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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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Nadia!!!!!! I have just caught up with days of your log and HAVE to go to bed or I won't be functional tomorrow but I simply had to tell you.  I joined an areial silks class in Philly starting in the fall.  You inspired me and I am so excited!!!!  Your pics are so amazingly beautiful and you have a new light that I hadn't seen prior, I think something switched for you and I am so pleased to see the happy little nymph that I imagined you to be.  And I am inspired by your perseverence and agility and beauty and I took a leap of (insecure) faith and joined the class, paid and stamped, ready to go.  Thank you for being you and unbeknowingly kicking my ass to choose to be the person I want to be.  :lol::wub:

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Nadia, what a fun read catching up on your blog. I too am smelling a bit funky. I find myself looking around to see who it is. ME! And my hormones are completely different than yours. Love your and Mo's nails. I need a pedi appointment.

So happy that you are proud of your Silks progress!

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When my husband got home from a 22-day wildfire trip he asked me if I had been practicing my twerking. Hahaha I only wish I could take a class- it's not easy!!


Ahahah it's not easy for sure. However you'd probably be good at it...given that you have a nice bum (I remember the mid-moving pic) and confidence  :D This school has all sorts of crazy classes like burlesque and chair dancing too. I hope no weird trauma there. 


Nadia!!!!!! I have just caught up with days of your log and HAVE to go to bed or I won't be functional tomorrow but I simply had to tell you.  I joined an areial silks class in Philly starting in the fall.  You inspired me and I am so excited!!!!  Your pics are so amazingly beautiful and you have a new light that I hadn't seen prior, I think something switched for you and I am so pleased to see the happy little nymph that I imagined you to be.  And I am inspired by your perseverence and agility and beauty and I took a leap of (insecure) faith and joined the class, paid and stamped, ready to go.  Thank you for being you and unbeknowingly kicking my ass to choose to be the person I want to be.  :lol::wub:


ARE YOU FOR REAL?! Now, it's amazing!!!!! Start doing push ups, it will help lol Thanks for the kindest words ever  :wub:


Nadia, what a fun read catching up on your blog. I too am smelling a bit funky. I find myself looking around to see who it is. ME! And my hormones are completely different than yours. Love your and Mo's nails. I need a pedi appointment.

So happy that you are proud of your Silks progress!

Pedi is awesome, I don't mind doing my own nails on hands but I hate doing pedicure. Moreover, I am usually just falling asleep while in salon. Double bonus. Smelly mystery it is. I might post in the "Ladies only" group. Really curious. 


I could probably do mine at the office during the day. I'm here alone waiting on stuff long enough. Maybe my nail stuff needs to live at work and not at home.  ;)

Oh totally, I have a little kit at my drawer. Very handy. 



Quoting is back. Paradise. 

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Holy f. The whole post disappeared. Ok, so here is the scoop. Surprise failed because G has waited for me at the chiropractor for 2 hours! He didn't even complain. Reception lady was making weird expressions on her face because M is their client for the past 10 years. We went to the ridiculously fancy supermarket next to M's house (G is not helping me to let go at all, eh?). Absolutely terrible experience. Repeated "no thanks" million times. He picked roasted potatoes (beeeee), meatballs (which had milk, eggs, tomato sauce and cheese. Figured post factum. Reading labels is an unknown concept for him). I sneaked roasted beets salad and a box of arugula into the shopping cart. Healthy choices of G for me included bottle of kombucha ("I though you might want to try it it's in the crazy organic section". Naive boy.) and box of coconut bliss bars. Tummy ache whole night and it burns on the right side the whole day. He feels super bad when I said that no dinner tonight because I feel terrible. Have to figure out something except cooking for him. Maybe cooking together? He loves it. I do to. Honestly? I am very slow to trust or let my guard down. All these shopping together, cooking and such have too much of the "family" flare. He acts like we know each other for years. It's good but very strange. Ok end of rant.


Driving to the beach for the whole day tomorrow with bunch of friends. Problem - lunch and dinner. It's a potluck kind of thing and everyone is bringing crap. I don't have time to cook and i don't have a cooler. I think I'll just take a head of lettuce, avocado and can of salmon? Dunno. Kind of gross to eat it at the beach. Hmmmm.


