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LadyM's seduction continues (sur son propre velo)


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I completely understand your frustration. Honestly I'm suspecting I'm not eating enough personally. Trying to remember...did you increase your activity level before decreasing your food or at the same time?


I'm trying to keep a pretty honest log this week so my trainer can look it over with me when I see her next. 


Have fun on your date tonight! Sounds like a good plan. Have you found a rocking dress for your reunion yet?

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The reunion is at a minor league baseball park, so I'm a little flummoxed about what to wear. Heels are pretty much out, and I'm thinking it might be a jeans and boots with a cute top kind of affair.

I increased the workouts first. Then cut calories and then increased the workouts more with several two-a-days a week. I've always been such an overeater and have only ever lost weight by dramatically reining it in, I can't wrap my head around under eating as a cause of stalled weight loss. I've read all kinds of tales, of course, but especially with my thyroid it doesn't make sense to me. If you can direct me to more articles, I'll gladly read them and reconsider. . . . let us know how it goes with your trainer, Bethany. I'm thinking maybe I need to sit down and chat with the one I worked with during my W85 I did in the spring and lost 8 pounds.

I learned then that what tends to happen with me is when I am on the weight loss path, I go weeks at a time with no change and then a significant drop. I think I just need to sit tight, relax, and keep showing up.

I got to make up this morning's workout at noon. Bootcamp plus spin. So if I make it tomorrow, it'll just be bonus.

On my walk home from the gym, I flashed on a photo taken of me when I was at my lowest weight and I was still unhappy with myself. I think there's a lot going on here. Yes, I need to keep my eating clean, keep working out, stay injury free, AND work on accepting myself. I have a feeling all these things will always be true.

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Fun date last night! Lots of walking and looking at art and laughter and smart conversation. Dinner was fine, but not great. I had three glasses of wine and avoided sugar and gluten, but ended up eating mostly meat and cheese. No terrible effects, really, though I did wake up feeling the wine. It didn't keep me from going to bootcamp and pilates, however, so no real harm done.


Today is cleaning and the farmer's market and food prep and relaxing. It's cool out but beautiful, so I hope to spend some blissful time in nature. Happy Saturday, everyone!

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It's wonderful to see you focusing on the good things in life LadyM.

I was thinking over the weekend about why I want to lose weight, after all no one really cares at work, and I can buy bigger clothes etc but I realised I want to do it to feel more comfortable in my skin and be able to be more active... So its worth persisting but I won't stress about it!!! She says with good intentions.....

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Back at it this morning with bootcamp and cardio. Starting to feel more in the groove. Caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror while lifting and thought, "That is an athlete." I need to remember that moment.


Talked to the trainer afterward and decided to step on the scale. Now it's in numbers, black and white. I am up 10 pounds from where I was in the spring before the injury at the end of my W85 (7 of fat, 3 of water). But you know what? I can deal with it. I'm back to the gym. My food is pretty much in a good place, and I'm closer and closer to the solid mindset that this is simply the path that I'm going to stay on. Chilling out about it can only be a good thing. I think dating and the 20th reunion got me all jagged up about wanting immediate results and I just need to cool it. Accept where I am and trust that I won't always be here if I stay the course.


Such a mindset can only help with cortisol regulation, which, I have a gut feeling (pun intended), is a bit of a problem right now. I'm stressed about my body and weight gain and I need to let it go and keep going.


The trainer suggested that we get back to regular weigh ins like before, when I was W30ing, but I wouldn't look at the numbers or worry about them at all. But at least it would show us what's up and what the patterns are. She also confirmed that the goals of paleo for weightless are twofold: hormone balance and calorie deficit. So, more than likely, I'm not undereating. It is possible, and it can slow down the metabolism; when that happens, you need to cool it with workouts and have calorie spike days (which she recommends anyway).


So, after all that, now I'm a little freaked about going away for 10 days and am coming up with a plan. I'm bringing my whey for breakfasts and will do my best to adhere to W30 principles for meals, giving myself the day at the state fair for a corny dog and the day of the high school reunion for barbeque. I'm sure we'll go out to eat on other days to fabulous places where I'll want to taste off-plan things, but my aim is to not stress about it, to enjoy myself, and to not eat past satisfaction. Oh, and to avoid sweets, which gets easier all the time.


And then I'll walk and/or jog most days. Thinking I'll bring my exercise bands, too, and do a strength circuit with some plyo every other day or so to keep it up. Yoga and some yoga nidra interspersed where possible. 


In other words, relax, keep going, and enjoy. Sometimes easier said than done, but that's the aim.


p.s.--ended up having a second date Saturday with the Friday guy. We walked his dog 5 miles on a beautiful trail and then went out for dinner and drinks. It was fun. And we agreed that it's not headed in a romantic direction. So, maybe all the off-roading wasn't worth it, but at least I got my house company-ready clean as well as some exercise in the great outdoors. 


p.p.s.--I also spontaneously took my waist measurement Saturday for a new baseline. My goal is 7 inches below what it is right now. That will certainly take time. But I've got time!

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Lots of thoughts going on here.  I really appreciate how honest you are with your body image struggles.  Finding a way to work on losing weight without being unhappy with how you look is so difficult.  I have definitely not found a way around it.  And as I am also about to head off on a vacation, my weight (and especially my middle) are too much in my thoughts (not being able to run is also not helping).  I also appreciate that even as you voice your struggles you are also voicing your plan to keep showing up and to keep striving for better.

