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Whole 30 starting Jan 1


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Hey all.  Took a break from posting since I try not to use the computer when I'm not at work...and we had a long weekend, then a snowday!


Been humming along.  Impressed my visiting mom with all compliant food, but she still brought in dairy treats and chocolate for herself...oh well, as long as I don't have to cook separate meals I guess that is ok, since I don't really want to eat that stuff any more anyway (yay).


Still hoping for some magic, physically (either more energy, more even mood, or recomposition).  Realizing I probably won't experience it; I think the positive physical effects of the program are heavily oversold, but I guess just saying "Whole30 will help you have a matter of fact relationship with food and look at food as fuel instead of a source of pleasure or boredom beater" is not a hot catchphrase.


Once the 30 days are up I will start to count calories again since I really need to lose about 20 lbs of fat!  I thought just from cutting wine I'd be making progress.  Oh well.


Hope everyone had a good start to the week.  Only nine days left - hard to believe!

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Hey all.  Took a break from posting since I try not to use the computer when I'm not at work...and we had a long weekend, then a snowday!


Been humming along.  Impressed my visiting mom with all compliant food, but she still brought in dairy treats and chocolate for herself...oh well, as long as I don't have to cook separate meals I guess that is ok, since I don't really want to eat that stuff any more anyway (yay).


Still hoping for some magic, physically (either more energy, more even mood, or recomposition).  Realizing I probably won't experience it; I think the positive physical effects of the program are heavily oversold, but I guess just saying "Whole30 will help you have a matter of fact relationship with food and look at food as fuel instead of a source of pleasure or boredom beater" is not a hot catchphrase.


Once the 30 days are up I will start to count calories again since I really need to lose about 20 lbs of fat!  I thought just from cutting wine I'd be making progress.  Oh well.


Hope everyone had a good start to the week.  Only nine days left - hard to believe!

I encourage you to complete the last 9 days and do a proper controlled reintroduction, so you can at least determine whether any eliminated foods bother you.


You could also post 2-3 days worth of your food log to get feedback on possible tweaks.

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Hey Emily - how is your skin doing?  In your original post you said you wanted to break your daily evening wine habit and see if a skin thing cleared up that you suspected was auto-immune.  I ask because I can't remember you mentioning it again.


I'm not sure why you feel that you aren't making progress.  Giving up wine for a month when it was a deeply ingrained habit and part of your identity is impressive!


Your post sounded discouraged and down.  It sounds like you are still committed to see it all the way through, though, and I am so glad!  Note that you have tried and failed before - succeeding this time should make you very proud.. discipline begets discipline... so whatever goals you choose for yourself in Feburary, you will know you can do it because you did the grueling Whole 30!


Go back to the first week and note how many people started on this thread... and there's really just a handful of us still posting. Now I'm sure there are people who are still doing well, just not using the forums.  But we all know there are a bunch of folks who gave up (because we have been those people before!).  But we did not (will not) give up! I think eating all this healthy food, facing the social and mental challenges, and fulfilling a commitment to ourselves is a big deal.  And even if we lose no weight... or feel no tiger blood... that will most certainly not be a waste of time or money.


I also I want to make the requisite comment that it's Day 21.  And it's not called the whole 21.  And if you get to day 31 and still feel ho hum about the whole thing... I urge you to still take reintroduction (dairy, non gluten grains, gluten) seriously.  Because as I said before... sometimes the obvious changes come on day 30 itself... or the week after when you feel a lot of old uncomfortable habits return.


I do agree it's a bit over blown to say the whole 30 will change your life... only individuals who stay committed to majorly difficult goals thru the rough spots, challenges, lack of progress, discouragement, back steps and boredom for months and years truly change their lives.  A month, a book and a few food rules isn't all it takes.  


I do think the title is telling though as it is It STARTS with food.  You don't wake up on day 31 a new person.  It's just a big shake up of your most controllable habits and if you manage those you can work on your next challenge.  Really no different then any challenges or restrictions you've seen through before...


I think that as individuals we all have secret (over) expectations that we don't share.  When by week 3 it's pretty clear we will not have lost (xx) pounds within 4 weeks and  we realize we have the same troubles, we still feel the real stress of our daily lives and still have our health challenges we can feel that the program let us down. I mean... I have refused cake so many times I should be Kelly bloody Ripa by now dammit!  So then we have license (becuase of the 30 days  thing) to say - oh well, this doesn't work. .. may as well have wine and cheese every day and live a little!


