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Dirty Thirty "Roundup and Ride"!


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I have rather long legs  :D . There are too many hills & lots of mountains but if I stick to the lakeside roads it is pretty flat. It is very beautiful, here is a pic of what I see on my ride home.

Wow!  Beautiful, Loulabelle!  And Disk breaks!  Looks like you must be tall.  Riding in Switzerland, is that pretty hilly?


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morning all,


i hope you all slept well.  Sleep is one of the immediate benefits of W30 for me.  I love sleeping through the night.  I am on day 11, 'the my pants are tight!' day.  It is bothering me, wondering if i'm actually gaining weight?  I don't want to compensate for the discomfort of what I am giving up by just eating too much of what I can have.  My marriage is stressful as well, and I want to be careful not to eat my feelings.  Hope that's not TMI.


Dinner was really good.  My son, Dylan was so proud of himself.  I was glad he provided treats for a holiday weekend, so we could get the celebration feel while sticking to the plan.  I felt good about my choices too.  Just enough of everything to enjoy it without overdoing it.  


Yikes MegaG, you too, with a stolen car!  Sorry about that!  


Meadow, I like it that you track earthquakes.  What an interesting endeavor.  I think I need a new hobby.  I just work and ride my bike.  I do really like to cook, too.

I am thinking of Italian lessons.  I already speak Spanish, so it would be a natural extension.  


Supposed to rain all day.  I'm going to 8:15 cardio sculpt with Margo, my daughter, then 9:15 restorative yoga.  We have a nice YWCA about 5 min from my house.  I love it.  Very reasonable price, beautiful facility and great classes.  Also gym equipment and indoor pool.  A Godsend!


M1 nothing too full from yesterday

M2  beef, onions, peppers, avocado

M2 chx wings, crab cake w homemade chipotle mayo, broccoli w hollandaise, 1/2 small sweet potato, cherries, decaf w coconut milk


NO snacks, No nuts





Good morning, sweet April!


IMO, I don't think you're eating too much at all, esp. with how active you are. I think you are just experiencing typical stage/day discomfort and it will work through in a few days. Hang in there! Eat all your meals, esp. breakfast/M1!


Day 27 for me. Didn't sleep well at all last night (external factors!) and am SOOO tired. Husband gave me a boost today by saying 1) that my shape in waist/hips/torso had definitely changed, and 2) even if I don't lose any weight, this has been worth it because I feel so much better. All things we already know, but it's nice to hear it from someone else... hard to know sometimes if I'm just making up all the changes in my own mind. :-)


Have a great day everyone.





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Good afternoon ladies

It's a nice day here a bit cool but we will take it

Espie you are doing great and it shows

April hang in there

You are doing great! Your family supports you and you'll get through the bumps just fine

It's nice to have a Y that you enjoy being at

Yes if you want to you can download Duolingo

It's an app my hubs has unless you'd rather go to lessons, we took costly 16 weeks of Italian lessons a while ago now and who has the time??

Loulabelle and April fab cycles really nice

Meadow of course you can call me that I've been called by many things lol

Day 19 I'm coloring between the lines!

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MamaG - what does that mean you're coloring between the lines?  I know what it means....what are you coloring...are you talking food over the Memorial Day Weekend....whatchooo talkin' bout?  I am wondering what Tuedsay morning will reveal or oops, look what the cat dragged back in.    :D  :lol: 


It's raining and snowing.   June 1st will bring some of the WD30 R n R wranglers and ropers back.  They're out there on the trail  rounding up the stray cattle out of the storm.   I hear from some of them.  They're happy. They have used the W30 to Springboard into their life.    Many only need 30 days and others take a few more days.   


Laurie - how's everything on the homefront?  Higs - I hope your goats are dry.   CC -  I know you're probably training for a Tri.  Rick - ditto.   Dcducks - all of your ducks are always in a row.  Miki -  rockin' the Tessemae and sweet pots.  Rose and Cara - riding their bikes.   Deb - nightshade elimination.   Doc Tracy - fixin' up the cats and dogs.  SpinSpin - love the way you keep that blood sugar rock steady.   jmcbn - fun with folkaronies.

Welcome Kelli.  Espie, April, Loulabelle -  as you were.  Denise.... :D 



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I was thinking,  "whatchooo talkin' bout Willis",  when I wrote that.   My folks love reruns.    Nice job staying compliant without complaints.     Just another copasinki coinkydink with the WD30 R n R'errrrrrs.


