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day 26 and I want a chocolate cupcake! !!!!

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Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! Lol I am definitely going to see this through but now more than ever I want sugar. I feel good so far, but I am still having a hard time getting rid od my nigbt time snacking. Granted, this has only happened 4-5 times during my whole 30, but a few evenings I have had more than my fair share of almond butter and dried fruit. Now I still recognize that I used to do this way more often pre-Whole30, but I still feel kinda bad and that I should just give in. Need some encouragement y'all!

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I feel ya. I'm on Day 22 and I still think about sweet treats every. darn. day. I've been using larabars as snacks on days that I wait tables and I know I can't anymore because today I was home and had to talk myself out of having another one. I know when my 30 days are over, I will still have to abstain from sugar because it's a slippery slope -- once I head down I won't stop. Sweets are for special occasions only! (post whole30, that is).

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Definitely keep going--you've got this!


And food for thought, baltomom and lgt: one of the reasons your sugar dragon is still raging is that you've continued to feed it--in the form of nut butters, dried fruit, larabars. It's great that you've done less feeding of the sugar dragon on your W30 than you have in the past--that's huge progress!--and if you really want to slay that dragon, you're going to have to starve it. No more nut butters. No more dried fruit. No more larabars. If you're genuinely hungry between meals, you must feed yourself protein, fat, veggies in the form of a template meal. And it's easier to figure out if you're genuinely hungry with that system in place. Our bodies will always want sweet tasting things, even when we're not hungry, and guess what fits that bill? Nut butters, dried fruit, larabars. Get them out of your life until that sugar dragon is slayed. And by then, you likely won't even want them anymore. They're just not doing you any favors.

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Thanks for the responses. I am definitely in agreement - nut butters are something I have difficulty eating in proportion unless they are a planned part of my meal. I like having it around because sometimes when I am short on time for breakfast it's good to have around. I am going to write on the bottle BREAKFAST ONLY and see if that works. Otherwise cold turkey.

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You might even think hard about that--I've reluctantly had to admit to myself in the last week that if I have fruit (not even dried fruit) or nut butters with M1 that I am hungrier throughout the day and that makes it harder to resist the noncompliant goodies.


I've finally realized today that if I want to have fruit, it is best to do so with M2 or M3--but really, not at all.


If your sugar dragon is a fierce one, you might consider getting rid of fruits (both dried and fresh) and nut butters altogether.

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I feel like my Whole 30 is totally screwed up... I ate all compliant foods but my meals were not consistently template based. I tried. .. but clearly I did bot plan well enough. Darn. That's part od why at day 26 I am struggling. I think I am going to tack on 7 more days to give myself more of a chance to work on meal plans. I just am so busy with my kids and job! Ah.

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One of the most valuable things about undertaking a whole 30 reset is the fact that you get to learn so much about you - what works, what doesn't and how/when to embrace the good.


I've "learned" that some of my re-intro choices resemble those of a drunken toddler vs. healthy adult. French fries. Costco. Really???


All this to say you didn't "screw up" your whole 30. You're on day 26 and you've learned some important things about your appetite, your cravings, your obstacles and how to improve things. Those are all good things.

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I feel like my Whole 30 is totally screwed up... I ate all compliant foods but my meals were not consistently template based. I tried. .. but clearly I did bot plan well enough. Darn. That's part od why at day 26 I am struggling. I think I am going to tack on 7 more days to give myself more of a chance to work on meal plans. I just am so busy with my kids and job! Ah.

Definitely not screwed up! Possibly not optimized though. It's possible to do a pre-cook in 2 hours or less and then have 20 minutes or less of prep/cooking time each night for dinner. The meal template, along with our "do not eat" list, is what is going to give you the best possible results as that is what will balance your hormones and blood sugars and allow your body to convert over to fat burning as quickly as possible.

Perhaps you can take some time and decide what sort of meals you can prep in the shortest period of time so that you run closer to the meal template?

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Like ladyshanny said, a couple of hours of prep on the weekends can make your entire week SO much easier.  It gets more efficient as you get used to what you're doing and figure out what works for you and your family, but over my whole30 I got my weekend prep cut down to about 2-2 1/2 hours max and it would last me for all my meals (and components of family meals) for the week.  The first couple of weekends it felt really overwhelming, but as I practiced and honed my skills and realized what I really did need to cook, I've gotten it down to an afternoon now.


Check out the meal planning section of the forum, there's some good tips up there.  :)

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It is sometimes still surprising to me how much I really can (and need to!) eat at a meal to really "do this right".  Like, for breakfast today I had 3 eggs plus a good sized handful of sliced kielbasa, a roasted sweet potato, and mushrooms and spinach.  In order to eat like that you really need to stop and slow down and take your time eating--I used to be a "slam my meal in 5 minutes" kind of person and that doesn't work if you're trying to relearn satiety signals and eat enough quantity to last 5 or so hours in between.


