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September 18 start date

Tj V

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@Amb_Bomer if it's a drinking engagement, I'd grab a soda water or a compliant kombucha with a lime and an olive and walk around as though I'm doing the same thing as everyone else, all the while reveling in the fact that, unlike most of my buddies, I'll not have a hangover to contend with the next day.  It's pretty empowering, actually.  Not easy, but you'll thank yourself tomorrow!  Good luck... you can do it!

@Mike5858 that's always hard but what a fantastic opportunity to figure out a way to reward yourself with something other than food.  Stay strong!  You can do it!

@SineadMon so glad you're sticking with us.  These next few days will prove both difficult and rewarding.  Hang in there!!!  You're doing great!

Happy Day __, all.  Day 12 for me and I feel a little better today.  It's not been a light switch thing for me, rather a slow, barely noticeable gradual change.  With each day comes something difficult and something good that keeps me going (the proverbial carrot dangling in front of me that I'm determined to grab)

I've been reading my Bright Line Eating book and I'm certain this is going to be the plan for me after Whole 30 reintro, for a few reasons:

1.) It's a lifestyle change, not a diet. This is important to me because nothing ever stays off unless you make permanent lifestyle changes.  

2)  I've got screwed up leptin and people with this issue have to rewire their brains, otherwise the weight will always come back and then some.

3) Stats show that only one tenth of one percent lose weight and keep it off long term.  This plan is designed to put you on the correct side of that probability.  

4). You can choose any eating style to accompany this plan, be it continued Whole 30, paleo, primal, vegan, etc.  

I'm very excited about this.  The author is a tenured professor at Rochester University who teaches the psychology of earing and she comes from a place of experience so just thought I'd share.  For the yo-yo dieters on team Sept 18 start date, you might consider having a look at this book.



Happy Friday, all.  Here's to a successful weekend and Tiger Blood that should arrive any day now!  Cheers!:D



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2 minutes ago, dmrob2009 said:

@Amb_Bomer if it's a drinking engagement, I'd grab a soda water or a compliant kombucha with a lime and an olive and walk around as though I'm doing the same thing as everyone else, all the while reveling in the fact that, unlike most of my buddies, I'll not have a hangover to contend with the next day.  It's pretty empowering, actually.  Not easy, but you'll thank yourself tomorrow!  Good luck... you can do it!

@Mike5858 that's always hard but what a fantastic opportunity to figure out a way to reward yourself with something other than food.  Stay strong!  You can do it!

@SineadMon so glad you're sticking with us.  These next few days will prove both difficult and rewarding.  Hang in there!!!  You're doing great!

Happy Day __, all.  Day 12 for me and I feel a little better today.  It's not been a light switch thing for me, rather a slow, barely noticeable gradual change.  With each day comes something difficult and something good that keeps me going (the proverbial carrot dangling in front of me that I'm determined to grab)

I've been reading my Bright Line Eating book and I'm certain this is going to be the plan for me after Whole 30 reintro, for a few reasons:

1.) It's a lifestyle change, not a diet. This is important to me because nothing ever stays off unless you make permanent lifestyle changes.  

2)  I've got screwed up leptin and people with this issue have to rewire their brains, otherwise the weight will always come back and then some.

3) Stats show that only one tenth of one percent lose weight and keep it off long term.  This plan is designed to put you on the correct side of that probability.  

4). You can choose any eating style to accompany this plan, be it continued Whole 30, paleo, primal, vegan, etc.  

I'm very excited about this.  The author is a tenured professor at Rochester University who teaches the psychology of earing and she comes from a place of experience so just thought I'd share.  For the yo-yo dieters on team Sept 18 start date, you might consider having a look at this book.



Happy Friday, all.  Here's to a successful weekend and Tiger Blood that should arrive any day now!  Cheers!:D



@dmrob2009, I watched all her videos (Bright line eating) but simply cannot afford $500 for boot camp. I'm thinking about getting the book, but the truth is that she talked about bright lines that you don't cross and I honestly don't think I can ever give up sugar or bread, long term. I do like the fact that you said she lets you chose your own way of eating....I'd likely chose Primal. Thanks for the info!

