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Jen's Post W30 Log


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Jen are you making sure your butt is down and you are in a very straight line? From BodyPump and CX I know that if you don't keep your butt down enough it moves the work to the shoulders from the abs. The elbow version is what Les Mills coins a hover with the straight arms being a plank. Just a way for them to make it more clear when they teach I guess.

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Yep - making sure to hold good form, but maybe I'll try to do it in front of a mirror tonight to double check.  My  planks at yoga are good (big mirrors to check) but perhaps I am slipping as time goes by.  Thanks for the reminder.

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Jen - Glad you had a great trip.  My saying in regards to shots is: When shots sound  like a good idea, they never are!   :D   (Meaning by the time they sound appealing, I've already had too much!)


I went to Vegas a couple of years ago with a friend for her 40th.  We had a blast.  But the one night I overindulged and spent most of the rest of the next day in bed, which I totally regretted.  Ah well, live and learn.  The learn part is that I am no longer in college and cannot recover like I used to!


Congrats on the plank - 3:15 is amazing!!!  Good for you.


I bet all your boys were happy to see you.  :wub:

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Happy Friday!  The kids were off school for cold again yesterday.  I'll be surprised if they don't close schools again Monday.  It's supposed to be -30F.  Crazy.  I still think they should go to school.  At this rate, they'll be going until the 4th of July! 


I'm truckin' along trying to be a good little cavegirl. :)  The cold sores are healing.  I hope that even when I can't see them as a reminder anymore I will still be able to get myself to eat clean. 


The weekend should be nice.  We have the scout pine wood derby tomorrow for the 9yo.  I am in charge of the concession stand.  There is nothing there that tempts me.  I will bring a larabar just in case I get famished but I plan to just wait until I get home to eat lunch.  Last year, we were home by 12:30.  I'm hoping we can do as well this year.  We have my husband's family coming over for lunch on Sunday for his birthday.  I am serving pulled pork sandwiches so that I can just put some of the pork on a salad and call it good.  I'm making a German chocolate cake (his fav), but I really don't like that frosting, so it's safe from me.  :D  So, my plan for the weekend is just to eat my meals and avoid the cold sore triggers sugar, alcohol, wheat, dairy.  If I continue to think of them as cold sore triggers, maybe I will have a better chance of resisting them.

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Sounds like a fun weekend.  Cold sore triggers - well, that definitely doesn't make those foods sound appetizing!


Funny about the concession stand - when I was at my FIL's retirement party on Thursday, my Grandmother-in-law asked if I was going to eat anything.  I said no, I wasn't really hungry.  She said, Oh, such willpower.  I was thinking, it isn't willpower.  The food just doesn't look appealing to me at all.  The other amazing thing to me is how many people feel perfectly justified on commenting on another person's eating.  I'm a grown adult, about to be 40 and I still have to explain to other people if I'm eating or not eating at a party.  Really?  <_<

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Happy cold no school AGAIN Monday.  This is the 4th day this month the kids were off school for cold.  They, of course, are thrilled. 


I am very happy with and proud of how well I ate this weekend.  Although there wasn't any reason to have cold sore trigger foods, mindless eating of food that happens to be in front of me could have totally happened.  On Sat, I made sure to add a sweet potato to my breakfast knowing that lunch would be on the late side and though I did get hungry, it was fine to wait and the concessions didn't appeal to me anyway.  Scary the food like items that people will eat.  I made cake and cupcakes and didn't eat any.  And don't regret not eating any.  At the party, I ate my normal sized normal food meal and was plenty hungry for dinner, a sign to me that I didn't overeat at the party.


Everyone was happy.  9yo won a trophy at the PWD - his first one!  He took 3rd, but he didn't care.  He just wanted a trophy.  The 12 yo had ski club and a friend spend the night.  The 40!!! yr old got stickers for his transformers for his birthday :lol: :lol: :lol:   He's really just a 12 yr old at heart.  The dog came home from boarding school.  I felt great about my eating (the cold sores still here help).  I'm up to 3 min 30 seconds on plank.  All is well. :)


Sara - I hate having to justify my eating.  I try very hard to not make a big deal of it and to not bore people by getting into food discussions, but some people insist on questioning my choices anyway.  It is annoying. 

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Must remember not to be the annoying person asking about what a person is eating/not eating!   :D   Of course, when someone is interested about the hows and whys, that is totally different.