But I do want to note how many 'repeat' w30'ers are on this thread. The number of repeaters should be a hint that there may still be something that makes this worth it.  I didn't suddenly become the most productive, cheerful, charming, energetic,  svelte, gorgeous version of myself after finishing my first w30... and sadly I won't be any of those things (at least not all at the same time) on February 1.  But I did see glimmers of that person.  I did get hope that she actually exists.  And I got proof that eating the way everyone around me eats is not only going to inhibit her from appearing, but it will make me an old, cranky crone WAY before my time.....

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Day 22 what what!


Emily, I'm super jealous of your snow day! Gahhh I miss the snow.

Run4 fun: I used to be a cashier and totally asked that question to a few of my customers, hehehe it gets completely mundane standing their scanning things.


So far everything is going much better today, yesterday my tummy was pretty upset all day not exactly sure why, but my peptic ulcer (thought was gone since going paleo) flared up big time, and I couldn't stomach much. I think possibly stress got to me, or maybe too much spice in the soup I ate..its hard to pinpoint. Hmmm has anyone else experienced peptic ulcer like symptoms in their life? They totally suck. Today is much better, the sharp pains in my stomach are gone. But seriously if I go to the doc all they prescribe are anti acids and laxatives. I'd rather go natural if I can help it. 


I can definitely tell I'm leaning out because my uniforms fit a lot looser and I just feel lighter on my feet. My face is clear and no longer dry and flaky. Energy levels are stable, I just wish I was a little bit more peppy. Maybe that takes more time. Next month I'd like to continue to a Whole 60 and focus more on exercise. I haven't been working out very much these past 3 weeks, just really focusing on getting the nutrition down. 


Best wishes my friends!

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Thanks, lexes42 - I appreciate your comments.  I didn't mean to sound down, but I reread my post and see how it could appear that way.  I am pleased that I broke my wine habit and have a more matter-of-fact relationship to food, and I'm sure following the strict guidelines contributed to that.  As for posting logs, I did that here early on and daily on my personal blog, and other than feeling like I've been eating too much (which I was told not to worry about) I'm 100% certain that I did the program exactly as directed.  That's why I said at the end of the 30 days I'd start counting calories again.  As much as we want to believe they don't, they do matter. Bummer, that.


But I fully intend on completing the program, keeping grains, alcohol, and sugar out, and reintroducing dairy carefully - I suspect lack of dairy is what is causing my nails to be so weak.


And lexes42, my skin condition is the same.  Boo.


I guess I was just hoping to feel so refreshed and energetic that it would not be a struggle to continue on to a Whole60 or Whole100.  And of course to see some of that "leaning out" that everyone talks about here. But I can carry a few of the things I learned from this experiment forward, and that has some value.  Just not "cook every single meal at home including condiments and avoid fruit for fear of sugar and don't eat dairy even though my nails are splitting and oh crap my grocery bill is $50 over budget AGAIN this week" kind of value.   :)

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Hi all,


I'm glad that I'm not the only one with the feelings of straying that have surprised me these last couple days.  I've stayed compliant but find myself just wanting to eat.  Bizarrely though, except for breakfast, I really don't physically desire much food.  Maybe I WANT to want it. No idea. But yes, even in those moments broiled fish and broccoli sounded good. :) but it certainly wasn't hunger really. I've eaten an extra meal each day made up of roasted chicken and avocado. No veggies though. :(


Part of my current issue is that I'm dealing with a lot of stress, which tells me that I'm trying to deal in my old fashioned "eat the pain" way. It's a work in progress!!




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Great reply Lexes! You were totally speaking to me. I feel bored I guess. I miss my old relationship with food. But I keep telling myself I do NOT miss the way I felt back then. I like eating lots of vegetables! Does any of this make sense?

Ali, I used to have that problem with produce. Now I always buy more than I can use. We have chickens though, so the scraps aren't wasted. Also squash keeps well for a long time, and I use a lot of frozen veggies.

I am already looking forward to days 31-60. Well, I guess I should say I'm looking forward to day 61. What will my life look like at that point? How will I feel after another month of this?

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Emily: I'm joining your bandwagon, I wanted to have these AWESOME shocking results in 30 days show in the plummeting numbers of the scale, not the bank account.


