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Jen's Post W30 Log


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Did well yesterday - no SB dipping. Yoga was so hard.  It was great!  I love the Monday teacher.  I'm getting quite bendy.  I can do all sorts of binds and twists.  I need to work on strength so I can learn to do arm balances and stuff like that.  Probably should start doing push ups or something. 


Day 7 of 10:

M1 - same as always

M2 - same as always

M3 - salad, broc, braut, mayo

WO - walk I hope - depends on weather

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Great job yesterday on no butters.  Sounds like you are all ready for a vacation.  And having most of the packing done is key!  I have to have a list for the last minute stuff, or I wake up in the middle of the night sure I'm going to forget something.   :rolleyes:


Hope this week goes fast for you and next week goes slow.   ;)

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I'm so sleepy!  I think my restless night sleep is catching up with me.  I'd love some chocolate to perk me up.  I won't have any, but I'd like some.  I got out for a walk today, which was great.  It's dreary, but nowhere near as cold as it has been.  I'll take dreary and 32 right now!  Bed early tonight.

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Well, a little sleepy turned into headache/tummy ache and then into uncontrollable shivering and then into fever/clammy.  I never actually threw up or passed out, but I felt like I could do either.  I spent the night tossing and turning between being freezing and super hot.  I feel better now.  Just a little woozy and tummy is iffy but the fever is gone and I don't have to stay laying on the couch.  I stayed home today and read an entire book (Orphan Train - good) and am just now getting on the computer to catch up on e-mails so I'm not overwhelmed tomorrow (which is my last day of work before vacation - woohoo!).  Food has been a little off today.  I finally felt like eating something around 11, so had my usual eggs and kale.  No sw pot.  I felt a little hungry again a bit ago so I had a banana.  Dinner will likely be on the light and tummy friendly side, too.  I did just take a little walk to get some fresh air.  It's nippy, but the sun is shining.

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Much better today.  One day of work left!  Yipee!  We're not actually leaving until Saturday morning, but I'm not telling anyone at work that.  Tomorrow if for finishing packing and laundry and feeling very ready to go when I go to bed tomorrow night.  It was supposed to be a day off school, which was the original reason I took it off, but they ended up taking the day off back due to all of the cold days we had.  It'll be nice to have all day to prepare for the trip. 


Day 9 of 10:

M1 - the usual

M2 - the usual

M3 - chili, salad, guac

WO - walk hopefully

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm back!  Puerto Rico was wonderful.  Hot and sunny.  We spent lots of time at the beach making sand castles and playing in the waves.  We went snorkling and parasailing.  It was hard to come back to the cold and to work.  But, it is nice to be back in my own kitchen and my own bed.  I did pretty well food wise.  No epic offroads and only a couple bites of sweets (figured Lent would understand trying a bite of the local "limber" icee type treat and the biscoff I ate on the plane home because I was starving).  I ate flour tortillas with fish tacos (yum!) and a bit of cheese on a few nachos ordered for the table and some of the yucca bread we bought at the farmer's market, but also managed to find kale and eggs for breakfast every day and tons of avocado (they were HUGE!  and so good!) and fresh bananas and fresh pineapple and other yummy food.  And we found a little coffee hut a block from our house that had almond milk for my coffee and for smoothies, which made my son very happy.  Mango smoothies with almond milk on a hot day = YUM!


So, back at it today.  I'm starting a real W30.  No buts this time.  To make it official, I'm going to move over to the W30 forum for the time being.  I'll be back here in a month. 

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  • 1 month later...

I'm back!  I decided to move back here because I am likely choosing an opposite of W30 lunch today.  :)  A work outing is going to one of my favorite places and since I'm not trying to do a W30 right now anyway, I want to get what will make me very happy (roast veg wrap with hummus and goat cheese - so good!). 


I slept well last night.  Not long enough to make up for the 2 nights before, but still great.  I realized during savasana at yoga last night that both Sat and Sun I had way more coffee than usual.  It was all before Noon, but both days I had my normal morning coffee and then bought a coffee while out running errands.  I'm guessing there is a connection.  Something to watch.


I am very tired of this rainy cold weather!  I am, however, ok with the canceled activities.  I think/hope that 12yo's game will be canceled tonight (there are ducks swimming on the fields) so we'll have a whole evening home with nobody going anywhere.  That never happens.  Between the kids' activities, husbands city council duties/meetings and my yoga, someone is going somewhere every night.  I will enjoy a night home with the fam.  Fingers crossed. 



M1 - eggs, greens (been getting collards and chard to mix it up from kale), sw pot, CB

M2 - roast veg hummus goat cheese wrap :ph34r:

M3 - chicken salad (l/o chicken, hm mayo, celery, scallions, red bell, raisins, cashews, apple, lemon, s&p, dill, marjoram - should be good), salad/veg

snack - Easter candy :wacko:

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I got into the Easter candy (really it's Easter "trail mix" - we do a huge Easter egg hunt and to minimize the actual candy, most of the eggs are filled with nuts, fruits, pretzels, and annie's bunnies.  there are jelly beans and m&ms, too) again last night.  But, I didn't let it become a binge.  Still not healthy and not something I want to do.  I never did print out that no sugar sign.  I'm doing that today!  Maybe it will be enough to remind me I really don't want the sugar. 


Lunch yesterday was fabulous.  It may have been the trigger for the candy, though.  Loosening up the reins, so to speak.  Back on track today.


M1 - eggs, greens (not hungry enough for sw pot due to snack the night before)

M2 - salad, tuna, olive oil dressing

M3 - scrounge whatever leftovers we have at home

WO - TM or elliptical

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Do you think it was the act of the loosening of the reins, as in it gave you permission to off road more than you're happy with, or do you think it was more a physiological response to the wheat or legumes or dairy in the wrap? I know it's difficult to discern, but it's something I'm curious about--for you, and for me, once I begin to ride my own bike again.

