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January 6 - Day 1


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So my husband hugged me today and was amazed at how small I have gotten in three weeks. He is SO inspired he wanted to eat clean with me!! THIS IS A MIRACLE. He eats chips, candy and drinks coke and loves chicken alfredo from Olive Garden. I did not ask him to do this, he brought it up. We just might have a healthy home in the making here!! :D

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Hi Everyone,

I'm still here! Day 12 for me of squeaky clean eating! I made mashed garlic cauliflower lat might from NomNomPaleo and it was wonderful! Creamy and delicious. Definitely paleo comfort foods.

I'm still not noticing a change in how I feel, health wise. But I am noticing that cravings for sweet, floury things have diminished greatly. I'm so happy about that because I am definitely a carbohydrate addict! Anyway, it makes me think that I'd like to keep grains and legumes out of my diet, along with sugar and dairy just for what those foods do to the chemistry in my body and brain.

I'm so glad that I'm doing this! Thank you all for the support. I read all of the posts. So motivational.

Keep up the great work J6!

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Oh my goodness!  All of your favorites sound so good!  I believe I could cook for a month with no duplicates and look forward to every meal.  The food I am cooking os so good I am able to use it as my carrot (pun intended) in order to get me through the wishful thinkings about yucky stuff that doesn't taste nearly as good - not even restaurant food.


My vote is for the Stove-top Carnitas.  Loved making them and eating them with avocado sauce.  And I love saying car-NEEE-tas.

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I am not loving this today. I have been having digestive issues since  like Thursday.. ugh. tomorrow I'm going to try and not eat things that I have been eating the past few days. The only new things have been a little more coconut, I was putting it on a soup I made, and this echinachea tea, since I've been having a scratchy throat. I don't think I've been eating an abundance of nuts, but maybe I should stop completely for the next few days.


Also I want to snack like crazy! Nothing I have eaten has satisfied me, I want some freshly baked bread with butter, and some chocolate.


And I just feel sick and crappy.


Also because I'm not noticing any tiger blood or great feelings or loose pants, I just feel deprived! Gah almost over

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I am not loving this today. I have been having digestive issues since  like Thursday.. ugh. tomorrow I'm going to try and not eat things that I have been eating the past few days. The only new things have been a little more coconut, I was putting it on a soup I made, and this echinachea tea, since I've been having a scratchy throat. I don't think I've been eating an abundance of nuts, but maybe I should stop completely for the next few days.


Also I want to snack like crazy! Nothing I have eaten has satisfied me, I want some freshly baked bread with butter, and some chocolate.


And I just feel sick and crappy.


Also because I'm not noticing any tiger blood or great feelings or loose pants, I just feel deprived! Gah almost over

I with you...getting an upper respritory thing here.  All I can think about is fresh baked bread, butter and some Lindt chocolate truffles.  But I will wait til next Tuesday : ) Have come this far, no need to jump ship now.


Hope you feel better quickly!

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As each week goes by, I'm getting faster with my food prep.   I think the key is to come up with meals that call for similar ingredients to knock the prep time down.   Also, I made a Slow Roast Italian Pork today and it was great.  I paired it with roasted butternut squash.  I'm turning into quite the cook thanks to my favorite cookbooks:  Well Fed, Well Fed 2 and Food for Humans.  


Here's the recipe:



I also made meatballs, breakfast sausage, Tuna with Guacamole,  hard boiled eggs and then attempted my own recipe.  


Over the weekend I went to Seasons 52.  Great place to go if you are wanting to stay on plan.   They made my fish with just olive oil, salt and pepper.  I saw on their menu when I was pre-planning they had an apple slaw that sounded good.  However, it had agave and honey in it so not for me.  However, I tried to make a compliant one on my own tonight.   Used a packaged cabbage slaw mix, added green onion, cilantro and organic apple slivers.   Tossed in a dressing of olive oil, apple cider vinegar, lime juice and salt and pepper.   I thought it tasted pretty good, was going to add craisins, but thought with the apple it might be too much fruit for whole 30.    


While I hate the dishes, I really have come to enjoy all of the cooking.    Have a great week everyone!!!!!

