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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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1. Dairy reaction. Several tiny breakouts and that was it. OMG. I can't be happier. I will have couple of clean days and try again. I hope that dairy from happy animals will agree with me. I won't overeat it as it's expensive and comes in little packs. 

2. I made an appointment with naturopath for next Tuesday. Let's seeeeeeeee. There is hope, right? 

3. I went to aerial yoga. SO cool. Final shivasana time in this sling - priceless. Gentle rocking and complete relaxation. I want to buy a sling to put it at home. I have an extra storage room - it's huge and I am not using it. It's empty. Discussing with Dad if he can place hooks for me. Also it is a great stretch! I loved practicing splits last night (can't do it, nope). 



4. I made a coconut milk pana cotta in my trials to get lots of gelatin in as I am reading more and more that it's crucial for gut healing. I am not big on bone broth in summer, marshmallows are too sweet and i can't even look at them after liquid food day before colonoscopy. Fruit jello breaks no fruit rule. So I've made coconut cream + gelatin + vanilla mix (added cocoa powder to second batch) and poured it into ramekins over some blueberries. I have added 1/2 teaspoon of honey for 1,5 cup of cream. So it wasn't sweet at all, but that was what _ was aiming for. SO yummy. And dangerous a bit. Ate two little bowls before bed. 


That pana cotta sounds amazing! I too have been finding it hard to get bone broth in the summer (and honestly I just don't like to drink it straight) so I might try that. What ratios of coconut cream to gelatin? What is the vanilla mix? Glad your dairy reaction was no big whoop! Happy cow dairy makes such a big difference! Silks sling looks SOOO relaxing!

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Bethany, I winged it as usually. Ohoh I meant coconut cream/gelatin/vanilla was one mix and the other was with cocoa powder. I used 1 tablespoon per 1 cup. I think recipes call for way less. It turned out a little bit firm, but I like it this way. You can also make it with coconut butter :) This is the original recipe I think. And mousse for the good measure. It's all too desserty for me, but coconut milk/gelatin with berries is totes fine. 


Carlaccini, this doc better work. It's so expensive and not covered. Saaaaaaad. Yes for the dairy, but I really can't judge by one time intake. I think it's a good idea to check the doc if your budget permits. We have the pieces, but I guess they have scientific mind to put it all together. 

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Really excited you've found a naturopath. I hope she's a good fit! I seriously feel your pain on the cost. I'm in the red over here because of supplements and visits. But the alternative is worse. If you trust her and see progress, it's priceless. I want aerial yoga so bad!!

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Really excited you've found a naturopath. I hope she's a good fit! I seriously feel your pain on the cost. I'm in the red over here because of supplements and visits. But the alternative is worse. If you trust her and see progress, it's priceless. I want aerial yoga so bad!!

 Oh boy, I know, the supplements too. I can do silks classes for couple months in equivalent. I know that I need to get healthy in order to do them, but maaaan, this feeling. I told her that I need proper diagnosis and won't be interested in buying detox whatever and she was cool with it. Do you have any tips for the first visit? I asked her about her vision in general and of course she went on about balance and no such thing as the only right way to eat etc. 


The sling is 130 dollars only. I am totally getting one to hang at home. I am sure you can do the same? Just two hooks in the ceiling! 


Unrelated. I have been feeling super nauseated and dizzy these days. WTF. Low carb or bacteria die off? I barely finished my lunch and was sure I am about to throw up after. Salmon steak/lettuce/cucumbers. Bottle of kombucha. That was it.... Followed by more nausea and a run to the bathroom. Pretty much my routine for past weeks. Sorry, just fixing this stuff here. 

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Thanks for the recipe links. I do believe I have the Deliciously Organic one pinned to my board and actually I think it is in her cookbook which I have and have not explored yet. I think I'm going to make that and some fruit jellies and some soup this week for lots of gelatin options.


Nausea is no good...are you sure you didn't pick up a bug? Dizzy sounds like too low carb or low salt? 

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Nono, no bugs 100%. With the rest of my body shutting down, my immune system is pretty strong when it comes to viruses (pheeew). Salt is ok too. Maybe low-carb, but no fruit or starches or ones I can't tolerate in my diet kind of make it hard. I am literally left with courgette and salad greens :( Kombucha is my main source of them pretty much....I am really inclined to think that it's SIBO as all the symptoms are there + antibiotics treatment/stress/low acid as a cause. Blahblahblah. Check these chai gummies out. 

