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Whole 30 starting Jan 1


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Oh wow, lots and lots of words to read here... I just wanted to say, in response to someone way up there, that I don't find the cooking tedious. Ive been eating differently from my family and friends since 2010 so I don't find it tedious, its a necessity for me. Having a bowel condition like ulcerative colitis, what I put into my body seriously can have adverse effects on my entire being. I tend to keep meal prep very simple. W30 is helping me address issues with how I use food, emotionally and all that. Today I have a very nasty cold, or the flu, I don't know but Im feeling like crap anyway so I don't know how W30 is effecting me at this stage. I feel slimmer, my clothes fit better but I feel gassier, however that may be due to a flare up.... which sometimes happens after a change in diet. My plan isn't to carry on with W30 in Feb, but I do plan to be very selective about what I put into my mouth.

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In addition, calories do matter.  It's basic physics.

 Sorry, it sounds like you feel attacked, which was not my intent at all. As I said, you may feel better and less stressed "riding your own bike" and not doing a whole30. That's great!


But, the way the body processes food is not basic physics. Calories in/calories out is false. Take a look at this: http://www.gnolls.org/3374/there-is-no-such-thing-as-a-calorie-to-your-body/

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Emily, I get it. I really do.


I am someone who has a tendency to get a little bit obsessive about my weight. There, I said it. I admitted it. To a bunch of people who have no idea who I am in real life, lol. Man, this is easy. Want to hear about my childhood now?


I am not saying you are obsessive. But like you, I do see some aspects of the whole30 as being just as mentally or emotionally unhealthy as weight watchers, calorie counting, etc. You are still freaking thinking about food ALL THE TIME. NONE of those approaches to a balanced diet are inherently unhealthy. I think if you are that kind of person, you attach that behavior to whatever approach you take. I was hoping the Whole30 would help address some of that for me. The fact that is hasn't is not an issue with Whole30, it is an issue with how I approach food/body image/etc. And that is going to take more than 30 days, and one book, and even some very supportive people on this forum to change.


So, after the 30 days, I'm going to ride my own bike and try to come up with an approach that works for me. I myself am going to try to avoid calorie counting for a while. I started eating primal in October and managed to do that without calorie counting except for an odd day here or there. But I also wasn't reading every single label and spending 2 hours in the grocery store finding compliant stuff and I could actually enjoy a meal out at a restaurant without completely obsessing about every possible non compliant ingredient.


I can say this. As completely over this whole30 as I am, I have seen benefits. I am sleeping, almost 8 hours, almost every night. I'm in my early 40's and have struggled with various forms of insomnia my entire life time (my mother almost took me to a sleep clinic in my teen years). I will have given up alcohol for 30 days, which is something I've never done in my adult life, and didn't think I could do. I have an old spinal cord injury in my neck that I didn't even realize was chronically low grade painful until all of a sudden...it wasn't. My sinus issues which had me on 3 different meds have resolved enough that I am almost 100% med free. My mood is better. While I have no tiger blood, my energy is more consistent and I don't have crashes.


I can also say this. The number one reason I tried this program was to kick start my weight loss. So, no wonder I have issues with it. Right now, I'm just trying to change the narrative in my head. That will take time, and more than a whole30 to solve.


Whew. I'm gonna go back to talking about rack of lamb now. That was way too much for a wednesday, lol.

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 Sorry, it sounds like you feel attacked, which was not my intent at all. As I said, you may feel better and less stressed "riding your own bike" and not doing a whole30. That's great!


But, the way the body processes food is not basic physics. Calories in/calories out is false. Take a look at this: http://www.gnolls.org/3374/there-is-no-such-thing-as-a-calorie-to-your-body/



I like this article.  I have only believed this from circumstantial evidence... and watching my sisters ruin their metabolisms with all kinds of calorie restrictive diets over the years.... leading them to be clinically obese in their 50's.