SpinSpin - if you're out there....are you feeling any of the shaky waky quakys?  What do you do for the holidays when everyone else is riding their food Harley or bike?


My Paw just called and sweetly asked me...should I give up Breakfast cereal?   I said,  Yes, Paw, it's awful.

It's not whole grain goodness but highly refined flakes with added sugar - top it off with milk sugars and no wonder you don't feel good when you eat it.    Yes, it would be far better to eat bacon, sausage or eggs every morning than eat that sugary laced box of multi crap.   




3.4 2015/05/22 23:14:28 37.437N 114.184W 9.2 8 km ( 5 mi) SSE of Joseco, NV
3.5 2015/05/22 13:41:22 37.309N 114.652W 5.9 22 km (14 mi) SSE of Helene, NV
3.0 2015/05/22 13:19:29 37.337N 114.642W 7.5 20 km (12 mi) SE of Helene, NV
3.8 2015/05/22 13:05:23 37.314N 114.639W 9.6 22 km (14 mi) SSE of Helene, NV
4.8 2015/05/22 12:47:42 37.292N 114.655W 4.0 24 km (15 mi) SSE of Helene, NV
3.0 2015/05/19 20:53:09 44.315N 114.887W 12.7 12 km ( 7 mi) NNE of Stanley, ID
3.0 2015/05/18 17:00:51 44.583N 110.364W 5.0 57 km (36 mi) SSE of Gardiner, MT
3.2 2015/05/17 04:47:23 41.827N 119.673W 6.8 5 km ( 3 mi) NE of Wimer Place, NV

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Well happy Saturday everybody! Just got done playing check up with the WD30!


Meadow--thanks for the video of The Dance  :) Hubby actually looks like Garth and even got a few dates because of it! He also served in the Marines from 85-93--pretty proud of him--and I have family that have served or are currently serving in all branches of the Military except Coast Guard. My dad and uncle were Navy, my step brother was a lifer in the Army and just retired last year after 30 years, his daughter is in the Air Force right now and just got her SSGT rank so we are all proud of her as well! 


Since I do the cookin, I can keep pretty good control in what goes in what we eat. I do a few extra things, like grilled corn for hubby and our little guy since he loves corn on the cob--only way he will actually eat corn--so a few ears a year I figure isn't too bad. I do veggie kabobs zucchini, mushrooms, red onions, bell peppers and the like and toss them on the grill. For Monday, I am doing a pork shoulder in the crock pot with some of my homemade 'secret' bbq rub and then when it is done, pull it into large chunks and toss it under the broiler to make it kinda ribby like. Probably have the grilled veggies for me and corn for da boys and coleslaw, because what is charred meat without coleslaw? lol 


Not feeling the earth move under my feet--which I am kinda happy about--although I grew up in Cali and it was something we dealt with, but still not my favorite thing! 


Chores done! Car, Bathrooms and working on organizing the craft room, which is honestly a never ending task! I am also busy with warping 2 of my looms today--working on a bunch of woven coasters to go in my Etsy shop. Course, crafting is how I keep from snacking. Knitting and crocheting, embroidery and counted cross stitch--gotta have clean hands for and I just don't want to keep getting up and washing my hands! Plus, I only buy raw nuts when I do, and then I soak and roast but, they are so dang expensive, I would rather put that money into olive oil or avo oil for my mayo! And with having 3 floor looms going soon, that is going to be a bit of exercise! Walking the treadles and throwing the shuttles and the beating the cloth---fun!!!!


I know I will be cleaning house a lot here in the next few months--we are looking at getting a house on some land and we are going to start packing now, rather  than waiting. We want a place that has an area for my looms and sewing machines and..... either that or enough land that we could bring in something or have something built in the back yard. Plus, we want to be able to garden, have a few chickens running around and space for the boy to go crazy running around in. We are in a condo right now and it is a bit.... snug! to say the least.


M1 today was a can of tuna, 2 hard boiled eggs, some dill, olive oil, 1/2 a red onion, s&p, lemon juice and garlic all mashed up together and had over some baby greens. One thing I do with my salads, even if I have something like tuna or egg or chicken salad that has a mayo dressing, is I always drizzle on a T of evoo over my greens and toss it all around and then salt and pepper to taste. Actually helps wilt the greens a bit and I eat more veg and I have never been a big fan of dry salad. 


One thing though---Here's a picture of hubby at 18 after boot camp


  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

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HI guys! Meadow.. :D

I know Dave said no chores this weekend, but I have some catching up to do! Tiger Blood is kickin' in again! YAY! 