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My advice for a first visit is to go prepared with a list of all your symptoms and reactions and get her take on things. Her proposed course of action and timeframe. What you can expect. Be really honest. And trust your gut, so to speak. You need to fully trust this person. Hey, I thought of you after I saw a medical intuitive near me. She's amazing. Did a body scan, diagnosed me with some things I wasn't aware of, and recommended some supplements, exercises, and cleanses to do. In just a few weeks I feel like a new woman. I don't know if she can do body scans over the phone, or if this is way too weird for you, but message me if you want her number. I was at the end of my rope, and now I'm starting to really turn things around. I give her much of the credit.

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Thanks, Lady M. She gave me files to fill out and send her back. I am so glad that you are blessed if not with perfect health, but at least with practicioners who you trust. New woman feeling sounds exciting.

Today is the first day I am feeling alright. Tummy has been good even with me eating veggies that are not his favorite. Now question, what the heck is different. Nothing, I swear. No reaction to dairy as far as I know. Thrilled about it. Roasted cauliflower with cheesy crust mmm. But won't be buying more. Ill try. Made unsweetened coconut cream bars with tons of gelatin and roasted peach cubes. Love it. Its still a treat, even if not sweet.

Weight is slightly coming off. Skin is better. Hair - ohhhhh disaster. Still, so nice to defluff a bit. Keep going, yay me.

Awesome silks practice on Fri, funny moment (upd on Mon) with me almost falling off the silk (really funny), circus fest for 4 days on my street, great wo on Sat, clened most of my place (feels awesome) and I am back to single. Shshssss, it's for the best. No drama here :)

I cant post pictures, but if you have instagram - I am there. Usuall name - canadianadia.

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Well not glowing, far from it, but I am much much better. I've had ok bathroom situation for couple days and it makes me happy. Made giant pot of bone broth and it's sooooo gelatinous. Nice! Ate a bit of cherry tomatoes in my salad and got one breakout - just one. I am trying to figure out what happened. Gelatin with coconut cream (way too much)? Lots of probiotic supplement started to work out of the sudden? Consistency with no nuts/eggs/fruits? I'd like to know and keep it going. Well, keep it all going won't hurt I guess. Mumford and Sons concert today and naturopath tomorrow. Yeaaaaaaa. 


Sharing pictures from Buskerfest and my sloppy "butterfly" trial. Getting into this fold is absolutely ridiculous. Getting into this fold off the ground is even worse. Climb - footlock with one feet, second footlock, do a cross hold with hand, get through it to make a cross on the lower back, split legs aaaaaand push yourself down to flip over. It's so hard even with some kipping! I want to practice it again to get my toes pointed and legs nice and straight. But the moment I got my ass up high my feet were purple and head spinning. Btw - my shirt says "I am not with the band, I am the band". I love it.


Oh the story of my silks fainting. I was hanging up high there on Friday. There is only our group in the CrossFit box. The door opens and M's rope/silks trainer comes in. He exclaims - Nadia! I start to feel embarrassed - he wanted to train me back in days, but I was too insecure. Then we broke up with M and I couldn't possibly train with him. Then I've started to train with Jamie, but I asked M's trainer about his training availability for my friend (which is true, but you know how he took it after seeing me up there). A minute after the door opens again and M is entering the box with ropes. He exclaims - Nadia! My group is like - how do you know them all and what the heck is going on. Gets better - his new gf enters last and clearly hears M yelling "Nadia, get down and give me a huggggg". I am hanging there thinking if I can quickly do the footlock kind of tie but on my neck :D M and his lady sat down there and watched us practicing. I pretended I neede a lot of stretching and did my part later. He texted me that he was sneak peaking on my practice while they were setting up ropes and that I am totally awesome. Oh go fyself, darling :)


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Oh forgot the drunk story. I was having spontaneous lunch with my friend. Sun, patio and great day. Pastured bacon, home smoked salmon and organic greens. Awesome place and life is beautiful. So my friend convinces me to have a glass of gf local Ontario apple cider. First sip - mmmmm. After three sips I was wasted. So drunk. Like room spinning drunk. I didn't get much of consequences other than water retention. But it took me good two hours to walk it off. Why people drink?  :)

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Quick check-in. I went to the fmd last night. I am no thrilled, but I am staying open and willing to work with her. I know that no one can diagnose me after 1,5 hours. She is more Weston rather than Paleo, but she is very supportive of this way of eating. Plan is to do a 10 day clean eating. It is supposed to give my tummy a complete break and let hormones to reset. Supposedly. Her version of clean eating confused me somewhat (you can eat nuts but can't eat red meat, wtf), but again, I am trusting her. It's like a very strict AIP meets GAPS. I am basically left with chicken/turkey (no red meat ouchhhhhhhh) and fish, broth and boiled veggies. Coconut oil. That's pretty much it. Only water as a drink, not even herbal teas. God help me. She gave me tha bottle of seal oil to replace my FCL oil. However as I read there is no proven superiority. One good thought she gave me - I might be too determined to fix it that I can't let it go. This might actually prevent me from figuring it out. Also she wants me to make an alkalizing soup (boiling veggies and drinking the water) almost like a veggie broth. She also said that I must do a little breathing before eating, kind of yoga breath to relax and get my tummy ready. Let's see.