 I have been tempted sooo badly to go hop on the scale and see SOME progress (clothes are still tight, face is still breaking out, tummy occasionally rumbles after I've had a meal.  But I am aFRAID that I'll weight myself, find that I haven't lost any weight, and give up. Because that is what my sugar addicted brain wants me to do. To give up, to quit, to eat a whole pint of ben and jerrys or Culver's custard, or farmer's market banana pecan ice cream, or  donuts. ALL THE DONUTS. 


BUT, it didn't take me 30 days to get this way, and I owe myself a chance to start seeing changes. I will probably continue on to a whole60, because I want my effort to pay off. And it has paid off so far, for me. I am content with the way I'm eating. I feel that I'm fueling my body with good food. I am cooking so much more than I've ever before, and the food is actually delicious. My coworkers look at my food and exclaim "you eat so healthy!". 


I don't want to finish the 30 days and go back to eating the junk I worked so hard to cut from my daily diet. And at day 20, it is very much a real threat. I want to see what I feel like on day 60. I want to see what I look like on day 60.  I want to focus on working out in February, at least 20 minutes a day.  


I want to have people exclaim: you look amazing ! instead of asking "soo, is this diet working?"

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Hang in there! Results are occuring its just hard to see day by day. And the more you stick with it, the more results you will see!


Just wanted to share: I just made my 120 minute full body and facial appointment on 1 February! Soooo stoked! Anyone else planning anything for their 30 days of awesomness?

I made a list of ideas:



Get your hair did ;)

New outfit for a new bod!

New shoes

Take a trip/ or hike a beastly mountain

Go out for a huge steak or seafood dinner

Buy a naughty fun book or check one out from you library if you dare...

Take a day off from work whoot whoot

Just do something for yourself that you've always wanted to do

Any other ideas?


Cheers! Okay back to work.

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I have to say that I'm not seeing "amazing! Life-changing!" results either.  I'm still having some digestion issues (belching after a meal and (maybe TMI) elimination issues) and not feeling the "tiger blood".  That being said, I do see improvements.  My acne has cleared up tremendously even though I still have a couple of cysts trying to fight their way through (and that may be my hormone replacement that I'm on).  I am sleeping much better and not waking up during the night nearly as much as I was and I am also feeling more energy creeping in every day.


Because of these slow but positive changes, I do plan to continue for at least another 15 days and maybe 30 to give my body more time to heal.  Because as I've gotten older my issues have just gotten worse with what I was doing so seeing improvements, even small ones, is excellent.

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Emily -- honestly, wait until you have weighed yourself (after you're done with the W30!) before you decide what you are going to do next. Calorie counting is a hideous mind-trap, and if it can be avoided it's for the better. My first time round I lost 7 or 8 lbs (I can't remember which) which I really hadn't felt coming off at all and I swear I thought I had even put on weight. The second time around I also lost 7 or 8 lbs (I had put a couple on inbetween, but not so much). I am sure it will slow down for me: if I lose 7 or 8 lbs this time (not feeling it so much but clothes fitting a little better and I am OPTIMISTIC!) then my BMI will be at about 25 ... and I am sure it will slow down. But if it's going in the right direction and I am not messing with my head with my eating then that's a good trade-off for me. Can you say what your expectations were about how much you were going to lose? I know I thought I would lose about 14 lbs (WHY??) and I WAS disappointed with my 7 - 8 lbs at first: but really, that's a lot to lose in a month. And no, I never felt full on hard core tiger blood, mood improvement etc etc. (Though like others small children get me up in the night, lots of stress in my life ... so other things acting against that). BUT BUT BUT off-roading made me realise how much better I feel like eating like this. I would say don't plan on anything until you have the full results of the W30. It may not be what you hoped at the beginning (15 lbs off! Feeling like superwoman!) but it may still be really valuable.


Off roading after your first W30 I think is an interesting part of the discovery journey. You may be surprised at how you feel and how you feel about eating like this.


Alliath -- laughing about the spinach. I have some  spinach in my fridge, but I have that problem with cauliflower. Where does it all go? Wanna do a swap?


EAH: me too! (Twin 4-year olds!).


MUST do some work. Big deadline today for 2pm and what am I doing? Looking on the forums. That'll really help. Need to fit in a grocery shop and cook up at some stage in the next two days and I HAVE NO TIME. Oh yeah, should be getting on with it.