Wow, sounds like you had a great, fun weekend.  And you stayed on top of your food.  That sets you up for a great week, good for you.  Maybe I can get away with getting stickers for my husband's upcoming 40th???  And congrats to the 9yo on his PWD trophy, sweet!

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Kind of cranky today.  Work is crazy busy (budget and yr end time) but I'm stuck waiting on other people who aren't doing what I need them to do.  Hate that!

The kids are home with Dad today.  So far it sounds like they are doing pretty well with the long list of things I left for them to accomplish.  Fingers crossed that they make it through the day without any blow-outs. 


I'm stuck at 3:30 for plank.  The schedule has caught up with me and I will now be behind.  I can BARELY make it to 3:30 and not a second longer.  I won't make it to 5 minutes by the end of the week.  But, 3:30 is darn good!  I'm going to keep working on it and see if I can keep building up time, even if it isn't within a month.  I am still working on my headstands.  Once I get up, I can stay there for quite a while without using the wall, but I still need the wall to get up.  I think I'm getting closer, though.  I have all year to work on that one. :)


A few food thoughts I want to note for myself:

It is ok to have a snack (i.e. don't stuff myself at meals in fear that I'll get hungry later.  If I get hungry, I can have a snack)


It is also ok to be hungry for a bit.  (i.e. if I get hungry at 5pm, I can wait until dinner at 6)

And sometimes I think I'm hungry but it goes away, so it's worth waiting a bit before reaching for the snack


I didn't start logging or "dieting" again after LV.  I'm kind of just going with the flow right now and doing well - eating wholesome meals, not snacking, not desserting.  I lost the Christmas pounds, but still have the cabin pounds.  I am holding my breath hoping I can keep it up without resorting to logging/dieting.  Hence the reminders to myself.

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I think 3:30 for the plank is so impressive and it is great to keep working towards the 5.  Maybe try sticking it out for that one extra second...


I'm glad you haven't had to resort to logging/dieting and that you still feel like you are headed towards your goals, that's great.  As you know, I've been dealing with my own snacking demons.


This time of year is pretty stressful at my job as well, glad your husband could do boy duty today.

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3:45 yesterday!  I took Sara's advice and just went for 1 extra second and got 15!


Did a bit too much BLT'ing (bites licks tastes) yesterday.  I had a few carrots dipped in sunbutter and a few raisins when packing lunches and then 2 bites of husband's ice cream.  Something in that left me bloated and uncomfortable last night.  Prob ice cream, though it was seriously just 2 licks.  Annoying.  But, good reminder to not let it become a habit.


A few nights ago, I had a piece of dark chocolate with sea salt (leftover from LV trip).  Then I had a bit more.  Delicious and worth having in my life, but not worth letting it become a habit and obviously still can't keep myself to 1 bit, so will not buy more.  That did not make me feel icky. 


Confessions over. :) 


Today, I'm still feeling kind of bloaty.  Need to just calmly eat my meals and not let myself start or even think about BLTing.  Not worth it. 


The weekend has a few challenges.  I have dinner out Saturday night.  I'll make sure to have a clean breakfast and lunch and no picking at stuff and then do the best I can at dinner to avoid cold sore triggers.  Sunday night is the Super Bowl.  As it's a school night, we don't go anywhere, but we traditionally try to make it fun for the kids (and us) by watching the game (at least until bedtime) and having a snacky dinner.  I have a ton of fun snacks planned.  I don't plan to have anything not "clean" but the risk of overeating those "clean" foods is great.  I plan to not snack away the night.  I will wait until I am ready, fill my plate, eat that, and be done.  The boys can snack through dinner over a couple hours.


Snowy day today.  Long commute.  But, at least the kids are going to school!

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I'm doing my 60 second planks every day and thinking of you every time - 3:45 is crazy long!!!

Our local restaurant is having a Super Bowl buffet.  I don't even like the Super Bowl but the thought of chicken wings, beer and more chicken wings sounded so appealing.  We're not going to go - it would be bad news, but I do miss those days of eating whatever the heck I wanted without brakes.  Sounds like you have a good thought out plan for the big day.  Makes me realize I should start thinking about my plans for post Whole30.

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Wihoo for 3:45!  I'm so glad my idea helped.  I'm with Emma, I can't imagine 3:45, or really anything over 90 seconds (my longest ever).


