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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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Nadia, I'm sorry that I'm late to wish you Bon voyage. I hope Montreal is fabulous. Keep things as simple as possible. Brazilian meat, great! Lamb stew, fabulous. Have a fun trip and please check in when you can. xox

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Hi all, 2 min check-in. Apart from eating a piece of sourbread, eggs every day and other stuff (nothing too cazy tho), walking hours and hours and great time I have big news. This morning I git my period. Right after drinking double espresso with gluten free pistachio brownie. 6 months. I guess that I've done good with letting fat accumulate and resting and whatever. Maybe G has contributed? Anyways, I walked out of the washroom in the cafe, hugged my friend and cried for 20 min. Cheers from Montreal! A piu tard *)

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I am back! I did good and not so good. We had a 2 meal a day thing and I loved it. Too bad I can't really apply it to my daily life here. I was eating eggs every day. Brunch is very typical everywhere in Montreal. Every day I started with espresso elonge (they have no clue what Americano is, but they make mean coffee). Then we went to the city for Meal1+2. I had 3 eggs/asparagus/smoked salmon/jambon/bacon/duch confit with potatoes and fruits every single day. Then we would go for dinner later. As part of my off-roading I ate a piece of sourdough bread. Famous smoked meat sandwich with everything made on-site. I ate the whole damned pan of amazing paella. I ate gf brownies. Lots. They are addictive. Clearly. You know what's funny? I didn't have severe reactions. I got very few breakouts. No digestive disasters. I forgot my magnesium at home but I was sleeping like dead every night. I forgot my enzymes and I was fine. Guess what? The day I got back home I got covered with pimples and rashes, I got bloated and my stomach acts up again. REALLY???


Cooked some food for the week. I am so happy to eat homemade food again. Spinach, balsamic radishes, salmon and avocado salad seems like best thing on Earth. I am drinking coffee in the morning, it's ok for now. I am focused on calming down the sugar cravings. They are strong, but vacations are vacations and I want to get back to clean eating and a WH30 eventually. Could I've stayed 100% compliant - yes. Did I do it? - no. Am I ok with this? Totally. 


Lots of photos of beautiful French province. Missed you all. Going to catch up on logs and spam them all soon :)

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Hi Nadia!


Sorry I missed your post!  I just back from holidays myself.  I'm not terribly sure if you read my answer on the other topic but happy you enjoyed Montreal.  I love Montreal personally.  It's a city that is so full of life.  It's funny. I grew up in a small town just north of Toronto.  I know surronding areas very well, but Toronto?  I get lost in it.....:-S

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Hi Nadia!


Sorry I missed your post!  I just back from holidays myself.  I'm not terribly sure if you read my answer on the other topic but happy you enjoyed Montreal.  I love Montreal personally.  It's a city that is so full of life.  It's funny. I grew up in a small town just north of Toronto.  I know surronding areas very well, but Toronto?  I get lost in it.....:-S


Oh snap, I totally forgot I've posted that! Ohhh my. Sorry. It wasn't my first time there, but I got to explore it way more than before. I appreciate people doing paleo/primal there. So hard! Bread cheese and cheese, and bread, and more bread is everywhere. I loved Jean-Talon (local strawberries), spent hours in EvaB (trashiest flea market ever, amazing) and got to explore about every street on Plateu. Brownies I am talking about are from Juliette et chocolat. You know.... :rolleyes:  

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Yeah.... Montreal folk love their food! 


Jean Talon market I have only been a couple of times even though it's relatively close by where I live.  I get excited wandering through food markets.  BF is does not share my joy of this.  He would rather get it done and over with.  I shouldn't complain though he does most of the cooking.


We have a lovely little market close by.  Most of the food is local grown. I think Jean Talon market is pretty much the same.  Except it's much, much bigger and year round. 


Juliette et Chocolat.  Hmmm.  I will have to check it out.  I love to bake so this intrigues me greatly.  I am still figuring my way around baking Paleo. I imagine these were pretty good?


I wish I could have helped you navigate a bit better though.  Although I know Montreal has plenty of great restaurants, we don't eat out a lot, preferring in home dining - especially now with food limitations.  I really struggled with saying good bye to cheese. 

