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Can't sleep, this is normal?

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Hi all!

I started the whole 30 almost two weeks ago. This past week I have had horrible insomnia! I've kept my routine the same but am not falling sleep until 2-3 hours later than usual and getting up at the same time every morning. I'm starting to get worried and frustrated!

Is this an adjustment to a better diet? Or is this a sign I'm doing something wrong?


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I've noticed that the increased energy phase sometimes causes short-lived insomnia for folks (sometimes it's the first indicator). Cut out caffeine for a few days, make sure you're killing your electronics an hour before bed, and even try some calming tea or a magnesium supplement like Natural Calm. This usually passes in a few days.

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Thanks all. I am a coffee drinker so I will work on eliminating that next. I suspect that my calories are about the same as they used to be, but i'm definitely eating less carbs since eliminating grains. I do eat sweet potatoes and fruit but could the decrease in overall carbs affect sleep?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm in a similar boat.

Just completed day 7 of my Whole30 and still don't have regular sleep patterns.

This started on day 1!

I wake up 1 or 2 times every night (around 2-3AM) for no good reason. Don't need to pee, don't feel hungry, certainly don't feel energetic. Sometimes I get back to sleep and sometimes I don't.

I am a coffee drinker, but I only have one mug-size cup in the morning (with coconut milk) at around 730AM. After that, no caffeine.

I only have 1-2 pieces of fruit per day, and usually nothing too sweet. Always before midday.

I don't eat a lot of carbs. other than from veggies. Maybe 1-2 times a week i'll have sweet potato.

I have tried magnesium.

I have tried herbal/camomile tea

I don't use electronic devices too soon before bed. I do read sometimes, however, until I feel tired.

I have been strictly Whole30 for a week and, for a week, I have had poor sleep. If this continues, I fear I won't be able to continue as it will affect my work and day-to-day.

Any Ideas or feedback would be greatly appreciated.


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I'm in a similar boat.

Just completed day 7 of my Whole30 and still don't have regular sleep patterns.

This started on day 1!

I wake up 1 or 2 times every night (around 2-3AM) for no good reason. Don't need to pee, don't feel hungry, certainly don't feel energetic. Sometimes I get back to sleep and sometimes I don't.

I am a coffee drinker, but I only have one mug-size cup in the morning (with coconut milk) at around 730AM. After that, no caffeine.

I only have 1-2 pieces of fruit per day, and usually nothing too sweet. Always before midday.

I don't eat a lot of carbs. other than from veggies. Maybe 1-2 times a week i'll have sweet potato.

I have tried magnesium.

I have tried herbal/camomile tea

I don't use electronic devices too soon before bed. I do read sometimes, however, until I feel tired.

I have been strictly Whole30 for a week and, for a week, I have had poor sleep. If this continues, I fear I won't be able to continue as it will affect my work and day-to-day.

Any Ideas or feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Time-released melatonin. Helps keep you asleep all night but not dopey.

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Time-released melatonin. Helps keep you asleep all night but not dopey.

Thanks for your quick response, Moluv - I'll look into it, though It may be a prescription medication in Australia?

It still seems counter-intuitive to me, though. I am eating infinitely better. My sleep (and body) pattern should improve naturally, shouldn't it? I shouldn't need to take melatonin supplements to sleep.

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You may want to up your carbs at dinner...(sweet potatoes?)

The liver depletes its stores of glycogen during the night... which is why we wake up hungry...running out of glycogen stresses the body out ( if the liver isn't happy no one is happy?), and stressed bodies suck at staying asleep!!

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My sleep became a little lighter when I did my W30 and I was always a heavy sleeper...vacuum running next to me couldn't wake me up! I stopped going to bed with the TV on, no more checking FB before going to sleep...still didn't work. I decided to give earplugs a try and wouldn't you know it, I slept through the night! I pretty much sleep with them during the week so I get enough sleep for work. They are the little foam ones so they were very inexpensive experiment.

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Even cutting out that one cup of coffee could give you the supplement-free sleep you are after. Even a little in the morning affects me.

I have no explanation as to why this diet change would affect your sleep, especially without knowing what kind of diet you ate before. Maybe a moderator can help.

I do agree with you about the supplements. I don't and had not had problems with sleeping 7-8 hours a night. I use melatonin to get 9-10 hours some nights because I like it. But I also notice a lot of supplementation used to resolve digestive issues which I think is a huge mistake. I want/need to know how my food affects my bowel health and make appropriate adjustments. My w30 and post w30 has involved a lot o tweaking and experimentation but I have gained invaluable information about how to nourish MY body and I hope you can find that too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on day #6. I used to drink a cup of tea 1-2 times a day never any later than 3pm. I have dizziness and am a little lightheaded. I haven't had any coffee or tea since i've started this. I've tried but I don't like the taste without milk and a little sugar. So I'm ok without it, but I feel like I'm in a fog. I also am now a light sleeper, I haven't had a good night's sleep since I've started. My body is tired and I try to go to sleep at 830/9pm but I'm restless and can't, but I'm tired. Then I fall asleep and am woken up to pee one time a night and then I wake up randomly 1-2 other times every night. I have never had sleep issues and have always fallen right to sleep, without any wakings. :(

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My naturopath told me your hormones are really going through a lot when you change your food....so it may be nothing you are doing, your body is healing and regulating simply because now it can. Doesn't make it easier I know but stick with it!

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  • 8 months later...

I'm so glad I found this thread because I'm in a similar boat to Andrew Collien above. Before W30, I slept through the night without a problem.  Now, I'm on Day 7 and I can't sleep through the night. I go to sleep fine, but then I wake up in the middle of the night for about 2-4 hours. Then I'm exhausted all day at my 9-5 job.


I was off of coffee for the first 3-4 days, but I so was foggy without sleeping well.  Then, I had big things happening at work that necessitated focus. Black coffee wasn't my favorite, but it solved my problem.  I'm back to drinking one cup a day, because I am still not sleeping well and I can't let my work suffer.


Were I to give up coffee again, do you think my sleep will get back to normal? Has anyone done the Whole30, had sleeping problems, and then those problems clear up over time?

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Guest Wheat on Trial

I would say I'm sleeping regularly - just not long enough. During the first week, I started waking up at 5 feeling energized (but I'd go back to sleep as bedtime for me is between 10:30-11). Now I'm waking up at 4:30. What - if anything - should I do about it? Try going to bed earlier? Keep bedtime the same and actually get out of bed at 4:30 (imagine what I could get done in a day?!)? Continue to go back to sleep for a few hours?

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I would say I'm sleeping regularly - just not long enough. During the first week, I started waking up at 5 feeling energized (but I'd go back to sleep as bedtime for me is between 10:30-11). Now I'm waking up at 4:30. What - if anything - should I do about it? Try going to bed earlier? Keep bedtime the same and actually get out of bed at 4:30 (imagine what I could get done in a day?!)? Continue to go back to sleep for a few hours?


Are you ready to sleep before 10:30/11? If so than perhaps try pushing your bedtime to 9:30/10 and seeing if that makes a difference. Is there anything about your environment that is waking you up that early? Are you getting enough starchy vegetables? 

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I am incredibly sensitive to caffeine when I'm Whole 30-ing. I had one regular cup around 2 p.m. (I'm usually strictly decaf) last week, and I couldn't fall asleep until 4 a.m. So, I'd say that cutting it out is probably at least worth trying.

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