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Good morning everyone.  This is day 11 for me, and I feel very good about it all.  I hope nobody minds if I vent a bit (it's all good) because I don't have anyone else to tell about this and my dog seems uninterested.  I came to this after many years of frustration.  When I was younger (I'm 58) I was active, traveled, did what I wanted, wore what I liked, all that.  Then I started a long spell of working night shifts (people working at night eat, a lot, and often go out to breakfast after at places like Denny's and Bob Evans...)  I also had several pretty bad injuries over the past 10-12 years, ultimately ending in one major shoulder surgery, two hip replacements (not at same time), another shoulder injury I've decided to leave as is, and extended therapy, multiple surgical procedures, steroids, pain, poor sleep, all that.  I'm finally fixed, and pain free, but left with a lot of extra weight and very sedentary habits.  I started working at strength with a trainer a few months ago, getting balance back, but despite my careful eating I have not lost a pound.  He and I are both annoyed!  I love to cook, and that has been an outlet for me, plus the wine that accompanied good food and "relaxation" has interrupted my sleep even further.  I came to this in a desperate attempt to change myself.  

In the last 10 days, I have had no problem giving up the sugar (no sweet tooth), or the gluten (my mom has celiac disease x decades so I'm used to it), but the cheese/yogurt and wine were an issue.  I'm not missing them, because I feel so good and I am sleeping probably better than I ever have.  I'm not trying to gloat, I had some headachy tired days at first.  I don't feel Tiger Blood, but I think I felt so bad that maybe now I'm feeling normal and it is something I'd forgotten.  Today is my day off, I normally would be parked in front of the tv/computer and thinking about going back to bed, but I'm cleaning out my pantry instead.  There is a church near me that runs a food kitchen, and I'm going to offer them anything they can use that I'm not going to eat again.  I'm also going to start gathering things for the holiday food drives that will happen soon.  I've already made the decision that this is something I will continue.  I can't say I will never have wheat/sugar/alcohol/diary again, but I will limit as I've seen how much a difference this "simple" change has made.  I hope it's okay for me to vent, but although this has been bouncing around in my head for a few days, it doesn't seem real until I say it "out loud."  So.  On to the middle third!  Have a good weekend.  

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15 minutes ago, CorgiLover said:

Good morning everyone.  This is day 11 for me, and I feel very good about it all.  I hope nobody minds if I vent a bit (it's all good) because I don't have anyone else to tell about this and my dog seems uninterested.  I came to this after many years of frustration.  When I was younger (I'm 58) I was active, traveled, did what I wanted, wore what I liked, all that.  Then I started a long spell of working night shifts (people working at night eat, a lot, and often go out to breakfast after at places like Denny's and Bob Evans...)  I also had several pretty bad injuries over the past 10-12 years, ultimately ending in one major shoulder surgery, two hip replacements (not at same time), another shoulder injury I've decided to leave as is, and extended therapy, multiple surgical procedures, steroids, pain, poor sleep, all that.  I'm finally fixed, and pain free, but left with a lot of extra weight and very sedentary habits.  I started working at strength with a trainer a few months ago, getting balance back, but despite my careful eating I have not lost a pound.  He and I are both annoyed!  I love to cook, and that has been an outlet for me, plus the wine that accompanied good food and "relaxation" has interrupted my sleep even further.  I came to this in a desperate attempt to change myself.  