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No worries at all, Carlaccini! Julieet et chocolate brownies are VERY sweet. Way too sweet than needed. Some of their stuff is truly addictive though. I like the one on Plateu (St.Denis I think) and dislike the one near Berri UQAM. I suck at baking (thank God) and not planning to get better. I have eating issues that are not compatible with sweets :D Cheese - I handle raw cheese well, but it must be European. Gryere is totally fine and some French ones. Again, I tend to buy hard ones for grating so I can't eat the whole piece.


Cooking news. 1) I have new fav 5 minute skillet. I started buying cooked frozen clams. I really don't know why I have never bought them before. Spinach, clams, pumpkin puree and coconut cream and some spices. Ready in minutes. Awesome awesomness. 2 ) I've tried peach chipotle chicken from TGIPaleo. It's soooo tender. 3) G showed up unexpectedly and we had to eat quickly before the movie. He ate everything I had cooked for myself for dinner - garlic/olives green beans, roasted balsamic beets and coriander salmon. He ate it all and said it was delicious. I looked suspiciously, he laughed and assured me that he would have told if it was not good. Do I believe him? No. Haha. 4) I have big round eye in the fridge. What do I do with it? 5) Roasted radishes are candies, seriously. 6) My friend is helping me BAKING bunch of treats to bring to the office on my birthday. I know it's weird, but in my culture the birthday person treats everyone with food, not the other way round. I've picked 5 recipes and we'll try them out. I hope Sunday won't be a "sampling" binge  :ph34r: 7) Fresh figs must be illegal. 


Digestion news. My digestion is horrible. Hor-ri-ble. Every vegetable on this planet makes me bloated. If I eat mushrooms/raw anything it is not digested, not even a little (sorry for this TMI). Every meal is followed by digestive disaster. If I don't eat veggies I am hungry or frustrated that I eat too much protein/fat to compensate. As a result I end up stressed and upset = crave fruits/nuts/chocolate. Bananas especially as it seems I can handle them exclusively. My scoby went to trash, but I need to start new one soon. Trying to get doctor to make test for dysbiosis as I am 100% positive that's what's up. I am not sure how to eat at the moment and I mean ratios and template compromising. 


Well being news. Other than that. My chiro does wonders. My joins are better and my knee doesn not hurt as bad as it used to. Sleep is better even with coffee every day. Skin is bad, but slowly cleans up (eggs binge post reaction). Loads of stress at work. My body screams for workouts, but I can't figure out anything with work load/family/kind of boyfriend happening. I am taking it easy (trying to). Giving myself rest and figuring out the plan instead of my usual "let's get it all done no matter what". 


Just good news. We managed to organize semi-private classes for silks. This Friday for 3 people only. So cool. Still super sore after Tuesday class. My abs hurt. I can't remember last time it happened. It's all the "stripper climb". G was VERY excited about the name.  Based on what I managed to do up there, I will never be one, that's for sure  ^_^ Sorry, G. 


All in all I feel like this 







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Random thoughts about body image after last night. I left office late, had dinner (got a 9 months bloat belly from celery root and a piece of fish duuuh) and went to the Harbor for some dancing on the pier. I love this summer thing - water, boats, live music and lots of friends. Now, they never comment on how I look, because they are mostly guys. By the fact that some of them tried to ask me out back in time I guess they think I am ok :) I get "nice" comments from Mom (some of you remember) or I get comments from my Granny who thinks I need at least 20 lb more. My best friend here always says "you look great". M used to like me skinny skinny. I was scared to gain 1/2 pound because he would notice (hello sport background) and say it right away. He used to comment that I eat a lot - it took me time to figure out that he doesn't mean it in a negative way, but you know how a dieting girl would take it. It wasn't me eating a lot, it was him eating little. I really don't know how he functioned without maintaining all those muscles, training every day (hello acrobatics and circus) and eat that little. I am not saying he is a bad person, but now his attitude seems very wrong to me. Side note - I know that he cared about me as a person, but we would never have dated if I was overweight.