Ballet on Sunday (2 classes). Lobster Sunday after on the "hot spot" patio (fixed price for lobster, butter, smoked potato salad, coleslaw, beers and flourless triffle. I don't want to go, but I sort of do. You know? G is clearly excited). 


I have my last portion of ground lamb in the fridge and it's officially empty. OMG. That's what's up. 

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^that made me lol, when I was driving earlier I worried I might fall asleep at the wheel. I'm 5 days caffeine free though and I'm blaming that. The lobster dinner sounds amazing!! You have to tell this guy more about your eating peculiarities or he will just think its a crazy girl weight thing. You can educate him Nadia.

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Yes, just tell him. I just got back from a weekend at tumbling camp, and, after saying no thank you to a million food items (I had all my own food, people just like to share stuff), finally I just said that I can't eat gluten, dairy or soy, and since soy is in everything, I can't eat many processed foods. Nobody batted an eyelash. There was some mild curiosity, but otherwise no big deal at all. ++everybody LOVED the homebrewed kombucha that I brought to share, even the SAD diet/cheetos and skippy peanut butter eating people. there is hope.


If he knows your restrictions then he can make plans that will suit you better and I think you both would enjoy that more.

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Knock knock. Things are busy/crazy/sad/very very sad/good/exciting/blah/blah/blah. I am sneaking from the office and running to chiropractor. She is fantastic. I will spam a lot from chiro office, because going there involves HOURS of waiting and G is not allowed to wait this time. I don't like feeling guilty. Can't wait to read what's up with you all. Anywho, here are my pics from the weekend. 

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Saturday started with endless debates if we are going to the beach or not. Forecast was vague and our hopes high. Turned out that I was allocated to the car with only driver in it. Group met at the Polish village and went for breakfast. group has picked bakery (surprise!). I had salad with olives and chicken and feta bits that might have gotten inside. I also gave in and ate amazing pistachio florentine cookie (gf free, nuts and caramel ohhhh). Fun ride, stopped at the farmer's market and got the basket of amazing peaches (and a jar of beets relish for G). Ate 2/3 of basket on the way. Tummy said wtf and I inderstand it. Didn't eat anything at the group lunch, because everything was crapfood. I didn't plan accordingly, so I ended up with more sugar in form of grapes and carros. Thunderstorm made us wrap up the feast quickly and we ended up at the roof top covered patio. I was high on glucose ad hungry. Ate a basket of sweet potato fries (no nasty oil yay). Nothing elase that could have been eaten. Danced a lot and had fun regardless. Got home late. Tea and bed.

Sunday. Slept lots but didn't have good rest. Went to ballet. Last class of my first year! Tadaaaa! Break till September with national school. G picked me up and we went to the lobster place. You had to purchase tockets in advance, but he didn't let me to buy them. He thought we'll be fine buying on the spot. They were sold out! Went to the rooftop and had long brunch enjoying the sun and music. I had eggs. Yes I did. Justified as an experiment since I haven't had them forever. Little orgasm in my mouth and reaction by the end of the day :((((((( Went to his place and somehow ended up at the golf court. Pretty funny. I was in a dress and flip flops. I always thought it's a stupid game (that's pretty much explains how we ended up there, he plays a lot). First, it's kind of hard. Second, it's kind of fun. Third, I happened to be not that hopeless. Went to his place. I wasn't hungry, but he ended up making a dessert. Now, about educating him. The problem is not that he can't get my dietary limitations in general. It's the fact that I can't/try not to eat most of stuff inside the "paleo" frame. Fruits, nuts and specific vegetables. Plus, as the label reading thing is new to him he "fails" a lot. Plus, he doesn't know much about nutrition, so my explanations turn to be a bit intense. So it ends up being so frustrating for everyone. So dessert was banana and goosberries fried in butter (quickly trying to hide horror while watching the flambe trick. So cheesy, it's ridiculous). His with Hageen daz, toasted almonds (stopped him from sprinking over my bowl) and caramel. Bar of coconut bliss bar was added to my bowl without my supervision. It was good and fun to share, but :(

Today I feel giant. I am swollen from eggs and everything non-compliant. Weight creeps back on. I freak out like mad. I know that I am not eating ideally, but I don't think I am overeating in general. Maybe I am. I don't know anything anymore. Post sugar/inflammation day. G wants to meet, I want to fall

Face down on my bed and pass out. I want to stop gaining weight.