In the last 10 days, I have had no problem giving up the sugar (no sweet tooth), or the gluten (my mom has celiac disease x decades so I'm used to it), but the cheese/yogurt and wine were an issue.  I'm not missing them, because I feel so good and I am sleeping probably better than I ever have.  I'm not trying to gloat, I had some headachy tired days at first.  I don't feel Tiger Blood, but I think I felt so bad that maybe now I'm feeling normal and it is something I'd forgotten.  Today is my day off, I normally would be parked in front of the tv/computer and thinking about going back to bed, but I'm cleaning out my pantry instead.  There is a church near me that runs a food kitchen, and I'm going to offer them anything they can use that I'm not going to eat again.  I'm also going to start gathering things for the holiday food drives that will happen soon.  I've already made the decision that this is something I will continue.  I can't say I will never have wheat/sugar/alcohol/diary again, but I will limit as I've seen how much a difference this "simple" change has made.  I hope it's okay for me to vent, but although this has been bouncing around in my head for a few days, it doesn't seem real until I say it "out loud."  So.  On to the middle third!  Have a good weekend.  

Excellent! You do know that the poundage loss will probably show up anytime now, but you shouldn't be weighing yourself, cause it can get frustrating and can derail you. I'm 60 and although I've not had all the medical issues you have, I have some issues that come from carrying a gun belt around my waist for 20+ years and all those defensive tactics classes have left me with permanent wrist issues to the point that I cannot do any sort of pushups or holding the position of say a yoga move, called downward dog. Bad back, hips, knees, neck....you get the picture. I've been sedentary since retiring and it's gotten worse the last couple years. I gotta get moving! 
All that to say, good job! Hang in there and keep up the good work! Pretty sure I'm going to Primal Blueprint after this, but considering Bright Line eating book first to get my head straight. Rock on!

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@CorgiLover i love your vent! Ithe first time I even heard about whole30 it had a life changing effect on me. Just knowing I’m a sugar addict is enough to help me control it now. So it’s been a year and I know I don’t ever want it to control me like that again. Happy day 12!

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Happy, Thin and Free. ^  Outwardly thin doesn't always equate to happiness or freedom. Outwardly thin can become a lifelong obsession right up until the last breath. I know older folkaronies who restrict their food, rock that thin thigh gap and they're not free or happy. They're pin thin with thin hair that looks like twigs from a lifetime of dieting, restricting food and tanking their thyroids. Go to the mirror, blow yourself a kiss and say, I love you. You're amazing.  

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4 minutes ago, MeadowLily said:

Happy, Thin and Free. ^  Outwardly thin doesn't always equate to happiness or freedom. Outwardly thin can become a lifelong obsession right up until the last breath. I know older folkaronies who restrict their food, rock that thin thigh gap and they're not free or happy. They're pin thin with thin hair that looks like twigs from a lifetime of dieting, restricting food and tanking their thyroids. Go to the mirror, blow yourself a kiss and say, I love you. You're amazing.  

Good advice @MeadowLily! Just reading that made me feel more free! Thanks!

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1 hour ago, CorgiLover said:

Good morning everyone.  This is day 11 for me, and I feel very good about it all.  I hope nobody minds if I vent a bit (it's all good) because I don't have anyone else to tell about this and my dog seems uninterested.  I came to this after many years of frustration.  When I was younger (I'm 58) I was active, traveled, did what I wanted, wore what I liked, all that.  Then I started a long spell of working night shifts (people working at night eat, a lot, and often go out to breakfast after at places like Denny's and Bob Evans...)  I also had several pretty bad injuries over the past 10-12 years, ultimately ending in one major shoulder surgery, two hip replacements (not at same time), another shoulder injury I've decided to leave as is, and extended therapy, multiple surgical procedures, steroids, pain, poor sleep, all that.  I'm finally fixed, and pain free, but left with a lot of extra weight and very sedentary habits.  I started working at strength with a trainer a few months ago, getting balance back, but despite my careful eating I have not lost a pound.  He and I are both annoyed!  I love to cook, and that has been an outlet for me, plus the wine that accompanied good food and "relaxation" has interrupted my sleep even further.  I came to this in a desperate attempt to change myself.  

