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5 hours ago, kelseysgotthis said:

@treeny_bash What is the plan for your sister's birthday meal? is she cooking a big meal? Are you going out? Have you had a chance to talk to her about your W30? Let's make sure you've got a good plan for that party so you don't have to worry about ruining your W30 right at the end! Would it be possible to offer to bring a dish to contribute? And maybe one of the W30 cocktails, nuts or olives too? Or maybe eat before you go so you can make it through the event without really eating? Don't grab that wine just yet! I feel your pain, I really miss it too! Soon!!

Hi Kelsey. Thanks so much for your message. We're going out for a meal and there's not a lot in terms of compliant food :( I've planned to have chicken wings to start and a steak for main, but there could well be sugar or soy in the marinades and there won't be much in the way of compliant veg on the side I imagine.  I've half broached the subject with my mum and told her I won't be eating any cake but I haven't explained the whole concept to her. I'll be taking my own food for the weekend which will be awkward - my mum really struggled in the past to understand why i don't eat pasta but am happy to eat crusty bread (totally worth it - food freedom before I know that was a thing!) - but I'm planning on eggs for breakfast and tuna salad with potato for lunches. I'm feeling stronger today and the craving for wine has passed - for now! 

In other news, I made nomnompaleo's kalua pig in my slower cooker today and had it with balsamic stir fried veg omg! Heaven! I love this food! 

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HELP! I am on day 18, I feel nothing. I did not sleep well last night and woke up with a slight headache and a charley horse in my calf. I don't even know how this is possible because I've been drinking SO much water. I am also super emotional today. I am feeling so frustrated that I am not seeing any results. I plan on sticking it out because I already spent so much trying so hard, but I am not happy and I feel like I am wasting my time.

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18 minutes ago, mschmuki said:

HELP! I am on day 18, I feel nothing. I did not sleep well last night and woke up with a slight headache and a charley horse in my calf. I don't even know how this is possible because I've been drinking SO much water. I am also super emotional today. I am feeling so frustrated that I am not seeing any results. I plan on sticking it out because I already spent so much trying so hard, but I am not happy and I feel like I am wasting my time.

Muscle cramps can be the result of not enough potassium or magnesium. For the potassium, you can focus on foods that are high in potassium like avocado, spinach, sweet potato, winter squashes, or banana -- try adding some of these to your meals for a few days if you're not already. For magnesium, dark green leafy vegetables are good. You can also look into supplements -- there's one called Natural Calm that is compliant if you get the original, unflavored version, it's a powder you mix with water and drink, and some people find it helps them sleep. There are other magnesium supplements too, and if you find that they cause digestive issues, you can also use epsom salt baths or foot soaks or magnesium oil spray which is really not an oil, it's magnesium dissolved in water that you spray on and rub into your skin.

Another thing that sometimes help people sleep is to have a serving of starchy vegetable at their last meal of the day, like sweet potatoes, potatoes, winter squashes, root vegetables like carrots or parsnips or beets, or plantains.

If you want to list a few days' worth of meals with approximate portion sizes and specific vegetables you've eaten, as well as pre- and post-wo meals if you're working out, we can take a look and see if anything stands out that might help.

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I get it. Feeling much the same way. I'm tired (maybe more frustrated) and sick of this. Last night hubs said he felt bad but was going to be a pr&$k and open a bottle of wine.  I told him if he did I was having a glass then I got emotional. Long story short... He didn't, and I didn't. But I really wanted to. I told him I just can't have it open in the house. It's bad enough we have a wine fridge full of my favorite grape juice. 

Two weeks to go


OH and by the way... Where the hell is the tiger blood?

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Hi all, and day 20 here. I just want to chime in that this 30 days is hard for lots of reasons, and one of those reasons is that it has an effect on all parts of our lives. For instance, my husband is not doing the plan, and things are a little tense between us. We're used to commiserating about our days over a few beers. Of course, it's possible to still commiserate over Kombucha, but I get the distinct feeling that my new nutritional state isn't exactly giving him the warm fuzzies! I try to remember that this is my interest and my idea, and it's not fair or realistic to need an infinite amount of support from him or anyone else who is not along for the ride.

