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January 6 - Day 1


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Day 18 finished!

No major changes for me, still waiting for them.

We had visitors on the weekend and I explained about the situation of me eating differently, it was totally ok, and I don't mind baking and not eating the cake etc. afterwards.

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Most surprising thing for me is that I can feel satisfied with my meals and don't need to snack in between.  


I am also still craving sugars.  Going to Costco today I noticed all the chocolates that I can't have right now.  My sugar dragon is huge.  I'm not sure how long it would take me to get rid of the cravings, but now I know that I can choose when to eat them and choose when to leave them.  


The days do seem to be going so fast now.  I can't believe it's just one more week.  :)

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Next question:


The most surprising thing have you discovered about yourself during this adventure....Go!

After eating "clean" for over a year, I'm surprised by just how much I've learned this time around.

1. Nuts are not my friends. They mess up my digestion. I used to eat at least 2 handfuls a day. No more.

2. Fruit is dangerous for me. A handful of blueberries with shredded coconut one day and I want it again the next. The sugar dragon is strong.

3. I am an overeater. Even when eating clean, I eat a lot. I'm worried about being hungry later, so I tend to eat more "just in case." Working on tapering that a bit and exploring where it takes me. I'm not doing this to lose weight, but don't mind if I do. I do find it weird that I seem to consume much more than my husband who weighs 50 lbs. more than me, does comparable exercise 1 day a week less than me, but isn't doing paleo.

4. Seems like there's always something new to discover!

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Next question:


The most surprising thing have you discovered about yourself during this adventure....Go!


I was out-of-my-mind-with-joy surprised to find that I do have willpower around food. I'm active and determined in everything I do and generally an optimistic person, but I came to the conclusion after so many failed attempts to change my compulsive eating that I lacked control around food. period.


Not true!


I'm also surprised to know that I can think of giving up for good (meaning my own good and forever) the foods that drive me to eat compulsively.

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I actually enjoy not turning on the tv in the evenings. (Full disclosure: This wasn't a purposeful change, just a by-product of coming home to cook every night, and then reading during dinner [i live alone, so there's no conversation...or not very much anyway :ph34r: ] and wanting to keep reading after dinner.)

It's also a great opportunity to get into some music whose presence in your life you may have been missing.

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I can actually drink and enjoy black coffee.  My willpower is much stronger than I ever realized it could be.  The quote from Whole30 that resonated with me from the very beginning was that you are ALWAYS making a choice, whenever I have to fight a craving I think of that statement and it reminds me to make the right choice.  I feel so much more confident after being successful on this journey!

Do the next right thing!

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Day 18 finished!

No major changes for me, still waiting for them.

We had visitors on the weekend and I explained about the situation of me eating differently, it was totally ok, and I don't mind baking and not eating the cake etc. afterwards.

Day 20 and no big changes here either.  I have been sleeping better but that may be due to resuming my walking and getting 10k steps in  most days.  (With my son home from school for two weeks my whole schedule got upended and I couldn't walk after dinner, too dark, no streetlights here but lots of wild life!)

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Hi Folks,

Day 13 done and finished for me. I was ravenous today and ate more than my 3 meals. All compliant foods, though, so I still feel good about it. Just eating compliantly is an accomplishment for me. I think i might just extend my Whole30 to a Whole60 and concentrate on just eating 3 meals a day during the second 30 days.

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Anyone care to share their biggest fear/concern/uncertainty as we approach Day 30?  I keep thinking about YDS's birthday party (4 days after the W30 is done), followed by DNephew's bday party the next day.  To cake or not to cake?  That is MY question! :)  Not yet decided...

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Checking in for day 23 . Have been very tired, a bit bored with my food. Changed it up this morning and had fried eggs instead of scrambled and fried up the left over Brussels sprouts .

Someone asked what have I learned......I have learned it is better for me to have support from others when making big changes in behaviour

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Next question.


Favorite music you like to listen to while cooking or exercising.  Give us your playlist......Go!

