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Whole30 round #2. Family affair - post surgery Dad and stubborn Mom along for the ride.

Nadia B

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Lovely pics!

So how long did it take for your cured meat to be perfect? I've followed your advice and haven't even looked at mine (though I've been shifting it about in the fridge every day for circulation). I'll check it one week from today and have a taste.

*off to go dance for 2 minutes*

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I guess it depends on how raw you like it. We tried it in a week. Dad liked it, I found it a bit chewy. It's hard to slice thinnly too. In two weeks it was good (per recipe), but I was curious to see what's next. I think I liked it today (about 3 weeks) the most. Try a slice and see. Nothing is going to happen if you unwrap it and put back after. It's new thing for me too, so I will keep last bits for another week and see.

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Day 28. Salsa and midnight sprint. Update.

Dinner - African style chicken from Health Bent. These guys are awesome and their recipes always turn out great. Saved more dressing for later (I used half evoo and half my orange oil infused oil since I had tiny piece of orange left). Fried second batch of chicken right after inhaling these pieces along with the bowl of salad (mixed greens/orange/olives). Ate several strawberries with the last spoons of coconut yogurt before heading to dance.


Then I went to the Sidewalk Salsa - bringing dancing to the streets project I've been doing last summer. Just social dancing thing with whoever feels like dancing. Nothing choreographed. I haven't been dancing latin for 9 months or so. I was a bit nervous, but very excited to see all the familiar faces. I was a bit stumbling, but apparently it's like riding a bike, you can't really forget it. I was double spinning by the end of the night. I danced 2,5 hours straight. I didn't stop. Pure happiness and freedom.

Now the funny story. I was walking back home around midnight, no big deal it's safe. Then I noticed that there is someone following me. I walk faster. He speeds up to. I start to run. He starts to run too. Finally he reaches me and yells – stop, please stop. I stop. Takes a minute for him to catch his breath. Then he exhales with a terrible French accent – “I want to invitE you. You pretty. No Englishâ€. Turned out he has just moved from France to Toronto. French men reputation is clearly misleading. Chasing a girl in the street at night, yea, man, way to get a date :)

Now goes my dancing babble.

While ballet is all about inner focus, grace and balance, latin has other lessons to teach you. You have to let go to dance it. Girls follow, guys lead. That's it. You do what he wants you to do. Lead's job is to make you feel and look good. You have to flirt back with the way you dance. I am not talking dirty dancing, I am talking eye contact, shoulder rolls or the way you stroke your hair. Now isn't it a tough exercise for a modern woman? Exactly.

I believe that dancing should be a prescribed as a medicine. I don't believe that there are people who can't dance. Don't tell me about rhythm, being clumsy or whatever else you came up with. There are million dances out there, one is right for you. Dancing makes you happy, dancing makes you move, dancing makes you confident. End of preach. Helluva long post is coming soon.

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Day 28. Salsa and midnight sprint. Update.

While ballet is all about inner focus, grace and balance, latin has other lessons to teach you. You have to let go to dance it. Girls follow, guys lead. That's it. You do what he wants you to do. Lead's job is to make you feel and look good. You have to flirt back with the way you dance. I am not talking dirty dancing, I am talking eye contact, shoulder rolls or the way you stroke your hair. Now isn't it a tough exercise for a modern woman? Exactly.

I believe that dancing should be a prescribed as a medicine. I don't believe that there are people who can't dance. Don't tell me about rhythm, being clumsy or whatever else you came up with. There are million dances out there, one is right for you. Dancing makes you happy, dancing makes you move, dancing makes you confident. End of preach. Helluva long post is coming soon.


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Day 29. Tiiigeeeeerrrrrr blood.

No long posts, but I got the video for you from last night. See, nothing pro or fancy.

Woke up early and happy. Checked on Lori. This isn't mold, right? Black chunks are tea pieces, but it got darker. I know you are tired of my kombucha panic, but please be my friends still.

Cooked Cuban inspired breakfast. With minor tweaks it will be perfect. Lettuce/avo + plantain cups stuffed with pork/chorizo/onions/cilantro. Totally making it again. I wonder how they freeze or keep in the fridge. Btw, I used last bits of my ground coffee. Not buying it again. I will try.