In the last 10 days, I have had no problem giving up the sugar (no sweet tooth), or the gluten (my mom has celiac disease x decades so I'm used to it), but the cheese/yogurt and wine were an issue.  I'm not missing them, because I feel so good and I am sleeping probably better than I ever have.  I'm not trying to gloat, I had some headachy tired days at first.  I don't feel Tiger Blood, but I think I felt so bad that maybe now I'm feeling normal and it is something I'd forgotten.  Today is my day off, I normally would be parked in front of the tv/computer and thinking about going back to bed, but I'm cleaning out my pantry instead.  There is a church near me that runs a food kitchen, and I'm going to offer them anything they can use that I'm not going to eat again.  I'm also going to start gathering things for the holiday food drives that will happen soon.  I've already made the decision that this is something I will continue.  I can't say I will never have wheat/sugar/alcohol/diary again, but I will limit as I've seen how much a difference this "simple" change has made.  I hope it's okay for me to vent, but although this has been bouncing around in my head for a few days, it doesn't seem real until I say it "out loud."  So.  On to the middle third!  Have a good weekend.  

I've always assumed this was a place we could "vent"!  :lol:  Sounds like you've got a great attitude toward this and are making great progress.  I worked nights for many years, and know exactly what you're talking about there!  I gave a bunch of stuff to local food pantry when I cleaned out too.  Feels good to help yourself AND others, good for you!  It's funny, we're all different.  I miss the sugar and the wine, but not the dairy/cheese.  I'm so glad this thread is so active.  It's nice to have folks to bounce ideas off of, vent to, and share success.

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2 hours ago, Tj V said:

@dmrob2009, I watched all her videos (Bright line eating) but simply cannot afford $500 for boot camp. I'm thinking about getting the book, but the truth is that she talked about bright lines that you don't cross and I honestly don't think I can ever give up sugar or bread, long term. I do like the fact that you said she lets you chose your own way of eating....I'd likely chose Primal. Thanks for the info!

Oh, I definitely don't have $500 lying around for the boot camp.  Just following the book.  I love bread and sugar, too.  I think that's part of the problem, at least, for me.  Have a great weekend, Tj V!

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2 hours ago, CorgiLover said:

Good morning everyone.  This is day 11 for me, and I feel very good about it all.  I hope nobody minds if I vent a bit (it's all good) because I don't have anyone else to tell about this and my dog seems uninterested.  I came to this after many years of frustration.  When I was younger (I'm 58) I was active, traveled, did what I wanted, wore what I liked, all that.  Then I started a long spell of working night shifts (people working at night eat, a lot, and often go out to breakfast after at places like Denny's and Bob Evans...)  I also had several pretty bad injuries over the past 10-12 years, ultimately ending in one major shoulder surgery, two hip replacements (not at same time), another shoulder injury I've decided to leave as is, and extended therapy, multiple surgical procedures, steroids, pain, poor sleep, all that.  I'm finally fixed, and pain free, but left with a lot of extra weight and very sedentary habits.  I started working at strength with a trainer a few months ago, getting balance back, but despite my careful eating I have not lost a pound.  He and I are both annoyed!  I love to cook, and that has been an outlet for me, plus the wine that accompanied good food and "relaxation" has interrupted my sleep even further.  I came to this in a desperate attempt to change myself.  

In the last 10 days, I have had no problem giving up the sugar (no sweet tooth), or the gluten (my mom has celiac disease x decades so I'm used to it), but the cheese/yogurt and wine were an issue.  I'm not missing them, because I feel so good and I am sleeping probably better than I ever have.  I'm not trying to gloat, I had some headachy tired days at first.  I don't feel Tiger Blood, but I think I felt so bad that maybe now I'm feeling normal and it is something I'd forgotten.  Today is my day off, I normally would be parked in front of the tv/computer and thinking about going back to bed, but I'm cleaning out my pantry instead.  There is a church near me that runs a food kitchen, and I'm going to offer them anything they can use that I'm not going to eat again.  I'm also going to start gathering things for the holiday food drives that will happen soon.  I've already made the decision that this is something I will continue.  I can't say I will never have wheat/sugar/alcohol/diary again, but I will limit as I've seen how much a difference this "simple" change has made.  I hope it's okay for me to vent, but although this has been bouncing around in my head for a few days, it doesn't seem real until I say it "out loud."  So.  On to the middle third!  Have a good weekend.  

