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percypat's 1st Whole 30


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Do you know, I've been wanting to try spaghetti squash for ages but can't find it here!

I was thinking maybe I'd try aubergine :) And there's always good old carrots to fall back on.

I would love that salsa recipe please Nadia, sounds interesting :)

PP, I'm not sure how scientific this article is, but I knew I'd seen something about zucchini and sunflower seeds before:


Wow, if they are related then it kind of makes sense that I'd be sensitive to both. I don't eat much cucumber (there are other veggies I like better), bananas are ok, and cantaloupe - is that the orange coloured melon? What we call a rock melon down under? I don't like it. Just have to pay better attention to itching and not just automatically file it under eczema!

Beets, I'm not too worried about bread - I've never been a bread-scoffer. Even when we were living in France. My go-to carb is rice: Chinese Mummy. It's my ultimate comfort food!

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Cupscupscups, don't we love it. Original recipe. Skip honey.

- 2 cups of rhubarb, diced small

- 1 cup of chopped apple

- 3 green onions, chopped

- 2 limes, juiced

- 2 tablespoons of honey

- 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped

- 1 yellow pepper, chopped

- 1 red pepper, chopped

- 1/2 cup chopped parsley

Summer squash is not a spaghetti squash. It's different. Try sweet potato noodles/pasta too, very good!

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PP, yep cantaloupe is a rockmelon :)

I've started getting spaghetti squash in my local asian grocer.

They have no idea what it is and are mystified that I buy it. They put it near the winter melon and bitter melons, not near the pumpkin (where I'd expect it).

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Summer squash is zucchini here I thought? Hey I bought a winter melon from an Asian grocery when I was looking for spaghetti squash, was one of the few complete failures I have had, tried to make a soup out of it.....

I did end up finding one at Knox, same sticker as the one you got before praxis

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I had to look up a picture of summer squash, but I don't think I've seen that here. We're not very good at squashes Down Under, are we? A couple of types of pumpkin and we think "ooh, that'll do".

I do see little yellow ones at my local Woolies though, so maybe I'll pick some of those up next time.

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PP, yep cantaloupe is a rockmelon :)

I've started getting spaghetti squash in my local asian grocer.

They have no idea what it is and are mystified that I buy it. They put it near the winter melon and bitter melons, not near the pumpkin (where I'd expect it).

I love honeydew and watermelon but cantaloupe is a bit pungent for me.

I should ask my mum what to do with bitter melon. I've never cooked with it.

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Zucchini belongs to the group of summer squashes. Basically it's a yellow zucchini with more delicate and sweet taste. I suggested to try it because it is very "noodleable" but might not give Sophie a reaction. Do you have them?

Winter melon. Juzbo, why exactly was it a failure? You didn't like the taste? I have bought them several times and thought they are quite good. I like making curry kind of thing with cubed winter melon. It goes well with shrimps or any seafood you have. They also work as a faux-fettuccine and hold the shape well.

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Argh, all those beautiful looking squashes, and I've only seen the butternut one! I'm going to the farmers markets tomorrow morning so if I see something, anything, I will grab it!

Had a good meeting with my supervisor today, feeling good about my research proposal.

Day 29! One more day to go!

Breakfast: Chicken bone broth with shredded chicken, broccoli, half a sweet potato with ghee.

Lunch: pulled pork (one of my saved freezer meals, that was the dish that just kept giving and giving), baby spinach, other half of sweet potato with ghee. Tea with coconut milk. Taught Zumba this evening and we really went for it, so am glad I had the extra carbs!

Dinner: pork steak with fried apple slices, red cabbage and broccoli, apple slices with a smear of coconut butter.

Snack: spoonful of mayo and a cup of bone broth.

Bedtime for me! Night everyone!

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Guide to squashes. If you see one of them, grab and run. Nadia will help to cook it :D


Nadia, I want squash cooking classes please. I've done acorn squash, pumpkins and Butternut squash but am shy about the others. I looked at some last week while shopping but I'm not good at hacking those suckers in half to bake. Wish I still had my wood chopping axe from the old days! I want more variety for the next 30 days and think butternut squash soup with coconut milk would be divine. I've never done anything except bake those squashes.

