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Coconut Sugar


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No, Deb's right, as far as a W30 goes sugar is sugar. Coconut sugar is out just as much as cane sugar, beet sugar, molasses, maple syrup, agave, stevia, all artificial sweeteners, honey and any I've missed :) It's far better to learnto taste real food (and drink) without sweetening it all the time.

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The Whole30 guidelines are pretty clear about sugar: Do not consume added sugar of any kind, real or artificial. No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, Splenda, Equal, Nutrasweet, xylitol, stevia, etc. Read your labels (and your Success Guide FAQ), because companies sneak sugar into products in ways you might not recognize.


I don't know how to read this statement in a way that makes consuming coconut sugar okay.

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I've also heard a friend of mine saying that stevia and coconut sugar are not cosidered sugar and you can eat it, of course its not so, sugar is sugar whether natural or artificial.

Stevia is even on the list for "sugar" you can't have!! Perhaps show your friend the list?

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On the subject of coconuts, spiruluna organics (the brand of coconut oil I use) have a "coconut spread" that seemed compliant - ingredients are simply organic virgin coconut oil and coconut nectar. I bought it originally thinking it would be the coconut equivalent of nut butter. But it tastes super sweet. I assume this probably is best avoided for the Whole30?

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On the subject of coconuts, spiruluna organics (the brand of coconut oil I use) have a "coconut spread" that seemed compliant - ingredients are simply organic virgin coconut oil and coconut nectar. I bought it originally thinking it would be the coconut equivalent of nut butter. But it tastes super sweet. I assume this probably is best avoided for the Whole30?

To me, coconut nectar is like sugar syrup...so a sweetener. And wouldn't be compliant....coconut butter on the other hand is delicious on savoury things too :)

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I had coconut sugar yesterday, not realizing I couldn't. I am on day 26!!!! I plan on eating this way, for the most part, after the whole 30 is over. I don't need to start over now, do I???

Yup, no sugar or sweeteners of any kind on a Whole30, period.


To keep yourself sugar-free for 30 consecutive days, delay reintroducing sugar for 30 days.

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You didn't blow it, you made a mistake. Proves you're human ;) What GFChris is saying is that you could reintro dairy, grains & legumes after your 30 days, but keep on avoiding sugar for a while longer - so for the dairy reintro you could have milk, cheese or plain yogurt, but not ice cream. For grains, do pasta but not cake. Although sugar isn't the Worst thing you could have slipped up with!

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80sgirrl2 - I don't think you wasted 26 days whatsoever! Yes, coconut nectar is sugar - but sugar isn't the worst thing you could have slipped up on. Dairy and gluten would have been far worse. So... I think it's a little harsh to say that you have to delay reintroducing sugar for another 30 days in order to say you completed your Whole30. I accidentally took a big swig of lemonade on day 20-something of my first Whole30 (I mistook someone else's cup for mine). I did not have to start over - but I did have to really pay attention to my sugar cravings over the next week or so. Why don't you tack on another 3 days of so before you start your re-intros? And really pay attention to how your body may respond over the next several days to that little bit of sugar you consumed.


Congrats on eating clean for 25 days!!! That is HUGE. How are you feeling? Any benefits yet?

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ps - I just noticed that GF Chris is a Moderator - but Tom Denham (also a moderator) responded to my sugar mistake during my first Whole30 and he had a much different (and more encouraging/supportive) response to my slip up. Don't beat yourself up, 80sgirrl2 - and most importantly, DO NOT let yourself throw everything you've accomplished out the window by sliding into a total pastry bingefest ;) Be strong!

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So I just blew 26 days!!! I am about to cry. I didn't even care about the coffee but sprinkled the coconut nectar on top. I can't believe this happened with only 3 days left!! I am so upset right now.

Roz is right in the intent of my post: I was not suggesting a restart. (My yup statment was validating that no sugars/sweeteners are permitted on a Whole30 ... I did not mean, yup, restart. I apologize for any misunderstanding.)


Keep going with your original Whole30: your first 26 days are very valuable - build on them. Then continue to stay off sugar/sweeteners until you're off them for 30 consecutive days.

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Great job 80sgirrl2 on 26 days of clean eating!! When I was doing a Whole30, I ate something that had a non-compliant ingredient, unbeknownest to me (I found out after). Steph, from Stupid Easy Paleo (check out her blog, if you haven't already!) pointed out that if I didn't intend to eat a non-compliant food (or didn't know it was non-compliant), it wasn't actually as bad as knowingly doing so, and not necessarily a reason to re-start. That was a huge lesson to me to know my ingredients BEFORE eating. But the point is, we don't need to be so brutal to ourselves. So, you ate something you didn't realize was non-compliant. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep going girl :) This is for lifelong health, so what's another few days to make sure you've kicked your Sugar Dragon to the curb? ;) I'm proud of you!

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Okay, I feel better. Thank you!! I don't crave sugar, pastries, sweets, etc normally, so not worried. I was having meal one and never drink coffee but thought it would be fun to blend up some coffee and coconut milk. I bought the coconut sugar because I thought it was compliant being we can consume everything coconut. I used it in the coffee. Won't happen again. We plan on basically continuing the whole 30 after day 30 but having some wine or vodka/soda waters. Thanks for your help everyone. I feel much better!!

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On day 2, I think, I accidentally swallowed some mouthwash when one of my kids thought it'd be fun to startle me while I was gargling. Around that time, I had a reading comprehension problem with some bacon (I've been paleo for a couple of years, so I was on bacon auto-pilot) and ate a couple of slices cured with sugar. Stuff happens, and a mistake means only that. A mistake. I ended up having to restart later for other reasons (gluten-free toast after food poisoning), but I decided to do what was suggested here and forego sugar until I had a full 30. And to forego drinking mouthwash until...oh, forever.


One thing that might make the mistake valuable is if you can observe whether you find you're having cravings for more sugar as a result. If you are, that might help give you inspiration for the extra sugar-free time.

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On day 2, I think, I accidentally swallowed some mouthwash when one of my kids thought it'd be fun to startle me while I was gargling. Around that time, I had a reading comprehension problem with some bacon (I've been paleo for a couple of years, so I was on bacon auto-pilot) and ate a couple of slices cured with sugar. Stuff happens, and a mistake means only that. A mistake. I ended up having to restart later for other reasons (gluten-free toast after food poisoning), but I decided to do what was suggested here and forego sugar until I had a full 30. And to forego drinking mouthwash until...oh, forever.


One thing that might make the mistake valuable is if you can observe whether you find you're having cravings for more sugar as a result. If you are, that might help give you inspiration for the extra sugar-free time.

I've been gargling with bacon.... But I don't swallow.

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