Good bm and I really think that it's a berry magic. So much energy! Walked to the office to find a giant carrot cake that co-worker brought. She also brought cut cantaloupe for me, how sweet is that? Turned out very sweet literally, gave it away after one bite.

Lunch is my usual Friday market stuff - grilled sword fish over greens. Book, two apricots, some kombucha and sun. Life is good.


Tricky dinner situation. I am heading to the Royal Museum (think movie Night in the Museum) right after work to pick up tickets for the party tonight (they turn the national museum into a club with dj and bar, and everything. Sipping my water with dinos). I am not sure I will be able to go home at all. Compliant snack is easy, but snack and the whole dinner on the go. I have Chipotle on my way there, I recall there is something compliant there? Hmmm. I will try to run home and pack food that I can eat while waiting in the line (it's going to be craaaazy).


*** Scales breakup ***

I am writing this to myself and all the people who are struggling with it. I have read so many posts and articles. They made sense and they clicked until next meltdown or puffy day. We all read miracle articles or get inspired by the 155lb lady in J. Seib book. Well, I had a moment today that I will remember every time I will try to sabotage myself with a stupid number. Pic#1 and pic#2 - dress fits. It was tight, I remember the discomfort during the opera. I am actually sucking my belly in, but it's still a bit visible. Pic#3 is taken this morning. I weight 6 lb LESS on the first two pictures. Dear scales, you don't know a thing about me. It took me 4 months to say it, but goodbye.

***Please don't take it as I want to brag or want any kind of approval. It really stroke me today.

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Not mold at all. That is your new scoby. :) It might be time to taste it. You can stick a straw down the side. Too sweet, not ready. Little sweet with vinegar..ready. I am going to email you a picture of my baby scoby so you can relax.

Loved the salsa video. So very cool.

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So so true about the scale.

And for the record, my issues really aren't about the scale. My clothes haven't been feeling looser. But I know my body--and the way I feel about it--fluctuates WILDLY with my hormones. I really can't trust myself the week before my period. Maybe in time, with further hormone regulation/happiness from Whole9 and supplement intervention, this will change for the better. Maybe not.

This is such a good reminder, though. And I give you SO MUCH CREDIT for staying the course despite all your doubts and unresolved GI issues. THAT inspires me. YOU inspire me.

p.s. I've already eaten liver 2X today. :P

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Thanks all! I wish it was my wisdom and logic rather than a fortunate decision to wear that dress. I hope this moment will get me through the times of self doubt.

D, you should come help dukunbayi to find those eggs, you see everything :P

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Is that you in blue dress? Great video, lovely vibe.

well done on the scales, very wise.

Wow you are good! I had to go back and watch again! I figured Nadia was behind the camera!

I am so proud of you on the scales! I think anyone that has read through your journey understands what an epiphany this is!

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Day 30.

Insert your log here. I am eating cold meatball as I type it. It's my last meal of my second wh30. Today was the most random and messy eating day ever. I will write about it when I get back from the opera. I.AM.DONE.

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Ok, I lied. I ate two wonderful ripe apricots we bought at the market in the Polish village today. With a spoonfull of ghee. So here is my last update about Friday and Saturday.

Friday party was good. I ran home and had dinner and packed snack (hazelnuts, baby carrots and dried oranges, kinda random). I love how they turn museum into a club - you get 3 hours of admission to the exposition + dj/installations/concerts with food and bar. There were lots of quality food vendors at the party - great artisinal food and some of them would be even paleo, but not Whole30 of course. I was surrounded by it. I will lie that the smell of hot jerk boar bun (no picture as I have some mercy) or braised beef brisket panini, or duck fat fries left me indifferent. I could have had it, no big deal actually. I wasn't hungry. Simply not hungry. Amazing, eh?

Susan, I take back "Nadia will eat anything". I found smth I won't :D Even a humanly raised and grass-fed one.