When I have lots of cooking/cleaning time in the kitchen I often listen to podcasts.  My favorites are Abel James (The Fat-Burning Man Show) and This American Life.


For exercise, I like to get Pandora or Spotify going on a Justin Timberlake station (guilty pleasure).  My playlist hasn't been updated since my marathon last May--time to update, for sure!


All bundled up here on another day out of school for extreme wind chill (-28

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Ok team, I need some help figuring out these headaches.  For the past week I have been waking up with a horrible headache.  It usually fades mid-morning and I am good to go for the day, but then the next morning it is back.  I tried adding more starchy veggies to my meals yesterday (sweet potato and butternut squash) but still had a headache this morning.  Tried turnip last week and just can't do it.  I tried...I really did.  I am getting ample amounts of water.  I haven't changed how I am eating over the course of this W30, so I'm not sure what started triggering these headaches last week.  It was "that time" but that is over now.  No added stressors.  Just life as normal.  Obviously something has changed to create these, but I can't figure it out and I am soooooo over these headaches.  TIA for any help!!!


Also, just as a side-note...I think if I eat another egg I will throw up.  Literally.  I cannot stomach them anymore.  I had to fight to eat what I did this morning. 


Current Playlist = Sirius #1 Hits on the TV while cooking  :-) 

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Anyone care to share their biggest fear/concern/uncertainty as we approach Day 30?  I keep thinking about YDS's birthday party (4 days after the W30 is done), followed by DNephew's bday party the next day.  To cake or not to cake?  That is MY question! :)  Not yet decided...

Chellie- I have done LOTS of diets!! Jenny Craig, Medifast- you name it. None of them really did a great job of teaching you how to eat off plan. I have always eventually gone back to bad eating habits after the program.

My fear(or aha moment) is learning I can eat off plan occasionally for special events. I have learned that I need to generally stay on a plan like this. I am very carb sensitive (look at carbs- add 5 lbs!) even if I eat carbs in the future, I will just limit them. My husband has started using sandwich thins instead of a whole bun for burgers, etc. or I will have a SMALL piece of cake, not my usual 1/3 of the cake version :)

As I said before I am going on a trip in a few weeks that will give me almost no control over food (relatives that won't change or understand).i am planning some veggies to take with me, & will just do the best I can with the choices. After the trip, I will probably do another W30 to refine what I learned this time.

I think it will be different for each of us. Listen to your body & what makes you feel better. Just learn not to go back to an -EAT ANYTHING I WANT STAGE.

You've made it this far. Use what you've learned. Don't beat yourself up for small deviations, just be strong. You can do this!

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I have fear about book club! I'm hosting on Feb 13. Normally, book club consists of pizza, dessert, and wine (of course). Since I'm hosting, I have to provide dinner, so it's not an option for me to eat before or bring my own food. I could always cook something, but we've got some picky eaters (pretty much the only acceptable meat is chicken), and it's a pretty big hassle to cook for a group in the middle of the week. So, pizza it likely is. But I have major anxiety about that! It's outside of my W30, which is fine, but what do I do? I could always load up on salad (which, depending on who brings it, is chock full of cheese and croutons) and eat a single piece of pizza. But what about dessert and wine? I definitely think I want to partake, but should I? What if I can't handle it?


It would be nice to not freak out about things like this and just have a NORMAL RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD. Gah! :angry:

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I have fear about book club! I'm hosting on Feb 13. Normally, book club consists of pizza, dessert, and wine (of course). Since I'm hosting, I have to provide dinner, so it's not an option for me to eat before or bring my own food. I could always cook something, but we've got some picky eaters (pretty much the only acceptable meat is chicken), and it's a pretty big hassle to cook for a group in the middle of the week. So, pizza it likely is. But I have major anxiety about that! It's outside of my W30, which is fine, but what do I do? I could always load up on salad (which, depending on who brings it, is chock full of cheese and croutons) and eat a single piece of pizza. But what about dessert and wine? I definitely think I want to partake, but should I? What if I can't handle it?