Help please. Maybe I can buy a squash and you can tell me what to do with it. I love curry and will need to get proper curry paste. What sort please? My meals for last 30 days have been devoid of much flavor. I need to change it up. Which squash will I be able to hack without hacking off a few fingers for added protein?

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Nadia, I want squash cooking classes please. I've done acorn squash, pumpkins and Butternut squash but am shy about the others. I looked at some last week while shopping but I'm not good at hacking those suckers in half to bake. Wish I still had my wood chopping axe from the old days! I want more variety for the next 30 days and think butternut squash soup with coconut milk would be divine. I've never done anything except bake those squashes.

Help please. Maybe I can buy a squash and you can tell me what to do with it. I love curry and will need to get proper curry paste. What sort please? My meals for last 30 days have been devoid of much flavor. I need to change it up. Which squash will I be able to hack without hacking off a few fingers for added protein?

I'm not good at hacking them raw either. Susan shared a tip in another thread about sticking an entire spaghetti squash in a slow cooker for 4 hours on high. It works perfectly and slices so easily once cooked. I've been doing the same thing with acorn squash and she said she tried butternut and it was ready in closer to 3 hours.

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I just dump them whole (piercing several times with knife to let the air out) into the preheated oven. No fuss :) Spaghetti squash or butternut squashes cook perfectly fine in microwave. I don't have one, but I nuke them at my parents if I need to.

I cut acorn squash into wedges or halves for some recipes, but I buy small buddies to keep it easy.

Kabocha squash is good when stuffed with meat and veggies, so I just cut out a piece on the top.

Off to PM about cooking?

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I remember yellow zucchini from when I was a kid but have not seen it for years.

I think we only get pumpkins, butternut, spaghetti and Japanese pumpkin of the other squashes. Are those little palm-ish size round ones which look like a pie, are they a squash? (not in the pic). They come in green and yellow I think and they're quite squishy.

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I remember yellow zucchini from when I was a kid but have not seen it for years.

I think we only get pumpkins, butternut, spaghetti and Japanese pumpkin of the other squashes. Are those little palm-ish size round ones which look like a pie, are they a squash? (not in the pic). They come in green and yellow I think and they're quite squishy.

We call those pattypan here. You can steam them and roll them around in ghee. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Yum!!

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I finally went to the markets at Subiaco this morning (was there at 7:40am to get a park!). This is my haul:


I found Japanese pumpkin (kabocha squash?) and those little yellow ones.

Also got purple sweet potatoes - "kumara" in Maori, and the kind we always eat in NZ. Like it better than the orange :)

And purple carrots! What shall I do with them? I've never had those before!

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You're doing great! I love having no tummy desire to snack too! When I want to snack its because of mouth, not tummy hunger.

Oh, I love this! That put words to the feeling I was having today. I knew it was emotional and not tummy hunger. I'll remember this. Thanks!

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I finally went to the markets at Subiaco this morning (was there at 7:40am to get a park!). This is my haul:


I found Japanese pumpkin (kabocha squash?) and those little yellow ones.

Also got purple sweet potatoes - "kumara" in Maori, and the kind we always eat in NZ. Like it better than the orange :)

And purple carrots! What shall I do with them? I've never had those before!

I came home with purple sweet potatoes too! I love them. I also got two things I haven't bought in a long time, acorn squash and spaghetti squash. Along with all the usual stuff.

It's morning for you! Congratulations on your oh so successful Whole 30! You are a rock star in my book. I'm so happy we did this together. Thanks for being my pal!

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Ha, it sounds so exciting I double-quoted :D

Calee, I've got today to get through - I started on the 2nd. But with the time difference it's felt like we started at the same time!

You are a rockstar too! Yay for both of us :)

I'm about to go do the rest of the grocery shop and I'm still totally in Whole 30 mode. So happy that my first thought isn't to charge out and buy all the things that are bad for me. I thought I might get some dairy though, to see if there any adverse effects - it's not something I plan on eating regularly, but will be good to know if I can have it in certain situations. Might get a yoghurt to try sometime in the next few days.

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