Pat yourself on the back, Corgilover.  You are doing so good.  It's a process and this is the first big step!  Kudos to you!

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1 hour ago, MeadowLily said:

Happy, Thin and Free. ^  Outwardly thin doesn't always equate to happiness or freedom. Outwardly thin can become a lifelong obsession right up until the last breath. I know older folkaronies who restrict their food, rock that thin thigh gap and they're not free or happy. They're pin thin with thin hair that looks like twigs from a lifetime of dieting, restricting food and tanking their thyroids. Go to the mirror, blow yourself a kiss and say, I love you. You're amazing.  

No, you're right.  I think thin is a byproduct of being happy and free.  

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@Mike5858 I saw the the Mariners last weekend at Safeco. Yes, ballpark will be a tough... prepare to SMELL everything drop of grease in the place :) and it's always fun to watch people get drunk while you are sober. Cheers and good luck! 

Stay strong everyone as we head into weekend number 2!

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@CorgiLover Huge congrats on making such an amazing breakthrough... the honesty and awareness in your post is fantastic and I really get the sense that you are having your own type of tiger blood moment. And like @Mike5858 said, isn't this where we can all vent safely?!?! (I hope so!)

@AthenaC I'm a completely sugar addict too! And it's funny the emotions that are coming up for me so far.. I've had a bit of the sugar dragon, but I almost feel like I'm in mourning about the loss of sugar from my diet. I know that I am replacing it with much better, more nutritious and wholesome foods, but I do feel strange about giving it up. Is there anyone else that is having that experience around a particular food?



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Happy Day 13 everyone!  Tough night last night, but I made it.  Something about Fridays.  I always feel like having a drink and eating something special on Fridays.  I guess I use food and drink as somewhat of a reward sometimes.  I think I can get over this, but Friday evenings are the worst, and it's hard not to feel like I'm punishing myself right now for years of eating poorly.  Roasted califlower with baked chicken just isn't the same as pasta, bread and wine to me yet.  I didn't cheat last night, but it took willpower not to.  Today is a busy day of moving boxes and misc stuff from the garage to the basement of the new place.  That will keep me busy!

Have a great day 13 everyone.  We are almost half way, think of that and be proud.


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8 hours ago, SineadMon said:

@CorgiLover Huge congrats on making such an amazing breakthrough... the honesty and awareness in your post is fantastic and I really get the sense that you are having your own type of tiger blood moment. And like @Mike5858 said, isn't this where we can all vent safely?!?! (I hope so!)

@AthenaC I'm a completely sugar addict too! And it's funny the emotions that are coming up for me so far.. I've had a bit of the sugar dragon, but I almost feel like I'm in mourning about the loss of sugar from my diet. I know that I am replacing it with much better, more nutritious and wholesome foods, but I do feel strange about giving it up. Is there anyone else that is having that experience around a particular food?



@SineadMon I'm a sugar addict too. And yes, I feel lost without it. I am also addicted to cough drops. I used to eat them like candy, especially while watching tv. The hardest thing for me is that I hate the taste in my mouth after meals, even when I brush afterwards or rinse. It's a struggle to be sure. I found that I was replacing those with fruit and nuts after meals. I have to stop that, because it's sabotaging my journey. I started eating the cough drops to stop chewing on the skin around my fingernails and now I'm back to that. I don't knit or cross stitch because of neck issues, so still working on stopping that behavior. 

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20 minutes ago, Mike5858 said:

Happy Day 13 everyone!  Tough night last night, but I made it.  Something about Fridays.  I always feel like having a drink and eating something special on Fridays.  I guess I use food and drink as somewhat of a reward sometimes.  I think I can get over this, but Friday evenings are the worst, and it's hard not to feel like I'm punishing myself right now for years of eating poorly.  Roasted califlower with baked chicken just isn't the same as pasta, bread and wine to me yet.  I didn't cheat last night, but it took willpower not to.  Today is a busy day of moving boxes and misc stuff from the garage to the basement of the new place.  That will keep me busy!