Regardless - this is the best line in the article:


  • Biochemical individuality means that the optimum diet for different people will differ—as will their tolerance for suboptimal diets.


In other words - life is not fair.  Dammit.


Oh, by the way.. because I'm so much sunshine :)  Remember how I started this w30 with an ex boyfriend dying of a heartattack at 53?  Well, that makes some kind of sense because he drank, smoked AND ate whatever he liked.


But one of my highschool friends called me last week.  She had a heart attack. WHAT?!?  I told her she must have misunderstood the doctor.  She is 43... never touched a cigarette OR an alcoholic drink in her life AND is an underweight dancer... also lives in healthy colorado.  Her only risk factors?  Some family history (grandfather) and her not very good (no vegies, lots of white sugar and flour) diet.


So maybe that was all genetics and such... but it's one more thing to go on my index card when I can't decide if something is 'worth it'.

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Okay, so I AM seeing my waist get smaller which is lovely, but the first time I did the W30 I didn't lose any weight. The difference this time? No nuts. So, no apples with almond butter, no LaraBars, no trail mix. I think this has been very helpful. Also, I am eating sauerkraut to increase my beneficial gut flora.
I studied Biochemistry in college and the whole Leaky Gut thing didn't make sense to me until I read this article. 
It is a very long read but completely fascinating and informative. What might jump out at you is that mice with healthy gut bacteria can eat as much as they want and not gain weight. Take away those microbes and they gain weight. Give them back and they lose weight. AMAZING! This is why I am not worried about calories (even though I have low thyroid) but rather I am focusing on populating my gut with awesome flora!


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I wish I liked sauerkraut more.  And kale (or any dark greens).  Suggestions on baby stepping into liking them more?


For sauerkraut I actually started with fermented veggies that I liked better (carrots for me) and then tried a mixture and now I like it pretty well but only eat about 1/4 cup a day.


Kale I only really enjoy cooked. I like to saute it and then scramble eggs into it with a lot of sea salt. I enjoy it a lot. I also like kale in soups. It helps to rip it up a lot too. You could try mixing kale in with greens you like more at first until you adjust to the taste/texture.

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My goal for this Whole30 was to simplify my meals.  Just because there are so many delicious paleo recipes out there doesn't mean we have to cook a four-course dinner (or a rack of lamb, lol) every time.  I _do_ want to make this a lifestyle, and it can't be unless it is quick and simple.  A veggie, a protein, a fat.  Easy peasy.


I did go on a bit of a tangent in the later weeks of this whole30 and got sucked into trying some more delicious recipes from Well Fed and Well Fed 2.  Her stuff is just wonderful.  But it spurred a husbandly meltdown as to the condition of the kitchen, so I am backing off of new recipes for this final week.


In our final week, I am craving coffee and mashed potatoes. (Separately, lol.)  I don't think I am going to go back to coffee, though.  I didn't like the caffeine feeling I was getting drinking it regularly.  But I have also decided I can't stand the odor of bone broth.  I like chicken stock just fine, but the past few times that I have put the bones back in and cooked them for an additional 24 hours, the broth has had a gamey taste and odor to it.  As much as I would like the extra calcium, it I don't drink it, it won't work for me.


M1 fried eggs and left over pot roast veggies.  M2 greek salad with grilled chicken.  M3 steak.  Apple for snack.


I'm putting a pork shoulder into the crockpot today for Nomnompaleo slow cooker kahlua pig.  My husband doesn't like pork but will eat it in the form of carnitas.  I consider it a simple recipe - bacon, pork shoulder, garlic, salt, slow cooker. (Made http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2011/04/29/stovetop-pork-carnitas/ instead.)


The kids are coming off of their Blue Dye high and are back on the whole30 plan.  Their and my start over day for the next whole30 will be Feb 1 because I love being able to count what day I am on so easily.  My daughter's birthday is Feb 2 so I get to make some paleo treats for her class.  That will be my first foray into sharing paleo with the general public (other than Thanksgiving when I brought some paleo stuffing).