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I wondered the same thing, M.  I know that there is a physiologicall reaction that makes it hard for me to stop once I start, but in this case I *think* it was a psychological loosening of the reins that allowed me to start in the first place.  The "I already went offroad today so I might as well make the most of it" reaction.  At least I managed to stop this time before I felt ill. 


It's interesting that even after a year of mostly W30ish eating, I still struggle so much with the mental side of it.  I guess I'm somehow not dealing with it and just avoiding it isn't helping.  Or, maybe it is really a physical reaction and no matter how long I do this, any offroad will lead to more.  All I can do is try to make the best choice each time and hope that these episodes get farther apart.  They already are.  I used to graze all evening almost every evening.  Now, it's pretty rare that I eat anything after dinner.  Even though I haven't lost any lbs in the past year (I'm right where I started), just getting rid of the guilt from overeating every night is amazing for my mood and attitude.  I can really see it when I have these infrequent episodes.  I end up all irratible and crabby and not fun to be around because I feel mad at myself.  I used to do that all the time.  Now, I bow to the pressure just a few times a year.  That's progress.


I printed the no sugar sign.  Two of them - one for the pantry door and one for the fridge.  My husband and kids will laugh at me, but they, frankly, can also use the reminder.  I also need to remind husband that it's hard for me when he takes out the junk in front of me.  That's what happened last night.  He found the "Easter trail mix" and started eating it while we were sitting in the kitchen looking over kitchen remodel plans, so I did, too.  He's supportive, but forgets. 

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I know it's hard to remember, because you can't really see or measure it much at this stage, but over the past year of W9 living, your body has undergone all kinds of positive changes that just don't happen to be reflected on your scale. You're doing wonderful things for yourself every single day and that is its own reward, even if you can't really see or feel it because it's subtle and you're too close.

FWIW, I think it's a combo physio/psych response, bc we're human and beautifully complex like that. You're totally moving in the right direction, though, AND you realize it. So, WIN!

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I think it is huge that you've gone from doing something nightly, that made you unhappy with yourself, to doing it a few times a year.  That is HUGE.  I feel that way about my nightly glass (or 2 or 3) of wine.  I still have wine and I even had a glass last night (when it is now something I occasionally have on the weekend), but it isn't something I feel guilty or badly about now.  Now it is a treat.  Before it felt way too much like a habit I didn't have control over (telling myself I wouldn't have a glass that night, but then I would end up having it anyway).  So that feels empowering to me.  I hope you feel that way about your transition away from the snacking at night.


You know I'm on the same page as you with weight loss.  I'm RIGHT at the same weight I was when I started my W30 in October.  I feel like I've put myself through the wringer and a lot of the mental gymnastics I did over my eating wasn't worth it.  But right now I'm feeling calmer and in a better place.  I'm trying to be kind to myself while I still search for a way to lose those extra pounds.  But I won't let it fill my head space (at least I'm working on that), I'm more than that scale weight or little bulge over my pants (even thought I really want that bulge gone)!


So glad you enjoyed your lunch outing!

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Me, too, Sara.  I'm trying to be kind to myself.  I will still try to lose a few lbs, if only to prevent putting more on, but I am not letting it control my life or my moods.  Calm is the goal!  And, though I really want that bulge gone, too, it's not worth stressing or feelling badly about.  We can support each other in that goal!

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I REALLY wanted to dig into the Easter trail mix last night.  But, I did not.  I distracted myself.  I got myself out of the kitchen.  I told myself that grazing the night away would make me not hungry for my sweet potato in the morning and I like sweet potatoes better than candy. LOL  Anyway, I struggled through.  I think I just need a few days to get the thought out of my head.  (M - this tells me there is more than just mental letting go happening - the sugar got into my head and won't leave!)


Tonight I am baking brownies for our party (Cinco de Mayo party Saturday) and cupcakes for work.  Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment.  I am stating for the record that I WILL NOT TASTE while I bake!  I will have my kids help me.  I'm less likely to dip my fingers in the batter when I have to be a good example.   I will then allow myself one cupcake tomorrow and one brownie Saturday if I feel like it but no more than that even if it kills me.  And, as I just decided in Juz's log, I will start 30 days no sweets on Sunday.  So there!

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Ugh, those temptations you're constantly exposed to! I am privileged in my W30 to only have to tend to myself. No cooking for or eating with or looking at other people and their noncompliant food if I don't want to! Best of luck, Jen. Brownie batter is like the devil calling out. . . .

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Well, I cannot say that I didn't taste at all.  But, I didn't do too bad.  I tasted the brownie batter to test how spicy it was.  Then, I gave in to licking the frosting knife.  Oh well.  A no sugar commitment will be good for me.


My tummy is wonky today. I doubt it's because of the small tastes of chocolate and think it's more likely because I overreacted to not "going" yesterday and took too much magnesium last night.  TOM is right around the corner, too. 


My plan for the weekend is to eat completely normal/clean except at the party Sat night and to get right back to normal/clean Sunday morning.  At the party, I plan to maybe have a couple cocktails, but not to overdo it, of course.  I have plenty of compliant food (plantain chips, guac, taco meat, veg) that will make up my dinner. The challege will be to not graze all night.  I will likely make myself a big taco salad before the party and call that dinner and then just avoid the buffet table.  I will probably try the Mexian brownies I made because I've never had a spicy brownie.  But, I will not have more than one and won't eat any other sweets.  That's my plan, anyway.

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