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Starting September 1 - Who's with me?


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Hallo from NY. 

Meal One today was salmon and a sweet potato and a few grapes. I need to work on adding more green stuff.  

I may make a fritatta for lunch and add some spinach and or kale. and some brussel sprouts on the side. I love them roasted. And since I have discovered coconut aminos I can use that to spinkle on top of the brussels. I used to loathe them as a kid but now I love them

meal three is porkchops with baked apples and a salad. I am going to have a full house so I will make some marinara sauce too..and make spagetti pasta. 



I have been perusing this site and think I may give this a whirl. It would be great to have some meals ready in advance. I have done cooking in advance before and love the convenience and this is whole30 compliant!

Don't forget to add the all important fat to your meals - I don't see any mention of fats here & you'll need them... Olives, mayo, compliant bacon, ghee, any kind of compliant oils, coconut milk, avocado.... the list goes on!

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Day 2: My headache finally went away late this afternoon. But also in the afternoon, I had a small exacerbation of my tinnitus - thankfully, nothing like last night's and I think/hope it's getting better.


M1: chicken, cauliflower, spinach, olive oil

M2: salmon, mayo, spinach, carrots, beets

M3: chicken, mushrooms, onions, spinach, carrots, olive oil, 1 1/2 bananas


Probably should have just had 1 banana, since it's hours after dinner and I still feel full.


I may join some people at a museum followed by eating at Olive Garden. Anyone eat there on Whole 30? Everything seems to have cheese or butter and who knows what kind of oil they cook with. Maybe the salmon and ask them to make it with olive oil and ask for plain steamed vegetables...

I have had tinnitus for years and notice it's worse since I started Whole30. Any explanation for this?

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I also have tinnitus but I didn't notice any difference last year. I will keep an ear out (sorry!) for any changes this year. Coupled with chronic insomnia, I now run an air purifier on my nightstand for the low white noise. I have learned I guess to ignore it during the day, but you will always find music on in our house. I may do some research see if dietary changes can affect, will report back if I find anything....

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That's what it says on the carton. I'm sad there's no yolk because I'd like to have the extra fat and nutrients... but it's better than having no mayo at all (for me)!

Haha, no, sorry, I just meant is your finished mayo product really white?

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Haha, no, sorry, I just meant is your finished mayo product really white?

It's a bit more white in color, but not remarkably different. My mustard powder lends some tone to the finished product too.

Lol, totally misunderstood your comment, haha!

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Quick post ...I found a new product today in local store called "Cracked Coconut" and it's coconut spread made with Coconut, dates and pink Himalayan Sea salt ... Not sure if they have them available in the US but I can't wait to try it when I get home tonight : 


Check out their website : 


Will let you know !! :D

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Day 3 going well. I feel bad cause my hubby, who I talked into doing this with me, is experiencing all kinds of side effects: gas, headaches, groggy, etc. I've been fine except for a mild round of headaches in the afternoon of Day 1. Hoping it clears up for him. And hoping it stays this way for me! We ate pretty healthy to start - and I've been reducing our sugar intake slowly over the course of the last 6 months so that helped.

We initially planned to have our 3-year old go through this with us (with some modifications), but realized that it wasn't going to work this morning for breakfast. So he's off plan for breakfast, but will stay in compliance the other meals of the day. He doesn't do eggs - and I know there are other options for breakfast, but he's a picky toddler, and we've really struggled to find something that he'll eat.

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Day 3 going well. I feel bad cause my hubby, who I talked into doing this with me, is experiencing all kinds of side effects: gas, headaches, groggy, etc. I've been fine except for a mild round of headaches in the afternoon of Day 1. Hoping it clears up for him. And hoping it stays this way for me! We ate pretty healthy to start - and I've been reducing our sugar intake slowly over the course of the last 6 months so that helped.

We initially planned to have our 3-year old go through this with us (with some modifications), but realized that it wasn't going to work this morning for breakfast. So he's off plan for breakfast, but will stay in compliance the other meals of the day. He doesn't do eggs - and I know there are other options for breakfast, but he's a picky toddler, and we've really struggled to find something that he'll eat.