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This is my second Whole30, as mentioned before. The first time I did this I thought to myself almost every day, "Who are these crazy people and why the heck did I listen to them and their nutty ideas about food and health!" Had I rotten tomatoes, I would have used the ISWF book as target practice. I lost four pounds. Four lousy crummy pounds after a month of restriction. And yes, I call it restrictive because not having chocolate is such a loss to me.

But something happened afterwards; I kept to some of the rules without obsessing about labels. But I ate the Key Lime pie in Islamorada because when I am in the Florida Keys, I must eat the key lime and I ate pizza when I craved it because it looked delicious and the family was all together. But - here's the big BUT part, I was aware of it. I ate the Reese's peanut butter cup because I wanted it but I was conscious of it and didn't reach for the M&Ms next. I really felt like I could eat everything by being aware of everything that I was eating. I didn't give into the gratitious bite of mac-n-cheese or the cake when I really didn't feel like I wanted just because it was someone's birthday.

Something in my body chemistry had changed. I haven't read the article mentioned above but maybe it's similar to the mice with the leaky gut. I never went too far off road and I never gained any weight back. And I am sure some are still thinking ...but it was only four measly pounds? I continued to feel good for a long time and lost a few more. I decided to do another whole30 as a refresher course - maybe I could lose another 3-4 pounds. Or just to reinforce habits that had grown further from my mind.

So I am echoing all those sentiments about not feeling a miraculous change. Lucky those who have reaped huge benefits but remember my story. I am the tortoise, not the hare.

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Bad headache today.  Hoping it is not the flu as I have been lazy and not gotten my flu shot yet.  I really should do that tomorrow.


This is my third Whole30.  It is a great reset for me and it feels good to eat this way.  I have to be careful about my nut consumption or I don't lose weight.  


I encourage everyone who is not feeling totally jazzed to hang in there, drink lots of water (dehydration can be a trickster and a big issue for me in the winter) and keep eating super healthy as much as you can.  It really does make a difference.

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Wow, you've all been busy on here! Long day at work today and same again tomorrow. Need to make sure I get decent sleep. *yawn*

Feeling pretty good and a colleague commented I was looking slimmer today :) This is also the person who was shocked that I get to eat avocado. She thought that was great!

Made the Well Fed beef stew with orange gremolata for dinner tonight. It was good but was expecting to be more wowed. Oh well, I tried it.

I'm considering not weighing myself when the 30 days are up... I don't want to attach too much importance to that number but, on the other hand, we all like to have a way of measuring our progress. Jury is out currently.

So, today:

M1: roasted veg and prosciutto frittata

M2: broccoli soup, mackerel, half an avocado

M3: prosciutto, carrot, coconut oil

M4: beef stew and Brussels sprouts

I was really hungry when I got in, hence the mini meal. I think it's a stress/tiredness response but I'm not too worried.

Eight days to go! I have my biggest challenge next week when I'm away with work for two nights but have given them my dietary requirements so fingers crossed! And as we're in London I get to visit my Disneyland... aka Wholefoods! Yay! Best of all, the company will pay for my food there. Kale chips all round :D

Bedtime for this girl. Happy W30ing.

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Liking Kale more - god, I love kale so much that I was worried I'd give myself too much Vitamin K and my blood would thin (or something).  For you guys wondering how to like green veggies more, my favorite way to have kale is in a salad.  Chopped super thinly, and the dress the salad an hour or more before you want to eat it with salt and lemon juice and olive oil.  Massage that salad.  The dressing makes it softer and very flavorful. 


Post whole 30, add it to your smoothies.  I LOVE green smoothies (and green juices, but you don't get the fiber).  That's what makes me feel tiger blood in my normal eating.  It's the one thing I've missed (besides wine).