Now after this long intro, back to the story. One of the guys asked me how's my ballet going and I was jumping, balancing and showing to him. He laughed and said - "I am glad you are becoming more you". I asked what's that suppose to mean? He got confused and said "Oh it's such a silly thing to say to a girl I think, you will take it wrong. You are more as I remember you when we met". I froze. We met with him when I was 20 lb heavier and was desperate to lose weight. We went on couple dates but it never worked and we stopped keeping in touch. After my -30lb adventure we met and he didn't recognize me. Then he started to date a girl (she is a bigger girl with quite a bit of a fat layer) from our usual crowd of friends, we started meeting each other regularly and became good friends. He would always say "oh you've lost SO MUCH weight", do you eat at all?" and I would laugh it off. As he saw me standing there frozen, he went on about "how I look healthier and better like this, how I was too skinny and so on".


Now it's so retarded, because he actually complimented me, but I felt horrible. I went from "panic" mode to "calm down, you" back to "panic" and to "whatever" finally. How long will it take before I figure out how to be where I want to be without this constant evaluation where I stand on the fat ladder. 


That's a lot of babble. 

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Nadia, I think the person who had the distorted image of how you (and healthy people in general) should look was M and you need to let go of that. Every picture of yourself you post I see a radiant, healthy, and athletic young woman. This friend just told you exactly what you needed to hear...the truth. You need to exile the negative self talk about your body and embrace the positive. I want you to look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself you are beautiful and radiant and healthy and strong! I know when you are feeling digestive distress that can be hard but part of me wonders if some of your distress is caused by mental stress and not physical stress. 

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How long will it take before I figure out how to be where I want to be without this constant evaluation where I stand on the fat ladder. 


THIS. Oh Nadia, I wish I had any answers, but I can so relate to this. My first year of graduate school I lost a ton of weight, mostly by accident (staying up all night working in studio, living off vending machine coke and chocolate but no real meals, biking everywhere). Anyway, it was super weird. My family didn't like it at all, my Mom was very worried, my sister kind of rejected me, but boys liked it a lot, so I would get this attention that was confusing and I kind of didn't want it at the time...anyway, I started gaining back and I can still remember so distinctly the day when one of my professors came back after the summer and said I looked "healthy" and I freaked out a little. I was pretty sure looking healthy wasn't a good thing. Funny thing is, I am now just about at the same weight where he thought I was "healthy" looking--for the first time in like 15 years--and I am starting to think I DO look healthy, but this time I might actually BE healthy...anyway. I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about how I look. I know how I feel about how I feel (awesome!) but how I look? That is a tricky tricky tricky one.

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Calee, nothing exciting this weekend. Quite the opposite. You should be all still shocked by the amount of Montreal pictures I've posted :D Well, I have couple fun ones. 


Friday was a semi private class for silks. Only 4 people (other people are just CrossFit crowd doing WODs) and I was literally dying after an hour. I will keep doing them, much more intense. Good news - I can do 10 chin ups with the thinnest band of shame. This is a circus dog. Owner was doing running part of WOD with it. He is amazing. The dog I mean. See our silks? This is how much higher they are. I can't climb to the top of it yet. 




Weekend was ok on the ouch side. Good workout (still suuuper sore). Visited parents and Mom helped me to sew the ribbons (I was afraid to screw up). Dad grilled tons of salmon, I've made dressing everyone loved (blended avocado, orange juice, apple cider vinegar, ginger, salt and pepper) and I've grilled local peaches. Parents never tried them like that and were fighting over the last piece. Cute. I also was kind of forced to meet with G's sister and niece who are visiting T at the moment. I think it was VERY unnecessary. I know I should relax, but I judge by myself - for me introducing to anyone in my life is a BIG deal. But he is in a full blow "relationship" mode. I wish I was there. 




Sunday was ok. Didn't do anything, but cleaned and walked a bit around the market area. How do you cook these?




Fun from Asian hood. 




Every time I walk by it, I want one. 




Now to the evening. You know I am a terrible baker? So I've tried 3 recipes with coconut flour to bring to the office for my co-workers. All nut-free, dairy-free and gluten-free, obviously. Mango blueberry muffins, lemon poppy seed muffins and chocolate chip cookies. Of course I nibbled a LOT on them. I sort of regret this. Baking is tiring. Tasting is tiring and made me feel terrible. Tummy ache and rashes all over my face (eggs). Woke up all swollen, puffy and miserable. Headache and debilitating pain on the right side (aka mystery pain). Now embarrassing fact - I've TORN my fav Diesel jeans while trying to fit in. Granted, they are super old and were thinned out in that area, but still. Trust me, this is not the feeling you want one day away from your birthday. Isn't it sad that you buy yourself a super expensive probiotics as a gift to yourself? Good news - I will do some carb flush for couple days (basically vlc to get rid of the liquid) and then Whole30 it is. 