So, I just want to say "hang in there" because these times are tough, but that's THE sign that something positive is happening - you're breaking through to a new version of yourself, and while that's not always a super comfortable transition, it is to be honored and trusted. So, cry (like me) over your scrambled eggs, but then give yourself a pat on the back for trying to conscientiously become a better version of yourself. A better version of yourself FOR yourself and for the ones you love. We all know in our heart of hearts that are bodies are thanking us for this focused and clean living, even if we haven't received a handwritten note from our waistlines.

I am telling myself this as a booster because I'm struggling, too. I just wanted to reach out and give a internet-hug to all of us getting "emotional"; meaning, we're tuning in to our bodies and our realities and we're taking an honest look at habits, impulses, and the places where we go auto pilot.

Our bodies appreciate the time we are spending on them! I know I feel it - at least here and there and more and more with every past hurdle that I leap. 

Let us keep fighting this good (and sometimes fun) fight :)

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Day 20 and I'm doing well!  This cleanse is not as harsh as other cleanses I've done in the past, so I haven't found it tooooo difficult.  I can eat meat, veggies, and fruits?  Woo hoo!  During week one the bloating went away.  That was one of my biggest goals.  My body pain has decreased a bit, and that is my #1 goal that would motivate me to eat like this forever.  I know I've lost a few pounds, but really I'm eating a ton of food in order to not get hungry while watching TV at night, so I'm guessing I'm down 6 or 7 lbs by now but not more.  By reading this blog I've realized that I have slipped a few times in small ways, but I'm not beating myself up about it too much.  I've probably had about 5 times where I've been miserable for a few hours really wanting some chips or other snacks at night.  My basic diet is Breakfast: Frittata and fruit ( I make the frittata once a week) .  Lunch: salad, soup, shake or dinner leftovers.  Dinner:  Meat and veggies.   Tonight I had a seafood soup.  Last night it was a burger (lettuce wrap) in a restaurant, the night before it was grilled ahi and asperegas...  For a late night snack I munch on nuts and berries.  I get frozen berries at Costco and put a bowl out each night to defrost.  I had 91% cacao chocolate a couple of times before realizing I'm not supposed to do that!  I also joined a gym at the same time I started this cleanse, and am basically doing cardio 3 times a week.  I'm still hoping for more benefits from all this, but I'm enjoying the ride and I love the app to help with meal planning.

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Lately I've been a little bored with my cooking, esp breakfast, as many others have reported, kinda gagging the last few bites down with a gulp of coffee. SO.....time to freshen up the cooking with some new recipes! Tonight I made a very delicious Melissa Hartwig recipe out of her cookbook that I will make again, and again, and again, I'm sure!

Bison Burgers with Roasted Shaved Brussels Sprouts and Crispy Shallots

Holy COW, I mean Holy BISON was that ever tasty!!!!

I know this isn't the food forum, but I had to share with you my Feb. 1 compatriots.

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I'm in the food rut too - right on schedule.  I forced myself through half my eggs this morning, but nearly gagged trying to go further.   Ugh.   But, also right on schedule, I'm feeling the energy level rise!  (Could be all the spring/summer weather in my neighborhood helping the mood too....)   But yes - I must find something else to eat for breakfast.  21 straight days of scrambled eggs is getting to me.  I don't really love eggs to being with, and scrambled is the only way I even want to eat them.  I think I'll try the "morning mix" which is just pork with diced apples.   

I do appreciate the honest posts about how stressful this in on relationships.  My husband says he's "kinda doing it with me".....but then again, had rice with his dinner last night.  So.....    ?   It hasn't been too bad.  But, as kind of another twist on "supportive" - he has given up drinking for the month.  Which - is nice - but he's not thrilled about it and therefore pretty cranky on Friday and Saturday nights.  So, supportive, yes - but then I'm just dealing with a grump...bringing me down, man!    I'm trying to talk him into committing to it beyond "kinda" for maybe another round, when we're both ready.   Now THAT would be supportive.