As for me and my husband on Whole 30.  We are doing well.  I think one of the reasons I feel so so much better is 1. dropping grains and relying on eating more protein in general, and 2. eating more fat and not feeling shy about it.  I feel really really great even between meals, as I feel like my blood sugar is more steady.


I'm not going to do a Whole 60 or anything like that, but I think I'll just continue skipping grains and most dairy.  I think we'd like to be able to go out for a pizza at our favorite italian place once in a while, but I'd like to not have it in the home.  That seems like it might be a good rule for me. 


I also broke a whole 30 rule and measured myself, and was pleased with the results.  However - I hadn't measured since december and I think the losses started before the holidays.  I have been addicted to this workout class that is dancy and fun and I think that it is a big part of it.


Also, Emily, i did cheat and calorie count a few days during this process (because I was STARVING all the time but felt like I was eating a ton).  At least for me, my whole 30 days (even with like, tablespoons and tablespoons of oil and full avocados) were like, 1000 calories less than I had been eating, go figure.

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You know to me it really is about the benefits of eating more nutrient dense food.  Like tonight for example.  I have a headache still (really, please do not be the flu, I never get headaches like this) and I am tired from my first long day of the semester and when I got home I could easily have eaten half a bag of pistachio nutmeats (170 calories x 4 = 680) but instead I had a meal of potroast and sweet potato.  No way could I binge and consume 680 calories of potroast.  I'd be way too full if I did (and seriously?  I could probably eat the whole bag of pistachios no problem).  Why nuts are not a good idea for me (well salted nuts, I don't binge on the plain ones).  


This is a process.  I just feel better when I eat this way.   And before my first W30 I read Gary Taubes (Good Calorie, Bad Calorie and Why We Get Fat which is the Reader's Digest condensed version of Good Calorie, Bad Calorie).  I almost cried when I read this book.  The idea that we are fat from eating too many calories really isn't the truth.  We are fat from the foods we eat (i.e. carbs) screwing up our hormones.


I am officially going to buy sauerkraut.  I actually love it but only have it once a year when we eat hot dogs for 4th of July.  What section of the grocery store is it in (cold or canned)?  Should I go to a place like Whole Foods ('cause I seem to be going there almost every flipping day this week) or is Kroger deli sauerkraut good enough?    Thanks for the advice!

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You know to me it really is about the benefits of eating more nutrient dense food.  Like tonight for example.  I have a headache still (really, please do not be the flu, I never get headaches like this) and I am tired from my first long day of the semester and when I got home I could easily have eaten half a bag of pistachio nutmeats (170 calories x 4 = 680) but instead I had a meal of potroast and sweet potato.  No way could I binge and consume 680 calories of potroast.  I'd be way too full if I did (and seriously?  I could probably eat the whole bag of pistachios no problem).  Why nuts are not a good idea for me (well salted nuts, I don't binge on the plain ones).  


This is a process.  I just feel better when I eat this way.   And before my first W30 I read Gary Taubes (Good Calorie, Bad Calorie and Why We Get Fat which is the Reader's Digest condensed version of Good Calorie, Bad Calorie).  I almost cried when I read this book.  The idea that we are fat from eating too many calories really isn't the truth.  We are fat from the foods we eat (i.e. carbs) screwing up our hormones.


I am officially going to buy sauerkraut.  I actually love it but only have it once a year when we eat hot dogs for 4th of July.  What section of the grocery store is it in (cold or canned)?  Should I go to a place like Whole Foods ('cause I seem to be going there almost every flipping day this week) or is Kroger deli sauerkraut good enough?    Thanks for the advice!

You want the fermented sauerkraut, which you'll find in the refrigerated section.

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PS  I kind of gave up on kale.  I love kale chips and I love it in a summer salad but otherwise just kind of 'meh.'  I LOVE, love, love spinach though so figure that is dark green enough for me.   I eat it most days cooked with eggs and garlic, etc and then all different ways at night.

