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Jen's Post W30 Log


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:)  Legos are a great toy.  We have millions of them scattered all over the house.  At least right now, for a short time, they are contained and organized.  It won't last. 


Plank 3:30 yesterday.  That's what I get for forgetting for several days.  Still, not bad!


I ate cashews yesterday.  Just a few on my stir fry because they were there and I wanted them (not a good reason), but no ill effects.  No immediate gassiness and no urge to eat more and more.  Still no nut butter, though!  And, I'm going to continue to avoid nuts and ignore yesterday's slip up.  So, today is Day 9 no nut butter. :)


I cancelled yoga last night because I didn't want to go out again on the snowy greasy roads.  I did a Jillian DVD instead.  It's been a very long time since I've done one of those.  I'm not sore today, but kind of think I might be tomorrow. 

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I know nut butter is your weakness, so stay focused and right back on track.


Last year I sorted all the legos into their different sets, with the the books.  My son took all the books out almost immediately after.  Some of the sets are still sorted, but most aren't.  I'd like to have a system, as my son always needs a specific piece.  "Mom, where is the Lego head with the sweat on it?"  What?!?!?  Ha, ha!

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LOL about the legos.  Luckily, my son prefers to randomly play with legos and rarely looks for a particular piece.  12yo keeps his in his room because he has lost a couple sets "to the bin" and was not happy about it.  He likes his sets to stay together.  We even had to buy him a huge shelving set (love Craigslist) to hold them all.


Plank 3:00 - prob because of the workout the day before, was a little fatigued.


No nut butters Day 10


Walk/run on the TM


I'm thinking of trying to figure out how to be able to work standing up.  I hear that is really good for you.  I have an office, though, and raising the desk would be difficult and weird if I had people in for meetings.  So, I'm trying to decide if it's worth buying a riser for the monitors/keyboard that can go up and down.  I'm going to wait until after budget crunch than then see if I can get my boss to ok the spend. 


I'm also going to try to get out for a walk around lunch time.  I used to do it every single day regardless of weather and I know it is great for my sanity to get out in the middle of the day rather than staying at my desk all day long, but I've been so busy and it's been so cold that I've let it slide and can't remember the last time I went out for a walk. Bad Jen!  I'll get out today!  My dad just called and he's in town so he's taking me to lunch. :)  I'll walk tomorrow.

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Standing desk was something I was looking into too. I guess now I wait to see what happens next. Would love a treadmill desk to be honest but I know that is not in our budget nor do we really have room for it.


Keep staying strong with the nut butters!

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I have a friend who had a standing desk and loved it.  I think I'd have a hard time concentrating, but maybe not.  I love working from certain chairs and not others - so interesting how we prefer our bodies to be in certain positions for thinking.


You are really rockin the no nut butter thing.  Since our almond butter hasn't arrived in the mail, and since I don't really like the sunbutter, I guess I'm not eating so much either.  I think it's a good thing, but I probably shouldn't jinx this and talk more about it!  It's pretty nice that you were able to have some cashews without any obvious side effects.  That seems like a good sign.

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Yay on meeting your Dad for lunch, the walk could definitely wait!


I like the idea of a standing desk, but I don't know if I'd actually like to be standing all day.  Having something that moved would be good.  I don't see that in our budget though...

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So tired.  Work and life are crazy right now.  I'm tired and crabby and just trying to hold it together.  I'm so done with winter.  It's so cold and we have so much snow and the roads are so bad.  2 more weeks until the light at the end of the tunnel (Spring Break!).  Things should start looking up after that.  The budget and board meeting will be done for work, so maybe I can get back to a normal schedule.  And, hopefully, the weather will turn and we'll see signs of spring.  I haven't had time to really think about food much, which is good.  Still holding the weight I gained, which is annoying, but whatever.  I ordered a whole bunch of clothes in a bigger size for our trip.  I'm over it.  I'm mostly avoiding the bad'ins and didn't get a cold sore this month, so I'm doing something right.  At yoga, I've twice now gotten into and stayed in headstand until the teacher said to come out without touching the wall.  Very happy about that.  I'm going to keep working on headstand to be more confident in it and start working on pincha.  I've done a few TM or JM workouts.  I haven't gotten out for walks.  Too cold and icy.  I need sping so I can get a midday break.  I think that would help my sanity a ton.  Eating lots of sweet potatoes and eggs and kale.  And yogurt because it sounded good.  No nuts / nut butters for the most part.  I did have some almond butter in a "peanut" sauce.  I'm ok with that.  It was part of the meal and not just dipping carrots (or a knife) into sunbutter as a snack.  Anyway, just a quick rambling update.  Hope everyone is warm and well.

