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Day 16: I. Need. CAKE

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Hi everyone-

I am on Day 16... been pushing my way through, making sure I stay full and eat enough (having Whole30 approved snacks around me for those weak moments). Felt like I was relying too much on fruit and lara bars for fillers between meals on days 1-15, so decided from today on, I want to limit myself to just having an apple with almond butter a few hours after lunch (no fruit at breakfast and no other snacks). Now, I am feeling that I would love nothing more than to eat a nice large cake.

I know it is different for everyone, but I feel like for me, my cravings aren't fading. Some days I don't deal with em, but I don't feel a strong sense of "OMG I am free from food's evil reigns!" I feel like I'm thinking about food a LOT, it's getting a bit exhausting, and I'm starting to worry about what I'm going to do after Day30 (keep going and try for a Whole45?). I just am worried if I restrict myself for too long, I'm going to have a big binge.

I'm basically having some trouble with two things. #1: cravings right now. #2: finding balance later.

Anyone wanna weigh in? (whole30 pun :D )



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Hang in there Riana. A craving is not the same as a need. This too shall pass. Don't focus on the foods you can't have. Focus on the foods you can have. Whole30 really isn't that restrictive when you really look at it. It is just 30 days. Definitely cutting back on fruit and lara bars will help you as it sounds like you have a sugar dragon to slay. Are you eating that snack because you want it or because you are hungry? Are you hungry enough to eat steamed fish and broccoli? If you are hungry you should eat a mini meal that follows the template. Are you following the meal template at meals and getting enough?

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Think about what the cake will do for you.....can it make you happy? Does it bring feelings of comfort? Do you have an emotional attachment to cake for some reason? I have found that sitting and thinking about why I really want that really helps.....because often times you know it's only going to bring regret, gut ache, etc.....and then where are you....back to square one. Think of food as fuel.....not as the pleasure in your life....find other ways to get that happy feeling. Yes food can be enjoyable but the point of whole30 is to embrace a new relationship with it. If you eat cake isn't that the same relationship you had before?

You can do this!

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I ate 5 meals per day during my first Whole30 because I got hungry that much. Nowadays, I am eating three times per day and feeling stuffed most of the time because three meals feels like a lot of food. I can't imagine eating an afternoon snack. Last night, I ate supper an hour earlier than usual and was feeling a little hungry 30 minutes before bedtime. I ate about a palm-size portion of kimchi and that was enough to satisfy me and I was okay through the night.

I wonder if you are eating enough. It starts with breakfast. You need a rich breakfast and a good lunch to make it through the day and get to supper satisfied. And for many people, cravings disappear or become very mild when they are eating as much as their bodies need.

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If you were relying on fruit and Lara bars before today I wonder if that might be part of the issue. I know that i struggled with hunger and snacking issues until I completely cut out fruit and nuts. I finished my first Whole30 in the beginning of April and am still continuing to eat about 99% compliant and I am just now feeling like I can handle some fruit with a meal without it sending me out looking for snacks. So I think you are headed the right direction!! Beef up your fats with meals and hang on! (And maybe watch out for the apple with nut butter) I'm guessing you are well on your way to lulling that sugar dragon to sleep! ;)

And believe me, the balance will come. I know that I am still very new to this but I can't even believe the way that I have changed the relationship that I have with food. I am still amazed that I fully think about how the food I am eating will fuel my body at each meal instead of blindly reaching for anything that I think will fix whichever emotion I am feeling at the time. I believe that I probably have some sort of serious food addiction (huh, never said that out loud before :huh:) but I finally, like for the first time ever, feel in control. Keep plugging away, keep following the meal template, and keep using this forum to help you navigate. It is so worth it!

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I have given up any hope of living without the desire for cake (or pizza, or pasta)...instead I focus on thinking it through (imagine myself eating the cake. in the end, do I feel it would be worth it? would I be upset about it? what if it wasn't that great? you get the point). thus far I have not eaten the cake (or pizza) but that doesn't mean I never will, I just haven't thought it through with an answer at then end that would point to it being worth it. I am a sugar/cake/cookie lover. I don't crave it as much anymore, but I still look at it longingly once in a while. :)

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I had a similar experience with chocolate. It was unbelievable what kinds of things my brain tried to get me to believe about how much I needed, deserved, just had to have that chocolate. But the more I resist cravings, and stick to the meal template, the less I crave.

You can do it. You can eat the cake. But I think it's these little victories against these craving feelings that makes it easier to beat them in the long run. Saying no now is hard, sliding back will just extend the agony.

Also, what everyone else said about eating fat and big breakfasts.

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If you like coconut milk drink some when you feel like this. Like, a lot. On my first Whole30, I kept an open can around and just drank some if I got into a cravey spot, or had a glass of tea with a heavy dose of coconut milk added. It didn't form a permanent habit and it soothed that weird detoxing craving still-hungry feeling.

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Thanks so much everyone, for your support and advice.

I think my meals have been plentiful enough, I think maybe I need to figure out more snacking options so I don't reach for or think about sugar. Maybe some turkey and celery, or hard-boiled eggs. I just eat eggs for breakfast every day (fried, scrambled, omelette, baked and wrapped in bacon or prosciutto, etc.) and am getting kinda sick of em. Maybe I'll make an avocado egg salad or something. Any other compliant snack ideas?

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Forget about snacks... Don't plan ahead to snack!

Snacking is a slippery slope!

During a whole 30 you are given the opportunity to reset your metabolism, and have your body depend on meals made with high quality food for its sustenance. (Maybe, like Tom pointed out you need to consider adding a meal) No grazing is needed!!

I pretty much grazed and drank my calories before whole 30... It was ALWAYS snack time! I learned early on that grazing and eating without thinking (snacking) would be my downfall, so I didn't buy snacks... No Nuts, nut butters and very little fruit.

For breakfast Chicken sausages are a yummy source of protein , and very high in fat so you could take a break from the avocados. ,and they taste amazing with carmelized onions and roasted sweet potato!

And... Because I am determined to convert everyone to the beauty of bulletproof coffee, try having a mug of awesome after breakfast ...it quiets cravings,tastes amazing and I have lots of energy without the usual ups and downs (and for me ...those downs ....really brought the snack on!)

Whole 30 isn't hard... But it is work! Don't let a mostly unsatisfying snack be your "downfall"

(no whole 30 snack can compete with the memory of cake... So Why try?) Just say no to snacks! ( and cake!) 😄

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yeah, I'm gonna agree. no snacky. sip a cup of tea. or sit with the craving - stare it in the face. at some point it will back down. super empowering! but super pain in the ass.

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Good luck! I find that if I have enough fat with my meals, I don't need a snack. And, I find that when I give in to the snack urge and have an apple with almond butter, I want to keep eating. Resist!

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Soo I made it until after dinner without any fruit... but then I got a lara bar and a container of pineapple and "binged" on it ;( I wasn't even hungry after dinner, I'm just SO used to having something sweet after dinner. I think I need to make it more of a point to eat my pre and post WO mini-meals. Need to stock up on more options and fill my meals more.

Thinking of extending out to 45 days so I can really reap all of the benefits. I have lost a few pounds and see my body getting leaner and more toned, but I want to make the most of this and don't think I can really start until I fully slay my sugar dragon (which is currently beating my booty).

Tomorrow is a new day, I shall attempt again tomorrow!

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