It would be nice to not freak out about things like this and just have a NORMAL RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD. Gah! :angry:

Could you order pizza for everyone else and have something like Well Fed's sausage eggplant strata for you? If people want some of the strata, great! If not, you can eat something which won't make you feel poorly.


Have fresh fruit for after: pineapple is in season now. 


On the wine, if you decide to partake, you could do something like limit yourself to two glasses max, drinking soda water and lime in between.

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I love thinking about how I will possibly approach the ending of my first Whole30 and life thereafter! As I mentioned before, I'd really like to extend this program another 30 days, being more careful about eliminating snacking. Also, I eat too much fruit right now. I definitely need to keep the fruit down to one serving per day. I do find that eating more fruit brings the Sugar Dragon into play, and that's usually when I binge. Leaving it completely out seems too difficult, and I hate to set myself up for failure, as I have so many times in the past, by making my program and expectations too strict.


With my binge eating disorder, I've actually binged on compliant foods a few times. The thought process is: "Well, I know I'm going to binge. Let's just stick with foods that are compliant with the Whole30, and leave it at that." Somehow it's comforting to know that I'm still with the program, just not doing it as strictly as others. I guess what I'm saying is that I've got to allow myself to take "baby steps" and ease myself into eating the Whole30 way. That's why I'm going to do another Whole30 back-to-back. Besides, I'm only on Day 14, and I still am looking forward to feeling all of the benefits eating this way expounds.


I'd also like to start logging my food everyday. Either meal-by-meal or one whole day at a time. I think that would keep me honest with my food, and disallow any deviating from the program.


So, to sum it up: 1) eat only 3 meals a day, with nothing in between; 2) eat only one serving of fruit each day, if at all; and 3) log my food everyday.


I'm a musician and listen to a variety of genres: blues, classical, ethnic and folk, bluegrass, and much more. It depends on what kind of mood I'm in, but lately I've been listening to Mary McLaughlin singing Gaelic Christmas music. Her voice and the arrangements are truly exceptional. I can't stop listening and singing along with her! Also "The Anonymous Four" are a group of women who sing a capella and are a delight to hear. Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven round out the rest, but I don't listen to them as much as play them on the guitar and piano. However, Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony has got to be one of my favorites to listen to. LOUD!


Everyone is doing so well. I love this board. You are my inspiration, motivation, and information! Keep up the great work!


To the one suffering from headaches: my heart goes out to you. I wish I had some wise words that would make them disappear, but, alas, I can only offer my sympathy. May they exit your life soon.

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@mk_hammer: Meatza? With ground chicken crust? Or just make yourself a meatza. Then you get the pizza-esque pleasure of picking up a slice and eating it, but not the pizza itself. If you wanted to use book club as a reintro day, you could do it with the wine, or with a dessert you make with gluten or other grains in it. Whatever you do: You can totally handle it, whatever choice you make. :)


@sklane: I'd say keep up with the starchy veggies. Also, how are you sleeping? My husband wakes up with horrendous headaches if he doesn't take melatonin at night (it also helps him get to sleep).

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Well day 23, yay for all of us, I can't even believe it.  Thought I needed to check in and see if anyone else is feeling like me.  I feel like I have been more tired this week, but I also feel like I have been waking up a lot throughout the night for no reason.  I feel like it kind of started when I started taking CALM (last Friday).  I got it because I have also found that I am definitely not as regular as I was before the Whole 30 and I was told that CALM might help in that regard, however I feel like it has made me sleep worse...is not possible?  Any other ideas that are compliant for becoming more regular??