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Jen - I'm with you on the almond butter as an ingredient.  I'm fine with that, as that is not my trigger.


Sorry you are so busy and yes, this winter needs to end!  It was down to zero here again.  I'm ready for the sun and warmth.


Another two weeks, you can do that.  Hang in there and keep Spring Break in front of you.


(And I think buying the new clothes was a good decision, wearing clothes that are tight/too small, just makes me feel big and badly about myself.  No sense in that!


Thank warm!!!  



ETA - Great job on the headstand, that is awesome!

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Still super busy.  But, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Sara - thank you for the pic of spring!  Made me smile.


No change on the food/weight/health side.  Just hanging on.  I've been offroading with cookies lately.  Bad!  I don't have the energy to deal with a W30 right now and don't want to do it over vacation, so for now, I just need to refocus on avoiding the "cold sore triggers" and eating as clean as I can to feel good.  I am giving up sweets/desserts for Lent, which starts tomorrow, so that will help.  In addition, we are "giving up" not going to church every week.  We've been pretty lax lately.  We're going to try to do better during Lent.  Actually, I just remembered that Lent is AWFUL for insense and we can't deal with insense.  I'll have to think on that. 

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Roll on spring! happy Lent too. Re the incense, Get some nose plugs? I am making a little bit of progress by upping my exercise and avoiding binges... No caffeine is responsible I think for the reduction in cravings and a big reduction in post workout soreness. I'm still having a little bit of sugar and some wine and am just going to jump on the scales once a week at the gym to roughly measure any progress. Hope it works as it feels fairly sustainable, except I miss coffee!

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It's nice to be finally coming up for air.  Work is getting manageable again. 


I had my own little Mardi Gras party last night - banana/egg pancakes w/ syrup, greek yogurt and chocolate sauce.  Oh, and almond butter.  I felt a little ill.  But, it was good!  And pancakes are tradition on Mardi Gras.  Anyway, today starts Lent and the final countdown to Spring Break - 10 days!!!  I decided to do a quasi W10 until then to clean up my act a little bit.  I'm also considering a W28 from getting home to Easter or maybe just suck it up and do 30 days including Easter. 


So, rules for the next 10 days - W30 except I am going to finish my leftover egg/banana pancakes (without syrup), I won't worry if there is white potato in something I make for the family (but I'll choose sweet pototo if I can) and I'm going to keep using my favorite salad dressing (TJs balsamic glaze - has a bit of sugar).  Other than that, W30 until vacation. 


Plan for vacation - no sweets/dessert (Lent), but I will probably have a cocktail or two.  It won't be anything like LV, of course.  This trip is with kids, so it will be fairly tame.  I will also try to avoid dairy and grains if I can to hopefully prevent a cold sore outbreak.  But, I'm also not going to stress about it.


Plan for getting home - W28 or 30 if I can talk myself into it.  The only reason I want to not be W30 for Easter is because I will be making a birthday cake and want to eat some of it.  Maybe I can talk myself into saving a piece in the freezer for 2 days.  That would have the extra benefit of getting me past the Easter candy perils.  I may also log my food during this W30 even though we're not supposed to - just to see if I can figure out how to tweak things to actually lose a few lbs.  I have time to figure that part out.


And, it's warm enough to take a walk at lunch today!  Yay!


Day 1 of 10:

M1 - eggs, kale, sw pot w/ CB

M2 - salad/veg, tuna, avocado

M3 - l/o egg banana pancakes w/ AB, salad

WO - hot yoga, 30 min walk (yay!!!!)