Is he eating all of the same meals as you, but with his proteins in relation to the size of HIS palm?

Is he eating a lot of raw/cruciferous veg? Or snacking on nuts?

Is he drinking enough water? Including at least a fist sized serving of starchy veg? Salting his food?

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Day 3 going well. I feel bad cause my hubby, who I talked into doing this with me, is experiencing all kinds of side effects: gas, headaches, groggy, etc. I've been fine except for a mild round of headaches in the afternoon of Day 1. Hoping it clears up for him. And hoping it stays this way for me! We ate pretty healthy to start - and I've been reducing our sugar intake slowly over the course of the last 6 months so that helped.

We initially planned to have our 3-year old go through this with us (with some modifications), but realized that it wasn't going to work this morning for breakfast. So he's off plan for breakfast, but will stay in compliance the other meals of the day. He doesn't do eggs - and I know there are other options for breakfast, but he's a picky toddler, and we've really struggled to find something that he'll eat.



Is he eating all of the same meals as you, but with his proteins in relation to the size of HIS palm?

Is he eating a lot of raw/cruciferous veg? Or snacking on nuts?

Is he drinking enough water? Including at least a fist sized serving of starchy veg? Salting his food?

Yes - same meals as me. We're not that different in weight/size. He did do nuts yesterday. He took an apple + almond butter today for a snack instead of nuts. We both drink tons of water normally, but I told him to up his today to see if that helps. Doubt he's salting his food any more than it is already. We might have missed the starchy veggie yesterday...

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Good morning everyone!


Last night was so tough on me.  I planned a spaghetti squash, chicken and veggie dinner (with my homemade mango/jalapeno sauce).  First bite was awful--the squash was bad.  I had to throw nearly everything out (except the chicken; also picked out as many added veggies as I could) and I just started CRYING!  Like real tears!  It upset me so much to invest all this time and effort into a W30 meal that ended up being rotten.  I'm not normally that emotional (I mean, who cries over food?  LOL) but it was very defeating to me.  I'm better today though.  Anyone else feel their emotions have tweaked?

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Yes - same meals as me. We're not that different in weight/size. He did do nuts yesterday. He took an apple + almond butter today for a snack instead of nuts. We both drink tons of water normally, but I told him to up his today to see if that helps. Doubt he's salting his food any more than it is already. We might have missed the starchy veggie yesterday...

The easiest way to test this theory is to see how many whole eggs each of you can hold in one hand - if he can hold more than you then he needs more protein than you. The fact that he's snacking on nuts & fruit/nut butters tells me he's probably not eating enough - hence the way he's feeling.

The gas could be from the nuts, or from too much raw/cruciferous veg, or possibly even from too much seltzer if he's relying on that rather than regular water.

What other fats is he eating in each meal? My instinct says he could probably do with more fat too.

Increase the size of his meals, be sure to include the starchy veg, drink plenty of water & see how he goes.


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Hi! I started 1 September, as well. Things seem to be going well; I'm exhausted but that's nothing new. I did was up 5 minutes before my alarm this morning.


However, I made (maybe) ghee last night and it was beautiful and clear. But this morning it had bits of white in it. I used it anyway and have major stomach craps since Meal 1.


Is it nap time yet? Hope everyone has a great Day 3.

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Hey Hey!


I'm in the middle of day 3...along with my husband.  After lunch I started thinking about chocolate or a little sweet to eat.  Yikes!  I didn't come close to doing anything about it...it's just wild how strong habits and routines are.  Can they really be broken in 30 days?  


No headache today.  I had a great run this morning.  Right now my motivation is lacking, but I'm going to take a walk with my son and wake up these legs a bit.


Today for lunch I had ratatouille with poached eggs and green olives and a small handful of raw nuts (on the side).  The veggies from the farmer's market are so good right now in New England.  The ratatouille was the bomb and luckily there's so much more of it to eat in so many different ways!