Have a great day 13 everyone.  We are almost half way, think of that and be proud.


Great job, @Mike5858!! Can you believe it's Day 13? Wow! Good luck with the moving stuff! Have a great day!

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@SineadMon I caught myself pouting while walking through the Halloween candy aisle at Walgreens yesterday.  Not sure why I always choose that aisle to get anywhere in the store.  Must be subliminal.  I don't even really eat that stuff very often.  Made me curious enough to look it up in the Whole 30 book and sure enough.  We're at "I dream of junk food!" LOL

@Mike5858 way to push through the temptations at the ballgame!  

@Tj V it's so hard when you can't have things like mints, cough drops, etc.  I love Altoids, but have a tendency to pop 3 in my mouth at a time, as they are small, but I think all that sugar throughout the day couldn't be good.  At any rate, good job quitting the cough drops!  Woo hoo!

It's day 13 for me.  Really looking forward to being at the halfway mark. Those of us at this point are near or at Tiger Blood!  It's a great feeling!  I made pork kabobs for dinner last night and I purchased some wild caught king salmon from the fish market yesterday, as my son LOVES fish.  Looking forward to grilling tonight.  My husband and I have been missing our occasional glass of wine and craft beer.  I'll be trying to locate some sulfite-free wine to reintroduce on Day 31.  Anyone know of a brand that will not break the bank?  All of the paleo gurus recommend Dry Farm Wines, but you have to by it by the case and I really don't want to spend that much.

Happy Saturday, all!

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1 hour ago, dmrob2009 said:

@SineadMon I caught myself pouting while walking through the Halloween candy aisle at Walgreens yesterday.  Not sure why I always choose that aisle to get anywhere in the store.  Must be subliminal.  I don't even really eat that stuff very often.  Made me curious enough to look it up in the Whole 30 book and sure enough.  We're at "I dream of junk food!" LOL

@Mike5858 way to push through the temptations at the ballgame!  

@Tj V it's so hard when you can't have things like mints, cough drops, etc.  I love Altoids, but have a tendency to pop 3 in my mouth at a time, as they are small, but I think all that sugar throughout the day couldn't be good.  At any rate, good job quitting the cough drops!  Woo hoo!

It's day 13 for me.  Really looking forward to being at the halfway mark. Those of us at this point are near or at Tiger Blood!  It's a great feeling!  I made pork kabobs for dinner last night and I purchased some wild caught king salmon from the fish market yesterday, as my son LOVES fish.  Looking forward to grilling tonight.  My husband and I have been missing our occasional glass of wine and craft beer.  I'll be trying to locate some sulfite-free wine to reintroduce on Day 31.  Anyone know of a brand that will not break the bank?  All of the paleo gurus recommend Dry Farm Wines, but you have to by it by the case and I really don't want to spend that much.

Happy Saturday, all!

I hear ya, @dmrob2009! I also suddenly want gum, but had to quit gum (hence the cough drops) because of TMJ. Something to get that taste out of my mouth!! At any rate, have a great day! Good luck on the wine....I don't drink it...got sick on rotgut in high school and can't even stand the smell. :unsure:

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1 hour ago, dmrob2009 said:

@Tj V haha!  I remember the rot gut from ages ago  :P.  

The Whole 30 can put you into ketosis.  Makes for yucky breath sometimes.   I keep apples on hand for that very purpose.  ;)

Ya, I've been munching on grapes when that happens, but I'm trying to watch that too. Ya, my rotgut was stupid Annie Green Springs and Strawberry Hill. Makes my stomach turn even typing the names! :wacko:

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@Tj V I don't know what to advise with trying to get rid of the taste in your mouth. Do you think it has something to do with what you're eating, or is it all the time? Maybe try a sparking water with fresh mint leaves?! That might work. My uncle gave me a mint leaf to eat after dinner last week - I laughed at the time and ate it because I thought he was being funny, but it really worked!!! It did taste like grass at the beginning but the after taste was lovely!