I am leaving for Montreal on Wednesday night. G has family visiting for two weeks and they go to the States. So I think whole30 for sure. Aip strict + low carb. I need to get rid of poison in my system. So I am not sure if I start like tomorrow or after the MTL trip? It's something I am dreading as we will be at the festival/running around with no option of carrying food with us. Nuts a no go. Jerky - not a fan, sorry. Not that many options. Have to think about it.

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Sorry that your weekend turned out to be fun but not good for your tummy. You are making me grateful that my husband has never tried to cook for me. (aside being the grill master).


I know you said you feel uncomfortable offering to cook for him instead of vice versa but perhaps it might be worth it to not be physically uncomfortable. 

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Nadia, love the umbrellas in the rain on the beach pic. Do tell please. Is that G in the white cap? If yes, quite adorable.

Sorry for your food fails. Sucks to feel poorly with waning energy. I speak from experience this weekend. I'm in the clean camp with you. No more Asian sauced foods. To many mystery ingredients.

Have fun in Montreal!

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I don't know Beth, I just think I will blame the eggs for brunch for severe reaction and tell him that I am on the strict protocol. Sort of "you can try to feed me, but then I will most likely lay at home miserable instead of hanging out with you". He is not dumb (I hope) to get this argument. No cooking for him or together, really. It's a very intimate act for me, not sure why. Actually it's a sure sign of attachment for me when I start wanting to cook for a guy. Instincts :) Moreover, I kind of like the situation when the option of eating out is gone. Makes him come up with other plans and I appreciate it. 


Calee, I know, we were laughing about Canadian summer while running to the cars. White cap? It's my neighbour. Handsome fool. Apparently the whole group had kind of bet going on if we will date or not back in time. Hahah.


Clean camp. I told someone some time ago that this would be an awesome getaway/business. Whole30 camp.  

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Lol, I love the idea of W30 Camp!  I would be one of the first on the list to sign up :D


Hopefully you are starting to recover from the weekend's food.  I like the idea of coming up with things to do other than eat.  I mean part of the W30 is to change your relationship with food and that also means to me that everything fun doesn't have to be centered around food!  Good on you lovie!


BTW, beginning my "preparation for silks" workout including lots of arm and core strengthening exercises.  I have two friends who want to join up with me, we are going to be the buffest biatches!


Also, here's to a clean Montreal trip (as much as possible so little to none tummy trouble) :P

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Weee, thanks.

Eating out was always a torture. I couldn't eat anything but in my head I was stuffing myself with all the cakes, pastas and such. I still get frustrated, but with no desire to touch most of the food there. So awesome.

Montreal is going to be tricky. We will spend all days either on the festival site. We can only sneak food with us, but my digestive limitations don't leave any options (no nuts, larabars are not a food, etc). We won't have a refrigerator/cooler either. This is exactly the moment where I am being grateful for being just alright not eating for 6-7 hours! Did a bit of research and found Brazilian grill place (10 types of grilled meat unlimited for like 25$) and Haitian vendors with plantains and lamb stews for takeout. I hope they are not too far from the park where the fest takes place. Cooking breakfast is another issue. We are staying at our friend, but unlike us he works these days. I am not sure if anyone there will appreciate me cooking ground beef with cabbage in the morning. Here where I really wish I could eat eggs....Maybe I'll just buy couple pounds of their famous smoked meat and eat it all day long :D

Liz, that's so cool. Arms arms and more arms strength. Plus check this conditioning for aerial silks wo out!

P.S I have pains that feel like PMS cramps. Maybe? Maybe? Please let it be what I think it is....

P.S2. I have belly and caaaraaaazy hunger. Ate prunes and wholotta food. Ewww.

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Just letting steam off here and trying to calm down. Slight anxiety and panic over here. 


Circus class - good. Lots of climbs and I was doing them all like a boss. Burnt back of my arm with the silks. It hurts and I love it. Hihi. Couldn't go back to sleep till midnight. 


