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LadyM's seduction continues (sur son propre velo)


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Gingery chicken stew sounds great. I remember wanting to make it last year. I have a carcass in my fridge that may be going in that direction.


Yay for changing bodies. I was amazed when I took a barre class. After a few months my butt was looking better than it had since I was 19 years old--and I was pregnant! That was back in my pre-kid days when I worked around the corner from Physique 57 and could go on my lunch break. Now my son is almost 7 (!!!) so I should probably stop talking about it.


I've tried a bunch of DVDs at home (Lotte, Burr Leonards, Physique downloads) but being in a class is always better for me. I'm more motivated to push myself. In the Physique class we had an 70-something year old woman who could kick my butt! If we had a class in my hood I would totally go.


Still I think that barre-type exercises are best for my body. My SIL was doing Jillian Michaels before her wedding until she hurt herself. She tried the Ballet Body exercises I recommended and OMG. I never imagined she would have such a defined waist. I know people get down on some kinds of exercises but I'm a firm believer that different methods give different results for different bodies.  


P.S. I'm having avatar anxiety. I wanted to change to something not me, feeling paranoid about people happening upon this forum and seeing me. Now that so many people I know are "doing Paleo" and the w30 has come up in a couple conversations. Anyway. I first used Jane Fonda but then I felt like that was too close to your Marilyn and felt like a total dork. So now I changed it. Ok. Compelled to say that.

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Haha, Beets! I liked Jane. No need to feel dorky! Who's in the latest pic? It almost looks like it could be a Cindy Sherman piece. Or Patti Smith?


I totally agree with you, Beets, about how different exercise fits different bodies--and personalities, too. This is going to sound kind of goofy, but I really wanted a more feminine way to exercise. Pushing and stressing and huffing and puffing and going faster and lifting heavier was getting to be too much and I kept hurting myself. I'm still doing bootcamp, but I like it. I've given up on Crossfit and running. It's just not me and I don't need to make myself fit anything that doesn't fit me. That's the beauty of wisdom that comes with age.


No daikon radish at the grocery store, dang it, so the gingery chicken stew may need to wait. Harumph.


Barre was killer this morning, and I'm pleased that I stopped at the gym before lunch and did some incline speed walking on the treadmill. An extra 25 minutes of that most days would really do me a world of good. I can hop on at work when I'm there and at the gym on other days. One day when there aren't mountains of snow everywhere, I can do it outside. Walking. So simple. So good.

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Fighting something. A bit of a sore throat, sneezing, tiredness. I've been fighting it for a little while now. Lots of rest today in addition to my usual arsenal, I hope, will do the trick.


Here's what I'm thinking for food this week:



Roast chicken with orange and fennel

Salmon cakes

Lemon Lamb tagine from WF2

egg bake with spinach, cauli, salsa

I'm also thawing some ground venison I'll either keep for hot plates or use for meatballs



steamed brussels sprouts in vinaigrette

roasted parsnips and bnut squash

sweet pots

casablanca carrots

mashed cauli

romaine-beet-fennel-apple salad


Now to do the work. I've done the shopping, but I don't have the energy for a whirlwind cookup. I'll do what I can piecemeal. Not planning to leave the house.


Made it to barre this morning and I'm calling that good for exercise today. Salsa tomorrow afternoon. I plan to work in more cardio throughout the week this week. That's my goal.


I don't like feeling cruddy, but I sure do love a low-key weekend.

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I'd hate to speak too soon, but I'm definitely feeling better today than yesterday. The rest and arsenal seem to be doing the trick. Still have that sore throat, though my energy is better. Managed to have a whirlwind cookup. Made the lamb tagine, which is marvelous!, egg bake, mashed cauli, venison italian meatballs, roasted parsnips and carrots, brussels sprouts chips--and sprouts cleaned and ready to be steamed and made into salad. Planning still to make salmon cakes and roast chicken with fennel and lemon. And that's my food for the week in a nutshell. I just love having a fridge flush with ready-made food.


On the fence about salsa today, but I'll probably go anyway. Would hate to miss. Must get to grading at some point. But I do hate to work on Sundays. 


OK, off topic for a sec: what do you ladies use for your skin care regime? I'm at the age when things seem to be changing rapidly for the worse. I generally get a facial every two months or so and use local-made organic products. But I'm thinking about going back to Retin-A for a bit to see if it makes a difference. I only ever used it to treat acne in the past, but now I actually could use the collagen boost and wrinkle reduction. But I had been doing so well with my "I won't put anything on my skin I couldn't eat" routine. I don't know. I support aging gracefully and naturally for others and in theory, but I'm not liking what I'm seeing in the mirror. . . . Thoughts?