@dmrob2009 So funny you say that! As you know, I'm on day 6 and I woke up this morning after having a food dream, was cranking as hell and spend most of the time doing errands looking lovingly and longingly at cookies and cake!!!! My timeline seems to be a bit off, but I think I'm still hitting the major physical feelings and emotions!

@Mike5858 How did the ball game go?? Fair play to go with such commitment.

I knew my weekends would be hard and I really wasn't in a good mood today. I got through the day but it was a struggle. I did some grocery shopping and got some new foods to try and spice up next week's menu - basically move from chicken and turkey to salmon and shrimp! Also tried to boil my veggies today rather than roast them! Little changes but it helped with the variety. I knew the weekend would be hard, but I'm really hoping it becomes less of a daily fight to make good food choices and shut up that voice that says 'wouldn't it be easier to just quit'....

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7 minutes ago, SineadMon said:

@Tj V I don't know what to advise with trying to get rid of the taste in your mouth. Do you think it has something to do with what you're eating, or is it all the time? Maybe try a sparking water with fresh mint leaves?! That might work. My uncle gave me a mint leaf to eat after dinner last week - I laughed at the time and ate it because I thought he was being funny, but it really worked!!! It did taste like grass at the beginning but the after taste was lovely!

@dmrob2009 So funny you say that! As you know, I'm on day 6 and I woke up this morning after having a food dream, was cranking as hell and spend most of the time doing errands looking lovingly and longingly at cookies and cake!!!! My timeline seems to be a bit off, but I think I'm still hitting the major physical feelings and emotions!

@Mike5858 How did the ball game go?? Fair play to go with such commitment.

I knew my weekends would be hard and I really wasn't in a good mood today. I got through the day but it was a struggle. I did some grocery shopping and got some new foods to try and spice up next week's menu - basically move from chicken and turkey to salmon and shrimp! Also tried to boil my veggies today rather than roast them! Little changes but it helped with the variety. I knew the weekend would be hard, but I'm really hoping it becomes less of a daily fight to make good food choices and shut up that voice that says 'wouldn't it be easier to just quit'....

Hang in there!  It will pass.  You are doing great and getting closer and closer to tiger blood every day!

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27 minutes ago, SineadMon said:

@Tj V I don't know what to advise with trying to get rid of the taste in your mouth. Do you think it has something to do with what you're eating, or is it all the time? Maybe try a sparking water with fresh mint leaves?! That might work. My uncle gave me a mint leaf to eat after dinner last week - I laughed at the time and ate it because I thought he was being funny, but it really worked!!! It did taste like grass at the beginning but the after taste was lovely!

@dmrob2009 So funny you say that! As you know, I'm on day 6 and I woke up this morning after having a food dream, was cranking as hell and spend most of the time doing errands looking lovingly and longingly at cookies and cake!!!! My timeline seems to be a bit off, but I think I'm still hitting the major physical feelings and emotions!

@Mike5858 How did the ball game go?? Fair play to go with such commitment.

I knew my weekends would be hard and I really wasn't in a good mood today. I got through the day but it was a struggle. I did some grocery shopping and got some new foods to try and spice up next week's menu - basically move from chicken and turkey to salmon and shrimp! Also tried to boil my veggies today rather than roast them! Little changes but it helped with the variety. I knew the weekend would be hard, but I'm really hoping it becomes less of a daily fight to make good food choices and shut up that voice that says 'wouldn't it be easier to just quit'....

@SineadMon, good advice...maybe I'll try something like that. And I know what you mean about struggling. I usually have my mom here and we keep each other honest, but now that she's out of town, the cravings have hit a bit harder. I also can't seem to get away from that snacking/grazing all night while watching tv. It's either that or chew my fingers. Ugh! I'll get it under control somehow...someway...someday! :)

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