Glad to hear the boys are back to school, be safe!


We don't really do the Super Bowl, and now that we don't have cable, it is definitely out.  Your plan of attack sounds great.  If you wanted to be able to enjoy a more snacky take, you could always fill your plate and "snack" off your plate, which would still stop mindlessly eating too much.  Enjoy!

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Plank 4:00 yesterday!  I'm super surprised.  I'm going to keep going and see if/when I can get to 5min.


Bloaty tummy feels better.  I was pretty squeaky clean yesterday and working on the same today.  I had some SB this morning - bad habit!  Need to stop! 


Sara - we don't have cable either, but we have an antenna so we can get the local channels in HD.  We only watch 2 shows live (Castle and Downton Abbey) and those only because husband likes to watch them live.  I'd rather watch them online so I could go to 8:30 yoga. :)  Also, he likes to channel surf while eating lunch, so we keep tv for that.  The kids never watch it.  They don't waste their precious technology minutes on tv!  We do plan to watch some of the Olympics as a family.  The kids enjoy that and we figure it's wholesome entertainment.  So different from when I was a kid.  We watched tv ALL THE TIME!  I'm glad we've gotten away from that.


Enjoy the weekend, everybody.

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4 minutes is ah-mazing!!!  I guess I will tentatively jump into seeing how long I can get my plank up to...


We live in an area that does not do well with antenna's.  We do have netflix, so my husband and I are watching 24.  My son still watches some tv, but much less than when we had cable and it tended to just be on more.  We're going to try to watch some Olympics.  When we were kids, during the Olympics was the only time we were allowed to eat in front of the tv.


Glad that belly is feeling better!

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I did not do so well last night.  I really did great all weekend - eating at meals, not picking, choosing clean foods. I was feeling great.  My bad choice was an impulse buy - cowboy bark at TJs.  I ate too much of it last night on top of probably too much other food (clean, but too much) and ended up very gassy and bloated.  I felt like I was really making progress and then I went and ruined it.  It took me 2 weeks to feel recovered from LV.  I just hope that it takes much less than that to recover from one evening.  I'm getting right back on the horse today - I'm aiming for just calmly eating what I eat, focusing on not eating too much and not eating things just because they're there. 


Plank max is still 4:00.  I keep forgetting to do it.


The big news, though, is that I GOT INTO A HEADSTAND!!!  Without the wall.  I got myself up and stayed up for a couple breaths before I fell over. :)  I want to be able to do it consistently and confidently before calling my NYR met, but I'm well on my way.


I hope everyone had a good weekend. 

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I should have guessed, but just saw in Bethany's log that you are an accountant.  No real surprise on your end I'm sure, but me too.   :)


Wihoo on the headstand!  That's awesome.  I know I couldn't do one against the wall at this point, so doing one free style is really cool.


Sorry about your bad night, I had one too.  How could one person consume so many nuts??? <_<  Ugh! 

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4:05 - I squeezed out 5 extra seconds.  :)  It's hard!


Still holding onto the bloat/weight/whatever from Sunday night.  Not particularily regular, either.  So annoying.  I hate that it takes weeks of being *perfect* to lose a pound but only one meal to gain 3.  Sigh.


Sara - what are you doing now?  I'm doing FP&A for a corporation.  I found that I like the flexibility of forecasting and budgeting and analysis better than the structure of accounting.  A little more art than science, but still get to do lots of spreadsheets. :)

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As you get up there, I'm sure every extra 5 seconds is tough.  I had to really tough it out just to get to my 1:15!  :rolleyes:


It does seem that you pay more of a price for a bad night than benefit from being good, but I know that isn't really true.  It sure does feel that way sometimes.


For most of my career I was in Cost.  About 6 years ago, I moved to a small CPA firm and did tax for 5 years.  I had a long commute and I really couldn't bear another tax season of 7 day, 80 hour work weeks (and I was working the least in the firm!).  So in July I took a job with a small company as their controller.  They had been using a one day a week consultant, so there was a lot of things that hadn't been done for me to catch up on.  So far I like it.  And my hours are very stable, 4 days a week, very little overtime.  So far so good.  In previous positions, I had been responsible for portions of the budget.  My frustration was always with having to depend on other people who were not as concerned with the budget as I was!  Glad to hear that you like what you are doing!

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