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Oh dear :-( snacking


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I am now on day 16 of my W30 and really loving the way I am eating, the only thing I am mising is my milky coffee. However, I have just been looking through things again as a refresher and have come across 'no snacking or eating every 2 hours'. This has completely thrown me as I have been doing with some fresh veg, chicken thighs & nuts/seeds. Should I be avoiding this?

My diet yesterday was (this is pretty much how my diet is)

3 egg spinach and ham omelette (8am ish)

couple of handfuls of fresh veg (carrots, cuvumber and yellow pepper) (10am)

left over rump steak with brocolli & sweetcorn (12 midday)

more fresh veg & 3/4 handfuls of mixed nuts & seeds (3pm)

chicken breast and pepper stew (8 pm ish)

rather a lot of grapes (9ish)

I haven't lost any weight (don't know about inches) am sleeping better but still don't have much energy during the day. I thought by day 16 I'd at least start to feel somehing. Am I expecting too much? Should I cut out the snacking for better results?

Can you please give any advice?

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The best rhythm of your hormones is supported by eating every 4 to 5 hours, starting within an hour of waking from a good night's sleep. If you eat more frequently, you get the hormonal chemicals sloshing around in your body less efficiently. You really owe it to yourself to feel what it is like to have everything moving along properly.

The best thing is to eat enough at each meal to be comfortable until your next meal. That can take practice, so it is okay to snack between meals when you are hungry. However, if you are always hungry between meals, you need to rethink what you are eating at meals. You might need to increase portion size or you may need to increase the amount of fat in each meal because fat is very important to feeling satisfied for a few hours. As glimmer mentioned, the direct route to changing your pattern would be to add your snack veggies and nuts to your meal.

When it comes to snacks, it is really better to eat a mini-meal and not just some veggies or just some fruit or just some nuts. The whole idea of eating is to nourish your body, not to just fill your stomach. When I was getting adjusted to eating this way, I ate as much as 5 to 6 times per day, but then worked down to 4 or 5 and then down to 4 and finally after a while down to 3 meals per day. I am usually comfortable eating 3 times per day now, but still sometimes eat 4 meals. I usually try to eat supper at 7 or 7:30 PM. Last night I ate at 6:30 and felt kind of hungry by 8:30, so I added another "meal" - a can of sardines and a baked sweet potato with dried cranberries and macadamia nuts. I recommend such mini-meals when you are hungry.

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thanks so much Tom, when you say increase the fat, do you mean with the likes of avocado, nuts etc or with what I am cooking in, i.e. coconut oil?

your mini-meal sounds amazing, yum! will have to shop for things like that just incase i get hungry and try to keep snacks to that. i have 2 children and their meal time is 5pm where as our meal time is 8ish after they hve gone to bed. in theory, eating at 8 I should consume enough to keepme going til morning? I may have to have a mini-meal with my children as getting from lunch time to 8 may be a bit tough

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Sorry(!)..corn is a no go..

"Do not eat grains. This includes (but is not limited to) wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, millet, bulgur, sorghum, amaranth, buckwheat, sprouted grains and all of those gluten-free pseudo-grains like quinoa. Yes, we said corn… for the purposes of this program, corn is a grain! This also includes all the ways we add wheat, corn and rice into our foods in the form of bran, germ, starch and so on. Again, read your labels."

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Sweet corn is eaten/canned/ frozen/ processed before it matures and dries like your typical grains and therefore seems like a veg, but even though it might sneak in under a technicality( MOD please clarify) I don't believe anyone would be doing themselves any favors by eating it.... Where do you think high fructose corn syrup comes from?

Anyway....back on topic.... I used to HAVE TO EAT every two to three hours or I'd feel like going on a rampage!!!! Now when I eat proper meals according to the template, I barely give food a thought... Sometimes I go 5-6 hours and realize" hey dummy, you need to eat!" It's amazing what happens once all those nasty hormones level out.....

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16 days didn't go to waste - I'd just extend your Whole30 to a Whole46 to make up for what you might be missing out on by having the corn. I bet once you've gone without the corn in your diet, you'll start to feel the benefits that you may have been missing out on before. You've still done great things for your body and your health - now you'll be doing even BETTER things :).

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thanks so much Tom, when you say increase the fat, do you mean with the likes of avocado, nuts etc or with what I am cooking in, i.e. coconut oil?