Wishing you all a happy day 3!



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Quick post ...I found a new product today in local store called "Cracked Coconut" and it's coconut spread made with Coconut, dates and pink Himalayan Sea salt ... Not sure if they have them available in the US but I can't wait to try it when I get home tonight : 


Check out their website : 



Will let you know !! :D


How are you intending to use it?  I could see this becoming a potential "food without brakes."

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Hi. I'm new. My wife and I started Whole30 on Sept. 1. I think I'm having trouble getting enough protein or something, as I'm hungry quite often.

I'm also not hungry when I wake up, so I'm having trouble eating breakfast. Any advice on that?




Welcome Stephanie!

If you could post the past few days of your food and beverage log, including portion sizes, in the Troubleshooting section, we can take a look and make specific suggestions for you. 

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Hi all,

I started on 9/1. I've been overwhelmed w/food prep.  I've separated compliant foods and made space for them in the pantry, spice cabinet, refrigertor and freezer.  I've made a few things that I could put into the freezer for another week.  Whew! 

I've made personalized grocery lists (including brand names) for Trader Joes and our local health food store. I'm hoping my next trip to grocery stores won't take so long because I won't have to read the labels of non compliant foods.  I also used a permanent marker to label the tops of cans in the pantry and also the store where I purchased them.  I'm desperate to save time with this program.

The cashier at TJs questioned my choices.  The conversation led to Whole 30.  A sweet young mom from the next aisle came to tell me she just finished and she feels TERRIFIC! Yeah!  I should have recorded her for a bad day.

Good luck to everybody.  I'm looking forward to sharing ideas.

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Busy with meetings and teaching a class today, but keeping up in the background with today's posts!


@AshleyM2484, so sorry to hear about your rough evening...I've been meaning to say thanks for posting that recipe for "nachos" the other day.  It sounded so unique and fantastic that I immediately put it on my meal plan for next week.  I can't say I ever literally hit the point of tears, but I had some days where it just seemed like nothing went right even though I was trying so hard.  I remember going to a local gourmet grocery where they have everything imaginable from all over the world, it was like my second weekend and I was stoked thinking I was going to find so much stuff...and instead I looked at miles of aisles and came out with next to nothing that was compliant.  I know now that looking for packaged foods is just not a reality with Whole30 but I thought then that surely there would be some shortcuts and coming home from that trip empty handed really shook me.  Adjusting to cooking with all fresh ingredients is alternately exhilarating and exhausting!!!  Anyway, I think being a bit more emotional than usual is to be expected and is probably perfectly normal and your meals have sounded so interesting and creative that I suspect you will pull through this stage and really enjoy the rest of this month.  I'm rooting for you, and everyone really, but I would personally miss your ideas, LOL! 


@JenX, if it makes you feel any better, I stalked the July thread you were in on enough to have immediately recognized you...so...you should totally hang out with us no matter what your current W30 status!  I finished my first Whole30 in June and was still eating only compliant ingredients in July but had made Paleo waffles or banana ice cream so I didn't want to claim myself as part of the group doing the real thing and so I stayed silent.  It helps to stay focused even if it's just listening to the chatter, I think at least. 

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Middle of day 3 going well.

My husband cooked me an awesome meal of fried eggs (I'm the reheated egg averse forum member!), hashbrowns made from leftover potatoes last night, and sautéed spinach. It was delish and helped me start off the day right


I facilitated a big meeting with catered lunch, so I had to work hard while everyone ate their sandwiches and dessert, avoided them, didn't get cranky, and make my delicious salad of leftover grilled chicken, leftover coleslaw, spinach, corn, sesame seeds and olive oil/vinegar. My first work temptation win!!


My struggles are:

I need sauces asap!! But haven't had time to retry the mayo or make anything in bulk. I loved the red pepper sauce, but need a dressing. I know what I'm doing this weekend, but other tips would be great.


My husband is going to the store every night for me, because this is so hard to plan.


Nights around 8pm are toughest, when I'm exhausted with headaches. But need to do some more work, so I usually have a seltzer with berries or a few cashews to get my second wind.


