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Whole30 Plank in November?


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I just picked this up on FaceBook and I am going to do a Whole30 Plank during November. Anyone want to join me from Friday? I am going to give it my best shot even if I don't hit the target time towards the end of the month. Who's in?




The 30 Day Plank Challenge will send your core strength through the roof!

Day 1 - 20 seconds
Day 2 - 20 seconds
Day 3 - 30 seconds
Day 4 - 30 seconds
Day 5 - 40 seconds
Day 6 - REST
Day 7 - 45 seconds
Day 8 - 45 seconds
Day 9 - 60 seconds
Day 10 - 60 seconds
Day 11 - 60 seconds
Day 12 - 90 seconds
Day 13 - REST
Day 14 - 90 seconds
Day 15 - 90 seconds
Day 16 - 120 seconds
Day 17 - 120 seconds
Day 18 - 150 seconds
Day 19 - REST
Day 20 - 150 seconds
Day 21 - 150 seconds
Day 22 - 180 seconds
Day 23 - 180 seconds
Day 24 - 210 seconds
Day 25 - 210 seconds
Day 26 - REST
Day 27 - 240 seconds
Day 28 - 240 seconds
Day 29 - 270 seconds

Benefits of Plank Exercise:

*It strengthens your lower back
*It develops your core muscles – which include the abs, back, hips and the butt. 
*Helps you to avoid injuries and encourage good posture
*Can be done anywhere
*Develops your abdominals by targeting the rectus abdominis

This is a beginner routine.. everyone starts somewhere! 
Depending on your Fitness level.. this can be done once/day, if you are new to fitness.. OR if you are more experienced.. try for 2-3X/day!


Usual caveats apply re checking with your own doctor etc before starting an exercise routine. 

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Sharyn, you can hit the target time if you take a short break when you feel like you can't hold it anymore and then continue until you hit the target in total time. For example, if you can only hold it for 45 seconds, then take a 45 second break and continue. Do another 30 seconds and have a 30 second break, and so on until the total time in plank position reaches 270 seconds. That way you'll know that you've reached a tangible goal other than just doing it. I'm pretty sure it's also still quite effective :-) Besides, if you can hold that position easily for a long time, you're doing it wrong! :-)

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You know what, I'll join your challenge as well :-) I was thinking that I already have an exercise plan, but there's no harm in adding this to it. Especially as I can do it at home. I've had some lower back problems and this would be great for it. I actually really suck at holding planks (but I know I do them right, as a physical therapist has checked me doing it), so this would really be a challenge for me. I'll aim for the times listed, taking breaks if I have to.

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sounds like a fun challenge! I would take wunderhase's recommendation seriously, though: if you continue holding the plank longer than your can maintain good form, other body parts/muscles will take over and actually can do more harm than good! I think the intent of the challenge would be met breaking the longer planks up into smaller segments with short rest between, and that would be a good way to make sure you are strengthening your abs instead of jacking up your shoulders, etc.

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I did a plank challenge for a workout group start day at my gym, and the challenge was to stay in the plank as long as we could.  I held for 1 minute 45 seconds.  My lower back was really mad at me and continues to be mad at me 4 weeks later.  So be careful!  I will start with the 20 seconds and work up.

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Day one is done!


Does anyone know whether it's better/more effective to plank on your hands as opposed to your elbows? I tend to prefer my elbows, I think because my wrists get tired, but I'm wondering if the fact that it feels "easier" is a sign I should be doing it on my hands!

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There are ways to make it more challenging, but I'm not sure if using your hands instead of elbows would be the best way to do that.


As for the challenge itself, I'm sorry I'm going to have to remove myself from the list, as I'll no longer be participating in these forums. I do wish you all the best of luck though! With planks and everything else! :-)

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I should probably try 1 plank first to see if I can even do one for 5 seconds first! lol  


Hmmm ok I tried it....10 seconds was a challenge.   So do I just rest for a bit and try again?  I want more core strength and this seems like a fun challenge as well as a quick way to build in some fitness to my day.  I am all for doable.


It probably doesn't help that I have like 70lbs to lose!


I am in, I will do my best to improve my time each day....won't probably be able to keep pace with the guidelines but I will challenge myself all the same.;)

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Day one is done!

Does anyone know whether it's better/more effective to plank on your hands as opposed to your elbows? I tend to prefer my elbows, I think because my wrists get tired, but I'm wondering if the fact that it feels "easier" is a sign I should be doing it on my hands!

I find it easier on my elbows, but my yoga teacher described that as "the hard way" :huh: I guess there's less pressure on your wrists when you're on your forearms - plus that's the way the lady in the picture up the top ^ is doing it ;)

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Day one is done!


Does anyone know whether it's better/more effective to plank on your hands as opposed to your elbows? I tend to prefer my elbows, I think because my wrists get tired, but I'm wondering if the fact that it feels "easier" is a sign I should be doing it on my hands!

On your elbows is easier, on your hands is harder because you are having to hold your body up more - my shoulders start getting tired!

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I would do it on my elbows - I have quite weak wrists though and would probably fail due to that before my abs had had enough!

If you're getting sore arms, transferring your weight differently may help you stay up longer - changing the position of your feet (pushing further forward or back) changes the feeling in your arms...you could also try wider/narrower feet. If you can't do them on your feet, drop down to your knees!

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