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Jen's Post W30 Log


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We aren't quite as cold as you, but it is -2 right now, which is pretty cold.  Our kids are off today, I'm not sure why exactly.


I really do get your struggle and all we can do is keep experimenting to figure out what works for us as individuals, without recreating the wheel, of course.  I hope you are able to meet your goals in time for vacation.  I could use a getaway!

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Emma - I've used calorie trackers before.  For years and years.  Getting away from that is one of few benefits of W30.  I'm also afraid that if I logged a W30 ish meal, I'd faint of shock.  :)


Sara - Our kids are off today, too, and I agree that I'm not sure why.  Well, -30s and -40s for wind chill is bad.  But, it feels like everyone is overreacting.  It's cold, but what do you expect for MN?  The kids like it, though.  I need to make it really boring today so they want to go back tomorrow!

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In full disclosure I ate Paleo (close to W30) and tracked before I did my W30 and I was actually surprised by how low my calories were some days. I found they ebbed and flowed. I was doing it mostly for information not to make decisions. That said I wasn't trying to go super low calorie either. And I'm not saying I think its a good idea. I never went back after my W30. 


Hearing ya'll post about the deep freeze is making me quite grateful for our raining 40 degree weather.

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Well then calorie trackers are not for you! :)  I think they're good for a period of time, but to live on them long term is not near as fun as just eating good things.  I'm so glad my definition of good is changing.  Your kid discover any new good books?  I just finished a couple that were okay, but not great.

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The kids are back to school today, finally!  They enjoyed the unexpected break.  My son read all three Divergant books in 3 days.  I downloaded them onto the Kindle and he plowed through them.  I found a similar series - Legend - that I am hoping will come into the library soon.  Until then, he's kind of at a loss.  I'm just glad he had something to read on these 2 unexpected days off.


I logged onto SparkPeople for the first time since last March! (See, I do take advice. :P  ).  I logged the last couple days to see what's what.  I don't want to get back into logging, but it is good information.  I tried to be honest about my portions.  Yesterday, I would have said was a good day.  I didn't snack.  I didn't eat anything that wasn't W30.  I ate plenty of veggies.  But, when I plugged it in, I went over SP's recommended calories for weight loss by a bit.  It was the sunbutter.  I licked the knife (kind of a big lick!) when making sandwiches in the morning and was unsatisfied after dinner so dipped a bunch of carrots in the sunbutter.  It adds up fast.  It was a good reminder to rein that back in.  A couple licks of sunbutter a day certainly could derail weight loss efforts.  So, cutting myself off from sunbutter for the time being.  Thanks, Emma, for the suggestion.


Speaking of taking advice, I am also thinking of taking Bethany's advice and trying to see a dr who specializes in natural or holistic medicine to make sure nothing weird is going on.  I know where to go.  Just need to make an appt. 


I bailed on yoga last night and used the elliptical.  I prefer yoga, but I am trying to mix it up and it was really cold outside!  I'm going to yoga tonight.  In an effort to work towards my NYR of doing a headstand, I am trying to strengthen my abs by doing a 30 day plank thing that, if I can keep up, will have me holding a plank for 5 minutes by the end of the month.  I can do 2 minutes now.  I have a hard time seeing myself holding it for 5, but we'll see. 


Hope everyone is warm!

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Jen,  I think it made sense to log to get a sense of where you are.  It also helps to show places for improvement.  But I agree, I don't want to be logging every day.  I don't think it is good for me mentally.  It is back to the WW mindset.


I'm glad your son was able to entertain himself.  And I love that he is a voracious reader!  My son is in first grade and he says that he "loves reading" which makes me so happy.


5 minutes of plank, wow!  I think 2 minutes is pretty impressive.  I'm building back up, but 1 minute is where I am.


Well, it was 12 here this morning, toasty compared to yesterday.   :P

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I haven't read the Legend series - I'll look for them at my library.  (NOT that I need any distractions this week - oh my)

You can do a two minute plank!  That's awesome.  My one minuter is a b-----.  To be able to do a headstand would be pretty darn cool.