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Salmon fishcakes from Well Fed 2 have been a new introduction into the breakfast routine (made with jerk seasoning, as the old bay seasoning in the recipe isn't something I can easily find). I baked them in muffin cups as that just seemed easier.


I've also been doing scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and dill and I love that little bit of salty with my breakfast (and it's a far easier choice than bacon).  I'm at the point where I'm looking for the easiest food choices possible.  I'm glad we're at Day 23 already, I'm feeling a bit burned out on this... despite wanting easy meals to make, I think I might be getting a bit bored and need to try something new.  Would love some inspiration...


Alliath-  I think I'm at the shop buying spinach every other day.  Though, partially because it doesn't stay fresh for more than a few days.


drtraceyb- My husband isn't even allowed in the kitchen while I'm cooking, I make a huge mess.  Though, I've gotten better about keeping things tidy as I go along.  And I usually spend about 5 minutes after the food is on plates cleaning up the kitchen a bit more before I call him that the food is actually ready.


ktothev- Tell us more about this rosemary pesto.  I could definitely eat some lamb.

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OK, so today I am ON FIRE! (Is this tiger blood?) I feel stick thin (in a good way!) (though I know I cannot possibly be thinner than I was yesterday so this is definitely in my head). Yesterday I returned to a problem at work that has been vexing me and I have not been able to crack for weeks (around copyright law ... yawn) and bam! I got it just like that. I thought it was just luck / passage of time / the muses visited me. Today I have solved another huge strategy problem we have been grappling with for months -- and it just came to me in the car driving the kids to school. If life is going to be this easy from now on you'll see me dancing from the rooftops soon. I feel like Keanu Reeves in the Matrix when he suddenly gets it and puts one hand behind his back while he fights Agent Smith (or is it the other agents? can't quite remember) and he looks almost bored as he whops their butts in super high speed. That's me today. I have a cold, I have earache, I didn't sleep well, and still -- I AM ON FIRE! I COULD CONQUER THE WORLD!! This is totally unexpected (and has not happened to me before ... this is my third go-round). Oh, and today I am also spectacularly good looking. Even if I only get one day of it (or one and a half days) I'll take it thank-you very much. It might be the alignment of the planets, or the fact I ate salmon for dinner last night, or the fact that I'm doing a W30 ... whatever. It's good!


Otherwise ... not much to report. Must make mayo today in the middle of solving all the world's problems and roast up more cauliflower and tomatoes.

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Hooray for Semolina! I like your comparisson to the matrix hehehe, kick some ass!!


Feeling pretty awesome myself, Day 23! Going on week 4 of whole 30, cannot believe how fast it has been guys!

For those of you who aren't seeing as many results as you would like, stick with it!  Whole 30 is a kick start, it is not a quick fix to weight loss. But I understand it's not for everyone, and if you feel worse than before, you may have deeper health issues going on. Definitely look into getting your thyroid and your insulin levels checked out, you may have a metabolic syndrome and you didn't even know it.


I want to see some abs definition before I start occasionally treating myself to sugar, dairy and grains. Does anyone have any tips for that??? I'm not expecting a full on six pack but I'd like to see some muscles flexing out of there. I'm thinking maybe interval training, crossfit and maybe intermittent fasting will get me there?...

Oh and I'd like to fit comfortably in my jeans again! I swore to myself I won't buy any new ones until I'm back into my old size.


I appreciate any feeback or tips you may have!

Much love!

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I want to see some abs definition before I start occasionally treating myself to sugar, dairy and grains. Does anyone have any tips for that??? I'm not expecting a full on six pack but I'd like to see some muscles flexing out of there. I'm thinking maybe interval training, crossfit and maybe intermittent fasting will get me there?...

Oh and I'd like to fit comfortably in my jeans again! I swore to myself I won't buy any new ones until I'm back into my old size.



I put on my Levi's for work last night and they fit great and I figured I must have had on my husband's (who wears a waist size 2 inches bigger than me) but when I got home I checked and they were mine!  That felt good because I have not felt better size wise this time around.  I do feel good all other aspects.  