Saturday was an "eat in 2 minutes" day and "random food at odd times" day. I have to get serious about coffee thing. My breakfast is not complete without it and I feel sort of hungry and can't get full. So strange, but it happened this morning again. I woke up early, had veal meatballs, prosciutto asparagus and arugula with anchovy dressing. Followed by several spoons of coconut milk...and several spoons of pumpkin butter. Hated the feeling, gave up and went to buy a coffee. Sat on the sunny patio with a book 9am. Of course coffee fixed me.

Headed to the gym after. No prewo meal. Ok workout. Ran home to take a shower and eat something. Threw cubes of veggies, pork roast and rabe on the skillet. Ate in a rush. Grabbed big handful of pumpkin seeds and other stuff like this after. Whyyyy.

Ran to meet my parents to take them to the park, sakura is in full blossom since yesterday. How pretty is this? I have million of pictures.


Ate the whole box of strawberries on our way there. Whyyyyy. It wasn't even that good. Mom brought me some painted eggs (orthodox Easter tomorrow) and a cake. Conversation:

- I brought you an Easter cake!

- Whaat?!

- I used coconut flour!

- Sweetened with...

- Honey!

- And with butter?

- Coconut Oil!!!

- You rock. (I take the box, open it). Mom, what's this on top of the cake?

- Frosting.

- From...?

- The pack. What, you can make a PALEO frosting?

Facepalm. I can scrap it off I guess. Or give them to my neighbour.

Both Mom and Dad are loosing weight. Holy cow, they really really don't need it. Look at them, they are like "What? We are paleo now?" dad says that his bm are much much better and regular. Hooray. Mom won't admitt anything, but that's cool with me for now.


We walked the whole day, went to the Polish village and got some amazing fruits and veggies from the market.


The place I was planning to eat was closed but everyone was tired and hungry, so we landed in the place where I had great dinner once. It was a disaster. They had a mid day menu only with 4 items only. Soup (dairy), Ceasar salad, quiche and meat pie with a side salad (obvious both). I suggested that they order beef pies and eat the stuffing. Waiter comes, I order two beef pies and a Ceasar salad wo crutons. I ask about dressing - pre mixed one with honey (people, stop calling bunch of lettuce a Ceasar salad, seriously). I ask for plain olive oil. Waiter turns to leave and Mom says - wait a minute, no, I want quiche. Imagine how I felt? Gets better. My salad comes last with crutons, one egg, nano pieces of bacon, with dressing all over it, no protein visible. For 15$, really? We are the only people who made an order within last 30 min, how can you screw this up? I say I pass with any food here. Mom inhales quiche (side salad is literally a green mix from the bag I get at the supermarket). Dad eats stuffing leaving the crust out. I say that isn't it amazing that he managed to eat good for a month etcetc. He looks at me, winks and says - yeah, but you know what? He takes fork and puts every single piece of that dough in his mouth. I wanted to cry tbh. Managed to avoid spoiling the day. Waiter asked me if I want a cookie (I just told you 5 min ago that I am gluten free) and included my salad to the bill.

Got home 10 minutes before the opera. Ate cold stuff from the fridge (ewwwww), changed clothes and looked at the ticket. I had another 30 min, dumb me. I wrote previous post, ate more random cold food (eeeeeewwww) and went to the performance center. People were giving me strange looks. Volunteer at the opera revealed the cause - I forgot to zip my dress half way. Brilliant. Opera was disgusting btw. I love opera with all my heart, but I really don't appreciate avant garde interpritations of this director. Tired but can't sleep. It was a great day overall, but a bit hectic.

Tomorrow is my Easter and I will probably eat a cake without the top. Tomorrow I have a brunch date, so who knows. No eggs rule suck iug time tho. I will reflect for a bit and write my success story, I feel that the time has come. It's been a wild ride. Eye opening and life changing.

Yours truly.

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Loved your wrap up and what a fun couple of days you've had. Your parents are adorable. Um...how you turned down fries cooked in duck fat, I may never understand. :wub:

IS THAT A SLOTH??? My daughter and I have a running joke when we are being lazy bums and watching too much tv. Slothing it. :)

Our cherry trees are in full bloom along with the Magnolias and Dogwoods. Bulbs going crazy too. 84 degrees tomorrow. Must go out and take pics.