I have a cup of coffee after lunch which seems to help me get through the afternoon cravings, but im hoping to drop that soon.


Looking for ....

Looking ahead to the weekend, give me your "fancy" recipes, and your easy work week recipes.

Can't find compliant sausage and would love some!

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Happy Day 3 everyone!  So far so good here.  I'm really enjoying reading everyone's posts and also appreciate the support of the mods popping in too.  The only minor issue I've been having is with sleep, and I've noticed this trend in the other W30s I've done.  I'm finding that I'm waking up in the middle of the night, sometimes to go to the bathroom (need to cut off water after a certain time in the evening!), and sometimes for no reason.  Needless to say, I've been tired and grumpy all week.  I've heard that eating starchy carbs later in the day can help with sleep.  I do think some of my insomnia has to do with decreasing my carbs when I eat cleaner, because I've definitely had this happen in the past.  I'm going to try adding some sweet potato to dinner and see if that helps.  

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Middle of day 3 going well.

My husband cooked me an awesome meal of fried eggs (I'm the reheated egg averse forum member!), hashbrowns made from leftover potatoes last night, and sautéed spinach. It was delish and helped me start off the day right


I facilitated a big meeting with catered lunch, so I had to work hard while everyone ate their sandwiches and dessert, avoided them, didn't get cranky, and make my delicious salad of leftover grilled chicken, leftover coleslaw, spinach, corn, sesame seeds and olive oil/vinegar. My first work temptation win!!


My struggles are:

I need sauces asap!! But haven't had time to retry the mayo or make anything in bulk. I loved the red pepper sauce, but need a dressing. I know what I'm doing this weekend, but other tips would be great.


My husband is going to the store every night for me, because this is so hard to plan.


Nights around 8pm are toughest, when I'm exhausted with headaches. But need to do some more work, so I usually have a seltzer with berries or a few cashews to get my second wind.


I have a cup of coffee after lunch which seems to help me get through the afternoon cravings, but im hoping to drop that soon.


Looking for ....

Looking ahead to the weekend, give me your "fancy" recipes, and your easy work week recipes.

Can't find compliant sausage and would love some!

Re: dressings - I pretty much make my own using a ratio of two parts oil to one part acid.  The oil is usually olive oil, and the acid varies (usually it's lemon juice).  Add some salt and pepper, and spices if you wish like garlic or herbs, and whisk it all together or use an immersion blender.


Re: sausage - I've never found compliant bulk sausage so I've made my own using ground pork and spices (I think I used salt, pepper, sage, and maybe some other stuff - can't remember).  It's easy and there are so many variations.  I think one or both of the Well Fed cookbooks has some sausage recipes!

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Okay I have to admit I'm having a hard time with fat. Before I started whole 30 I was working with a trainer who had me eating 1300 calories a day (I tracked on myfitnesspal). I was working out an hour a day (kettlebells/cardio) and also cycling a lot outside. It was super low fat, high protein, low carb. I lost inches but I felt weird about eating all that greek yogurt and protein shakes/bars (I've been GF for years). I have hashimotos so I know I needed to eat paleo. That brought me to Whole30. So I come from recording everything I eat and low fat to this. It is messing with my brain. I know it's only day 3 but I've been easing into whole30 since the beginning of August.

I guess my point is, I feel fat and I worry that the only way I can lose weight (I don't need to lose a lot) is to eat that crappy way I did before.


Pre-workout meal-hardboiled egg, coffee

Post workout-eggwhite and sweet potato

M1-3 egg omelet/spinich/mushrooms, aidells sausage, a few leftover hasbrowns and snap peas.

M2-Steak salad, spinach, tomatoes, peppers and cilantro lime mayo

M3-half banana and hardboiled egg

M4-ground turkey with tomato sauce, zoodles. (Should I add something else?)


Oh I figured out I can make the green/passion tea from starbucks at home and that has been great around 8pm. I used to have a glass of wine at that time. :(

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