chickens for me. Even at the price I pay, the eggs are so high quality that I don't mind. They are organic as well. The non organic eggs from pastured chickens are $6.99. I visited the farm, so I am getting what the carton says. :) It's still a fairly reasonable, high quality protein source.

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Gosh those of you in the USA pay so much for your eggs!! We can still get pretty good eggs for about 3bucks a dozen..... You all shold have hens in your yards (if you have them) they are fun for you and the kids - yours or others and they lay great eggs practically for free!

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Feeling really envious, my eggs work out at $6.42 a dozen. they are organic from a local farm and are great, I don't grudge it but I get a bit green looking at some of your prices :mellow: As for how many is too many - if they won't all fit in the kitchen it's too many :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I eat a lot of eggs too (like 30 a week), but have also heard of this thing where when you over-consume a food, you become

sensitive to it? Currently trying to figure out if eggs are the cause you my scalp issues.

By the way, across the Atlantic here, we pay 3.18 euro a dozen (like 4.30 dollars)

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I eat a lot of eggs too (like 30 a week), but have also heard of this thing where when you over-consume a food, you become

sensitive to it? Currently trying to figure out if eggs are the cause you my scalp issues.

By the way, across the Atlantic here, we pay 3.18 euro a dozen (like 4.30 dollars)

I have a man that delivers to me (from his uncles farm, but I only have his word for that) and I pay €6 for 30 :) In the supermarket free range eggs are c.€3 for 6.

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