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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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Calee, yes yes yes, you got it right :) Thanks for amazing wishes and support. You are a phenomenal  :wub:


Yay for Diesel, they are the best ever. I agree with Zach. I've been loyal to this brand for years and years. I didn't know about repairing, I guess that they will just become a pair of short shorts :D Torn jeans kind of go perfectly with the Z's image and artistic personality, no?


Yes, that's my plan too. Low carb to detox a bit and get my digestion a break with veggies. 


So, as ordered by so many people today, I am enjoying myself today! I went to the morning workout (yay me), and had steak for breakfast (with the birthday banana). I am wearing my old old favorite Kate Spades and talking selfies. I will have a coffee date with my friend later and just a silks class. Kind of happy despite tummy aches and million of breakouts on my face (eggs overload). 


Pictures! Surprise from my co-workers. Cute e-cards from Grandparents. G is in Chicago and sent me a kind of e-card too..from the hospital...because he sprained his ankle and can't walk. Such a sweetie. Right. 






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Have a great day yall! 

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YAY! A wonderful birthday filled with things you love to do. I'm quite happy for you. Love the shoes! You're so colorful. A wonderful trait.

Great pics from the grands.

What's your plan for relieving tummy distress.

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Yes! Funny, but I feel like most of my stuff is black and white. I guess not :)


Finished it with my fav class. Very sore and happy. No plan yet, really. I need to shop, cook and prep and get back to my normal routine. Today I slept in and had coffee and 5 figs with prosciutto for breakfast. Kind of gross and tasty at the same time. Carb flu is going to be brutal :) I think that I will just keep it super boring and safe. Also, I've bought a very strong probiotic and it seems to help. I also have to focus on the amount. I tend to overeat all the time. It's not the food it's the behavior. I can overeat ehmm cucumbers let's say. Oral fixation kind of thing. I'll be fine someday. I know it. 




Note: we had a sub instructor and she let us have the knot to support our backs. This is why it looks like no big deal to perform. It actually feels like no big deal after you struggle for a month to do the same thing without it. Hehe. Gotta press your knee like mad because it's the only thing that's holding you up there. 

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The silks photos are so freaking cool!! Makes me wish I were half as heavy and three times stronger than I am, so I could try it.

 Comeeee onn! What's up with this negative talk. There is a aerial yoga or pilates classes that can be a start. Moreover only a month and a half  ago I couldn't climb up to the top at all. See where I am going? It builds strength! We have all types of people in the class and there is not a single person who didn't improve by the end of the class. I hope you can find something that makes you as happy as this silly climbing makes me feel.  

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Haha, it's not negative talk! It was said with a sense of appreciation and awe for what you can do, and the acknowledgment that I'm just not strong enough to hold my heavy body up with the silks. I'm not mad about it at all, and it may not be too late for me to change that :) I'll be 35 on Saturday and have always had a body that's heavy and uncoordinated even since childhood. Poor food choices, bad role models, genetics blah blah blah. My thing as a kid was always swimming. There is a water ballet group in my area that I'm planning to check out now that I'm finally finished moving :)

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Nadia, when I was in San Diego I ate every sort of carbs. Fruit, flour, sugar. I arrived home last Wed night and stayed off all carbs except Friday night dinner date which was so yummy and totally worth it. I have been eating high fat and no carbs except what's in veggies and a bit of plain yogurt the first few days. Not really any carb flu and my energy bounced back in a few days. It's no W30 and I've had some cheese in introduction for my trip in two weeks. I'm very pleased with how quickly I'm shedding a bit of fluff. If this continues for two weeks I will be able to take my bikini on vacation without embarrassing Z.

And yes, tattered Diesels and a black tshirt are very much part of his artistic look. But he could wear a burlap sack and look sexy, or so I'm told. Less than 2 weeks until vacation. I think I have to take Dresden off the plan because it's overlad on train stops and starts. :)

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@Kitchenwitchy Okok, I was reading it all wrong. Thanks for the compliments :) Please, yes, swimming. You deserve it! 


@ Calee, yep yep valid method I used back in days...only I didn't eat any fat either. We all know the sad results :) With Dresden or without you will look and feel fabulous, so will Z! So happy for your great results. 


