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Physibeth's Post-W30 Log


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Glad you are feeling better.  Once I am having an eat all the things day, there is no recovery until the next day.  Wednesday was like that for me.  Just couldn't get satisfied.


Ugh, Spongebob!


A small no light clock should be easy, and cheap, to find.

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I actually have one (it was a wedding present and has a picture frame too) I just need to clear off enough room on my dresser to put it up. Maybe a project for the weekend. Along with working on my resume which I'm totally procrastinating on.


Feeling a bit destroyed after my double this morning. In a good way of course. Combat was so much fun with so much less weight (haven't taken it since before I lost 50 lbs or so). Had to take some weight off my bar during the squats in pump. I didn't really believe the chiropractor when he said that I'm not really strengthening my glutes because they are so tight until I took class this morning after foam rolling them. Ouch! 

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I hate working on resumes.  You just have to sit down and do it.  Ugh, I know.


Hopefully you aren't too sore today!


You mentioned a book in my log, but you didn't actually put the link in.  Please let me know what it is!  Thanks.

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I hate working on resumes.  You just have to sit down and do it.  Ugh, I know.


Hopefully you aren't too sore today!


You mentioned a book in my log, but you didn't actually put the link in.  Please let me know what it is!  Thanks.


Not too bad today actually. My arms and shoulders mostly. Need to go to the gym and roll, run, and roll and be done for the day.


I thought I put the link: http://stupideasypaleo.com/the-paleo-athlete-book/ You can get it for kindle now too. I held out for the kindle version.

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Getting a slow start this morning. I probably could have slept longer but I'm up and about and eating. Super fun day yesterday. Combat, Pump/CX, hang out with a friend, Sh'Bam, dinner with 2 other friends, and watching a drunk Australian live cast while playing Minecraft (more entertaining than it should have been). Probably went to bed around 12:30. Woke up a few times. Got up around 8:30. On deck today is a run (probably on the dreadmill as I have to go to the gym to foam roll anyway), hopefully some chores if I can muster the energy, meal planning/shopping, resume?, and babysitting tonight.


Food/Exercise Yesterday:

M1: large slice of sweet potato and sausage quiche, kraut, orange, coffee with gelatin

Exercise: Combat 1 hr, Pump Express 30 min, CXWORX 30 min (had 1/2 a larabar between pump and cx and finished it after class)

M2: 3 spicy tuna cakes (nomnompaleo food for humans), 3 large carrots, 2 squares of Theo's chocolate  :ph34r:, 8 oz kombucha

black coffee

M2.5: (was hungry and wasn't going to eat again for 4 hours) 2 grass fed hot dogs, cucumber slices, mayo - none of this sat well, I think the cucumber was off and the mayo may be on its way off as well.

Exercise: Sh'Bam 45 min

M3: Cactus Grilled Chicken Fajitas with corn tortillas, cheese, quac, sour cream, lettuce, black beans, and spanish rice (only ate about half the beans and rice) Also mindlessly picked out the chips they brought to the table (one of my friends wanted them and I should not have touched them) and had a mango iced tea.

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Holy moly, you're a machine, lady! So much exercise, no wonder you need to eat all the things now and again!

I'm certified to teach RPM, used to teach five years ago. What Les Mills class are you teaching?

Also, what's this about gelatin in your beverages? Update, please? Clearly, I've missed some things!

Also, I really love the way you're riding your own bike. I declare you an inspiration!

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Holy moly, you're a machine, lady! So much exercise, no wonder you need to eat all the things now and again!

I'm certified to teach RPM, used to teach five years ago. What Les Mills class are you teaching?

Also, what's this about gelatin in your beverages? Update, please? Clearly, I've missed some things!

Also, I really love the way you're riding your own bike. I declare you an inspiration!


Thanks! I'm trying to find my balance here...what works and what doesn't. Ideally as I pick up more programs I'd like to be able to do 2 a days with a rest day at least once a week. Finding how that works without getting sick or injured is the trick. ;) I'm not currently teaching a Les Mills class...I'm teaching Water in Motion which is put out by SCW Fitness which is related to Les Mills (they are the midwest distributor). The class is handled the same way though as Les Mills where I get a new release to learn every 3 months. I'm loving it! Really want to add BodyPump in April...just trying to convince husband it is worth the investment. RPM is fun but it kills me so I only go occasionally. 


I've been using the green canister gelatin (doesn't gel) in my coffee and tea and smoothies. It has no taste so it is just adding protein and collagen. I've purchased the gelling type as well and have not gotten around to making anything with it yet. <moderator hat> obviously this is not in the spirit of Whole30 and if I wasn't riding my own bike I would not be using this right now </moderator hat>



Wow!  A ton of exercise yesterday.  How do you feel today?  I'm certain I wouldn't be able to walk. :)


I actually didn't feel too bad after all that. Mostly sore in my arms and lats from Combat. Made it through my run but it was very slow. Massage yesterday definitely helped. I think if I hadn't stayed up too late on all 3 nights of the weekend I would have been even better. 