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I made a LOVELY dinner of chicken, veggies, and potatoes last night, baked in the oven with ghee melted on top. YUM YUM!! These days are hard though because I've yet to see the Tiger Blood! I guess I had visions of staying up with energy until 9 or 10 o'clock and popping up at 5:30 when the alarm went off with no problem. Instead, I'm draggy throughout the day. I've upped my fat intake a lot so hopefully that will help. I love sleep though so I'm not too fussed about always going to bed by 8 but I just wish I had more energy during the day!! 

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On January 30, 2017 at 1:19 PM, susanmly said:

Hi bananachic,  what part of Iowa are you from?

Susanmly, So sorry for the late reply. I credit my lack of time online to all the veggie chopping.  I am in Ankeny near DesMoines. How about you. Would love to find a whole30 bacon at my Hyvee but haven't located it yet. 

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Some encouragement is needed around here so I'm posting a mint that loves to encourage. He's cute!!!  Think of something positive you are doing/feeling...are you seeing payoffs in other areas? Do you feel empowered by doing W30 because you have control over what you are eating? have you tried a new food that you really enjoy? have you influenced someone in your family or maybe a co-worker to eat better because they see you are doing it? Struggles are going to happen to all of us. But realize you are making positive and healthy changes! 

We are getting close to the finish line and I'm sure you are thinking about reintroduction - below is a link to the planner I've used that helps me track what group Im re-introducing and how that foods makes me feel.




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2 hours ago, bananachic said:

Susanmly, So sorry for the late reply. I credit my lack of time online to all the veggie chopping.  I am in Ankeny near DesMoines. How about you. Would love to find a whole30 bacon at my Hyvee but haven't located it yet. 

I found some ONCE at my HyVee in KC....at the beginning of this process.... and it hasn't been back since.  :-(

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LOVE the "Encourage mint!"  I can't believe we are at day 21!  so happy for that.  My face is CLEAR - no eye hives from eating junk or foods I'm either sensitive or allergic to!  Enjoying my body helping me to see I'm gaining strength and energy.  But, I too have found myself being extremely tired when I'm not getting the sleep I need.  Still a bit fitful in my sleep but cutting back on afternoon teas and hope that helps.  I slept a total of almost ten hours Saturday......it has bee more than a decade since I have slept that long and it felt GREAT>

I alternate my breakfast choices - no way I could have been eating scrambled eggs every day :(  Craving oats?  Try roasted butternut squash with a little coconut oil and cinnamon and then add your blueberries or nuts....nice and warm....really good.  Add in a chicken/apple sauce and you are good.  I tend to alternate between ground pork patties - or thinly sliced pork chops.  LOVE yellow; orange or red peppers for breakfast too! 

The weekend here was really warm and yesterday we grilled on our Traeager smoker baby back ribs!  I did a dry rub with spices and skipped any type of bbq sauce - the smoke and the seasoning was AWESOME!  we used some apple juice in the process as well.  I think it is important to try some new foods...can't get stuck in a rut.  I've got some steaks ready to grill tonight with some asparagus and I did a beef roast in the crock pot yesterday just to have some extra protein cooked and ready to go.  It does require planning and prep - but I think we are all worth it!


DeRynn - congrats on your great victory over the "taste of one mouthful".  Treeny; Kelsey & Garts girl...I'm right there with you on missing the glass of wine.  Didn't realize how often I would "look forward" to that glass after a busy day at work...hmmmm...maybe I should be looking forward to a WALK a little more often and savor A GLASS of wine less often!  After all the comments I'm thinking maybe I need to just go buy it starts with food instead of waiting for the library...sounds like I might be reading it more than once or twice.

We are on the downhill and I just know we are all going to notice more changes as we move along.  I've got food allergies I'm trying to sort out so I will continue from this into another whole 30.  I'm not in a rush to make any changes and want to take my time when I do start the reintro so that I can figure out exactly how my body reacts to foods.    We can do this!

