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July 1 Start Date - Who's with Me?!


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Today is Day 12 for me and it feels like I've been on Day 12 forever. Woke up at 7:45 to run with my group and "beat the heat". We ran 10 miles of obscenely large rolling hills and oh.my.god. it was sooooo hot. I had dried mango throughout because I was so dehydrated I needed something besides just water. Afterwards I came home and broke up one of my paleomg chicken burgers and mixed it in with my sweet potato hash. I was going to cook up some bison sausage I got yesterday but I had no energy. After I ate I napped and it was glorious, but I am extremely stiff right now. Yoga later for sure. 


This heat is kiiiillling me. I want some A/C. Next Sunday I'm running 12 miles with the group and I think I'll drive home to see my parents just to get a break from my apartment heat. 


I'll probably just have leftover stew for dinner tonight because I am tired and lazy and maybe pre-cook my sausages and some more sweet potato hash for breakfast tomorrow. I seriously feel like day 12 should be done by now. It's just one of those days. I'm not hungry though, which I usually am after really long runs. We'll see if that holds by dinner time. 


Hope everyone is having a good day/weekend! 

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Well I'm at day 16 (I miscounted 2 days ago and thought 14 was 15 lol) ... I've hit a wall. Definitely suffering from shiny new toy syndrome, I'm over it all!

We're having a bit of a heat wave here which is incredibly unusual so I'm not sleeping, I'm working away by night and trying to do stuff with the kids in order to take full advantage of the weather by day. So I'm wrecked and all I want is easy food. It's not so much the food I'm eating which is fine but I'm sick of having to think about it so much. And I really, really want corn tortilla chips which appear to be everywhere I go the past few days.

I'll soldier on as I've committed myself to this but right now, just UGH!

I've been reading some of your scales issues and I've realised I'm the exact opposite. I am afraid to step on the scales. My clothes feel looser and my mirror tells me positive things. I'm utterly afraid that if I step on the scales it will disagree and I know that no matter what, that number will determine how I feel about my body. How ridiculous is that?!

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N_why, I feel for you in that heat and commend you on your physical activity despite it. I hate the heat and definitely seem more unfit in summer because of it!!

Day 15 has started okay for me. Waiting to board a flight now but got up early and had a bullet proof coffee plus a grass fed steak, mushrooms,avocado and spinach to tide me over til I eat around 2.30/3pm. Hope everyone is going well!!

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@GFChris - thanks for the link about the sodium nitrate.

Another question... a lot of you seem to be eating sausages, but I can't find anything that looks remotely compliant. Where do you get them, and does anyone in Oz know what's available here? I did find some that use tapioca as the binding ingredient, but not sure about this. Any clues anyone?

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Day 14-  I have been about 5 days without any cravings.  My daily schedule gets a bit off on the weekends, which usually results in me eating anything and everything and saying I will start over on Monday.  Not this weekend though.  Things have gone well I think.  I did my weekly "cook-up" today so there are plenty of healthy and yummy options for lunch and dinner all week and the menu is posted on the fridge.  I made amazing fajiitas for dinner tonight, with salsa and homemade mayo mixed together and drizzled on top.   I am so glad there are leftovers for lunch tomorrow :P   As far as changes go, the eating on plan without cravings is about it.  I have more energy I guess and I feel happier overall too so that's good.  I think the best way to explain it is I have noticed I feel more "calm."  I am normally pretty amped up go-go-go, and I still am getting stuff done without feeling like I am exhausted and running my buns off.   I have had a mild annoying headache for a few days, and an ache in my hips/lower back, I am sleeping pretty good. 


I can say I agree with others, I am at the point now that I want to add back in a glass of wine but otherwise, I want to go whole 365 because I like how calm and healthy I feel.

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@ Jonezen I'm right there with you on the feeling more calm. It's great. I'm not yelling at the kids and pets as much. Which is huge, because I considered myself a "peaceful" parent before my husband died, and need to get back to that place where I'm not yelling at all!  Keeping my blood sugar stable is a huge step in the right direction to feeling a little more zen.

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I've been craving-free for pretty much this entire time, but tonight I got hit with a craving for tortilla chips and green sauce at our local mexican restaurant. I didn't give in, but when my carne asada and guacamole arrived, I asked the waiter to bring me another carne asada steak! It was a delicious meaty meal lol.