On a side note I feel much better about myself and feel like I have had success and really feel like I am going to stick to this way of eating, except for the occasional alcoholic beverage (or 5) and maybe a treat every once and awhile...but truly every once and awhile...not every day!!  I really am so happy I and everyone else choose this journey!!  I can't wait to weigh myself :)



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I have fear about book club! I'm hosting on Feb 13. Normally, book club consists of pizza, dessert, and wine (of course). Since I'm hosting, I have to provide dinner, so it's not an option for me to eat before or bring my own food. I could always cook something, but we've got some picky eaters (pretty much the only acceptable meat is chicken), and it's a pretty big hassle to cook for a group in the middle of the week. So, pizza it likely is. But I have major anxiety about that! It's outside of my W30, which is fine, but what do I do? I could always load up on salad (which, depending on who brings it, is chock full of cheese and croutons) and eat a single piece of pizza. But what about dessert and wine? I definitely think I want to partake, but should I? What if I can't handle it?


It would be nice to not freak out about things like this and just have a NORMAL RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD. Gah! :angry:

Ahh man, I think it's time for a little tough love. I know you said it's outside of the Whole30 but are you ready/willing to offroad with confidence? You are hosting this shindig. You can make anything you want for YOU. And you can still provide for others. I would even venture to make a little more of something Whole30 compliant and just see what other people think. I'm pretty sure if you educate them with the why and how of what you are doing, you will not only reassure yourself this is a good thing but maybe spark the intrigue of others. If you just can't handle not partaking in something then pick ONE thing. Don't dive into all things! Choose wine over pizza, or dessert over wine. Hope you make good decisions! :)

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@sklane: I'd say keep up with the starchy veggies. Also, how are you sleeping? My husband wakes up with horrendous headaches if he doesn't take melatonin at night (it also helps him get to sleep).


I've been sleeping ok.  Going to bed around 10 and getting up at 6:15 ish.  Same sleep schedule as pre-headache land.  I try to get in bed by about 9:30 every night.  Sometimes before, sometimes after though.  I slept in some this weekend (as much as the kids would allow anyway!) and that was nice to get at least another hour or so.  But I haven't been experiencing any night waking or restless sleep.




To the one suffering from headaches: my heart goes out to you. I wish I had some wise words that would make them disappear, but, alas, I can only offer my sympathy. May they exit your life soon.


Thanks Lara!  I hope they exit soon as well!!!  :-)  Today's headache left around 10:30.  I'm wondering if fat intake has anything to do with it?  I put coconut milk/cream in my coffee each morning, so maybe once the fat gets in my system it helps the headache?  I use coconut oil and ghee to cook everything in though, plus I eat avocados and I do not trim the fat from my meats, so I should be getting a decent amount of fat in my diet. 

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Ok team, I need some help figuring out these headaches.  For the past week I have been waking up with a horrible headache.  It usually fades mid-morning and I am good to go for the day, but then the next morning it is back.  I tried adding more starchy veggies to my meals yesterday (sweet potato and butternut squash) but still had a headache this morning.  Tried turnip last week and just can't do it.  I tried...I really did.  I am getting ample amounts of water.  I haven't changed how I am eating over the course of this W30, so I'm not sure what started triggering these headaches last week.  It was "that time" but that is over now.  No added stressors.  Just life as normal.  Obviously something has changed to create these, but I can't figure it out and I am soooooo over these headaches.  TIA for any help!!!


Also, just as a side-note...I think if I eat another egg I will throw up.  Literally.  I cannot stomach them anymore.  I had to fight to eat what I did this morning. 


Current Playlist = Sirius #1 Hits on the TV while cooking  :-) 


Has anything changed in your environment especially your bedroom? 


And if you don't want anymore eggs than eat something else for your meal 1. Any protein will do.

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I am glad to report that I think some Tiger Blood is finally hitting! I had an amazing workout this morning and I am getting my stamina back and didn't feel as weak. I hate feeling weak in workouts.


I think my plans going forward will be to try to make this my lifestyle. But I need to be realistic and acknowledge that I will have birthday's and other things happen. So my game pan is to be one week ON one week somewhat off {nothing crazy} going forward. And with my husband being on-board, this means us finding new recipes and growing our pallets. Brave new world here :)


And my favourite playlist is dance. Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Imagine Dragons, AWOL Nation etc. A good beat perks my mood :)

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