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Day 22- still dreaming of eating weird things. Last night's dream had me eating corn chex and raisin bran. And I was mad at my grown kids for eating most of the cereal I bought. At least I dreamed about eating pie the other day. That makes more sense, since the reason I started the Whole 30 was to get rid of the sugar cravings (ice cream and candy mostly). The dreams crack me up as it's usually things I would never eat. In real life, I'm doing well. I need to be a bit more creative though. Time to try some new recipes. I've been pretty tired, but that could just be the cold I have and hormonal stuff. No tiger blood, but I'm feeling really good about my eating.

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Day 22 - And I don't find myself counting down to 30. I'm worried about 31. I'm worried about how I'm going to feel integrating certain foods back into my body!!


Going away on Fri/Sat and my hotel has a micro and fridge.  Any suggestions of some good, easy things I could bring with me so that I can eat before/after my family eats at what ever restaurant?? I'm still afraid to eat out.  I went out on Saturday and was stressed the entire time I was eating...worried that something non-compliant was in there.


My face is clear of all blemishes...which is usually not the case! I'm thrilled with that. I'm wondering if it is all the coconut oil I've been eating or just the lack of sugar?! 

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Last night, after 3 days straight of not being able to finish a single meal due to absolutel and total food boredom, I decided I had to figure out a way to have something I really, really wanted (that was compliant). The only thing I could come up with that I could actually cook myself was rack of lamb. Rosemary pesto rack of lamb with roasted carrots and parsnips. This is my "company meal", my dish I make to impress new boyfriends. But there I was, on a random Tuesday night, eating rack of lamb all by myself.


And it WAS delicious.


(But I'm still so over this, lol).

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Day 22.  Had dreams I ordered a huge Italian hoagie - so weird!  I didn't even eat stuff like that before.


I appreciate all the advice, and I'm definitely not quitting the 30 days!  I have come too far! I do think - have always thought - what we eat has a huge effect on our health.  The Whole30 was my attempt(s) to see just how much.  The answer - for me - is not as much as the program claimed. That's all.  And that is ok.  It has still helped me adjust my attitude towards eating and created some new habits that I think will be beneficial long term, such as swapping tea for wine in the evening and looking at food as fuel instead of as a hobby, which is how I frequently felt before.  


Being a fanatic about my diet is not something I find appealing or sustainable long term, unless of course the benefits were so good that it didn't make sense not to be so strict...benefits being body fat loss, clear skin, more even temper, etc.  Since being so strict at such a huge expense of time and money has not brought those results, I'm not going to try to keep to the Whole30 guidelines after the 30 days are up.  I will carefully reintroduce a few things and continue to avoid alcohol, wheat, and processed food.  But I do think I have to count calories, since expending more than you consume is the only way to lose weight, and I need to do that.  And while some can argue that counting calories is bad for your mental health, I think that being ultra-strict about every ingredient one eats is unhealthy in the same way...the preoccupation is still on food and on weight.  


This has been an interesting experiment that has value, and I would still recommend people try it.  Heck, even my husband agrees that this has been a month full of learning for him - never before have I seen him research nutrition, cook all day on a Sunday, or go for a run with me outside!


And of course, we all still have a week to go - so perhaps I will be proven wrong in the end and wake up on Day 30 with new energy and clear skin.  I can keep an open mind. :)


I really am grateful to everyone on this forum for the great dialog and advice, and also for the encouragement.  You all seem like wonderful people and I truly hope you are getting what you need out of this experience!

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But I do think I have to count calories, since expending more than you consume is the only way to lose weight, and I need to do that.

nope, actually, this isn't true.


I know, it seems so logical! and I believed and even hoped it was true for many years, but in the end the body is much more complex than a furnace. Different macro and micro-nutrients have different effects on the body and the metabolism. Eating 200 calories of twinkies is NOT the same as eating 200 calories of steak. And, if you aren't providing enough nutrition in the choices you make, your body will seek them desperately, making you hungrier, making you crave more food, so even if the math were true, making nutrient poor choices causes over-consumption of calories.


In the end, I agree it is best to find a balance that works for you--you may feel better/less stressed while riding your own bike (not doing a strict whole30) and that's great. For me, the longer I have been eating the whole30 way, the less I see it as deprivation/preoccupation and the more I see it as honoring and nourishing my body. 