No clue on ab definition.  CF will kick your ass into shape though!

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Y'all, I have such an awesome breakfast this morning. I had some of the Well Fed chocolate chili left, but it wasn't enough for lunch. So I took some spaghetti squash and threw it in a pan with some olive oil, and cooked it until the edges looked crispy. Then I threw two eggs in there on top of that and cooked those until the eggs looked crispy. Then I threw the leftover chili on top of THAT and cooked until it was heated, and then I heated up some broccoli fennel soup, and that was breakfast, or M1. Oh, and also avocado slices on top.

The past couple of days I've been STARVING by about halfway through my afternoon (around 3 or 4). The first day I think it was only bored hungry, and it passed. I think maybe I just need some variety; I've been making mostly hot plates on this W30 because as I have mentioned before, I am super super lazy. However, yesterday for M1, I ate: THREE fried eggs with guacamole, a cup of sauteed spinach and kale, half a sweet potato's worth of hash, and a cup of black tea with coconut butter. I was STARVING by ten o' clock. Then for M2, I ate a big bowl of the Well Fed chocolate chili (about a cup and a half/2 cups) a big bowl of carrot ginger soup (about 2 cups), a cup of sauteed spinach and kale, a handful of olives, a handful of coconut, and about a fist of pineapple. AND I WAS STARVING BY FOUR. Fortunately it was time to eat my preworkout meal, but DANG, SERIOUSLY, I thought I was going to have to gnaw my legs off. I was determined not to snack on stupid Walgreens almonds again. I'm just amazed at the METRIC BUTT-TON OF FOOD I GET TO EAT on this program and still sometimes I have to evaluate all, "Was that metric butt-ton of food enough? Do I need to also eat some seaweed?".

Annabel, I am so glad to hear I'm not the only one with a spinach vortex. Clearly mine is between my house and ... oh no, I forgot whose post it was. Whoever had a bunch of spinach and no cauliflower. I have a a ton of cauli and no spinach, clearly there is a wormhole between our kitchens.

GO SEMOLINA GO! That sounds like an awesome day at work.

Sailor L, I have heard that abs are made in the kitchen, so I'd definitely stay away from the grains and processed carbs and sugars for a while if you had a problem with them before!

I haven't noticed much difference in my pants, because I like my pants pretty baggy anyway, but I sure as heck like the way I look in the mirror better. Hello pelvic bone, haven't seen you since before Christmas, how was your hibernation under all that fudge?

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Semolina, I also love the matrix comparison!

Jodea, I totally get the whole foods/Disneyland comparison. I live in the middle of nowhere and it is such a treat just to be able to go to Safeway. I really look forward to grocery shopping (although its's not quite as fun now that I'm not buying junk, lol).

I am feeling a little burned out too but I am going to keep on trucking. I have realized grapes and larabars and food with no brakes for me. I really want to tighten up my diet again over the next thirty days. I have been really lax about my fruit intake and that needs to stop. So my goal for days 31 thru 60 is to really stick to the rule of only 1-2 servings of fruit per day. I'm recommitting.

Feeling pretty good still. Not tiger blood, but I am not sluggish anymore. Things are about to get crazy here with the family business, new projects are coming up. I think it will actually be helpful to stick to a strict eating plan bc otherwise I might just completely fall off the rails. Being strict forces me to plan.

I also realized I kind of have to keep eating this way. I am living the life I want. I am getting the things done that I couldn't get done before. Going back to sugar is not going to help me get through homeschooling, not going to help me keep my house clean, not going to improve my relationships with my kids. But eating this way I feel like I can do all the things I want to do. Plus there are some health issues that will never resolve if I go back to sugar.

Last might I made gravy for the family using arrowroot powder instead of flour. Dh said it was "bland" but he ate it. I dont't think the kids even noticed. It's little changes like that that keep me going.

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