I mean to increase fat by adding some avocado slices, guacamole, nuts, olives, coconut flakes, etc. Or choosing a fatty cut of meat like rib eye steak instead of chicken breast. Or one of my fatty favorites - bratwurst sausage.

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Boo :( 16 days in

i'm goingto carry on just eliminate sweetcorn too then. i can't let 16days go to waste. i know i won't get the full effect now but i can't stop now

A moderator may correct me but if I understand the program correctly, you could wait until day 46 or 47 to reintroduce grains. That would give you 30 days off grains but let you continue to manage the rest of your Whole30 and the reintroductions.

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Boo :( 16 days in

i'm goingto carry on just eliminate sweetcorn too then. i can't let 16days go to waste. i know i won't get the full effect now but i can't stop now

There's no such thing as waste when you're making a genuine effort :) Like the others suggested, I'd just add those 16 days back to the end of the program (chances are you'll just be hitting your peak about that time and you won't want to stop anyway ;) ).

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thanks so much for all of your replies.

i will try the 46 days without the grains but myproblem is that I have my daughters 1st birthday (alcohol) valentine's day (chocolates) and my birthday in that time. Grains aren't a problem now i know that sweetcorn is a no go too but alcohol may well be an issue over this period

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I was thinking the same thing. The Whole30 is a time to reevaluate if the things we do to celebrate, when we are bored, for holidays, etc. are truly healthy not just for our body but our mind. A one year old's birthday seems like a time I wouldn't even consider drinking let alone planning on it being a struggle not to.

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I have a large family too & celebrations very much involve lots of food & drink. I have almost given up drinking prior to this as it makes me feel very sick & have had severe boughts of vomitting when I haven't had very much. I just don't want to deny myself a drink if I want one on her birthday, I'm not going to go out there lookingfor a drink but equally, champagne is called for and I don't want to deny myself

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Little_muffin - if it helps, we celebrated my youngest daughters 1st birthday last weekend (it was Day 7 for my husband & I). I usually do enjoy a glass of wine once or twice a week but the truth is, that was the last thing I would have caved for on my daughters birthday. I had a much harder time avoiding the pizza, cheesecake & ice cream :( (especially since my husband & I were serving...we didn't even lick our fingers!)

A few things we did was, besides serving pizza, we BBQ'ed some marinated chicken thighs (that truthfully got more rave reviews than the pizza that I totally felt like I was missing out on) & put out veggie trays with homemade baba ganoush (was also a hit). I wish I'd have thought to have fresh fruit with whipped coconut milk while everyone indulged on strawberry cheesecake.

For me, I felt a tiny bit of guilt for not even having a bite of my daughter's very 1st birthday but I reminded myself that she will have many, many more that I can enjoy with her when I'm not doing a Whole30.

I'm not at all trying to say it will be easy but I'm just hoping I can encourage you because there will always be an event / occasion that will come up during a Whole30 (or 45 or...)....valentines day, St. Paddy's day, Easter, opening night of NHL hockey!!! :(, etc. Both of my sisters will have celebrated their bdays during my Whole30. It'll be soda water with olives at the bar.

You can do it if you choose to & I'm certain it'll worth it. good luck,

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Little_muffin - if it helps, we celebrated my youngest daughters 1st birthday last weekend (it was Day 7 for my husband & I). I usually do enjoy a glass of wine once or twice a week but the truth is, that was the last thing I would have caved for on my daughters birthday. I had a much harder time avoiding the pizza, cheesecake & ice cream :( (especially since my husband & I were serving...we didn't even lick our fingers!)

A few things we did was, besides serving pizza, we BBQ'ed some marinated chicken thighs (that truthfully got more rave reviews than the pizza that I totally felt like I was missing out on) & put out veggie trays with homemade baba ganoush (was also a hit). I wish I'd have thought to have fresh fruit with whipped coconut milk while everyone indulged on strawberry cheesecake.

For me, I felt a tiny bit of guilt for not even having a bite of my daughter's very 1st birthday but I reminded myself that she will have many, many more that I can enjoy with her when I'm not doing a Whole30.

I'm not at all trying to say it will be easy but I'm just hoping I can encourage you because there will always be an event / occasion that will come up during a Whole30 (or 45 or...)....valentines day, St. Paddy's day, Easter, opening night of NHL hockey!!! :(, etc. Both of my sisters will have celebrated their bdays during my Whole30. It'll be soda water with olives at the bar.

You can do it if you choose to & I'm certain it'll worth it. good luck,

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