Sleep terrible. Had to wake up at 5. Left home by 6. Chiro at 7. She is adjusting my hips and I feel tremendous difference in my plies and flexibility. She also works on my neck and shoulders. She has interesting approach and believes that adjusting calms down type A's big time. Went to the meeting with one of my agencies at 9.


Food. Terrible. Bloated and constipated as prior to menstruation which doesn't exist for me. Hormonal underskin breakouts (Maybe m is coming after all? Or dairy...). Tummy is acting up, I need to be at a certain distance from the bathroom. I never thought that two extremes of d distress can be happening together. 


Our team hosted breakfast at the agency. Warm straight out of the oven bagels, croissants, nutella, cake, peanut butter and so on and so on. I was not hungry, but collective chewing and peer pressure (not really, two VPs) got me. I put cream in coffee (It was disgusting Starbucks. Sorry, I am a coffee snob and I think that S can't make anything but brownish liquid. I mean no wonder people complain about drinking coffee black). I picked on fruits (raspberries, melon and strawberries) and cheese (5-6 slices? Nothing raw and European, of course). Funny how everyone was making comments about being exhausted, drained and sleepy after meeting. Not me after 4 hours of sleep, but them after bagel with jam :) So much to clean up on my desk before I leave for my trip. 


So I need to get decent lunch. I need to pack my backpack (AAAAAA I don't know what to take). I need to get a specialty beer (Game of Thrones) for our friend in MTL from the store way out of my way. I need to buy raincoats (forecast says thunderstorms). I need to spend time with G, because he is upset we won't see each other for almost a week. And then for another two. I need to eat a dinner and not to kill myself. I have to be at the bus station by midnight. And this means NO SLEEP for me tonight too, because how can you sleep in a bus? 


AAAAAAAAAAAA. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. I am coming back and jumping on whole30. Whole30 birthday - that's gonna be interesting. Did I tell you I hate the fact that I am gaining weight and feel hunger ALL THE F TIME? I did I think. Like billion times. 


On a good note - I am very excited about the trip to MTL. 

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Oh Nadia, Queen of the Kitchen, I have a question for you. A friend of mine had colon surgery a week ago, she had a mass removed along with 12 inches of her colon, which was then resected. "Sphincter-sparing," thank goodness. 

She's home from the hospital now and I promised her a cooked -to-falling apart" stew with meat and root veggies. She said she would be able to tolerate that. So I want to make the most healing of crockpot stews, I'm thinking pork, various roots. And her favorite is mushy peas so I'll add those but prepare them correctly.

I'm going to see her in exactly 24 hours. So I can cook overnight.

Any suggestions for a recipe? I know you'll have a brilliant idea  :).

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LOL Nadz!!! :lol:  Looks like you did your homework, not sure how much I have to add recipe wise however


If you can get your hands on burdock root, it is strengthening and healing.  Parsnips, rutabagas, celery root, yams etc are good.  I would add about 1-2 tsp turmeric and maybe 1 tsp cinnamon as they are healing and anti-inflammatory.  Ginger is also very healing, tummy soothing, and anti-inflammatory.  Perhaps go with a slightly middle-eastern or indian flavored dish to complement those spices.  And with the peas you could mix in some fresh mint as that is really soothing to the tummy.  I would try to get a pork that is nicely marbled or even a chuck roast as the fat and collagen will be soothing.  If you can get your hands on some bone broth that would be a good liquid to use. 


If I were making it, it might go something like this:

Brown the peice of meat in coconut oil.  Remove to a plate if using a dutch oven or move to crosckpot.  Brown all your roots briefly then add the meat back,nestled with them.  Add in a few oranges, quartered, some parsley, bay leaves, turmeric, cinnamon, knob of ginger cut in chunks, garlic cloves whole, maybe some cloves, juniper, or allspice, perhaps a few tomatoes quartered.  Pour in bone broth to almost to cover.  Bring to a boil then cover and reduce heat.  Simmer low  or in a 300 degree oven for 3-5 hrs depending on size.


If you can get your hands on oxtails they are super collagen rich but really messy to eat.  Hope this helps somewhat or at all!  Good luck and healing vibes to your friend!

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