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LadyM's seduction continues (sur son propre velo)


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Woke up without an alarm before dawn for the first time in a long time. I've had a stretch of looooooong sleeps. No complaints. I have the time, and perhaps it's, in part, recovery from a stressful term. But it was beginning to worry me a bit. When I say long sleep, I'm talking between 11 and 15(!) hours. I just keep telling myself it's healing time for my body.


I am beginning to fit into some of my (not so old) favorite pants again. This small fact, for better or for worse, kind of transforms the way I feel about myself. My body is starting to look and feel like my own again. I wish I were better at embodying whatever form or shape this body takes, but I have a discernible tipping point that seems to get lower every year. But no matter. The point is I'm feeling good about figuring out what works for me and having greater wardrobe possibilities. I am hopeful that practically everything in my closet may fit again by the time I have to teach in January and that's no small miracle.


So, food is in a good place, though, as always, it shifts from day to day. I made a giant pot of Italian-style turkey veg soup chock full of veggies and greens as well as a (crock)pot full of chicken breasts simmered in salsa verde. I'm enjoying eating simply and not feeling so constricted. I'm toying with the idea of trying out my beloved kitchari (mung beans and rice plus veg) this week. It's never given me problems and, in fact, tends to smooth things out in terms of mood and digestion. I guess overall I'm feeling less fear about food. While I'm eternally grateful for all I've learned through W30, the stress and fear of eating something "wrong" that, for me, came with the program, is something I'm glad to dismiss. All part of my journey, I guess.


I've been nursing the start of something--scratchy throat and a little post-nasal drip--with lots of rest, canceling dates and day trips, and taking it easy with exercise. Oh, that's another thing: I'm not freaked about exercise right now, either. My goal is bootcamp 3X a week, but last week I only made it once but added pilates, extra walking, and three yoga classes. Maybe it's the time of year. I naturally slow down a bit and turn inward. Meditation is happening. Such a good thing.


Man, I'm glad I popped on here and wrote this down. Helps me figure out what's actually going on with me and the upshot is that without too much effort I'm in the zone. Releasing fear, breathing, turning inward, taking care. 


I haven't checked out hot yoga yet, though I think I will start the two-week trial tomorrow, now that I'm feeling on the mend and AF is on her merry way, Jen. I'll keep y'all posted. But this is certainly the time of year for yoga. Amid the holiday hustle and bustle, it's the best thing.


I love your reminder, Sara, with your own memory of where you are in the context of where you've been with food. It's so important for us to keep tabs on our personal histories so we can give ourselves credit and celebrate our accomplishments! I guess that relates to what I was talking about with my own tipping point. I used to not have one at all, and that's how I gained nearly 50 pounds in college without realizing it. Talk about unaware. But that's different than one's relationship with food. It's pretty amazing that sugar is hardly a thought for me. My old trigger foods (cereal, nuts, cookies, toast--that sweet crunchy combo) are not an option, not a thought, and not painful. I really do credit W30 with revolutionizing my relationship with food. In some ways the hardest part may be done. Now it's a matter of tweaking and remaining aware. But I've done the overhaul and self-assessment and that's an amazing shift from how tortured I once was.


My mantra for December is "Let it be easy." How great is that? 

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"Let it be easy" - aaahhh!  What a great statement.  I wish I could say that for my December, but I'm glad you are there.


Lots of great food for thought here, M!  I'm so glad you are in a good place.  Hope you kick that cold quickly with good food and lots of rest!


11-15 hours of sleep sounds heavenly to me, I'm a sleeper, but I'm lucky to get 8 or 9.

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The weird almost-bug has been unceremoniously kicked. I would like to pause for a moment and celebrate what an achievement that is for this body. Remember how sick I was when I did my first W30? How I picked up every dang thing floating around and seemed to never kick it? This body is so much stronger and more immune now. That's almost immeasurably wonderful.


Still chugging along. Been doing back-to-back workouts this week and definitely feeling it. Doing a lot more walking deliberately throughout the day. Taking breaks from writing/sitting throughout the day to do steps and squats.


Ordered myself some much-needed tops and a new pair of jeans. Very excited about wearing new clothes for the first time in a long time. Starting to want to adorn myself again. This all comes with feeling good in my skin. Something else that's immeasurably wonderful.


I decided not to do the two weeks of hot yoga because I realized it was a way of distracting myself from writing. So, I'm staying closer to home and committing to writing. I also didn't want to risk injuring myself in new classes with new teachers with questionable credentials. My yoga practice is humming along right now. Why mess with a good thing. Messing with a good thing is an old pattern of mine I'd like to break!