Have not been having the most healthy meals I could be having this weekend. I need to do a ton of veggie prep today and tomorrow so I can just eat them when it is meal time. Not too excited about my leftovers either. Not sure why I keep making meatloaf type recipes as it always makes so much and I get sick of eating it. The tuna cakes just didn't excite me either. Desperately need to meal plan and shop today if for no other reason than I'm out of eggs and almost out of salt.


Yesterday I went and had a massage and than went to a BodyVive class for an instructor assessment taping. The class was super fun though I had no idea what it was going to be like when I showed up (newly revamped program). Maybe not the best thing after a massage but I took it easy and didn't go all out. After that I came home and ate and ended up playing Skylanders/watching tv all day. Was tired and the clock change effected me more than I realized. Let myself sleep in this morning and that was great. On the docket today - clean kitchen, food plan, prep, and shop, review what I'm teaching tonight, and hopefully get some work done at my job and on my resume. Top 3 goals for this week: keep kitchen in order so my meals don't suffer, get resume updated and sent out a few places, and get things wrapped up at my current job and office.

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Your plan for yesterday sounds great.  I love food plan/shop/prep days.  Having time in my kitchen without being rushed (Mom, when is dinner?  Mom, what are we having for dinner?  Ugh, I don't like that.  Mom, I'm hungry.  Etc. Etc) is my favorite. 

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I hope you accomplished your goals and got some food prep done.  I love starting my week with some already made meals, cut veggies, a plan, etc.   ;)   So why don't I do it more often!  Sundays always seem to get away from me.


Glad you still felt good after all that exercise!

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Well got the plan and the shopping done, not as much food prep as I wanted. Did check off all my chores for the day and start working on my resume. I call that a win. Class last night was fun and good. My pink foam roller arrived. And I got permission to sign up for BodyPump training. Woot! The bad news is I stubbed my toe (2nd to smallest) on the leg of our bed last night and it is still hurting something terrible. It's bruised but doesn't look swollen or mishhappen but I can't really bend it that much. Praying that it is not broken. Didn't sleep well last night trying to elevate it. Broke down and took Advil to stop it from throbbing. Anyone have a more whole food remedy for the pain? All the articles say to wait 3 days if you are not 100% sure if it is broken before contacting a doctor. I'm seeing my chiropractor today so maybe he will have some wisdom. I also have to teach this morning. I'm subbing and no way to find a sub this late in the game so I'm just going to get through it probably using a chair more than normal and just not jump as much. I'm sure they will understand. Was going to go to pump tonight too but I guess we'll see how it feels. Plans for today is to get my chores done with minimal standing, more food prep, and work/resume stuff.


Food/Exercise Yesterday:

M1: 2 fried eggs, 2 pieces fried pancetta, black coffee with gelatin

M2: paleo beef casserole (the paleo slow cooker)

snacks: dried mangos, 8 oz kombucha

M3: spicy salmon cakes (quick and easy paleo comfort foods), romaine lettuce with homemade ranch dressing

Exercise: Teach WIM 1 hr

Post WO: smoothie with pumpkin, gelatin, and spices

Larabar later because I was a little hungry still. 

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Sorry about your toe!  Honestly, even if it is broken, all they will do is tape toes together.  In this case, I think advil was appropriate to reduce swelling and pain.


Nice job on getting lots done.  Definitely a win.

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I second SaraRuns about the toe. Even if it is broken, not much to do about it! Don't you hate it when something random happens that throws you off your game? Good luck, lady. Sounds like you're in good spirits regardless.

And congrats on moving toward pump training! I think of the programs it's one of the easiest in terms of chorey. You'll do great! And you're so well poised to be a role model and inspiration to fitness newbies.

Thanks for the gelatin info. Might give it a shot post W30. What are the benefits of it for you?

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Morning all! So managed to hobble through my class yesterday. They were super kind and understanding. I just didn't jump on my injured foot and used the chair for demo more than I usually do. Balance is hard on that foot too. Saw the chiropractor and he doesn't think it is broken just badly bruised and said the same thing about the taping. He taped it for me and than I got some self adhesive ace bandage to use when I change it (sticks to itself not my toes but still keeps them stable). Feels better today and looked more red than purple last night (I think that is good...right?) Went to pump last night and just didn't do lunges with my right leg back. Probably shouldn't have done the left leg now that I think of it...uneven...just one class though I feel fine today. Not walking in circles or anything. ;) Skipping my run today for obvious reasons. I did sign up for BodyPump training yesterday. Woot! After the chiropractor I saw our functional movement guy who gave me some exercises for strengthening my glutes. I definitely felt the difference of the foam rolling and adjustments in pump yesterday. Feeling more work in my glutes on squats and lunges and also feeling more work in my actually abs doing things like leg drops in the core track. Usually I feel those in my hip flexor. So cool to feel it where it is supposed to be. Worth the pain of foam rolling my hip twice a day! I think I got a solid 7 hours of sleep last night. Fell asleep on the Kindle so not exactly sure.