Tomorrow is day 14 for me...almost to the halfway point!!!!

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Day 14


First instance of non-compliance.  And it was intentional!  And I don't feel bad about it (yet -- we'll see how I feel tomorrow).


We went out to dinner tonight for an extra special occasion.  I was not at all in the mood for stressing, obsessing or interrogating the server.  Instead, I asked a couple questions and ordered the most compliant thing on the menu.  Lamb curry.  Mmmmm.  And I ate 2 bites of rice that came along with it.  And I put my fork down when I decided the rice just wasn't spectacular enough to keep on eating just because it was on my plate.


Maybe this was a success, maybe it was a failure, but knowing what I do about my life, neither label fits perfectly.  It was moderation, a skill at which I suck.


Tomorrow I'm back with the program, and I'll save my "moderation practice" for reintroduction.

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I've been reading some of your scales issues and I've realised I'm the exact opposite. I am afraid to step on the scales. My clothes feel looser and my mirror tells me positive things. I'm utterly afraid that if I step on the scales it will disagree and I know that no matter what, that number will determine how I feel about my body. How ridiculous is that?!


@Freylah - I am right there with you!!  This is the reason why I ditched the scale a long, long time ago.  I'm so happy to see someone else with the same issue.  =)  I hate that seeing the number dictated how I felt despite the mirror and clothes telling me happy and positive things.  I decided the scale needed to go.  =)  (I don't even own one)

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I just got caught up with everyone's post.  Great job to you all!  


I've had an amazing weekend and I still have one more day off!  Yesterday I worked 7.5 hrs of overtime and despite that, I stayed compliant and stuck with my weekend plans for food prep.  This morning I did two different rounds of grocery shopping (in AZ, during the summer, it's a definite no-no to leave cold stuff in the car for even a couple of mins and I'm too lazy to bring a cooler packed with ice).  I spent the afternoon/evening roasting spaghetti squash, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, brussel sprouts leaves ('chips'), steaming broccoli, steaming swiss chard, shredding sweet potatoes and sautéing them to make pre-cooked hash, sliced up fresh bell peppers (three different kinds), slicing jicama (my first one), hardboiled two dozen eggs, clarified 2lbs of compliant butter, made up a batch of compliant ranch dressing/dip and compliant avocado dressing and have Well Fed's '5-Spice Slow-Cooker Pork Ribs' and "Slow-Cooker Italian Pork Roast" in crockpots as I type this.  The spareribs have been cooking for approx. 14hrs now and smell amazing.  I believe I am well stocked full of options for the week!  =)  I still have 6lbs of grass-fed ground beef in the refrigerator that I need to cook up but, that can wait until tomorrow.  Now, it's time to relax and enjoy the rest of my evening. 


@jonezen - I too have noticed I have a sense of calm about me that I can't recall really ever having.  I'm usually wound pretty tight and always stressed to get everything done that I want to get done and am always 'rush rush rush'... I'm loving this new zen feeling.  =)


Happy Halfway Through Anniversary Everyone!!!  =)

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Day 15 over and done with and proud of myself for managing the trickiness of travel and the W30. If anyone missed this on the W30 facebook site this link: http://www.sarahrams...le-food-snacks/  is great for W30 travelling snacks. My lunchbox today was packed with five little sushi rolls with cold rib eye, cucumber, avocado and baby spinach, some rolls of smoked salmon with avocado, some nuts and half a punnet raspberries.  I did have myself a black coffee at the airport and got home and made up a very yummy pancake type thing, (loosely based on the yummy cabbage based 'pancakes' I have bought in the past at Japanese food places) but it was essentially grated sweet potato, cabbage, zucchini, onion, garlic and fresh herbs with three eggs fried up like a frittata and then chucked under the grill to crisp up the top of it. I had this with two lamb chops with oregano and some sauteed field mushrooms and salad leaves. The only time I got a little hungry was the extraordinary long time between breakfast and lunch but am glad I had a hearty breakfast to start me off.


As per the calmness. Yes, absolutely, me too. I feel much much calmer than I have been and how I perceive myself to be normally. In fact so much so I'm already considering the non-reintroduction of many things I have cut out. I figure if this is how I can manage without that stuff than it probably isn't worth having it in my life. 