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Last night, after 3 days straight of not being able to finish a single meal due to absolutel and total food boredom, I decided I had to figure out a way to have something I really, really wanted (that was compliant). The only thing I could come up with that I could actually cook myself was rack of lamb. Rosemary pesto rack of lamb with roasted carrots and parsnips. This is my "company meal", my dish I make to impress new boyfriends. But there I was, on a random Tuesday night, eating rack of lamb all by myself.


And it WAS delicious.


(But I'm still so over this, lol).


I would totally do this. Lamb is one of my favorite foods - it's not "company" food, it's Tuesday night food! :) 


Hmm... wonder where I can get some good lamb for tomorrow...

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Sounds like there are a lot of people struggling mentally out there today. I can see some of your points. I too have yet to get tiger blood. But some of the things I have noticed during this program are:


1. The shopping and cooking on this program is very tedious, however the meals are very delicious (you will never get anything like this on any other diet). I am lucky in that I love to cook and be creative in the kitchen. 


2. I love the control that this way of eating has given me (this alone is worth continuing for longer). Not being hungry and craving food between meals is priceless.


3. Increased energy. I have yet to get tiger blood, however I have had a glimpse of it and it is wonderful. One day I just kept going like the energizer bunny and I haven't had that since I was a teenager. I want more of that. 


4. My sleeping at night has been very deep and I am waking up with my inner alarm clock more often then not. I used to get up multiple times at night and now I sleep through the night. Also priceless. 


Just remember that you have had glimpses of greatness and even if you don't think everything has changed in 30 days (just remember you have quite a few days left and things can change between now and then) things could change even more in 60 days. We have been eating crap for many years and you have to be a little bit patient, you are not going to wake up in an entire new body in 30 days- its unrealistic.

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Good morning!


I'm in a weird, pseudo-craving mood today. I don't want any one thing, I just want... something. I stopped at Whole Foods on my way in because I needed cat food, and grabbed a bottle of OJ. Eventually I put it back and grabbed a raspberry kombucha instead. I don't love it, but it is a much better choice than OJ. :) 


I think my breakfasts disappointing me this week are doing a number on me mentally. I need to finish up this casserole so I can go back to my hash. 


Also - I really recommend looking for 'wins' everywhere you can. I PR'd my bench press yesterday rather easily, and I'm sure it's in good part due to what I'm eating. 

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I would totally do this. Lamb is one of my favorite foods - it's not "company" food, it's Tuesday night food! :)


Hmm... wonder where I can get some good lamb for tomorrow...


I agree. Heck I tend to eat lamb every other day most of the time. 

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 But I do think I have to count calories, since expending more than you consume is the only way to lose weight, and I need to do that.  And while some can argue that counting calories is bad for your mental health, I think that being ultra-strict about every ingredient one eats is unhealthy in the same way...the preoccupation is still on food and on weight.  



I had to do some calorie counts for a project (long story) just after my first Whole 30 and honestly despite how much I was eating they still came in incredibly low.  Unless you're gorging yourself on coconut milk, nuts and nutbutter, you're probably not eating too many calories.  I didn't think I lost any weight on my first W30 until the last week (but have definitely lost weight this time, eating nearly the exact same meals). Everyone is different and sometimes it just takes more time to see results.


That said, I'm sick of obsessively reading labels on everything and not being able to have fish sauce, dried cranberries and deli meats. 

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I'm seeing a lot of strawmen being set up regarding my comments and I just want to respond.


I am not disparaging the program as a whole, nor am I saying it doesn't work at all, for everyone.  I am merely observing and sharing that I have not reaped the purported benefits of "tiger blood" or body recomposition, or any of the physical effects touted on the timeline and all over the website and in the book.  And that is ok, because again, I have enjoyed some different benefits.  And I have also noted that I was aware that this might happen and that it was necessary to be realistic and flexible about my hopes and goals.  


I also did not expect to have a magic new self after 21 days or 30 days, which would indeed be absurd.  I expected to see concrete physical changes that would motivate me to maintain the huge level of effort and expense that eating this way requires.  I do not yet see them, but again, I am aware there is a week to go and remain open-minded.