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Hi Nadia!


I understand about the birthday custom.  It is a European tradition - I think. Some member's of my family do this.  I kind of like the tradition so I will do it at work as well.


I think a lot of us need to come to terms with what Healthy really is in our own way.  Everyone has their own demons and hang ups so sometimes it comes out in comments.  And sometimes we just over analyze things rather than just going with the flow of it. 


After reading through of a lot of your older posts you have come so far!  I see a very happy beautiful woman, who does things that I can only dream of doing.  So don't let others undo that!

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Thanks a lot for kind words  ^_^ I know, I've gone a long way, but I have a lot of work to do! Right now my concept of healthy is "food that doesn't make me sick". And sometimes it's something perfectly healthy, but just not for me. 


Btw - if you are interested in baking, lemon rhubarb muffins from Empowered Sustenance are perfect. I reduced honey in half though. 

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Hmmm good to know.  I'll take a peek. Through a few baking discoveries.  I have discovered that me and copious amounts of almond flour and I don't do well together.


I hear ya on the food that makes you feel better.  I'm still trying to work through my own issues as well. I would like the migraines to go to a place where they get lost forever.  Just a thought - have you read an article on Chris Kresser's website with regards to an allergy to histamine's?  It gave me some food for thought to contemplate while working through my own issues.  I'm not ready to give up strawberries and eggs yet but I'm thinking about.   I'm wondering if the allergy might be more common than we think....

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Happy Birthday my sweet girl. Do I have the day right? How lovely that you baked for everyone and will allow them to celebrate you. For today please gift yourself with how perfect you actually are, just as you are today. Worn jeans tear all the time. Z only wears diesel. Did you know that you can take them to diesel and they will repair them for you? Z looks homeless in his torn apart diesel.

The silks at that gym are so high! Bravo for these semi private classes. Chin ups? Hurray! Focus on how strong you are baby girl. You have so much to appreciate in your life.

I'm sorry you got food reactions. Cleanse yourself after today with pods that you know nourish you. I saw the pic of thevSeitan. I have had it but only in a veg restaurant. I think it's all gluten.

Pretty pic of you in "the pink shoes". :)

I'm doing good with food. Have decided after gaining weight in San Diego to eat low carb, mostly meat with bit of salad greens. I'm having high fat for energy. Not W30 but it is working brilliantly for me. Weight gain is off long with a couple more since restricting on Thursdy morning when I returned home. I will continue until I leave for Belin, two weeks from today!!! So excited to go play with Z.

Have a brilliantly fun filled birthday! xox

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Hmmm good to know.  I'll take a peek. Through a few baking discoveries.  I have discovered that me and copious amounts of almond flour and I don't do well together.


I hear ya on the food that makes you feel better.  I'm still trying to work through my own issues as well. I would like the migraines to go to a place where they get lost forever.  Just a thought - have you read an article on Chris Kresser's website with regards to an allergy to histamine's?  It gave me some food for thought to contemplate while working through my own issues.  I'm not ready to give up strawberries and eggs yet but I'm thinking about.   I'm wondering if the allergy might be more common than we think....


Yes, I've looked into this histamine thing. It makes sense, but with eliminating food for AIP eliminates pretty much all of the histamine stuff. I am most sensitive to eggs and nuts, then comes all green and fiber loaded. It makes BIG difference when I don't eat them. I'd try eliminating eggs, for sure. It's doable and I am not deprived anymore. No brainer but somehow limited veggies make me crazy. Hope it all works out for you with time. Patience and persistence, right? Baking - I can't handle almond flour at all, all I made was with coconut flour. I also liked blueberry mango muffins from Civilized Caveman. Co-workers raved about chocolate chip cookies (also coconut flour recipe and soy/dairy free dark chocolate chips). 

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