Way to go on "shaking it up" and doing the elliptical!

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That series looks interesting. Might have to check it out. I just got caught up on the "I Am Number 4" series (next book comes out in the spring or summer). I think your son would like to story line of those but there is a good bit of adult language in it. Too bad the movie for the first book kind of flopped (I thought it was good) because I would have loved to see this whole series on film.

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That series looks interesting. Might have to check it out. I just got caught up on the "I Am Number 4" series (next book comes out in the spring or summer). I think your son would like to story line of those but there is a good bit of adult language in it. Too bad the movie for the first book kind of flopped (I thought it was good) because I would have loved to see this whole series on film.

Yeah, he read that series already.  Oops!  The 12yo is pretty good about knowing not to use bad language.  It's the 9yo I worry about.

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Yeah, he read that series already.  Oops!  The 12yo is pretty good about knowing not to use bad language.  It's the 9yo I worry about.


LOL! There isn't a ton of it and I only really noticed it in the last two books where they introduced some more colorful garde members. 

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Lucky me - I'm having a stomach ache week.  It started mid-way through a batch of kombucha that is no more acidic than most batches, so I'm thinking that isn't the cause of these weird weeks.  The good part (gotta see the bright side) is that because I'm bloated and have a stomach ache, I can't eat as much, so maybe I'll drop a few lbs before my vacation. LOL


I went out at lunch yesterday and bought a few things in a bigger size so that I have some comfortable clothes for my trip.  Hated doing that, but it's not worth being uncomfortable.  Sigh.  I wish I didn't care so much about my size.  I'm a fine size, really.  I just hate that I have a closet full of clothes I can't wear despite all my efforts.  Very frustrating. 


I'm wondering if I need to have my thyroid checked.  I have in the past and it's been fine, but a few of the symptoms resonate.  Gaining weight despite eating well and exercising.  Stomach issues.  Not sleeping well and still tired when I wake up even after 8 hrs.  Hair falling out (I lose tons daily, but it doesn't seem to be thinning, so maybe that's normal).  And others.  The problem is that some of it could be medical, but all of those things (except the hair) could just be normal for a busy working mother. 


Sorry to be a downer today.  Just had to get that out.  Tonight, I plan to stay home (wiped out from 4 yoga days in a row - need a break) and start packing my son for scout camp and me for Vegas.  I need to go to bed early. 

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Sorry you aren't feeling well, that really stinks.  I think if you think something is wrong medically, it is worth getting it checked out.  I'm not to up to date on  it, but I know I've read that thyroid tests can be misleading and being in the low end of normal with some other factors can mean something is wrong.  Okay, I didn't explain that well, but maybe I can find what I was reading....


I think you made a smart decision to get some new clothes.  Having nothing to wear, or wearing things that are too tight would just make you miserable.  Hang in there, I know this is a bit of a rough patch for you.


When do you leave for Vegas???

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Work is busy (budget and yr end).  Home is busy (kids and vacation coming up!).  I am trying to get it all done so I can leave town Friday and finally relax.  My 12 yr old was not happy when I made him pack for scout camp last night (he goes Friday, but I don't want my mom to have to figure out what to pack for him).  He thought packing 3 days early was very unreasonable. LOL  I have started packing for me, but need to finish it up tomorrow.  We leave super early Friday, so it all has to be done before I go to bed tomorrow.  Yikes! 


Tummy is a little more normal today.  Hope it stays normal.  Food plan for the weekend is to try to eat what and when it makes me feel good.  So, don't eat if I'm not hungry.  Don't eat something that is going to upset my stomach.  Stuff like that.  Other than that, I am not going to worry about it.  I'll bring some veggies/fruit on the plane in case I need a snack.  I had a brief little devil on my shoulder moment thinking of getting trail mix for the plane but I flicked it away. It might taste good, but it doesn't make me feel good!