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I finally had a weird food dream last night. I dreamt that ate a bag of microwave popcorn (which normally I would have popped my own) and then I was mad at myself so I ate an entire box of cookies in one sitting. I woke up and thought it was real for about 15 minutes, then realized it wasn't so I ate three cuties and a hardboiled egg for breakfast instead... lol

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1 hour ago, samnkelli said:

Some encouragement is needed around here so I'm posting a mint that loves to encourage. He's cute!!!  Think of something positive you are doing/feeling...are you seeing payoffs in other areas? Do you feel empowered by doing W30 because you have control over what you are eating? have you tried a new food that you really enjoy? have you influenced someone in your family or maybe a co-worker to eat better because they see you are doing it? Struggles are going to happen to all of us. But realize you are making positive and healthy changes! 

We are getting close to the finish line and I'm sure you are thinking about reintroduction - below is a link to the planner I've used that helps me track what group Im re-introducing and how that foods makes me feel.




Thanks, Samnkelli...that's cute! You mentioned almost being at the finish line...if anyone is thinking of doing a W45, I'll be done in mid-March, too, because I had to restart in mid-Feb on account of not reading labels, but continued hanging out here with you all...I must admit, there's a large area of my brain that wants to recognize I'm still right in there with you all because I started Feb. 1 and the transgressions were so minor. I know that's mushy boundaries, but what can I say. I like it here! I was proud of myself for not going off-plan for a time since I was starting over, but just kept on keeping on. I'll keep that! Anyway. I'll be sad if you all drop out of this forum at the end of the month, I'll have to drop in somewhere else. No future tripping on the W30, I know...

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Can't believe it's Day 21.  I feel awesome, but I've realized the Sugar Dragon is still here.  He was a large one for me (I named him Douglas) and I'd like for him to leave or at least shut up.  I find I still crave sweets after a meal.  Now granted, right now it is satiated with banana and almond butter (oh my gosh, so good), but it's still me reacting to feed him.  I do make sure I am actually hungry when I do, but I wonder if I should cut out fruit completely so as to really starve him.  Any ideas?

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Hi all,

Day 21 for me too. Well done to all who have gotten this far. 

I'm wondering how many people are thinking about reintroductions or just continuing? I'm intending to continue at least till I understand my body a bit more.

ive been craving sweet things today - not bad stuff just 'natures candy' fruit. My mum has loads of it in all the time and it's so easy just to reach out and have some. Intending on cutting back again and eliminating it totally for a day - that helped me control it before and then I only used it in recipes again :-) 

I still haven't go my slow cooker back lol - but at least my mum is making some yummy meals that I get to share.

happy eating everyone x 

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3 hours ago, HEDGEHOG8 said:

Hi all,

Day 21 for me too. Well done to all who have gotten this far. 

I'm wondering how many people are thinking about reintroductions or just continuing? I'm intending to continue at least till I understand my body a bit more.

ive been craving sweet things today - not bad stuff just 'natures candy' fruit. My mum has loads of it in all the time and it's so easy just to reach out and have some. Intending on cutting back again and eliminating it totally for a day - that helped me control it before and then I only used it in recipes again :-) 

I still haven't go my slow cooker back lol - but at least my mum is making some yummy meals that I get to share.

happy eating everyone x 

I'm planning the reintroduction phase only because my daughter's birthday is mid-March and I plan on having a bit of that cake!...feels like an important occasion.  Well- let me correct myself...I plan on having the option of that cake!  We'll see!  I am taking to heart the advice: if you don't miss it, don't bring it back.  The only legume I ate prior was peanuts...and I think I'm fine without peanut butter in my life- which I'm shocked to be saying.   However- I am also already anticipating another Whole 30 or 45 in a month or two...because I've really been happy with the way it's going and the NSVs!  And I have to keep in check...have a ways to go to get back to my fightin' weight!  I'm anticipating a much easier time next time without the learning curve.  