In addition, calories do matter.  It's basic physics.  Yes, it's hard to be precise, and of course nutrient profiles matter, and all bodies do not burn exactly the same and so on, but even those arguing against the theory admit that a major negative side effect of swapping poor food for good food is a drive to overconsume calories - thus admitting that overconsumption is a problem.  Call it portion control if you want, but I need reduce the amount I am taking in, because it is clear that I am not using it all.  And that is ok to admit.  It's not the fault of the program, or of food, or anyone else. It just is.  So, re-calibrate and move forward, is what I say.


It's also laughable to imply that if one is not eating Whole30, one is instead eating Twinkies.  The world is not binary.  In fact, it may be that because I was not eating SAD and already avoided processed food, most sugar, and wheat before starting this experiment that I do not feel the physical benefits at the same level as others do.  And that is OK!


Lastly, I'm not struggling.  I'm not desperate for an excuse to give up.  I don't view eating this way as a struggle or as deprivation.  I will continue to look at eating well as a way to nourish myself and support my goals.   I'm simply pointing out that this particular experiment has not produced the promised physical results thus far for me.  Is that not the point of the exercise, to experiment on oneself?  It's ok!  It's ok.  I can still learn things/have learned things from this experience.


I really hope that my posts are not being read as angry or down.  I'm only reporting things as they happen.

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I agree with looking for wins!


I received two compliments already this morning.  Partly because of a scarf I'm wearing.  But it's a bright colored scarf (I am a member of the 'Black is Best' East Coast brigade) and I wouldn't probably have bothered with it (or the necklace) if I were in my normal routine.


I dug out my car from the snow without cursing the whole time, behaving as though it were a personal affront to me that there is weather.


I am ready for the Baby Shower cake today!  Well, ready to ignore it!  I may, however, sniff it.  I think Alliath is actually a genius.  i've read before that the smell of cocoa / vanilla / peppermint ... or savory smells if that's your thing.... can actually trick your sugar dragon into shutting up for a few minutes.  We'll see - I haven't decided yet.  I am not one of those 'just one bite will do' people... so it could be a bad idea.  Either way, I trust myself!


and THAT is a big deal.  Staying not hungry and calm between meals and believing I can resist 'not worth it' foods... well, it's just huge (for me).


Weight Watchers and calorie counting doesn't work for me because it keeps my brain in constant negotiation mode.  And usually I go into 'debt'.... leaving myself with broth for dinner... or the end of the week... because I thought I could make up that bagel with cream cheese in other ways.


However - the w30 does bum me out in a few ways.  


This time I am far LESS obsessed with all the 'no' foods to stay compliant.   I choose carefully which months I do this so that I do not have a big social calendar to navigate.  I choose a few restaurants (chipotle is one) that I can feel confident about making compliant so I'm not a shut in.  That said, I might switch out January for March next year.  It's been hard to tell which is SAD the seasonal depression and which is the SAD detox.


The cost is a factor... I have also done MUCH better this time with my budget.  I am having to feed my boyfriend less, however, and he used to eat all my leftovers, damn him.  I am considering 'riding my own bike' with rice and lentils in March / April to see if that bothers me so I can have a few extra cheap-o meals.  This being said.... food costs are relative and cultural.  The US spends far far less on its food budget then the rest of the world... .and look where it got us.  Food is much more expensive in the UK and Europe. You simply have to adjust your budget based on your priorities.


And finally - and this is the one I have not improved upon - I am still finding myself being a ProcrastinEater.  It really IS more boredom then emotion for me.  And while I have accepted that macadamia nuts and lara bars are not allowed... I fear it's time to put Almond Butter on that list too.  Drat.


It is worth noting that there are Losses with the W30 as well as wins.  Eating cookie dough till your sick and a plate of lasagna the size of your head is FUN (or we wouldn't do it).  Drinking with friends knowing you'll move extra slowly and quietly the next day... well it's something I was perfectly willing to do....The carb coma had its place in my life.  


The transition to finding other things - well it's hard.  Now I don't just become uninterested in W30 food... I become uninterested in all food.  And that's kind of a bummer - eating only for fuel.  Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed  my meals!  But even pad thai with sunshine sauce isn't something that I look super forward to....


And these are lifelong lessons - that food is fun and soothing - to break free from. I was just thinking today... oh, I'm going to be gone for two days... poor kitty... i will give him an extra can to make up for it.   :rolleyes:


oh well  - progress not perfection!

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