Anxiously waiting for my second period to come. My hunger has disappeared lately. It's 3-37 pm and I am not hungry still (veal and green beans for brekkie at 8am). Hmmmm  

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Anxiously waiting for my second period to come. My hunger has disappeared lately. It's 3-37 pm and I am not hungry still (veal and green beans for brekkie at 8am). Hmmmm  


I on the other hand have been hungry non-stop lately. Can. Not. Eat. Enough. I hope it isn't extinction burst but real need for additional food. I've also been blaming period, due any minute. Good luck with FMD, and good job keeping an opening mind. ;)  no red meat seems cray cray to me, but for 10 days you can do anything. sardines are not red meat, after all. :P


EDIT: adding thought: last night Max figured out that a small problem I had with my kettlebell swing was caused by me trying too hard to have a perfect KB swing...so she might be right about that one.

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Oh totally, this is a proven fact. Period = increased hunger. As far as I know estrogen level drops right before this time of month and this is why we get extra hungry (estrogen stores in body fat as well). This is why I could not stop eating (at least I blame my low estrogen). I am so happy that my crazy hunger stopped, it feels strange but nice. Moreover, tumbling is back soon, so you def need it. Or your body just thinks it's a good time to party. All of it fine because you feel fine! 


Regarding red meat - I cringed too. She said that we are choosing proteins extremely delicate for digestion and it's for a "tummy vacations" only. Believe it or not - I haven't eaten sardines forever. I need some inspiration to incorporate them somewhere. What goes well with them? I need to look up my old post :D


I am a fan of Max!


P.S Jamie (silks) trainer started a Sep challenge for us. It looks insane. It's called 4 weeks of inversions. Numbers for the day of week + 1 rest day. Hurts to read, but I am going to try. 


#1 - 50 knees to chest/straight arm hang
#2 - 50 toes to fingers/develope legs/arms straight
#3 - 20 inversions from the ground EACH side
#4 - 20 switching sides inversion
#5 - 20 inversions in the air
#6 - 20 straight arm inversions/attempting straight arm inversions 
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I am sleeping so bad lately. I wake up 4 times per night. Today I woke up as I was hit by a truck. My muscles are in pain for some reason. Yoga on Wednesday was so awesome, but this morning? It hurts to move or blink. Whaaaaaaat. I have so much of activity planned for this weekend :( Let alone my silks training tonight. 

P.S got really pissed last night. Had dinner with a friend I haven't seen in almost two year. Conversations like "cake for dessert?" "No thanks" "C'mooon" "I don't want to" "oh who are you lying to?" got me. I passed on wine five times. After dinner and a walk we ended up on the patio of the fav jazz bar. "Drink?" "Water" "What is wrong with you? Can you stop depriving yourself! I am not trying to get you drunk. This is what mature grown ups do. Enjoy a little, having a bit of alcohol. Moderation, you know?". I lost it. Ttttoooootaaaally. I need to exercise patience. And breathe. But really, how does lack of desire to drink on Thursday night make me "not normal?". How are reasons like "I have not been drinking for a while"and "It makes me sick and I don't enjoy it" are not good enough? Kbye friend, see you in couple more years. 

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How low are your carbs on this strict clean eating protocol in comparison to what they were. Eliminating red meat could be a culprit as well...you are probably getting less iron. Also how soon are you to when you would expect your next period? I personally sleep terrible and have lots of extra muscle soreness before mine (even here in paleo land though not as bad as it was).


Stupid frenemy. Food/drink pushers bother me so much because they are bullies disguised as nice concerned people. I've been alcohol free for almost 9 years and still have people offer me drinks. Luckily none of them are pushy about it.


Hope you feel better soon and can enjoy some happy time with real friends.