Hope everyone is doing ok and congrats on the half way mark!  :) I think we're all legends to have started the journey and discovered so much about ourselves on the way-however it turns out individually. Go us!  :D

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Destroyed the weekend, someone ask me if I was doing something different "look leaner than usual".  Not a flub, temptation or grain ;-)  Workouts had been "okay", but staturday was 4x5s and felt as strong as usual.  Nolonger a 34inch waist, close to 32 (@ 6'1") i would imagine, pants really not fitting me either.  Been meaning to buy more clothes anyway, can more of a "six pack" than ever.  I feel like I am losing some lean muscle mass, probably bc my protein intake is probably 100g now as opposed to 200g pre Whole30.


My amazing super market is making it happen too, most amazing food selections I have ever seen.  Each aisle is "normal" on one side and "organic/gluten free/GMO free on the other"  Great clean protein sections, the produce area is insane, fruits and veggies I have never seen nor heard of.... it's a weekly half day trip for us.



plus in Manhattan you get everything delivered, Groceries, Home Depot, Coffee, pet food, liquoir,  etc...  Just leave all the groceries at the checkout and it's at your apartment about 10 mins after you get back.  

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I am restarting today  :wacko: No excuses I need to be fair to myself and my body! You all are wonderful with support! I am going to post on the July 15th thread now too,because I am starting over. Its hard to admit failure but there it is!  :ph34r:


It sounds like you all are doing fairly well! I am envious! I am committed to me and refuse to take this as a complete failure! I am sure I am going to have a breakthrough this time! Committed to my future!~ 



How do you handle set backs and how do you get past this mindset of failure when you let yourself down?  



Thank you! 


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I am restarting today  :wacko: No excuses I need to be fair to myself and my body! You all are wonderful with support! I am going to post on the July 15th thread now too,because I am starting over. Its hard to admit failure but there it is!  :ph34r:


It sounds like you all are doing fairly well! I am envious! I am committed to me and refuse to take this as a complete failure! I am sure I am going to have a breakthrough this time! Committed to my future!~ 



How do you handle set backs and how do you get past this mindset of failure when you let yourself down?  



Thank you! 



I think it's important to better understand YOUR setbacks, what happens? what leads up to not following through?  Also, there's no such thing as a failure per se, it take some guts to acknowledge, get up and get back on the horse.  This is the long haul, failure can only happen on your deathbed ;-)  Look deep and admit what's making you make the choices youre making.  


I am not saying this is you but more "failure" is brought on/ created for the purpose of easing a real, non-controlled let down.  The unknown and the action  of really trying and having it not work out is the scariest thing in the world.  it's why people never get off the couch, of have some shitty job, or shitty relationship...  Imagine TRYING to have the great things with the possibility of it's not working out after you poured your heart into it?  Scary.  Painful.  But if you're not in the game, you're out of the game and what good is that.


Self examine, put yourself uncomfortably out there.... also, less thinking about it, live it by the moment, "right now, i am taking care of myself nutrionally", tomorrow doesn't matter, an hour from now doesnt matter, living right now I am doing the right thing.  When something rears its ugly head, ask why?  ask if giving in now, if eating that donut which will give you some pleasure for a minute or two is really worth it in the long run?  

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I think it's important to better understand YOUR setbacks, what happens? what leads up to not following through?  Also, there's no such thing as a failure per se, it take some guts to acknowledge, get up and get back on the horse.  This is the long haul, failure can only happen on your deathbed ;-)  Look deep and admit what's making you make the choices youre making.  


I am not saying this is you but more "failure" is brought on/ created for the purpose of easing a real, non-controlled let down.  The unknown and the action  of really trying and having it not work out is the scariest thing in the world.  it's why people never get off the couch, of have some shitty job, or shitty relationship...  Imagine TRYING to have the great things with the possibility of it's not working out after you poured your heart into it?  Scary.  Painful.  But if you're not in the game, you're out of the game and what good is that.