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The most surprising thing have you discovered about yourself during this adventure....


I actually enjoy not turning on the tv in the evenings. (Full disclosure: This wasn't a purposeful change, just a by-product of coming home to cook every night, and then reading during dinner [i live alone, so there's no conversation...or not very much anyway :ph34r: ] and wanting to keep reading after dinner.)

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Weekend update...my boyfriend brought home Krispy Kreme donuts home on Saturday morning. Is he trying to sabotage me? And then when I fussed at  him he asked me is it really that hard to resist donuts? For me, yes. Then that night made cookies. But...what I have learned about myself in the past three weeks is that I do have willpower and I can do something if I just focus and do it. Also, eating out sucks. Everywhere I've gone cooks with soybean oil. Yuck. Just makes me want to stay home and cook more. I think the best recipe I've made so far is one I found on pintrest made with chicken and apple sausage, onions, sweet potatoes, and apples. So good, but it will have to be a sometimes food for me because I would have been okay with eating the entire thing at one sitting. Hope everyone has a great Monday full of tiger blood and no KATT. :D

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I see that a couple other people are feeling ill. I'm 95% sure that I'm in the beginning stages of a sinus infection. The old me almost talked the new me into going by Starbucks for a beloved White Mocha this morning as the warmth would help my throat and the taste would comfort me. The new me made some hot tea and added lemon and raw, ogranic honey instead. Yay, new me!!!!


Hope everyone else feels better soon and that no one else gets any crud!

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I see that a couple other people are feeling ill. I'm 95% sure that I'm in the beginning stages of a sinus infection. The old me almost talked the new me into going by Starbucks for a beloved White Mocha this morning as the warmth would help my throat and the taste would comfort me. The new me made some hot tea and added lemon and raw, ogranic honey instead. Yay, new me!!!!


Hope everyone else feels better soon and that no one else gets any crud!



I'm sorry you're feeling bad, and I'm glad to hear that you resisted that mocha! BUT, I hate to tell you this, but honey is a no-no on the W30. It's considered an added sugar.


Do not consume added sugar of any kind, real or artificial. No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, coconut sugar, Splenda, Equal, Nutrasweet, xylitol, stevia, etc. Read your labels, because companies sneak sugar into products in ways you might not recognize. - See more at: http://whole30.com/whole30-program-rules/#sthash.QHvJOqGO.dpuf
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Next question:


The most surprising thing have you discovered about yourself during this adventure....Go!

Ok, not really so surprising, but food is my comfort and reward … for stress, anxiety and celebration, I want to eat.  And, I want to eat "treats" which are all the things I can't have on a Whole 30.  I am trying to decide how much I want to/need to really break this cycle.  Do I try to really view food as only fuel (doesn't seem as fun, kinda sorta like to have sensory pleasures at times of low and high emotion)?  Or, do I try to find comfort foods in Whole 30 … roasted sweet potatoes in ghee, fresh berries in coconut cream (perhaps also paleo treats once off Whole 30)?  


I am not loving this today. I have been having digestive issues since  like Thursday.. ugh. tomorrow I'm going to try and not eat things that I have been eating the past few days. The only new things have been a little more coconut, I was putting it on a soup I made, and this echinachea tea, since I've been having a scratchy throat. I don't think I've been eating an abundance of nuts, but maybe I should stop completely for the next few days.


Also I want to snack like crazy! Nothing I have eaten has satisfied me, I want some freshly baked bread with butter, and some chocolate.


And I just feel sick and crappy.


Also because I'm not noticing any tiger blood or great feelings or loose pants, I just feel deprived! Gah almost over

This is completely related to the above.  It sounds like you are catching a bug, and feeling sick is one of the times I turn to comfort food … and on Day 25 I have had no tiger blood or reduced congestion (what I was mainly hoping for on the Whole 30).  But, I have valued this opportunity to fully consider my relationship with food and to learn tons of new healthy recipes for myself and my family (breaking out of my food rut).

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Next question:


The most surprising thing have you discovered about yourself during this adventure....Go!