Ridin high for a while before the next reintro.


Good to see everyone is doing great! Keep calm and keep 'er tight to the saddle!

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Gave some more thought to holiday cooking, and the only thing that really gets me is homemade Christmas Cookies. When I was growing up, that was always a HUGE deal for my mom and I. We would bake solid for 2 days and we would do 12 doz of 12 different cookies. Dad took them to the people he worked with, the ups guy and the postman got cookies. It was always part of the big holiday kickoff--other than decorating the tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. I love to bake, but I have never had that kind of marathon again since my mom passed away. The kitchen where we are is just toooooo small to do any serious baking in (other than say, a loaf of banana bread) and my step mom's cookies just aren't the same. But other than those Christmas cookies, we tend to stay pretty close to home for most holidays and if we do have company over, I do all the major cooking and they bring the bread (easy to ignore) or dessert (toooo full from dinner to enjoy). Course I love to cook too, so it is never an issue for me to do all of it.

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Ooooooo,  SpinSpin, that's wonderful.  I love your Garth Brooks story and he is a Marine...always.  Good lookin', too.

You're such a splendid chef and loaded to the gills with creativity.   Ahhhh,  thanks a million for sharing about your military family.   Hugs and kisses all around.


I hear you with the nuts.  I've been wondering if you can drink Kombucha, SpinSpin.   I really can't, it immediately jacks that old BS (blood sugar) right up and I can feel it, like how fruit juice feels or fruit that's too sweet.  I know many enjoy it and it is tasty...sigh.   How long have you been eating this way, SpinSpin?   Years and years?   Ooooo, do you ever drink coffee and does it affect your blood sugar?


Deniseeee  :D You're doing swell.  Ride that wave and ride it high and for as long as you can.  It's soooo worth it.

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Hi there SpinSpin

Now I can relate to the Holiday cooking

I will get through Summer and Fall ok I'm sure but I'll probably need to tweek or resist temptation

I do all of the cooking for Chtistmas Eve "laVigilia"

So seven fishes it's twelve courses here 42 people a sit down 6 tables whew! it takes weeks

I've a lot of help with other things but I can't change the traditional menu Although I have lightened and made it a bit healthier because some of the younger generation isn't really into ALL the traditional dishes

I also marathon bake dozens of cookies too

I give away many trays as gifts to those who really love them That will be a challenge for me

At Christmas and Eastertime

I might need some coaching :)

So glad for you the ground is steady

Keep those hands busy lol

I find that helps too

CQ glad to see your are doin fine

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Meadow--I can't do a whole bottle of kombucha in one fail swig. I will do 3 oz in a glass of soda water. I have some beer glasses that I bought at a brew fest I worked at and they have the ounces marked on one side so you could purchase a 3 oz, 6 oz or 12 oz beer. And when I do have 'bouch, it is only once a day and with a meal so that the sugars in it get alllll mixed up with the fats and protein and veg. but if I do 1 a month, that is a lot. Typically more during the summer then the colder parts of the year, but I am more likely to grab an unsweetened iced tea (home brewed so I know what is or isn't in it)


Hmmmm..... how long have I been eating this way.... I would have to say at least 6 years. I started transitioning us away from the SAD diet with learning about nourishing traditions. Soaked beans, nuts and grains, real sourdough bread, real ferments and we ate like that for about a year or so and then I came across Mark's Daily Apple and moved to Primal--and got pregnant with our little guy. Then I discovered Paleo shortly after--I was Primal all thru my pregnancy btw--and kept my A1C at 6.5 through out. Then 3 years ago, discovered Whole 30 and other than a little off roading here and there, have been here since! Hubby is more Primal--he just can't give up his cream in his coffee--but he is a big boy and he eats pretty Paleo other than that, so I can't complain. I have baked some paleo goodies for the boys, but i am an odd duck in that once I have baked something I have very little interest in eating it. I once actually lost 70 pounds baking for a cafe I worked at back in the late 90's. (I was married once before, and it was a really bad relationship and I went from 115--which my ex determined was 'fat' to 350+ My story is on the forum so feel free to look it up!) And it was after our marriage broke up that I got that job and people were really surprised that I could loose so much around so much yummy goodness. But when you see it day in day out  :blink: why eat it?