Self examine, put yourself uncomfortably out there.... also, less thinking about it, live it by the moment, "right now, i am taking care of myself nutrionally", tomorrow doesn't matter, an hour from now doesnt matter, living right now I am doing the right thing.  When something rears its ugly head, ask why?  ask if giving in now, if eating that donut which will give you some pleasure for a minute or two is really worth it in the long run?  



Really great words! Thank you Chris!!  I needed all that.  I love the last paragraph the best.  "right now"! Thank you for taking the time to respond! 

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In retrospect...


Cravings were hell this weekend. I actually felt tempted and found myself dreaming of ice cream and other desserts. I found myself wondering how i was going to get through the night post-dinner without any more things to eat. I know yesterday was bad because I ran so much and sweated so much and was dehydrated and burned a ton of calories, but as I think back on my weekend I realize how much I thought about eating non-compliant foods. It seemed like a lot of my day was devoted to that. 


The wins were I was handed a piece of freshly made toffee in the middle of the farmers market and walked around with it in my pocket for the next 3 hours without even poking at it. I then came home and set it on the kitchen table for another 3 hours (until the roomie got home and ate it for me ;) ) without even feeling the urge to eat it. That was the real win for me. I've always been one of those people where if it's sitting there I just have to eat it. If I know there's a fresh loaf of  bread (my weakness) in the cupboard I just have to have some. Being able to resist and not spend all day agonizing over it is big for me. Normally I find myself wondering how long I can go before caving, but not really these days. 


I also want to point out that last August/September I followed an eating plan similar to this (that allowed for soy) and found myself constantly hungry and constantly binging on almond butter late at night. I had to stop buying my favourite almond butter because I couldn't stop eating it and I would eat entire bags of frozen grapes in a few days because I always had to have something sweet at night before bed. While I can't deny that I would still like something sweet after dinner that nagging urge is gone. Not eating before bed has seemed a little daunting at times but it doesn't seem overwhelming; I don't feel as though I'm just waiting for myself to cave in. That element of control is nice.  It's the same thing with the toffee or ice cream. While yes, I'm craving it, I feel confident I will not cave. I don't feel this crazy uncontrollable urge to devour it before I have time to talk myself down. 


And those are my general ramblings for your Monday morning. ;) 


I had an omelet for breakfast today (loving the addition of frozen kale to them now). I was planning on cooking up a bunch of sweet potato hash but it's hot and gross here and I really don't want to be slaving over a hot stove right now. But that sweet potato hash is really good and nice to have so it might be worth it...we shall see. 


I hope everyone has a great Monday. Happy Halfway Point for those of you on Day 15! 

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Cravings! Yes!! 


I would have given my left leg for a piece of carrot cake last night! We were watching an old episode of Kitchen Nightmares on Netflix and Gordon Ramsay was swooning over someone's carrot cake (a known weakness of mine and just about the only sweet that gets me every time). I resisted and had a small bowl of berries and a sparkling water instead. 


I'm hopeful the cravings will subside now that we're on the downhill slide. Those of you who have completed a Whole30 before: does it get better in weeks 3-4?? Please say it does! 

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Cravings! Yes!! 


I would have given my left leg for a piece of carrot cake last night! We were watching an old episode of Kitchen Nightmares on Netflix and Gordon Ramsay was swooning over someone's carrot cake (a known weakness of mine and just about the only sweet that gets me every time). I resisted and had a small bowl of berries and a sparkling water instead. 


I'm hopeful the cravings will subside now that we're on the downhill slide. Those of you who have completed a Whole30 before: does it get better in weeks 3-4?? Please say it does! 


Well... this is my third W30 and I can happily say for me that it does get better... but when I fall of the program ("transition") it does have me falling right off the cliff.  I have written before that more than anything (weight loss, clothes fitting better, mood, sleep, etc.) the quality that I most love about W30 is control.  It allows me to be in control. 


Case in point.  I routinely do the errands around town and my wife is a fan of "Bread and Butter" which is a local bakery here in Kingston and they do have really, really tastey baked goods.  She has a Banana Chocolate chunk muffin every Sunday AM as her special treat from the bakery.  We often also get quiche, brownies, fresh baked bread and sticky buns.  Being the errand runner, I still frequent the bakery (Yes alone in a bakery while on W30) and buy the muffins, the quiche and other items.   This weekend, they had carrot cake slices on special and I looked at them (Carrot cake is a weakness for me too) but walked past with no real twinge or craving.  I did not even give my beloved scones (White chocolate cranberry or oatmeal chocolate chip) a moments notice. 