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On my walk home from the gym, I flashed on a photo taken of me when I was at my lowest weight and I was still unhappy with myself. I think there's a lot going on here. Yes, I need to keep my eating clean, keep working out, stay injury free, AND work on accepting myself. I have a feeling all these things will always be true.

I think this is an important point.  You need to accept yourself first.  Looking like a Shape model may make you feel better about yourself, but that is backwards.  Change your mindset from thinking that if you get to a certain weight, size, etc. then you'll be able to accept and love yourself.  Love yourself just the way you are.  Once you come to truly accept yourself you will be even more motivated to do the right thing in order to take care of yourself (eating well and moving).  After that, the weight will start to come off more easily.  I understand this all as I've been working my way through the same thing over the past few years.  :)

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Waaaah I just want the magic pill that fixes everything..... So much easier.... But life's a journey not a destination and I have found out the hard way that if you get to the top the only way on from there is down so goals with end points aren't achievable, goals with actions are. I recently read being healthy is not what you are its what you do which struck a chord.....

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Had a really wonderful and long overdue massage last night, fell straight into bed after, and slept the sleep of angels. The massage used a technique called cupping and it was like getting giant hickeys all over. Sounds strange, but it was really pretty wonderful! And the therapist could tell by looking at me where I was holding tension. I'm really tight in my lower back--a protective move post-injury, she said--and as that area relaxes and strengthens, my digestive stuff should resolve, she said. Interesting connection there, and of course it makes sense. Hoping my body can ease up on the grip soon. I'm seeing more bodywork in my future. Oh how I wish it were covered by insurance!


My eating has been a bit weird in that I have something super light for breakfast, like whey in my decaf, and then I'm so ravenous by lunch that I eat so much I don't need to eat the rest of the day. I guess it's a kind of IF, and it satisfies my impulse to eat large quantities of food, but I'm not sure if it's the best way to go. Yesterday at lunch I ate a roasted kombocha squash, two romaine hearts, two palms of turkey breast, a small avocado, some kraut, and an apple. All good compliant stuff, and template-ish. Oh well. I'm kind of feeling like being an observer rather than a judge for myself right now.


Getting excited for my trip tomorrow. BFF and her husband belong to a Y about a mile from their house, and she suggested we could go together, so that helps ease my anxiety about taking too long of a break from working out. I think it will be good for me to have a change of scenery and maybe more perspective shifts.


OK, busybusybusy at work this week in preparation for being gone next week, so I'd better get to it. 

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Lady M I get cupped every week at my local acupuncture school. 

Its only $10!! Not sure where you live but maybe worth investigating to see if there is a school near you that does it. 

It feels awesome, gets rid of all the yuck. 

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Ahhh, to live in a big city! How wonderful for you, Deb! Def no acupuncture schools in these parts, but I'm glad to have found this therapist. She's wonderful and relatively affordable ($65 a session). What are the benefits you've found from regular cupping?

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I started doing it when I was losing my hair. Of course I did 8 million other things as well, but my gut instinct tells me the cupping was significant. Hair loss stopped. I just feel a greater sense of well being, cleaner energy, the back of the heart is given a pep talk by the cups. Big fan. 

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Well, friends, things are going well here in Texas. I'm definitely drinking more than I'm used to, but not every day, and not to serious excess, so that's good. Even our day at the Fair wasn't such a big deal food wise. I had my single perfect corny dog, a cider and my fave beer, and a single piece of salt water taffy. No belly ache, no after effects. 


I've done some cooking and eating the leftovers. Avoiding sugar except when it's truly worth it--a really delicious high end piece of dark chocolate with sea salt, for example. Going for walks. Not sure if I'll make the effort to go to the Y. Kind of digging relaxing and taking care without too much effort.


Side note: my BFF's kids, 8 and 6, are sugar fiends. She makes an effort to curb their sugar consumption, at least in the form of candy, but they eat some every day, and lord knows what they're having at school. What they don't seem to realize, though, is that most of their "healthy choices" in terms of food are all sugar, too: bread, corn, potatoes, ketchup on everything, fruit, yogurt, chips, pudding, etc. I'm trying really hard not to say much of anything about it because how rude can you be telling someone what to do with their kids? But I'm fretting about their health down the road. I just keep reminding myself to worry about myself and no one else!

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We saw the AZ State Fair and it made me think of you on your travels in TX.  Glad to hear all is going well.


As for your BFF, sounds like you are making the wise choice.  If she wants your opinion/input, she'll ask.  As a mom, it can be hard to hear someone offer suggestions on your child's eating and not hear criticism.  I know I fight the sugars, but it often feels like a losing battle.  In some cases, I try to make the sugar (bread, pancakes, yogurt) as healthy as possible, at least making things at home so I know what is going into them and at least they are ingredients my son can pronounce.

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Hi!  I'm glad you're having a good trip.  I agree with Sara re your BFF and kids.  It's better to not say anything.  She knows.  I know my kids eat too much sugar.  And I do know better.  I just don't have it in me to fight about it.  So, I do the best I can.  That's all we can do. 

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Glad you're having a good time.  Having grown up in the midwest, it is funny to think about a Fair in late October.   ;)  They are always in July/August, but I suppose those months aren't very pleasant for being outdoors in Texas ;)


Unfortunately, I fight the same sugar battle with my kids.   :(  I try to be strict with them, but my wife isn't quite the food nazi that I am with them.  (She also isn't as strict with herself as I am) so it's mostly a losing battle.  But I try...

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You know what the best thing is about being home so far? Kale with every meal. Oh how I've missed my greens!


What if it's the small privileges that add up to the greatest impact?

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