Food is great. Yesterday I was ravenous. So I ate. Even though it was 9:30 at night. Feeling really tuned in and able to take it day by day. I had a really excellent and tough workout plus an excellent and tough yoga class plus lots of walking yesterday and not much to eat in the first half of the day, so of course I was ravenous at night. It's all good.


Letting it be easy ain't no shakes right now. I'll revel in that, yo.

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My IT band is tight and affecting my left hip and knee. I've been foam rolling it, and this morning I'm going to yoga and then having a massage on top. Oh glorious Friday!


Made it to bootcamp for the fourth time this week--guess I'm making up for last week's/AF time off--and also did cardio bursts this morning. Happy to report that I've been walking most everywhere as well. Really trying to ramp up my movement in general since my regularly scheduled activities are so dang sedentary. Ever a work in progress, eh?


Now I feel compelled to stray into some illegal area and share that yesterday I did some weighing/measuring of food just to check in with myself. I am definitely a volume eater and for the most part it's fine because the volume largely comes from non-starchy veggies, which, if you ask me, should be eaten in enormous quantities because they're so nutritious and contain so few calories.


However, for curiosity's sake, I wanted to check in with how much protein I've been eating. So, I measured 4 oz of turkey for lunch and 4 oz of shrimp for dinner. These amounts were so tiny compared to what I've grown accustomed to eating, and they're still a bit higher than what WW recommends. Anyway, I was ravenous by 3 p.m. and then a short while after dinner with these meager amounts. So I ate more, of course. But I feel like I'm back on the wagon of trying to find the macronutrient sweet spot for me. How to stay nourished, satisfied, and be in weight loss mode is what I'm after. Oh, and to develop habits that will allow me to maintain my (happily, reasonably lowered) weight for the long run. I do think reining in portions of calorie-dense foods is going to be key.

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Happy Friday!


Humming right along over here. Seriously happy about the gradual increase of activity and being injury free! I started doing Barre classes at a local studio and have completely fallen in love. It hurts so good! My body shakes during the workout. And yet there's no bouncing around, no grimacing, no huffing and puffing. It's ballet meets pilates meets yoga and by God I love it. I am also still doing bootcamp classes 4-5 times a week and getting in cardio sessions and walking as much as possible. And this weekend is all about yoga. Winter Solstice workshop tonight, Winter renewal workshop tomorrow, resolution workshop after that. All good things. Taking the time and space to tend to myself and turn inward is pretty much what I do this time of year and it's serving me so very well. I'm realizing that so many of my life circumstances that I often lament are actually a privilege for which to be grateful.


Read an interesting interview with Chris Kresser yesterday in which he suggests that for some bodies more moderate carb and lower fat along with adequate protein works best, which is exactly what I'm finding to be the case for this particular body. It was nice to receive that confirmation of my experience from someone within the paleo world.


So, food is good. Simple. This is something else that seems to help me. Too much variety tends to set off my "I want" sensors. So, having a rotation of just a few simple things each week seems to work. It's roasted squash, sweet potatoes, steamed greens, romaine salads for veg; shredded chicken, eggs and whey for protein; drizzled evoo, coconut oil, ghee for fat; and a delicious veggie-packed soup with ground turkey breast as my self-contained template meal plus the odd banana, orange and apple. Oh, and Ruby Red grapefruits from my beloved Texas are in season, so I'm savoring those, too. 


Dating and writing are humming along, too. I'm just in a good, calm place. That's usually the case when I take the time for self care. But that isn't always possible, it seems, at least not to this extent. So, I'll savor the moment. Revel in it, even.

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I hope everyone is thoroughly enjoying the holidays! I have had a lovely and festive time with beloved friends, though I'm a bit sad that my gym and barre studio are both closed. I figure some extended rest is probably a good thing. Might do some yoga and walk outside later.


I gave myself permission to just enjoy Christmas Day without restrictions and contain it. So one massive off-road meal this week and I'm good. No major consequences to speak of and I returned to template immediately and have stayed in that happy place.


Planning to have black-eyed peas, collard greens and champagne for New Year's. Three of my favorite things and definitely worth it. Considering joining the January Whole 30, but not sure yet. Anybody else on board? It would be fun to do one together.


Thinking a deep cleaning of the house and a bunch of food prep is in store for the day. How is everyone else faring in this between holidays liminal space?

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Glad to hear things are going well.  I've had a fantastic holiday, but my eating/drinking are way off the charts and my pants are showing it.  I don't think I'm ready to commit to a W30 in January, but I am contemplating what I want to do.  For today, it is lots of veggies.

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Keep contemplating, Sara. I am, too. Rereading ISWF. Thinking seriously about going for it, but maybe a "soft" W30 like the last one I did. For some reason I seem to do better with less fanfare. . . .  :D


And I have some tweaks in mind, especially being smarter about portions, focusing on leaner proteins, limiting nuts and fruit. Basically, what I'm doing now minus the weekly alcohol indulgence and the whey protein in my coffee post WO.