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feeling inspired by your food, per usual. lovely cookup.


What's happening with your skin? Mine seems to respond best to keeping hormones in order and applying products as little as possible, that said, these are the things I'm using right now:


Face lotion, not applied every single day, even, but just when I feel a little dry: http://www.worker-b.com/shop/skincare/unscented-lotion/


Face wash, although it is rare that I wash with more than water, on rare occasions I'll put this on as a mask and use the clarasonic afterwards: http://www.worker-b.com/shop/skincare/raw-honey-face-wash-normal-dry-skin/


Spot treatment for blemishes: http://www.evanhealy.com/products/show/16


Generally I've found I'm reactive to aloe vera and lots of the "natural" products are too heavy for my skin. The honey stuff seems very nourishing, and it's a nice local company (to me, not sure if they market in your area, but maybe there is something similar?). Evan Healy has some nice serums and tonics and whatnot that I'm too lazy and/or cheap to use all the time (I've liked them when I used them), but I tend to keep the blemish one around.

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Thanks, mm. Well, the issue now is aging. My naso labial folds are becoming more prominent and I'm noticing my eyelids and neck getting a bit crepe-y. Still battling regular breakouts, but that's just normal for me. I manage. So, I don't think it's really an issue of health but of vanity!

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I also haven't figured out anything for the aging.  I've tried the retinol products, but they seem to really irritate my skin, even gentle ones.  I do oil washing which I like.  I think I break out slightly less with the process than with conventional face washes.  Combo of Castor, Almond, Carrot Set, Lavendar, and Tea Tree.  I use an acai berry eye cream that was a 2 (?) on the EWG website.


Hope you kicked that illness to the curb and yay for lots of cooking and lots of movement.

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Still feeling a bit of the crud. Saw FMD today and my immune system is in good shape but my liver and gallbladder are having some trouble, which is why the crud is showing up. So, she started me on a new supplement that supports liver function, cleans bile, and emulsifies fat. It's basically soy lecithin. But according to her amazing methods, my body needs it. So, I'm taking this as a Doc's orders trumps W30 and carrying on. Not that I'm counting days anymore. But I am sticking to W30. And now I have even more reason to keep things as clean as possible and certainly avoid alcohol. If my liver is having trouble, then I don't need to give it more work to do.


The cool thing is this is a sign that my body continues to heal, FMD says. These little new trouble spots my body reveals can be addressed and may be related to increased thyroid function. As my thyroid was totally defunct, so many of my body's systems and organs were sluggish and couldn't do their jobs. Now that my thyroid is rebuilding and doing its work, everything else has to step up their game in ways they haven't had to in a while. So anyway, that's my translation of what FMD said, and I'm happy to look at it as a good thing. 


Oh, and I recently finished a liver cleanse that FMD was on board with, and that could have stirred things up but left more work to be done. Anyway. The wonders and mysteries of the body never cease.


Barre today was wonderful, per usual, and especially tough since my a$$ is sore from Saturday's class. But having a sore a$$ is one of my favorite things. I think of it as evidence that my booty is growing. In the best possible way, of course.  :P


Made it to salsa class yesterday and it was exactly what I needed. Also made that delicious chicken and have a batch of bone broth simmering in the crotch pot. My house smells so chickeny!


Think I'll head over to the gym to do some incline walking before lunch. I want to keep my promise to myself to increase cardio this week.

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Sara, a big posterior is not a problem these days! It's the thing. Have you seen these women injecting themselves with CEMENT to make their butts bigger? I've always had a booty too. The problem is keeping it off the back of my thighs.

Aging skin. Boo! My big issue are the crinkly wrinkles under my eyes. Naso-labial a closes second. I use at home peels I get online. They are I'm sure not eco friendly or at all w30 approved but they do help a lot and I use a tiny amount. I use a really low concentration lactic acid peel and a mandelic peel. Much cheaper than the overpriced creams I used to buy before kids when I squandered money on beauty products. They don't make wrinkles go away but they smooth everything out and help with the orange peel texture issue on my chin--with no scary raw meat skin like from industrial peels. If I do them regularly (once a week) it definitely makes a difference. Only drag is it makes my already sun sensitive skin even more prone to burning. I must always use a good spf and I wear a brimmed hat from March till November.


I believe the mandelic is recommended for combo skin and break outs, as well as aging.