My goal now is to be able to give my insulin back to doc and say thanks, but no thanks. I think eating this way is the way to go for that. I rarely eat fruit and if it I do, it is in season berries in a salad or maybe a couple grapes in say a chicken salad or a broccoli salad. Of course I have been following this for a while now and in the past few 6-8 months have started to really drop the weight. 


But I love my Marine because he loves me thick or thin  :D we have actually known each other since we were 15, and I knew I was going to marry him, just not when! Just took 20 years to get him to that altar! And we are happy as two little clams can be  :lol:


ETA: Yes I do drink coffee, black and it doesn't seem to affect my blood sugar all that much. Of course I don't drink as much as I used too--can you say 2 POTS?? We got a Keurig coffee pot from my MIL a year ago for Christmas, and I now maybe only drink 2 cups a day, which is a huge improvement. The shakes and heart palpitations were more of an issue for me then spikes in my blood sugar.  

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SpinSpin - This is so inspiring.  I'll find your story and reread it many times.  I'm taking all of this in. WOW. Just WOW.  


I went to the health food store and a young person there shared she was recovering from thyroid cancer. Maybe she's more aware now but she said she'd met many people coming through the doors with the same thing...in addition to diabetes.  I asked her what she attributed it to and she said 'milk'.  She said she'd been a heavy milk drinker since she was a child.  Milk every meal and before bedtime.  Milk for snacks, gallons and gallons of milk.  She told me her sister had thyroid cancer and her mother had already died in early 40's of thyroid cancer. Her father worked on a dairy and they had free milk to drink...no doubt with GH.  


One day a friend said to her, you've got a large lump growing on your neck...go look in the mirror. She went to the doctor - immediate surgery, chemo, radiation.


I asked her how she felt and she said it was like having the flu all of the time.  I told her about the Whole 30 and maybe it would help her get back on her feet. She's still heavy on grains and legumes. She no longer touches dairy...so just a couple more items to give up.  


I've been a year without dairy and I'm not going back.  Don't really give two hoots about the grains, either.

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Her story brings me back to one my favorite posts on this forum.  It's my reality check...to keep things in perspective going forward.


TravelPhotoWriter on 16 June 2014 - 08:48 PM


I'm a Type 1 Diabetic for 31 years.  For EVERYONE, bread/starches, lactose (dairy sugars), white potatoes, corn, etc increases blood sugar. The only items that keep my glucose even-keeled are Proteins (meat), low-starch veggies (the ones approved on W30), healthy fats, and sparing low-sugar fruits (like berries, NOT like mangos or bananas).  No amount of avoiding these items temporarily will have them break down any differently when they are consumed.  If you want great  #s to continue,  your great habits need to continue.


Personally, I "triage" things that up my glucose. Example: mashed potatoes are absolutely NOT worth it to me, so I don't eat them, EVER. A fantastic small dish of gelato while walking the streets of Italy, YES PLEASE!  & I just take a little extra insulin to compensate for the spike from sugar and milk. I never drink sweet beverages (lemonade other than made with stevia, regular soda, glasses of juice, "sport drinks," etc), as none of them are "worth it" to me. 


The book It Starts With Food (a.k.a. ISWF) goes into some pretty eye-opening description of what dairy does to blood sugar!  Yikes,  I didn't know when I was slamming quarts of it the years before my diagnosis....




Posted by SpinSpin on 28 March 2013 - 07:14 PM

I am a type 1 diabetic and whole 30 and paleo has been the best thing for keeping my blood sugars level n steady in the 'normal' ranges better than when I was doing the '3 meals and 3 snacks' routine. AND I have gotten the OK from my endo to eat and live this way. I dropped my A1c 3 FULL points during my first Whole 30 and it is nearly in the non diabetic range and I feel better than i have in a long time. 


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I'm reading/posting Spinspin's... excellent tips.


Posted by SpinSpin on 05 February 2013 - 10:45 AM

I am a diabetic, so I keep fruit to a minimum and limit which fruits I do eat. I pretty much limit myself to berries and the occasional bit of apple and I keep the fruits I do eat to meals, never snacks. So, berries sprinkled in my salads or chunks of apples in a chicken salad.
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The nuts...all 'bout da nuts.