Eating this way gives me control.  Control enough to allow my logical, well-read on nutrition, mind a fiting chance to appreciate the carrot cake slice and think fondly of the last time I had three scones for breakfast... but I can walk away without "needing" these foods in my life.  The control is priceless for me.  I have proven more times than I can count that I cannot make that same decision when I "eat everthing in moderation".  Having some sugar and grains in my diet completely impairs my logical mind from making the right choice for me.  Again... the control is what I value most.


All the rest of the benefits are secondary for me.  It gives me a fighting chance to achive my health goals.  It is not easy (most things of value are not easy) but it is simple.  For me, follow the W30 plan and I will achieve better health.  Don't... and I won't!




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Yup, cravings are getting to me also.


It's hot this week and all I want is homemade ice cream. At least I want something that I made vs. store bought that has extra crap in it! 


I'm struggling with how I want to move forward after the 30 days are done. I have a baking blog, and while I have not baked for the blog this month, I know come August I will resume baking and posting recipes...that will include sugar and flour. I need to be happy with one bite and walk away and then make sure the rest of the food I eat is good and clean. I am sure there will be more Whole 30's while I figure out a compromise!

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I am restarting today  :wacko: No excuses I need to be fair to myself and my body! You all are wonderful with support! I am going to post on the July 15th thread now too,because I am starting over. Its hard to admit failure but there it is!  :ph34r:


It sounds like you all are doing fairly well! I am envious! I am committed to me and refuse to take this as a complete failure! I am sure I am going to have a breakthrough this time! Committed to my future!~ 



How do you handle set backs and how do you get past this mindset of failure when you let yourself down?  



Thank you! 





Well I don't like the term failure.  You and I were not failing for the previous years of our life.  Eating, like fitness is a gradient scale from health impairing on one side and health enriching on the other.  W30 is a process for us to follow some strict rules for keeping on the "health enriching" side to make some positive changes and break some bad habits.  I too have re-started my W30 before (had issues commiting on W30 #2) but I am a firm believer in the system and the outcomes that we can achieve following this plan.


With that said... If you use the word failure to really mean a learning point for your future success... then I am all for calling it a failure and restarting with more information and knowledge on what makes you successful.


If you use the word failure as a severe negative that could result in you falling negativity (and possible emotional eating) then please don't call it a failure...  Insert words like stumble, challenge, minor setback... to keep the positive momentum going as you focus on your health.


Hopefully, you feel, like me, that this W30 program is a huge tool for making positive change.  Re-focus and know that we will be cheering you on as you re-start with gusto.  If you follow the other group starting today... please ensure that you check in here periodically to report to us on your successes.


For me... W30 gives me control (see my other post today) allowing me to avoid setbacks.  I have days where I eat too many nuts or maybe poor choices in meat (regular Ground beef, instead of pasture-fed ground beef) but W30 gives me enough craving control to battle and re-learn my old (health impairing) habits... turning them into positive ones for the months and years ahead.  It is hard to believe that a little 30 day program can change your life but I know W30 did for me the first time through the program. 


Don't let a setback or two hold you back from your future success. 




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Eating this way gives me control.  Control enough to allow my logical, well-read on nutrition, mind a fiting chance to appreciate the carrot cake slice and think fondly of the last time I had three scones for breakfast... but I can walk away without "needing" these foods in my life.  The control is priceless for me.  I have proven more times than I can count that I cannot make that same decision when I "eat everthing in moderation".  Having some sugar and grains in my diet completely impairs my logical mind from making the right choice for me.  Again... the control is what I value most.




This totally sums up exactly how I'm feeling about my first Whole30. I've never been able to walk through the bakery and not buy something. While being on the Whole30, I can see and appreciate those foods, but don't feel like "I HAVE TO HAVE THEM!!!" For me too, its the control that I'm enjoying the most because I was so out of control before I started this.


I'm not convinced I'll be able to exercise moderation when this is over either. I'll try, but if I find myself scarfing down donuts on the way home from the grocery store so my husband doesn't see them, I will march myself right back into another Whole30.

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