I am having weird day (s). First - I am sleeping in every day. Kind of good but weird. I crave fat again. Eating a teaspoon of coconut oil while cooking seems like a good idea. Ew. I get nausea after breakfast. Especially today I thought I am about to throw up (mushrooms and clams for meal 1). Chicken (peach - for marinade only - chicken from TGIPaleo mmmmmm) and half avocado for lunch and I am falling asleep like face down on my desk after 3pm. I feel tired. Had a bottle of booch to settle my stomach. That's the carb flu I guess. Debating on working out tonight. Debating on going dancing salsa/listening to the band at the harbor/going to the rooftop stretch pilates class with candles (new dancing studio opened near my house). I think workout + dinner + stretch and early to bed. G sends me pictures of their trip all the time. They are so ugly, you have no idea :D But really, who takes pictures in front of the ugly fence and cuts legs and top of the momnument at the same time.  Ok, here is the link. I laughed out loud. Especially at the stupid T-shirt his niece wants him to wear. I am mean. Be a better person, Nadia. Thank God he will never read it :) Went to the blackout anniversary party last night. Pics of it. Was tons of fun - parading with bands, pyro and clowns through the city. Everyone had candles. March to the beach where everything was decorated with candles. Campfires, music and friends. So good. 


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Quick update. Facts:

It is so weird to be suuuuper sore but full of tiger blood. You jump and dance, and it hurts, and you jump regardless...and going to workout. Kind of stupid, but I must spill out this energy. Can you tell I took my ballroom shoes from the shelf and went to proper salsa dancing outing last night? Pure bragging - after a year of no regular practice I was able to keep up with the dude who made me do...wait for it...7 spins in a row. I thought triple turn is my limit. My feet are two giant pancakes.

Chicken liver mousse should be illegal along with fresh figs. I made giant jar and ate it with the spoon. AFTER having breakfast. So good. Soooooo good.

Going to the gym really really is a stupid idea, I feel it in my sore but already.

Going to visit parents. It is kind of because of my bday. I will just cook bunch of stuff for them. Not my idea of celebrating but. I hope I will survive and no cross reaction will follow. Usually I am sick after family dinners fir days. Nightshades or eggs sneak in somehow. Plus Mom has big jar of macadamia. Danger danger.

Probiotics seem to help! I ate cabbage for breakfast and no crazy bloating. Fingers crossed. Skin is slightly better too. Weeee.

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Sexy bachata song from last night for you all. Dance a little today, deal? Video itself ridiculous so is lyrics. Spanish songs have two scenarios - I love her/Sun is shining or she doesn't love me/sun is not shining anymore. Tough life :D

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I have a question. Or two. Or three.

1. When the f my appetite/digestion/food sensitivities will come to normal? It was so bad after the dinner with parents. I cooked everything in ghee. Then licked the spoon and tasted butter. Turned out that Dad thought that making ghee is just melting it and filtering right away. I think you can imagine my emotions. I was itching and sick all the evening. Did my best not to ruin the dinner, so didn't show that I am about to die. Dad finally asked what on Earth am I reacting now since I haven't eaten most of stuff I cooked for them. Red face and immediate breakouts and rashes are hard to hide. Positive note - they LOVED everything I made. Blueberry brussels sprouts rocked Mom's world (who needs recipe?), Dad ate romesco/pesto and guacomole with spoon from the jars (I made three big jars so he can dress his salads on the week). Pic of my cute cousin is below. 
2. When the f I stop putting pressure of being bigger than usual to myself? I really hate it because it's only in my head. And my Mom's head, who told me that I got bigger since she saw me last time. Sweet lady she is. I am at the trust crisis now. Probably I would take the weight thing if I was feeling good. But now I am plain miserable. I can't help but cry all the time. Whenever I try to talk myself into calming down and just do what I am doing I break into tears. I hope it's my newly gotten PMS. 
3. How does pole dancing fit into exercise template?  :D Checked new dancing studio on my street. It's pretty awesome. Pole hurts not gonna lie, but it's all good. More strength for my arms! Curious about other classes. Especially burlesque. Kidding. Not really.

Random pictures from the weekend to follow.

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Broccoli messed me up but not as nearly as bad as used to. Tried kale in the morning. Massaged and sauteed forever. Oh my, no kale for me in the nearest future. All the usual markers are bad. Bad bathroom situation, itching (I want to scratch my face off), breakouts and f-ing pain. Forgot to take probiotics after breakfast and I want to die. I am running in circles. I have couple ok days and then the crash is imminent. I almost have no clothes to wear and my watches are tight. I am infinitely miserable. I had panic attack this morning. First in a long time. As a little reward for you reading this crap I am posting pretty pictures from my weekend. Are we even now? Doubt so. 


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Me again. News:


- my digestion is driving me nuts. I am going crazy. I am in pain every blessed day. There is no veggie/meal that doesn't make me bloated. 

