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July 1 Start Date - Who's with Me?!


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Great question and great timing, Chris74.

There are a few big things happening in my life right now.  Among them:
Job insecurity thanks to massive changes in my field in general and my program in particular.
In a couple months I'll cross something REALLY, REALLY, REALLY exciting and significant off my Bucket List.  I'm not at known or suspected risk of dying in the foreseeable future, though, so don't worry.
I completed my first W30 a few months ago when neither of those things seemed like the remotest of possibilities.  The clear head, steady energy level, amazing sleep, calmly chipper mood and great stamina I had then were like nothing I have ever experienced.  I'm not exaggerating when I say I have never felt better in my life, and I'd love to feel closer to that again.
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Why did you do the Whole30?  

Awesome question and I have loved reading everyones responses.


For me, I decided to do the whole30 because I was sick of feeling sluggish. I was sick of eating ever 2-3 hours because "why not". I was not making smart choices. I am starting a new job in the fall that will be demanding and have long hours and require me to coach varsity sports. I need energy and I need to feel good!

Thankfully, everything I wanted to come out of this has happened and I can't imagine how good I will be feeling as my life continues to evolve :) 

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I've been doing paleo light since December or so. I loved the way it made me feel, and I loved being able to cut out the processed crap. I went haywire with the fast food in the month before I started W30, and I was tired of feeling like I was hurting my body with the food I was eating. 


Another part of starting when I did was that my sister and I were starting a blog based on doing crazy internet physical challenges. I used that as an excuse to jump on the W30 to go along with the physical challenges.


Of course, eating paleo is much more likely to be long-term than being about to do a 5-minute plank (that challenge was a fail!) or 200 squats (I said they were crazy physical challenges). 

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I made the Well Fed pad thai for my parents and it was amazing. We didn't use all the sauce the recipe called for (it was really rich) and just added a little water so it coated the veggies more. Used zucchini noodles instead of spaghetti squash. It was absolute love. My dad didn't realize they weren't actual noodles until we told him. 


My cravings were insanely intense this morning after breakfast. I feel great now though. 

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What a great topic!  Why am I doing a whole 30?

  • something is always wrong with my stomach- no need for gorry details, just imagine it is not fun.
  • headaches, pretty much daily my whole life
  • body aches-shoulders, knees, fingers, feet, back,
  • yo-yo dieting since youngest was born (she is 9!)
  • ridiuculous fatigue
  • I need to find a way to get my family, that has to start with me

I started with the whole clean eating thing in January, and have gone back and forth since then.  I felt really good when I was not eating wheat,dairy, soy and peanuts...I felt really bad when I was.  When I discovered the Whole 30 (Thanks Mom!) I thought I should give it a shot.  My tummy is pretty happy.  My headaches, gone since I eliminated dairy in January.  Body aches- we'll come back to that one.  Point being this is what my body needs me to do so I am doing it.  It would be great if I lost some weight too, but honestly feeling better is my number one goal. 

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I chose to do the Whole30 to further refine and improve my food. I stopped wheat and sugar September 2012 and have lost 65 pounds as of June 30, but my loss rate slowed way down and I know it was because I had, over time, gotten careless with my milk intake...I'd been consuming it very judiciously but got less and less careful and I was using way too much half and half and cheese, which I figured contributed to my weight loss slowing to a crawl. I was 'technically compliant' with my food rules but not eating as well as I should. I came into this wanting to eat more vegetables, to set dairy aside for time and see if it made a difference in the way I felt (and it certainly has), and get things moving again, which I suspect they have. 


The other thing I wanted to do was reconsider my relationship with food, to look at whether I was still using it as medicine, or a cure for boredom, or anxiousness, or any of the other things it isn't really for. I've done some writing and just being still during this month to think about those things, some 'forest bathing', as Mark Sisson calls it, and I've decided that I will do another 30 in September. I like the idea of an every other month mindful practice. 

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Day 18


So much better than yesterday!  Felt headachy today but otherwise OK and super motivated to stay strictly on track with homemade meals.


Breakfast: Frittata with 1/2 avocado, steamed broccolini and a nectarine

Lunch: Slow-cooked chicken in vinegary, garlicky adobo sauce, 1/2 avocado, a couple handfuls of cherry tomatoes

Dinner: Grilled lamb loin, Brussels sprouts grilled with garlic and ghee, fresh berries from the garden

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Why am I Whole30-ing? I've mentioned before my Barre challenge earlier in the year. The meal plan was almost identical to a W30, with the exception of the inclusion of full fat dairy (esp. yoghurt and butter), but I was interested in seeing exactly how dairy effects me after finding out how massively gluten/grains effect me during the challenge.


And following on from that, and with a question of my own - which of the other 9 factors are you wanting to focus on either during or after this W30? This week, I have definitely been sleeping well (I always have, and winter makes me want to sleep more!), I've been exercising (barre addict here! Plus I've been investigating yoga), I've started drawing which I haven't done since I was a kid (fun!), I met up with a friend for a cuppa (socialisation - and these forums count a bit too, right?), most of what I've just mentioned assists with stress management. I'd love to do for a ride or hike this weekend but the temperature is bottoming out again. Maybe we'll get to go and explore the snow on the mountain! I definitely want to focus on Fun & Play and self development now/after my W30. What about you???

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I like your idea of doing a W30 every other month MrsRobinson. However, I am going to do a W60 just to get started.

I actually went to the supermarket today for the first time since starting W30 and found a whole heap of goodies, so I'm looking forward to livening up my diet a bit. I think being at home in bed for this W30 has made it fairly easy for me. I haven't had the temptations that others have had being out in the big world. There has been the problem of eating out of boredom/habit and that has been a bit tricky at times, but so far so good.