I have discovered that I am capable of making smart food choices for myself and my family. 


So, weekend recap:


Saturday was Little Dribbles basketball and birthday party day for one of DD's friends at my FAVORITE little sandwich shop.  They had cake balls, the BEST little chicken salad sandwiches on potato bread, three-tier wedding cake type birthday cake, pesto pasta with bacon, pizza, chips, and did I mention cake balls?  There were cake balls.  Cake balls.  And I didn't.eat.anything.  :-)  Go me!!!  Still experiencing the headaches.  I wish I could figure out what is triggering them. 


Victories:  I can cross my legs again!  My keys on my lanyard for school no longer rub up against my bloated stomach and tear up my shirts.  My version of Tiger Blood has kicked in and yesterday afternoon, I put up all of the Christmas decorations, had hubby haul out a bunch of junk to the storage building, cleaned out YDD closet, cleaned the kitchen, picked up the living room and re-organized it after Christmas decorations were gone, put away clothes, swept the house, stripped ODD old carseats and washed them to get them ready for YDD to transition to, and put together several toys that Santa forgot to put together for YDD before he delivered them.  It felt like I was on super-turbo charge mode!  It was awesome!!!  The only downside was I had so much energy I had a hard time falling asleep!  Lol!  After all that we went to BIL house and ate with the In-Laws and watched the Grammys.  Came home and made chicken breasts for lunch this week.  All in all a pretty productive weekend I think!  :-)


So...what are your victories?

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Worked in the garden this weekend- hauling 20 lb bags of dirt (practical crossfit) & planned out menus/shopping for the next few weeks. Did a killer circuit training this morning & kettlebell workout. Now get sift through compost piles to add to garden. Can't wait to start planting new things this spring.

I have been surprised how I can do without sugar. I am a sugarholic (switched to stevia last year) & love sweets! Without adding sweeteners, I can now taste the food- not the sugar!

Toni- you scared me when you thought tahini wasn't allowed. I was sure I bought it because it was on a compliant list. Glad I checked. Hope you like the hummus.

Have a great week everyone!!

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Day 22 checking in! Can't believe how fast this 30 days is passing...


I'm feeling great, but I'm still having the HARDEST time getting out of bed in the morning. I'm not tired during the day, but damn if it isn't a struggle for me to get my butt out of bed. Anyone else having this problem? I still feel like I could sleep for 24 hours straight. I'm only working out (aside from normal walking/household activities) about once a week, so maybe if I increase my exercise I'll have more energy.


Favorite recipe? I made the Italian Pork Roast Saturday night/Sunday morning, and IT. IS. AMAZING. Seriously.


Most surprising thing? That I'm actually able to subsist without consuming grains. I seriously can't believe the amount of veggies I've been eating (and mostly enjoying) throughout my W30. I'm from New Orleans, where rice is an absolute staple. The ongoing joke is, in New Orleans, you make rice and then you figure out what's for dinner. It'll be interesting to see if I continue to keep rice on the no-no list, or if I maybe switch to brown rice or find some other alternative.


I've just experienced a total shift in my lifestyle, and that's a good thing. Before, eating "healthily" meant having turkey tacos (using the processed taco kit) with 2% cheese and sour cream or having high-fiber spaghetti with turkey meat sauce (using processed tomato sauce full of sugar and sodium). Also Lean Cuisines for lunch (which I now get kind of gaggy thinking about). While things might seem more complicated now, they're actually much simpler. Eat whole, unprocessed foods cooked from scratch. How simple is that?


I'm so proud of us!! Still thankful for this forum and sparkling water and sweet potatoes. Also bananas. I swear, I look forward to a banana like I used to look forward to cake. I. LOVE. BANANAS. :)


Here's to the last 8 days!

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I see that a couple other people are feeling ill. I'm 95% sure that I'm in the beginning stages of a sinus infection. The old me almost talked the new me into going by Starbucks for a beloved White Mocha this morning as the warmth would help my throat and the taste would comfort me. The new me made some hot tea and added lemon and raw, ogranic honey instead. Yay, new me!!!!


Hope everyone else feels better soon and that no one else gets any crud!