- eating on the template. no cravings so far. A little bit for fat, but I take coconut oil and it does the trick. No fruits with exception of occasional berries. Trying my best here. 

- gym cancellations seem to outsmart me every time. Last night I attempted to work out before circus class (no comments, I was miserable and wanted to move). Interval training class turned out to be a core/pilates kind of thing with the sub. Pretty awesome and low key. 

- silks silks silks. Improving again. I finally managed to do the foot lock higher from the ground (3 climbs up). First you climb, then you hang on your arms while you wrap+pull+wrap again the silks with your feet around another feet. We also tried to do a standing candle, stags and splits. My form sucked but I did great for my level. Plus we were doing it from the run, so the fabric was swirling and moving like crazy. I cannot believe that I've already taken 13 classes. Did I tell you that she organizes OUTDOOR workshop and a handstand workshop? My dream is to do headstanddddd. 


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- my friend is taking me out for a late birthday lunch. Big steak here I come!!! I hope for no illness.

- hit farmers' market on my way to work this morning. They were setting up right in front of my house, pretty rad, eh? Bought quite a bit of dairy to test out. It's not raw, but it's from grassfed cows and milk is organic. I ended up with full fat sheeps milk yougurt, pecorno fresco and goat soft ripened cheese. Let's see. Since I can't eat most of fats and veggies I thought I'd give it a try and give away to Mom if the reaction will follow.



-I am super moody and having crazy swings. Poor G. He is quite surprised I guess. Oh well.

- I am making an appointment with naturopath! Found her through the meetup group for paleo folks here in our city. I will chat with her today, because some of her methods are not right up my alley (like raw veggies cleanses hmmm ewwwww). I want to know if she had patients like me and what's her approach. Also I want to make clear that I am not interested in buyng any detox crap.  What else should I ask her?  

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I'm so sorry your digestion is so crappy lately Nadia. I really hope you can find a good answer and some relief. Love the silks pictures. You are getting so good at that! Keep it up! Strong girl!


The cheese and yogurt sounds super yummy! I hope it agrees with you. Om nom nom!

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I ate a BAS for dinner - lettuce, cucumbers, prawns with dressing of sour cream (took wrong pack, so no yogurt. Still full fat grassfed organic local stuff), cumin and mint. Party in my mouth. Mmmmmmm. It tasted like real dairy should taste like. Fantastic. I am ready to suffer for this (once), at least it is worth it. Suffering from eating cauliflower is stupid, but from crumbles of creamy tangy pecorino fresco is a whole other story. I feel like such a rebel ahah. Cumin and dairy, how dare I.

Aerial strengh class at new dance studio tonight. Nothing crazy I think, more of a good stretch. They are recreational type of place and don't aim to make us athletes :) I really want to go and eat the whole pack of sour cream, but I won't. I know I am full and don't need more. Maybe a spoon as prewo hehe.

Waiting for the reaction. Usually Id get mega itchy, my nose would be blocked right away and my face will break out by tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed.

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1. Dairy reaction. Several tiny breakouts and that was it. OMG. I can't be happier. I will have couple of clean days and try again. I hope that dairy from happy animals will agree with me. I won't overeat it as it's expensive and comes in little packs. 

2. I made an appointment with naturopath for next Tuesday. Let's seeeeeeeee. There is hope, right? 

3. I went to aerial yoga. SO cool. Final shivasana time in this sling - priceless. Gentle rocking and complete relaxation. I want to buy a sling to put it at home. I have an extra storage room - it's huge and I am not using it. It's empty. Discussing with Dad if he can place hooks for me. Also it is a great stretch! I loved practicing splits last night (can't do it, nope). 



4. I made a coconut milk pana cotta in my trials to get lots of gelatin in as I am reading more and more that it's crucial for gut healing. I am not big on bone broth in summer, marshmallows are too sweet and i can't even look at them after liquid food day before colonoscopy. Fruit jello breaks no fruit rule. So I've made coconut cream + gelatin + vanilla mix (added cocoa powder to second batch) and poured it into ramekins over some blueberries. I have added 1/2 teaspoon of honey for 1,5 cup of cream. So it wasn't sweet at all, but that was what _ was aiming for. SO yummy. And dangerous a bit. Ate two little bowls before bed. 

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I hope things work out with your Naturopath.  Hopefully some answers.  If she doesn't work out I do know of another one in Toronto - I went to school with her.  I've been debating to look her up myself....


Good to hear that the dairy was enjoyable with minimal reaction. 

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