I think I might be getting some tiger juice. My back and leg have been really good today, so much so that I haven't had any meds at all, and I felt really bouncy this morning. Haven't felt this good in a long time. I think from now on the magic will really start to happen for us.

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I love the idea of planning ahead to additional Whole30s and living a Whole9 lifestyle post W30. Great suggestions from the board!!


I really would like to turn this into a Whole60, but we're leaving for vacation the first week of August. Truly, I know I could stay compliant with some effort, but I've decided I want to celebrate this trip. It's the first real vacation my partner and I have taken together (and without kids). I just know that I'll want to have a beer or a glass of wine with dinner some night. That being said, I want to eat as clean as possible and am prepared to feel kinda like junk when I return. 


AFTER vacation, however, I plan to come back to a mini W30 to clean up my act again before officially reintroducing potential trigger foods. I'd like to have dairy in small amounts (and in very selected forms) and would really love to eat quinoa/rice again. I haven't really missed bread/pasta/crackers/chips like I expected to, which is a great finding. And I want to have the freedom to have an occasional drink.


I may try for a Whole30 again in September like Mrs.Robinson. It seems important to keep bad habits in check with regular mindfulness as she suggests. How can food without brakes take hold if there are brakes built into the lifestyle? 


I've never been a sweets person, so that's not something I'll likely return to. My number one trigger food has always been pizza, which we used to order in every Friday night. Post W30, I really want to find a replacement tradition the whole family can enjoy. Any suggestions?? What does everyone else intend to eat for "fun" when our Whole30 ends? (or, to problematize the issue further, is eating for "fun" even a realistic endeavor given my troubled past with food??)

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In other news...I feel so great and have achieved such positive results so far with paleo/W30/W9 eating that...wait for it...(I swear it's worth the wait)...I just canceled my WeightWatchers subscription after 4 years!!


I used their points plan back in 2009-2010 to lose 30 lbs, but I felt restricted and deprived much of that time. WW no more! With W30, I've had a much more positive experience (after only 19 days) than in the 4 months I lost on WW and the subsequent years I tried to lose that weight again after it, inevitably, crept back on. 


Do a happy dance!!  :D

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In other news...I feel so great and have achieved such positive results so far with paleo/W30/W9 eating that...wait for it...(I swear it's worth the wait)...I just canceled my WeightWatchers subscription after 4 years!!


I used their points plan back in 2009-2010 to lose 30 lbs, but I felt restricted and deprived much of that time. WW no more! With W30, I've had a much more positive experience (after only 19 days) than in the 4 months I lost on WW and the subsequent years I tried to lose that weight again after it, inevitably, crept back on. 


Do a happy dance!!  :D




WTG... Great job.  WW is for some people but not for me.  They do have the social component right (in my opinion) and getting together with others to share experiences (e.g. like a W30 forum group) is really important for long term success.  However, I agree that WW did not work long term for me, at all.  Their "points" program was not appealing.


Congrats on finding your path and breaking new trails while leaving other trails behind.  Honour them because WW was part of what got you here but acknowledge that as we learn more about ourselves and our health (n=1) we learn and adapt to what works better for each of us.


Using the evidence and making the decisions that will benift you in the long run takes courage.  It is always easier to do what you always did... but this leads to getting what you always got!




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Why am I doing a Whole 30?


I have a number of food intolerances/allergies: Gluten, Soy, Lactose/Dairy... and have been eating 85% Paleo since November.

Last month my co-workers got me an amazing gluten free cupcake for my birthday. After that, I went a little cupcake crazy...and also there is cheese which I shouldn't eat due to said allergies but once I start with cheese....  

Basically I just want a reset. I am going to visit my sister in the UK next month and when I am there I am sure we will be indulging in cheese, booze and sugar. I am hoping to feel my best prior to going even though I may not be feeling great when I come back.

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I.did Whole 30 to lose weight and become healthy. I also wanted to see how different my body would feel with zero grains (vs limited whole grains) and zero dairy. I was already a good cook and I already knew the benefits.of.coconut and healthy fats, I'm just amazed at how incorporating them.into.every meal.helps.curb hunger and cravings. I also like being more.mindful of what I put in my body. I'm also happy to report that it is Much easier to not lick my fingers now when prepare pb and j or.something! A nonclassy gross habit and I'm happy to.be rid of it!!!

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Are zucchini fritters considered swypo? I had the most enormous zucchini.waiting for me in the garden when I got.back from a week and a half at the beach. Just looking for ideas since I cant make muffins or paleo bread with it for another 11 days. Haha


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Holy cow, CharDoll! That sucker is huge!!  :o


What about roasting that puppy or turning part of it into "zoodles"? I don't know for sure if fritters would be considered SWYPO, but if you feel like it'd open up a figurative can of worms for you to have them, perhaps it's best to look for alternatives.  

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Are zucchini fritters considered swypo? I had the most enormous zucchini.waiting for me in the garden when I got.back from a week and a half at the beach. Just looking for ideas since I cant make muffins or paleo bread with it for another 11 days. Haha 




Shred, cube or slice part of it to bake in a frittata.

Cube another part of it to incorporate into a chili.

Make the rest into paleo muffins or bread now and freeze until after your W30.

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@CharDoll - O.M.G..  I have NEVER seen such a huge zucchini!!!!  (that kinda sounds funny =D)   I would start looking for recipes that used zucchini!!  I think Melissa Joulwan from www.theclothesmakethegirl.com has quite a few recipes that uses it.  You might also want to try www.paleomg.com or Nom Nom Paleo.  =) 


Maybe you can put it on eBay and fetch a good price for it?  People will buy ANYTHING on eBay!  LOL  =) 


@maxmaxt - Congratulations on your milestones!!! 

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