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Potty Treat?


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I am starting a Whole30 with my kids on Jan 1. I have completed around 5 Whole30s and I thought it was time to get my kids involved.

I'm posting this in hopes of getting some ideas for potty treats. I am working on potty training my two year old and she usually gets one treat (a small candy like a jelly bean or m&m) for going number one and two for going number two. I have been trying to think of whole30 treats to replace the candy. I want it to be special because I want to reward her for going potty. 


I was thinking maybe just an Enjoy Life chocolate chip. I know they have the sugar but they don't have the soy, dairy, etc... I thought about dried fruit, but would she really think that was a reward? 


Has anyone gone through something like this? I would love some ideas.


Thank you!


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Maybe you can start alternating the chocolate chip with a fun silly song that you two can sing/dance together and then phase out the food reward.  How about 10 minutes of a favourite movie? Or a sticker chart that she can earn something fun like playdoh when she has filled a certain number of stickers?


You know your own child, but I would guess that she would probably love you to do a cheer and get all excited with her when she's successful.  And remember, the more often that she successfully goes on the potty, the less exciting it should be getting for her.....except if you keep giving her sugar, it's physiological that she will continue to want that sugar regardless of if going peepee is exciting/reward-worthy.

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We always used stickers -- never treats.   


My next-door neighbors are doing this right now with their daughter, and she puts them all over her legs and leaves them there for days.  She's the sweetest thing in the whole world... unless you happen to mention her stickers needing to come off for bath time.  I made that mistake.  Won't happen again!    :lol:

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Another vote for praise, stickers, stamps, or anything non-food related. I'm currently potty-training my youngest and he responds well to a lot of clapping, high fives, and "Yay! You did it!" Take this all with a grain of salt though because he is not fully potty trained yet, but I didn't use candy to reward my oldest child and he potty trained eventually as well. Good luck with the sticker chart! 

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My kids don't do whole 30 but I've managed to potty train 2 of them without a single chocolate button, jelly bean or sticker. We don't do praise for bodily functions either, a simple ooh look you did a wee/ poo in the potty! is quite sufficient. It is a self rewarding process to not be covered in your own excrement, imho ;-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

When my son was potty training we had a song and dance that was funny.  He loved it!  The potty chair was in the living room.  I look his clothes off as soon as we got home and any time he used his potty chair/seat we gave huge cheers of delight, danced and chanted about potty happenings all the way to bathroom and then clean up.  We made it silly and fun.  Good luck with the training!  I can be a lot of fun!

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  • 3 weeks later...

With my girl, we had a sticker chart. She got a sticker every time she was successful, and then once the stickers filled the column she would get to choose a treat (small toy, food item, balloon) that way it wasn't a constant toy parade or food demand. A column took about a few days or a week to fill with stickers.

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I am on child #3 (if you put my children and my husbands together, he is #6) and I don't do treats anymore. Praise yes, treats, no. My daughter was potty trained without any kind of reward system and it worked just fine! If you do want to do a treats, I agree with everyone about the stickers. Little ones LOVE stickers!!

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