Hang in there!  I had been sick for two weeks first with a head cold, then a stomach bug, then a sinus infection.  I found it hardest to stay on track when sick because I didn't feel like cooking and the cravings were coming at me like crazy!  I made a trip to starbucks for a green tea, no sweeteener... tasty & totally helps.  Hang in there, you've made it this far, stick with it!

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Next question:


The most surprising thing have you discovered about yourself during this adventure....Go!


I can actually drink and enjoy black coffee.  My willpower is much stronger than I ever realized it could be.  The quote from Whole30 that resonated with me from the very beginning was that you are ALWAYS making a choice, whenever I have to fight a craving I think of that statement and it reminds me to make the right choice.  I feel so much more confident after being successful on this journey!

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I am not loving this today. I have been having digestive issues since  like Thursday.. ugh. tomorrow I'm going to try and not eat things that I have been eating the past few days. The only new things have been a little more coconut, I was putting it on a soup I made, and this echinachea tea, since I've been having a scratchy throat. I don't think I've been eating an abundance of nuts, but maybe I should stop completely for the next few days.


Also I want to snack like crazy! Nothing I have eaten has satisfied me, I want some freshly baked bread with butter, and some chocolate.


And I just feel sick and crappy.


Also because I'm not noticing any tiger blood or great feelings or loose pants, I just feel deprived! Gah almost over


Hang in there. I would try cutting back on the coconut and see if that helps. Have you been getting enough fat and enough starchy vegetables? Instead of bread and butter do a baked sweet potato with ghee. Chocolate cravings are often because of magnesium. Dark green veggies are high in magnesium also. You can also try natural calm or a magnesium oil spray or a hot epson salt bath (which will help with your congestion). I'm feeling under the weather too right now so I feel your pain. Try hot water with lemon, ginger, or raw apple cider vinegar. Those all seem to help me when I'm feeling sick and congested.

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I see that a couple other people are feeling ill. I'm 95% sure that I'm in the beginning stages of a sinus infection. The old me almost talked the new me into going by Starbucks for a beloved White Mocha this morning as the warmth would help my throat and the taste would comfort me. The new me made some hot tea and added lemon and raw, ogranic honey instead. Yay, new me!!!!


Hope everyone else feels better soon and that no one else gets any crud!


Yes like someone else already said this is a better choice (btw the milk in a mocha makes sore throat/sinus worse for the most part) on a W30 honey is not allowed. It doesn't mean you need to reset but please don't use any more and you might want to consider waiting to have sugar for a full 30 days just to get the benefit.


I also have the crud right now (though I'm not on a whole30) and hot water with lemon on its own is just as effective. You can also try boiling ginger for tea. Raw apple cider vingear in hot water is also quite the sinus kicker. 

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Dangit!! I could've sworn I've seen discussion about raw, organic honey in some of the other forums. Should have checked ISWF to be sure! Ok, so no more honey. Thankfully, I haven't craved sugar or anything at all today even after the honey. My plan was to only introduce dairy(if anything) for the next month or so...I was going to hold out on sugar and simple carbs as long as possible -- maybe forever! Waiting an additional 30 days for sugar won't be a problem. Like I said in a previous post, I might be on a WholeHoweverLongItTakes anyways!


Thanks for the input and for the correction! That's what everyone's here for! Now to open another box of tissue....

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ok guys..yesterday I was having a "kill all things" sort of day (started around 11:30am)...and of course I picked the winner of a shopping cart to get a few items...ya know the kind of cart that pulls to one side and squeeks like a stuck pig!!! SOMEbody was going to get hurt if I didn't change for a proper functioning cart...phew...I did and NOBODY got hurt!!! OK so my not so Zen moment led me to devour more butternut squash than I care to admit...I mean seriously...this is day 23 for me...maybe PMS??? uuuuh when I feel like I can rip a phone book in half YA THINK...???  I was very weepy today as I attended a crisis intervention training...what is going on with me??? I feel like a vulnerable raw mess??? Craving bananas....??? I don't even like bananas that much! Maybe my potassium is low??? eish!! 

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