I have used Shu Uemura oil cleanser forever. But I haven't found a groovy one I like. My skin is super sensitive and I tend to stick with the few things that dont make me break out. Once I tried a coconut oil cleanser Melissa recommended on her w9 blog. It cost a fortune to ship and it totally made my skin break out. I use it to take temporary tattoos off the kids.

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Oooooh, thanks, Beets. I'm going to try the mandelic serum and maybe the peel. Looks like exactly what I need.


Too funny about the coconut oil cleanser. Coconut oil does terrible things to my face, too. I wanted it to be as wonderful as all the paleo gals swear it to be, but again, we're unique snowflakes and our bodies want what they want (or don't want, as the case may be).

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Bootcamp was tough this morning. Stuck around after for 20 minutes on the treadmill, so day two cardio challenge is in the bag. I had been using one of those activity monitor thingies, and it was very instructive, but I hated it. So, I'm taking what I learned from it--that I need more cardio and more movement throughout the day, period--applying it, and discarding the damn thing. I am just not a gadget person.


I'm also increasing my fermented foods and probiotics this week, per part two of my cleanse. Part three, the final segment, begins Thursday and will go through Monday. Then I'm done cleansing until fall. It ain't easy, though its effects are worth it. I'm eager to just get back to a normal life. By God I expend a lot of energy on my health.


My throat is starting to improve, as is my energy. I woke up at 2:30 this morning and didn't really fall back asleep, though I rested. Got out of bed at 4:45 and meditated. I hope I don't crash today. Barre is on tap at 5 after a full day at work. . . . 

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Wow. That is indeed a long day.

I love my UP band but I decidedly am a gadget person. It sometimes sucks me into an abyss bc I'll get jammed up if I forget to charge it or take it off before a long walk. But since I am not busting it like you, two classes in a day, I have to get my measly steps in there when I can!

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That was part of my frustration with the dang thing, Beets. It didn't really give me credit for any activity besides walking and running. I don't need a little machine to tell me my 10-minute walk to barre class is more active than the 45-minute killer class because it's low/no impact. But glad it's working for you. More steps are definitely better. I'm working on that myself.

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I grabbed an hour nap yesterday late morning before heading to work and that pretty much saved my a$$. Then I got myself to bed shortly after 8, woke up at 2:30, went back to sleep, up again at 4:30, back to sleep, and finally up at 8. But I'm feeling quite rested. With my early-to-bed routine solidly in place, I've noticed lately that I consistently wake up about six hours later--to pee. I'm solidly asleep between 10 and 2, though, which are the crucial hours to be asleep, so I'm not fretting. But the rest of the week I'm going to stop drinking fluids earlier, maybe with dinner, and see if that helps me stay asleep for a solid 8, instead of 6, hours.


Barre this morning, then groceries, then some cardio, lunch, off to work, meetingsmeetingsmeetings, grading papers furiously. . . . I think I'm going to make it!

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Thank God I love my job. Hanging in over here.


Managed to sleep straight through from about 9 to 4, so that's progress! I seem to need less sleep overall lately because of my improving thyroid function, so 7 might be a fine number. For now, anyway. Everything's always shifting and changing, as we know. . . . 


Tough bootcamp this morning (as always) followed by incline walking on the treadmill. Cardio Challenge Day Four in the bag! Five days is all I'm going for this week, so you know I'm going to get in another walk tomorrow. Barre tonight and tomorrow morning. Salsa Sunday!


Brutally low temps predicted in the coming days, so I'm planning to hunker down at home with nowhere to go for the duration. I actually like it that way! Permission to write and not be social is what sustains me in the winter. And it's kind of perfect timing for the final push of my cleanse. Think I'll clean house as well. Also perfect timing. 


Can you tell I'm ready for the weekend?

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Quick pop in to say that I'm exhausted, that barre kicked my butt, that I skipped cardio, and most importantly, that I had the most magnificent massage in which the massage therapist said I have some of the healthiest tissues she's ever encountered. This feels like a real milestone. To hear from a professional I trust that I am healthy in ways I can't tell on my own. Very motivating!


Also, I got my new face products (thanks, Beets!) and I'm eager to try them out. The Retin-A is wreaking havoc with my face. So dry and red. No bueno.


And, I ordered a few things from Fabletics, Kate Hudson's new line of workout gear, and I'm very happy with what I ordered. The bottoms run small and the tops run large, so I had to exchange a few things for size, but the quality is surprisingly impressive. Good value for money.


Onward with the cleansing and decluttering (and resting)!

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