Posted by SpinSpin on 03 April 2013 - 02:32 PM

You would be better served with having a hard boiled egg pre workout rather than the nuts, and lean chicken or fish with some sweet potato post workout. I would cut out the nuts as snacks too, bump up your meals so you are not having to turn to snacks to get you thru the day. 
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Posted by SpinSpin on 03 April 2013 - 02:25 PM

Curb the nuts--they can really cause problems with exactly what you have been experiencing--bloat and tummy upset. Plus, there could very well be bad oils in them if they are roasted nut mixes from the store. For adding in additional fat, I would suggest homemade mayo, olives and olive oil, coconut milk and oil, avocados would be the way to go rather than nuts. You shouldn't need snacks--what I would suggest is to bump up the meals you are eating--more protein, more veg. Don't allow fruit to push veg off your plate, as veggies are more nourishing than fruit. 

Have you read It Starts With Food? It is a great help and will explain the hows and whys of eating this way. For me, breakfast is 3 eggs, hard boiled, poached or fried in ghee or coconut oil and a minimum of 2 cups of veg, raw or cooked. Lunch is a large salad with lots of different veggies and protein and a homemade dressing from my mayo or olive oil and vinegar. Dinner is protein and veg. If you are eating enough, again you shouldn't need snacks. Also, don't get stymied by thinking of meals as breakfast, lunch and dinner, think of them as meal 1, 2 and 3. Have soup for breakfast or an omelette for dinner. 
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Posted by SpinSpin on 29 March 2013 - 02:46 PM

I second reading It Starts With Food--it is very important to know the hows and whys of doing a whole 30. With you being a pre-diabetic, I highly suggest killing your sugar dragon--cut out the fruit, nuts and any paleo'ed treats. I am a type 1 diabetic and this has been a true God send for me with doing the whole 30 and paleo in general. It has really brought down my blood sugar levels. As for fruit, for me, I only have berries and then just a sprinkling in a salad--like a palm full of blueberries in a chicken salad. I have banished nuts from my house because it was far to easy to snack on them all day long. Bananas and any tropical fruit are a diabetic's worst enemy, at least in my book!

For me, breakfast is 3 eggs, hard boiled, scrambled or fried in ghee or coconut oil and a minimum of 2 cups of veg. Sometimes, I have leftovers or a salad or soup --don't be trapped in the mode of the first meal of the day having to be breakfast foods. I often have a 1/2 an avocado as well.

lunch is left overs or a salad with protein of some sort, a TON of greens and other veg, homemade dressing either a creamy one with homemade mayo or olive oil and lemon juice and herbs.

Dinner is a protein again and veggies or soup or stew. Sometimes winter squash or a sweet potato, but not often. I don't like the fact if I do carb heavy veg, I have to take more insulin, and my goal is to drop the amount I need to take. (I am on a sliding scale btw)

Healthy fats, real food is the way to go. Be careful of the lowfat dairy in general! If when you are off the whole 30 and you opt for dairy, go full fat, because the low fat and non fat is higher in carbs and can really drive up your blood sugars. I have found for me that I prefer coconut milk in my tea and coffee and if I do have any dairy--again when I am NOT on a whole 30--it is plain, full fat greek yogurt. Dairy can really mess up your blood sugars. 
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 Posted by SpinSpin on 28 March 2013 - 08:58 AM

I have at least 2 cups of veg PER meal and don't get caught in the trap thinking you have to have eggs for Meal 1. Look at having left overs, soup, curries, salads--be creative! You for sure need more than 1/4 a chicken breast at lunch! I would change up your protein choices--what about making a bunch of meatballs and having those instead? Search the forum for Mason Jar Salads--which is a wonderful concept where you pack a salad in a Mason Jar (wide mouth) and they last all week! I am so adding those to my cook ups! I would also look at adding more fats--coconut oil, olive oil, whole 30 mayo, avocados, and olives. If you eat more and add more fat, you will have better success slaying the hunger dragon in the afternoon. 

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Posted by SpinSpin on 14 April 2013 - 10:13 PM

I am a type 1 diabetic, and my blood sugars have leveled out quite nicely with doing the Whole 30, and I am just curious when are you taking your readings? Post work out? After eating a bunch of carbs? My diabetic nurse told me not to test my blood sugar for an hour after I work out due to my liver dumping glucose during the workout. Your liver could also be dumping excess glucose while you are becoming fat adapted.

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 Posted by SpinSpin on 26 April 2013 - 04:20 PM

Since you are trying to slay your sugar dragon, giving up the more sugar heavy fruits--bananas, mangos, other tropical fruits, and stick with the lower sugar options--blueberries, strawberries and the like. Ands rather than a smoothie, add them to a meal, a handful of blueberries in a salad, a few blackberries with roast pork, citrus with chicken/duck or turkey.

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