Whatever you decide, I hope you get happier in your pants! ;)


Also, I'm forgoing the black eyed peas and champagne this year. Why bother? Especially if I'm starting a W30 on the first.

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I'm noticing that I'm very snacky being back at work (wanting to snack, not actually snacking).  Trying to take a cue from my W30  last year and have a cup of tea, instead of eating when I'm not hungry.  And I wasn't going to stop in here today (feeling guilty, ugh, I know!), but now I'm glad I did.  Thanks, LadyM!  :)   Feeling a little more positive already..., staying out of the almond butter...

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Happy New Year, everyone!


I've decided to start a "soft" Whole 30 today, which means I'll continue to keep my log here. My aim is to tweak a few things and see how it goes. My major goals this time around are discovering my weight loss sweet spot and clearing up my skin. I eat mostly Whole 30 style anyway, so what it means is I'll quit using whey as a post wo food and cut out my approximate once-a-week couple glasses of wine or scotch. I also aim to stick to the template, cut out late-night eating, focus on lean protein sources, and be mindful of fats and not go overboard with them.


January is also for fitness. I've gained so much strength (and dropped a few pounds) since I got back to the gym in September and I'm feeling in a good place to take things to the next level. I'm enjoying my WOD-style bootcamp classes, barre classes, yoga, and walks outside. I'll be continuing all of them, perhaps with a bit more frequency. I'm giving myself leeway to listen to my body and respond to what it needs on any given day.


Day 1


M1 three eggs, kale, black coffee

M2 salsa verde chicken breast over lettuce with sauerkraut, sweet potato, banana

M3 gf ny strip, steamed green beans/carrots/beets, grapefruit


wo bootcamp, barre, walking


Here we go!

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Day 2

Super sore and wiped out today, but it feels good. Did another barre class this morning and it HURT SO GOOD. Planning a long walk later as well as doing some food prep. Going to try Well Fed Shepard's Pie for the first time. Looking forward to some comfort food. Who am I kidding? It's all comfort food. . . .

M1 grapefruit, kale, eggs scrambled with pumpkin purée
Post WO turkey veg soup,
M2 spaghetti squash with marinara, scallops, spinach
M3 turkey veg soup, acorn squash

Also, slept long and well last night. No screens before bed and a cool dark room did me right. I love early to bed and early to rise. How far I've come in terms of sleep hygiene. Bliss!

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Day 3


Didn't make it to the store yesterday, but today I'm fully stocked from the farmer's market and shepherd's pie is now going to be cottage pie (beef instead of lamb). Good simple food in store this week, just how I like. I've been debating whether or not to make mayo, but I've decided it's not the best thing for me to have on hand and slather on everything to make it tastier. So, I'm sticking to ghee and olive oil predominantly for fat. I know on my fourth go-round that keeping fats in check is necessary for this particular body.


Killer barre class this morning followed by a lovely yoga practice. It's pissing down freezing rain for the foreseeable future, so I'll probably pass on the walk I had in mind.


Another blissful night's sleep. I'd hate to speak too soon, but I have the sense that I keep close enough to W30 while not on one that I might not have terrible symptoms/ill effects to push through.


M1 grapefruit, turkey veg soup, sweet potato

M2 North African salmon and belly dance beets from Well Fed (1 and 2), kabocha squash, butter lettuce

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Oh, Amy, I wish you could come, too! I don't know how I'll afford it after this January unlimited classes for $100, but I'll be there six times a week this month. Loveloveloveloveloveloveit! It feels very therapeutic for my SI joints and low back and sciatic because it's strengthening and stabilizing my hamstrings, glutes, abs. I might have to pick up some freelance work to keep me in my barre habit. . . . 

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Day 4


M1 coffee, grapefruit, LO spag squash with spinach, marinara, scallops

M2 WF cottage pie, grapefruit

M3 raspberries, apple, veg turkey soup, romaine salad w/ chicken, sw. potato w/ghee (smallish portions, but hungry!)


Much needed rest day today. From exercise, anyway. Gearing up for back to work after six weeks off, though. May need to go into the office. Not sure yet. But I also want to luxuriate with my NYTimes a little more and relax. Food prep for the week is pretty much done. Lots of good options for the week ahead and nicely balanced. My aim is to try one new recipe per week and not simply rely on all old standbys. So far so good.


And my overall intention this year is to continue with my December mantra: Let it be easy. Trying too hard and making too much of an effort sometimes just gets in the way. I want to get out of the way so good things can happen and I can notice them! Don't want to be so busy or focused on something else that I'm not aware of what's right in front of me. So far so good.

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