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Mardi Gras is fun stuff and your pancakes sound pretty good too.  This is a tricky season to stay away from sweets, but certainly easier than Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I made a really good grown-up cake that is paleo, but it does have a lot of sugar.  http://www.theironyou.com/2013/10/paleo-flourless-chocolate-cake.html


It's probably my favorite of the paleo cakes so far because the texture and taste all seemed very non-paleo friendly.  


Easter candy totally has me wanting those stupid Cadbury eggs.  It's terrible isn't it! :)

Way to go on your Whole10.  It will feel good.

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I've never heard of the pancakes for Mardi Gras thing.  For us it is all about Fasnachts!  But I didn't have one, or any other donuts for that matter.  :P


A mini W30 will have you heading into Spring Break feeling good!  And I'm glad to hear that work is finally easing up.  Wihoo for getting to walk outside.  This has been quite the winter.  We will all enjoy Spring this year!

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We were up most of the night with a sick kid.  9yo was throwing up from about 2 through when I left for work this morning (Dad's on duty today).  Other than that, he seems fine, so I'm not sure what's going on.  Long night for us all!  I'll have to get us all to bed early tonight.


Day 2 of 10:

M1 - eggs, kale, sw pot w/ CB

M2 - salad/veg, tuna, avocado

M3 - burger, sw pot fries, mayo, salad

WO - JM DVD (took a bath instead :) ), 30 min walk (yay!!!!)

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We all slept great and feel much better today.  9yo is back at school.  He was pretty lethargic most of yesterday, but once he got in a couple naps, some fluids and a small dinner, he perked up.  Now just hope the rest of us stay well!


The weekend will be divided.  Saturday is jam packed front to back.  Way too busy.  Sunday is totally empty.  I'm looking forward to Sunday. :)  Saturday is yoga, TJs groceries, boys going off to hang with Grandpa, me going to lunch with my mom and grandma, pedicure in the afternoon, church, 9yo to a birthday party and 12yo to a soccer game in the evening.  All home by 9pm, probably.  It'll take some coordinating to get it all in.  Sunday, the boys are all headed to the cabin to shovel off the roof so I will have all day to myself!  I will do yoga, probably start packing/organizing for our trip, and work on laundry/cooking prep for the week.  It'll be heavenly. :)


Day 3 of 10:

M1 - eggs, kale, sw pot w/ CB

M2 - salad/veg, tuna, avocado

M3 - eggs, sw pot fries, mayo, salad

WO - 30 min walk, yoga

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Sorry to hear about your son, but I'm glad he is feeling better and is back to school today.  Fingers crossed that no one else gets it!


Your weekend sounds like mine, very busy Saturday, pretty empty Sunday.  It will be a get things done Sunday.  Enjoy your relaxing day!

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Hey!  Great to hear from you M!  How are you?


I tend to give up about this point.  There's no way I'm going to lose 10 lbs before vacation and so I just give up and eat whatever.  I'm thinking a W10 will help counteract that so I can go into vacation feeling good and not sluggish and sugar'd up.  Here's hoping!

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Happy Monday.  I did ok over the weekend.  No technical sweets and stuck to W30ish, but got into SB - dipping carrots as a snack on Saturday and dipping chunks of CB as a "dessert" that night.  Not good.  CB in SB is like candy - while technically it might not be a sweet (it's not chocolate or cake or cookies), I ate it like a dessert, so that will stop.  If trying to be W30ish isn't enough to stop the behavior, Lent should be.  The carrot thing was because I didn't eat enough at lunch because I really wanted leftovers so I could have it again the next day.  Should have just ordered another serving to go.  Or just had the carrots. 


5 days to vacation!!!!  The boys went to the cabin yesterday to shovel off the roof so I had the day to myself.  I ran the last of my trip related errands, did all the laundry and got a great start on packing for myself and the boys.  Dad is on his own. LOL  The week will be less stressful knowing that all that is left to pack is the last minute stuff - chargers and toiletries and snacks and stuff like that.  Everything that can be packed is packed. 


Day 6 of 10:

M1 - eggs, kale, sw pot w/ CB

M2 - salad/veg, tuna, avocado, clems

M3 - salad/veg, sw pot, ham

WO - walk, yoga

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