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Last week when I started my Whole30 and noticed all the information on nightshades, I kind of pushed it aside and figured naah not a problem for me. Well I think I've been proven wrong.

Although my digestion/IBS is doing well - which I talk about more in this thread http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/3462-ibs-success-stories-advice/

and overall I'm feeling better rested and better in general I am still dealing with a fair amount of nasal congestion, sore throat, and fatigue. This happened in a big way many times over the summer (read 5 serious bouts lasting 3-5 days) that I thought I was getting colds/flus from overworking. However, the symptoms were never accompanied with fever, bodyaches or other flu like symptoms. Just the sore throat and painful ears usually on one side or both and clear phlegm (not colored or cloudy like with a cold or flu. Sorry for the details but it's important in figuring out the cause!).

Important to note that I have hypothyroidism (treated since 2008) and despite my blood levels indicating it's well balanced, I have fatigue and cycle issues that seem to indicate otherwise.

Last night I used a new to me Mrs. Dash spice blend and last night and today the right side of my throat and right ear canal or SO painful and I am phelgmy. Looked at the ingredients I saw that it contains black pepper and chili pepper high up on the list and then red bell pepper further down.

Considering my dinner consisted of...

Roasted Chicken

Roasted sweet potato topped with coconut milk

and Sauerkraut (from a local farm made with nothing but salt)

I really think spice blend has got to the be cause of my symptoms. So nightshades are gone for a while to see if it gets rid of this really annoying and hurtful inflammation.

My questions are...

*Do you agree with my possible self-diagnosis?

*What symptoms do you (other people that have nightshade issues) get when you eat them??

*Am I missing any nightshades on my list of things to avoid....

All peppers

Tomatoes and Tomatillos


Potatoes but not sweet potatoes (thank goodness!)

Paprika and other pepper based spices

Hot sauce and salsa

(I've heard blueberries as well but am unsure??)

Thanks so much guys!

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Your diagnosis sounds worthy of testing by eliminating nightshades.

Here is a good list... http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=george&dbid=62

Here is a nice discussion of good substitutes for nightshades... http://www.livestrong.com/article/265055-list-of-foods-for-those-allergic-to-nightshade/

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I definitely support you in testing for nightshades and bet you'll see a result, but I would also ask you how often you eat sauerkraut and if you've ever reacted to it before? I remember reading recently (pretty sure it was in Practical Paleo, but not 100% certain) that fermenting already goitrogenic vegetables actually increases goitrogen content. So the kraut that is awesome for everyone else is not so awesome for people with thyroid conditions. Personally, I thought it was great for me, until I went several weeks without it and ate a bunch and my throat swelled up.

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Ohhh man, that is good to know Joey! I have had sauerkraut many times over my lifetime (my dad like to serve us german food when we were young) but haven't had a lot in the last few years.

For now I will not eat it and when I do eat it, I will do so without nightshades or other possible allergens and be very mindful of how it makes me feel. I did have a big portion last night.

My throat isn't burning anymore but I can definitely can still feel the effects of whatever's going on in my body. Just took a great (and not too intense) warm power flow yoga class and although most was okay I had waves of just feeling awful at various points. It's hard to describe in any other way. Hopefully things will be better tomorrow and as I continue to cut out these other items, especially because I have a job interview!

Thanks so much!

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  • 1 year later...

My husband's nightshade symptoms are basically psoriasis and arthritis type symptoms.  Itchy, blotchy skin and sore joints.  He doesn't have any sore/swollen throat issues from nightshades.

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I have been avoiding nightshades, but had some mustard that contained paprika and natural flavoring. I had minor swelling in my feet about 30-45 min. after consuming. It was muggy and humid, but up until that point, my feet were fine. I wonder if this is considered a symptom?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Goji berries are another nightshade, they are in fact, not berries at all :)


I have a friend who has no reaction to other nightshades, but a violent reaction to paprika.

You may find reactions to some nightshades worse than others, particularly ones which contain skin.


With spice blends it's also worth checking if they are gluten free, some processing can contaminate, but it's not always on the label.

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  • 2 months later...

I know this thread is old, but I'm curious if anyone has ever had respiratory reactions to nightshades? I started Whole 30 to help heal a bout of chronic bronchitis, and was feeling noticeably better in a matter of days. But recently (I'm now on Day 18), after bell peppers consistently in a few meals, and a huge plate of white potatoes one night (PMS carb cravings), my lungs hurt and I've been coughing noticeably worse in one day than I have since the early days of the program. I've looked online and am not sure if respiratory symptoms are common with nightshades, but I've been suspecting for a while now that they may not be my friends.

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Are you sure you don't just have a cold? I've managed to have 2 during my current W30 (thanks, germy coworkers) and, while it's no fun, certainly isn't related to food. Give yourself a little while to heal and feel free to take nightshades out, but my bet is that your bronchitis is probably just hitting you back up with a detox-type recurrence.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Heather,

Respiratory issues are exactly how my nightshade intolerance is manifest. With some nightshades at 1 meal, I develop a little cough. With multiple meals the cough gets worse, eating a lot of nightshades develops into persistent bronchitis and could develop into walking pneumonia. Of course when I went to see a board certified pulmonologist and asked if the cough could be food related, he said no and delayed my awareness of this issue another year or so, Grrrr...

Funny @praxisproject mentions goji berries; I found out this the REALLY hard way. I literally ate two pounds of Goji Berry squares from whole foods over the course of 2 weeks and was thinking I was eating soooo  healthy. But when I developed my (now typical) severe nightshade symptoms and googled; my sspiciaons were confirmed that goji berry is one to seriously avoid.  I owe my awareness of this troublesome issue to David from Idaho who I met at OHI in San Diego. I developed coughing after eating sun dried tomatoes on raw vegan, grain free "pizza" and he mentioned it when I said I had my first coughing spell in 5 days. Wherever you are, thanks David! Hope this info helps you Heather!


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  • 11 months later...

Like others mentioned I see this post is quite old but Jenny, Ive hope you have found that black pepper isn’t a nightshade, unlike all other peppers.

I’ve recently discovered I have a nightshade allergy. On Saturday I baked artichokes and afterward I had a terrible reaction. I felt very flush and disoriented and decided to look up artichokes, only to find out that artichokes have alkaloids in them just like nightshades. It’s not Monday and my stomach is not reacting well. Has anyone else ever had symptoms this long after?

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  • 3 months later...


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