I can hold a plank for 2 and a half minutes now.  But, that is HARD!  I really can't imagine getting to 5 minutes by the end of the month.  But, working towards it, whether I get there or not, can't hurt the headstand effort.  I'm getting pretty good at holding it once I get up, but I need the wall to get up.  Even if it takes all year, I am going to keep working on it! 


Not sure if I'll check in before I leave, so, if not, hope everyone has a great weekend!

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I'm back!  Vegas was so much fun.  We had a great time. I don't think I did too bad with my eating, but I did bad enough to end up with a ton of cold sores on my lips.  It's the worst breakout I've had in a very long time.  I'm guessing it's the sugar from a bit (or a ton) too much alcohol one night.  I really didn't overdo desserts at all.  I did eat yogurt and bread on sandwiches a few times, though, which could have also triggered the sores.  I told my husband yesterday that I am going back to being a good little caveman until spring break to get this under control.  Although I HATE cold sores (they hurt and are so embarrassing), the silver lining is that it's a reaction he can see to help him accept my eating this way.  And a reaction I can see to hopefully help get me back on track.  Little offroads don't seem to bring them on but big, extended offroads do.  Anyway, glad to be back home and to see the kids.  Not glad to be back at work or to see snow.  :)  2 months until spring break!


Oh, and I am up to 3 minutes in plank!  Still don't see myself getting to 5 by the end of the month, but 3 is pretty darn good. 


Plan for the time being is W30ish as often and as long as I can.  Lots of veggies.  No dairy, grains or sugar.  Or alcohol.  I don't need to see alcohol for a very long time.  And if I ever see a shot again, I may run screaming. :blink:

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Wow, 3 minutes, I've never heard of anyone doing 5! Ha, I know exactly what you mean re the cold sores (sorry to hear about it for you personally though). I was 80% compliant Xmas day, had some wine, chocolates and a cookie I wasn't sure what was in it, it was cornflake and fruit based, plus some Xmas snow which again is grain free I think but does have milk powder. Anyway over the next two days I developed a massive rash all over my stomach. I showed hubby a week later when it had subsided a bit and he was astounded...

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5 minute plank/hover (are you doing elbows or straight arms?) is one of the things you need to do for CXWORX training. Perhaps this is something I should start working on as well. Are you just doing it everyday for as long as you can?


I found a schedule online that has targets almost every day (there are rest days).  I've been trying to go as long as I can and have been ahead of the schedule from the beginning but the gap is shrinking.  I did 3 min 15 seconds today!

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Forgot to mention that one of the highlights was eating dinner at Mesa Grill!  Love Bobby Flay! :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  


My husband/friends thought it was funny how excited I was to be there.  My friend's husband bought me an autographed cookbook because I was so bummed that Bobby wasn't there (I actually didn't think he would be there with so many restaurants and shows, but we asked and he had been there at lunch so I was so bummed to have come so close to seeing him in person!).

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Vegas!!!  We are going to pass through there in a couple months.  You're sparking some enthusiasm for me.  I didn't even think about a Bobby Flay restaurant.


The cold sores sound horrid, but definitely a good silver lining - nothing like something visible in order to prove a point.

I haven't exercised yet today and all I have to do to keep to my goals is one piddly one minute plank.  It seems SO hard to get down on the floor and do it, but after reading about your THREE minute and FIFTEEN second plank, I'm motivated.


Hold on...I'm gonna do it right now....

(one minute later)

Oh my gosh - that was rough!  My hands, newly lotioned, slipped on the floor and I almost thought would provide a good excuse to stop, but I didn't.  I thought of you and wondered What the HECK do you think about during the plank???  I think about the plank or how my stomach doesn't suck in or how my back feels or...I think about everything about the plank which makes it worse.  Any advice?  :)


Welcome Back!

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I have been bringing my book or a magazine down to the floor with me to distract me during the plank.  It helps until the very end when the shaking distracts me from the book. LOL  Also, to answer Bethany's other question, I'm doing it on my elbows.  I feel it more in my shoulders, actually, than in my abs.  I hope that doesn't mean it isn't working my abs!

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