LadyM - I can't say I have clinical hard evidence of the benefits of the gelatin. I would have to do a more structured experiment (like 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off). I mostly do it for the added protein and because I don't like drinking straight bone broth. I do feel like my hair and nails are better though but it could just be circumstantial. 


Food/Exercise Yesterday:

M1: 4 eggs scrambled with sauteed kale, pan fried prosciutto, black coffee with gelatin

Exercise: Teach WIM 1 hr

Post WO: Shake - pumpkin, gelatin, honey, spices, water

M2: sweet potato meatloaf (omg that's paleo?), romaine lettuce with homemade ranch

snacks: finished my bag of dried mangos, dark chocolate mint coconut butter cup

M3: spicy salmon cakes (quick and easy paleo comfort foods), romaine lettuce with homemade ranch dressing

Exercise: BodyPump 88 1 hr

Post WO: finished M3 (ate about 2/3 before class), 3 large carrots, too many havarti dill cheese cubes (tasty but felt heavy in my tummy...still slept fine and woke up hungry though).

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Thank you! Now: about the foam rolling. Can you describe what you do? Sounds like I have a similar issue. Misfiring glutes, hyperflexible hammies, and overly dominant quads leads to SI problems. I do strengthening exercises to help, and I have a foam roller at home that I use, especially for IT band stuff, but please tell me more about what you're doing to get such excellent results. I want less pain and a better booty!

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Thank you! Now: about the foam rolling. Can you describe what you do? Sounds like I have a similar issue. Misfiring glutes, hyperflexible hammies, and overly dominant quads leads to SI problems. I do strengthening exercises to help, and I have a foam roller at home that I use, especially for IT band stuff, but please tell me more about what you're doing to get such excellent results. I want less pain and a better booty!


He has me doing 2 exercises with the roller right now. Upper back (rolling from bottom of the rib cage to the bottom of the shoulder blade) for a minute and than I sit on my hip/glute with that sides ankle over my other knee and roll from the bottom to the top for a minute stopping for a few seconds on any really painful spots (both sides of course). Does that make sense? I'm also going to see him once a week and he's doing some deep tissue massage and adjustments on the areas. I always assumed my constant IT band problems were from that being tight but now I'm learning that it is really overcompensating for tightness and weakness in the glutes. The other exercises I'm doing are with a band around my knees. Balance on one leg with the other up for a while, then 2 leg raises, and then a big step to that raised leg side. He also said to do squats with band around my knees. Those exercises are about retraining my mind to associate doing that work with my glutes not my it band/quad. The band at knee level forces the movement into the correct muscles. It is all really cool. So glad my gym opened the sports clinic. :)

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Hi there and thanks for your comments on my Whole30 blog and thought I'd offer my support in return :)  It's good to see how another fitness instructor is getting on too.  Funnily enough I've been looking at doing some further training and was considering BodyPump !!!  It looks like I'll be doing a body conditioning course soon tho so all good :D

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Thanks for dropping in Talie! BodyPump is my favorite Les Mills program hands down. I've been talking about teaching it someday for 2 years so pretty excited about it. Glad to give you help too any time. Just remember this is my post log when reading through. I following mostly W30 but not full at the moment. :)


Yesterday was a mostly rest day. I tried to go in and get some work done but really didn't. Must get some stuff done today. Eek and stuff. It was warm and sunny yesterday so after I had my husband's car in for an oil change (during which I sat on the patio at Starbucks and basked) I met up with a friend and we walked and sat in the sun by the lake while her son threw rocks. Was so nice! Wasn't super productive yesterday but managed to get a few things done. I think I got around 7 hours of sleep last night. Need to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. Working on that. Was originally planning on Bootcamp today but don't think it is the best thing for my poor toe so I'll go to BodyPump tonight instead considering our game night was cancelled tonight anyway. I probably will not do lunges tonight...just lots of squats. I know the release my friend is teaching tonight pretty well and can't say I'm sad about not doing the gazillion lunges in it. ;) 


Food/Exercise Yesterday:

M1: 4 eggs scrambled into sauteed kale, 2 strips bacon, black coffee with gelatin

M2: sweet potato meatloaf (omg that's paleo?) with mayo, romaine lettuce with the last of a homemade vinaigrette I had at work, dark chocolate mint coconut butter cup

grande iced American with a splash of half and half

Exercise: walked - maybe 2 or 3 miles? not sure

Snack: grande iced mango tea (unsweetened), onion and bacon quiche (should have left the bread on the plate - it was good but felt really heavy in my tummy afterwards)

M3: grass fed beef burger with raw cheddar (no veggies which I regretted later as I was snacky when I got home - not the best choice), 8oz kombucha

Snack: raw cheddar, coconut larabar, dark chocolate :rolleyes:  

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I hate lunges. 


I'm sorry about your toe.  My husband broke his foot a few years ago (6'3" people should not do cannon balls into 4 ft swimming pools...) and was so mad when I made him go to the doctor and there was really not much they could do.  I hope yours heals up quick!


Basking on the paito at Starbucks sounds just about perfect.

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