Just keep tweaking and please ask questions if you have them!  You'll get there.  :)

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I think one problem I face is that iN the mornings I am really busy woth my kids - ages 4 and 2. My husband is already at work, so I am running around feeding them and breaking up fights, cleaning spills, etc. Hard to sit and eat a meal during all of that!

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It's true.  My kids are a little older now (8 & 6) but I'm on my own with them in the mornings so trying to get us all up and dressed and fed and out the door ready for school is not a calm process.  But I still carved out a little niche time to cook some scrambled eggs and sit and eat them, even if I am running interference with the dogs and tracking down vests and coats and gloves and homework and giving toothbrushing reminders 5428906528920 times in a row.  My whole breakfast process would take less time, too, if I cooked breakfast on the weekends or the night before (which I do sometimes).


it's all things you can make happen, even if you need to reframe your thinking and adjust your priorities a little bit.  It's not always easy but it is possible.

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I think one problem I face is that iN the mornings I am really busy woth my kids - ages 4 and 2. My husband is already at work, so I am running around feeding them and breaking up fights, cleaning spills, etc. Hard to sit and eat a meal during all of that!

Sounds like  good fun with your littles.   Four is an adorable age.   It's my favorite age for children.

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I struggle with evenly timed template meals. But I will tell you that when you get on that schedule and get in a groove it feels SO much better. I never really feel the full effects of the whole until I hit that groove. When I'm compliant but not eating three or four evenly spaced pure template meals I'm often snacky and unsatisfied, tired and stumbling from urge to urge. It's especially hard to resist the urge for a mid-afternoon sweet pick me up. (I have pretty successfully killed the after dinner dessert habit--it is possible.)

Weekend prep helps but when you're home with little kids sometimes the weekends don't offer a big stretch of time for cooking. REmember you don't have to eat recipe meals three times a day. I eat a lot of ground beef. Even having a couple veggies prepped (like sweet pots and sauteed cabbage) helps a lot.

I 100% agree that breakfast sets the pace for the day. Eat a good hearty template breakfast without fruits or nuts and you are halfway there. My kids are just turned 7 and almost four. THis is my third year of doing a spring w30. Each time I have struggled with getting that first meal in in a timely fashion, and with eating evenly spaced meals. Go to bed earlier so you can wake up earlier and feed yourself. It's tough. I feel like no matter when I get up my kids gets up five minutes later! But making it a priority has made it happen more times than in the past.

CRazy mornings with two kids, one of whom is ADHD and has some oppositional issues, a 3.5 year old who hears nothing I say, a dog who needs to be walked. My husband travels and even when he's in town he leaves early and gets home late. I have anxiety issues and ADHD myself. A few weeks before this whole, I broke down crying when we were trying to get out the door. I felt like I was about to have a mental break and wasn't sure I could make myself keep moving. Mornings are hard.

I know how easily your morning can get off track. But if you can do it a couple days in a row you will see how much of a difference it makes to eat that template meal within an hour of waking. A really fast breakfast: boneless, skinless sardines fried in a little CO with sauerkraut. True I don't usually eat my breakfast/m1 in total relaxation, I'm often standing up or jamming food into my mouth but even that is better than eating dried fruits/nuts or waiting till later.

It's worth it!

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You guys are awesome! Glad so many can identify. And yes MeadowLily 4 is an awesome age. Does anyone have advice about answering questions death and where babies come from? Haha

Yes. You guys were just the thing I needed today. Thank you for words of encouragement and advice :)

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 Does anyone have advice about answering questions death and where babies come from? Haha



Mine had unfortunately experienced the death of a pet and also a family friend at that age, so we just kind of...talked about it.  On the babies front, we talked about some of the biological specifics of eggs and sperm and fertilization and pregnancy and birth, but we still haven't gotten into the mechanics of how the sperm and the egg get together.  ;)

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Haha. Yeah it's a really exciting time.

Anyway I ate chicken, sweet potato, and sauteed rainbow chard with garlic for dinner right now. Feel much better sitting and eating a balanced meal. Thanks for the help guys! I am going to trader joes tomorrow and getting a ton of sardines.

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Haha. Yeah it's a really exciting time.

Anyway I ate chicken, sweet potato, and sauteed rainbow chard with garlic for dinner right now. Feel much better sitting and eating a balanced meal. Thanks for the help guys! I am going to trader joes tomorrow and getting a ton of sardines.

The littles will love playing with those.  :D 

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