Going to the first big day of my favorite farmers market tomorrow. It's year round but all the produce and fun meat vendors start tomorrow. Kookoolan Farm will be there. Pastured chickens, eggs, grassfed beef, lamb and heritage happy pigs. Just got an email from them. They have lots of chicken necks and..wait for it..chicken feet!!! I may buy some feet for my stock if farmer Chrissy can talk me off the ledge. :0)

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It is a sloth, yea! Magnolias here too, so pretty. I wish they were blooming more than a week.

So so soooooo happy (read jealouse) that your market season starts. Do they have duck necks? They make fab broth. Get brave and buy the feet! My Chinese friends around the corner are crazy about them.

Thanks for your support here and for being an awesome kombucha crisis-management team member.

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Aww..thanks. :)

Yes the Magnolias are gone too soon. We have a bit of an East wind right now (that is why the 84 degrees tomorrow) so we may have a lovely cherry blossom rain tomorrow.

Kookoolan has ducks too so I will see about some necks. If I have to skin or remove tonails, I will NOT be coming home with chicken feet.

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Your parents are soooooo adorable. I am so happy whole30 has been successful for them. I love your new profile pic, too. So pretty!!

I totally want to come to Toronto this summer and cook peculiar organ meats with you and dance. :)

Sorry for the restaurant bs. You always eat so much better at home. And bummer about the opera. Museum shindig sounds fab, and yes, amazing you turned down great food. If we can figure out why we can turn down tempting fare publicly but stuff fistfuls of random stuff down our gullets at home, we'll have made massive progress.

What a wonderful whole30! Thanks for sharing it with us!

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Congrats. What a way to end the W30, with an epiphany. I think I am still searching for my own. I will tell people to ignore the scales, but since my w30 ended I've been stepping on it several times and day, and still doing the math of "I can lose X lbs by X day" and thinking of my body in terms of being so many pounds still overweight.

Thanks for the dancing vid. So cute to see you all dancing and smiling. You look happy.

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Thank you for sharing the picture of your parents. Made me smile! They are so cute!

More importantly, thank you for sharing your life! I do hope you will be going back to the post whole30 section? I may be gluten-free, but please don't make me be Nadia-free! :wub:

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Kookoolan has ducks too so I will see about some necks. If I have to skin or remove tonails, I will NOT be coming home with chicken feet.

Yeah Susan, no home pedicure for the chicks please. Even I wouldn't do it probably.

I totally want to come to Toronto this summer and cook peculiar organ meats with you and dance. :)

What a wonderful whole30! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Offal summercamp? Lol. Ok, we have a ballet tribute to Johnny Cash in summer, how about that? thanks for following and much needed support.

Congrats. What a way to end the W30, with an epiphany. I think I am still searching for my own. I will tell people to ignore the scales, but since my w30 ended I've been stepping on it several times and day, and still doing the math of "I can lose X lbs by X day" and thinking of my body in terms of being so many pounds still overweight.

Thanks, NY neighbour. Scales breakup wasn't an act of willpower, logic wasn't always working for me. I know exactly how you feel and how this thinking goes. I always had this idea that weight is a simple math. I got so tired of "I am doing it right but it's not working" moments. You lost inches and it's great, right? Keep doing a great job, make more brisket and be happy :) Those stubborn lb will go eventually.

More importantly, thank you for sharing your life! I do hope you will be going back to the post whole30 section? I may be gluten-free, but please don't make me be Nadia-free! :wub:

Aww you are too kind. Thanks. I am not leaving until everyone eats sardines and offal here :D Or until we learn all kalde salads and artichoke dips possible.

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Aww you are too kind. Thanks. I am not leaving until everyone eats sardines and offal here :D Or until we learn all kalde salads and artichoke dips possible.

Congrats on your whole30! I enjoyed reading your log. I do happen to have sardines in my cupboard, and will give chicken livers a second go pretty soon! :) Still thinking good thoughts for you about the medical issues...hope you get the info you need.

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