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Like many of you, I am craving candy like crazy tonight! The W30 has definitely made me realized how easily influenced I am by tv commercials and it has nothing to do with hunger. I haven't caved for any snacks but this sugar dragon caught me by surprise. I am looking forward to doing the reintroduction after the 30 days. I have a bachelorette party weekend mid March that I'm planning for my friend and I'm sure I'll want to enjoy post-W30 foods/drinks. I am enjoying the steady energy, satiation, and slimming effect of having my body run off fats instead of sugars so I am wanting to maintain the W30 meal portions with sugar and carbohydrates only in limited amounts. The strict rules of this program allows me to avoid the internal debates of whether or not I am going to eat something like Skittles. Without the W30 I'm concerned I will convince myself to eat these items more often, so I am wanting to make firm rules for myself to follow for a set amount of time.

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1 hour ago, kelseysgotthis said:

Like many of you, I am craving candy like crazy tonight! The W30 has definitely made me realized how easily influenced I am by tv commercials and it has nothing to do with hunger. I haven't caved for any snacks but this sugar dragon caught me by surprise. I am looking forward to doing the reintroduction after the 30 days. I have a bachelorette party weekend mid March that I'm planning for my friend and I'm sure I'll want to enjoy post-W30 foods/drinks. I am enjoying the steady energy, satiation, and slimming effect of having my body run off fats instead of sugars so I am wanting to maintain the W30 meal portions with sugar and carbohydrates only in limited amounts. The strict rules of this program allows me to avoid the internal debates of whether or not I am going to eat something like Skittles. Without the W30 I'm concerned I will convince myself to eat these items more often, so I am wanting to make firm rules for myself to follow for a set amount of time.

I've been thinking about this too. The solution I've come up with is not food freedom and I'm not sure it's in the spirit of whole30, but like you I find it so much easier with the strict rules of w30. So I'm thinking that after reintroduction, I can have 10 "worth it" things a week. Let's face it,  i didn't end up 100 pounds overweight by having a sensible opinion of what's worth it. I already know some things aren't worth it - pasta, brown bread, cheap cakes bought from the corner shop with a 2 year expiry date - and I'll do reintros to confirm more. But honestly, I struggle to believe that asking myself "do I really want this" "is it going to be worth it" is going to come back with the answer "no" when it comes to freshly baked bread, fancy cupcakes and yummy booze. Not to mention chocolate! And that would be fine if I was happy with my size and could reign things in a little if I start to bloat, but I'm not and experience tells me I can't. So for now, arbitrary limits I think may be the way forward, because I can't face doing a whole 90 or 120 or 365, and my definition of "worth it" needs to be refined carefully.

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15 hours ago, HEDGEHOG8 said:

Hi all,

Day 21 for me too. Well done to all who have gotten this far. 

I'm wondering how many people are thinking about reintroductions or just continuing? I'm intending to continue at least till I understand my body a bit more.

ive been craving sweet things today - not bad stuff just 'natures candy' fruit. My mum has loads of it in all the time and it's so easy just to reach out and have some. Intending on cutting back again and eliminating it totally for a day - that helped me control it before and then I only used it in recipes again :-) 

I still haven't go my slow cooker back lol - but at least my mum is making some yummy meals that I get to share.

happy eating everyone x 

I've been thinking about reintroduction here! I plan to only reintroduce foods/drinks that I have actually literally missed. Like I know now that I don't need soft drinks so I don't plan to reintroduce them. I'll allow myself a soft drink only if I'm out with family or friends at a restaurant and maybe not even then! I don't plan to stick with the strict Whole30 but I do plan to pay more attention to labels and continue to NOT SNACK. That's been the biggest thing for me - realizing that I do not need to snack. The Whole30 has been really good for me and I'm definitely going to take away a lot from it! But I'm not gonna lie - I'm looking forward to bagels and cream cheese again (though maybe I'll try to switch to bagels and ghee! Lol. I hope gluten and dairy aren't my foods that negatively affect me! :):):)

This forum has been amazing for keeping me on track, btw!! 

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Something to keep in the back of your mind--- will that food/drink you want make you more healthy or less healthy? There is also this handy off-roading map that is somewhat humorous (IMO) but helps you decide whether or not the food/desire is worth it. 


I've been craving cake like no ones business.  Mmmmm cake.  With a side of veggies. :)

Have a great day everyone. 

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