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I haven't started my clean thing yet, I need a bit of prep to do = stock up on all the turkey in the world. Last night I happily scarfed down a 10 oz steak and felt good (as good as I possibly can) ;)  


My carbs are ok. I don't count but roughly I'd say they are 50 - 80? I haven't eaten any fruits or starches for two almost two weeks. First reason is potential SIBO feeding. Second - I feel better without them. I really miss plantains and sweet potatoes, but I kind of have my peace of mind when I don't eat them. Plus my hunger is just so low and I love it. For the first time in a while I am not agonizing over uncontrollable desire to stuff myself. Pluuuuus I want to shed these stupid hormonal pounds, I have no clothes to wear :D


If my sleep suffer is for the period I am taking it. It should come today or very soon. 


You are right about the bullies. I need to practice different reaction. I was calm the whole evening being polite and saying that this food/drink will make me feel bad. Then he asked if my ex was drinking and said - no. He exclaimed - "Awwwww that's the problem!" This + moderation comment and I blew up. You know what absolutely rages me? He texted me today saying how much fun it was to get together, that we should do it again and the last sentence was.....ready? "This time we will drink!!!" I wonder how much more this person can embarrass himself? Man, you are plain stupid.  

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Friend bullies are no fun at all.  They're not really friends and they're completely caught up in their own issues by needing to insist on other's issues.  They tire me out.  It's disrespectful to not support another person's personal goals (unless they are damaging, but these goals of ours are not).  I'm thankful there are no food bullies in my current life, but I do have a friend who comes to visit and is so indignant about how I live my life.  Her exasperated befuddlement and comments get to me even though I try to recognize they are her issues and not mine.


Red meat was the one and only thing I could eat when I had asthma attacks.  Everything else triggered more asthma.  It seems like such a healthy nourishing thing in our lives, but sometimes I wonder if it is harder on my digestive system.  It will be interesting to read about your clean eating without red meats.

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That's funny, cause I meant "calm reaction close to ignoring" by saying "different reaction". I will meet these kinds of people many times and I want to be able to firmly own it without getting defensive or agressive. Granted, he knew me before the change. We smoked, ate out all the time and went to the parties together. Not defending him, just saying. Blahblah.

It was the worst silks class ever. Worst. I prob didn't eat enough the whole day (broccoli and tuna, trout over bunch of greens and brisket with half avo for dinner on the way to the class). I barely made myself eat brisket. Hot weather and sticky silks. I was loosing my grip and my forearms were going numb. I wrecked my ankle while trying to do the butterfly again. I know that days like this happen, so just little bit of venting. Now the funny part. I always walk back home (1hour). There was no way my body will let me do this. It screamed - banaaaaanaaaaaa. Little debating about starch and I ate a spotted one from the store. I thought I will pass out. I felt soooooooo nauseated and full. Banana. Doh. Can you believe it?

Woke up like a road accident victim again. Zero food in the fridge. How did that happen? I thought I have some protein in the freezer. Nope. Founf two eggs from baking. Fried courgette, mushrooms and two egg yolks. Then my body was - wtf, that's it? I was hungry, yaaaay. No food - naaaaaay. Right in time, body, thank you. Went to buy groceries (8 am whynot), inhaled can of tuna and went to the gym. I was hitting the wall again but was getting alive by the end of the workout. Tricep planks are evil, but so good. Ran home to change and ate butternut squash I finally baked. After two weeks it was soooooooo sweet. Ate a piece and a half of nked bar. I know, but it was the only post wo anything available. Walked to the dancing studio for a pole class. Restless idiot. It was fun though and a good practice. Walked back and made a giant lunch. I love craving simple food - creamy garlic green beans, two chicken drumsticks, slice of squash and lettuce/avo salad on the side. Totes hit the spot. Going to chill a bit, put my broth on the stove and will go to the park to see the last show of the Shakespeare's Taming of the shrew. Thats a lot of walking. Not sure what to do with dinner.

No red meat thing really pisses me off. Paleomom said on the recent podcast that pastured chicken has same amount of nastiness that a conventional lean beef does. This clean dietis controversial for me. If the aim is togive digestive trackt a break then why he hell nuts are allowed? Or so called "non-gluten" grains and lentils? It's only 10 days, I will survive :D When I did AIP I felt amazing, so I hope for this feeling again. I will struggle with no coffee/tea/kombucha rule tho. Made butternut/pear/lime soup to get my broth in and to get a bit inspired. Yum.

What else? No period. Arrr. I can't believe that this damned estrogen dropped again as I've lost couple (tooooops) lbs. I have no clue because I don't bother even measuring. Breathe and climb that silk. My mantra.

Ok, hope you'll have fantastic weekend all. Mary, I am sooooo envious of the handstand. You have no idea. Well you have now if you ever read it. Hehe.

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