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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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Ooh. I love orange too. Is that nail polish this season? Orange nails are my fave and I was just thinking today I want an orange manicure. I also love orange-y lipstick. I don't wear it often but it is sometimes fun.

I'm sorry you are feeling down. I'd join you in the self pity party but I'm too busy beating myself up. The week is young. Focus on orange. It is indeed a happy color.

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Oh Nadia, all your beautiful pictures make me smile and then I read about you reaching your limit and my heart aches for you.  I know that feeling only too well from my eczema.  It is so frustrating.  It will get better.  It'll take time, it'll take experimentation on your part, and it may take multiple visits to the doctor (or doctors as in my case) but it will get better.  And I think everyone here is wishing and willing it for you. :)  *huggles*

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I just read your post about the ballet movements. Sounds killer. Also the hanger sounds like a brilliant idea. I need something like that all day! I hate that I've gotten roundish shoulders and try to remind myself to stand upright. A hanger might do the trick.

Hope you have a better day today. It is so frustrating. I had a breakdown last week about my psoriasis. Temper tantrum mght be a better description. I had this hope that it would get better by now but it's two steps forward one step back and I don't seem to make headway. There was a piece on Paleo Mom about having patience, but I never finished it. :( Need to find it.

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Nadia have you ever tried the IBS protocol re:raw veggies. Sometimes when I read how you feel and your meals I wonder if the copious greens could be giving you oxalate related issues. I have a client who reminds me of you a lot, health wise and size wise (also lost her period, but was eating plenty) she ended up with kidney stones due to too much in digested oxalates. The reason I mention IBS protocol is that maybe eating only cooked veggies could give your digestion a little break freeing up some precious energy for you. As far as the oxalates that's a desperate issue, but just wondering if those are tweaks you have considered ? I do hope you feel better sweet thing.

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Now that we've been following each other for a couple months (at least), I've noticed that many of us have our meltdowns the week before our periods. Nadia, you may not be getting periods, but we know there are all kinds of hormonal shifts and changes happening. I am not in any way downplaying your experience, but I am saying there's a legitimate--and physical--reason why sometimes we feel so much emotional instability despite all our best efforts.


The good news and the bad news is that hormones are always fluctuating, whether we like how they're working or not.

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Thank you all, wiping my tears again. Megmac brought up an important thing about cafeine in booch. I've completely ignored it. No booch after lunch I guess. 


Went to the lady's doctor  today. She suggested to go on a pill again, because "everyone is on the pill". I said no. I asked what the alternative solutions are. She said "mmmm give it another week and come back?". 50 minutes waiting for a productive dialog. Oh the joy. 


My former co-worker whom I met while volunteering for the Flower Market sent a ticket to the talk "Wagner vs Verdi" at the fancy art house focused movie theater to my office. Very romantic. When I was 18 I dreamed that I have a man I can talk opera, Kafka and all these delicate matters. Now it makes me laugh somehow. Now it's like man, just fix the shelf please and don't ask too much (take decisions) from me. Planning, organizing and leading the way is what I can do very well. Ironically it's what I'd rather not do :D    


@LadyM. I've looked up his website. Which one do I need? Meditation thing? I was a good girl and went to yoga class yesterday. Even though it was just a gym next door with a regular instructor she said some good lines about enjoying stillness, acknowledging thoughts and letting them go and simply breathing through every disturbing ones. Nothing new, just was a very good timing. Felt a bit better and my knee hurts way less. Oh you are absolutely right about hormones. I've noticed too that we have meltdowns once a month for sure.  


@ Beets. It's last year collection and called Holiday. I have 4 or 5 orange nail polishes, can't get enough. This summer they have an orange too (called Lilis), but it's more of a coral shade. Very creamy and pretty. Oh I can't remember last time I wore lipstick and one of two I own (haha) is orangey. I see you in the long (grey?) dress (V-neck?) and espadrilles (and the damned straw hat, can't stop thinking about it). Orange nails. Big glasses. Nice. About hanger and posture. I used to have the most crocked back ever (part of it my giant boobs that have disappeared thank God). Year of dancing fixed it (back not the boobs). I said exactly the same about the hangers. I need to wear one at home. Here is the trick, once you try it you will "feel it" without the actual thing stuck at your back. 


@ Mo. I don't eat raw veggies except cucumbers. Greens is a tricky subject, because if I do the elimination of everything problematic I am left with carrots, squash and sp. I can't eat them all the time + I am putting on weight because of starches (and fruits I fill the bulk gap with). I have limited greens to several stalks per meal a while ago, before our mini AIP started. Stacey from PaleoParents said that weight is the last thing you should think about while healing and she is right, but if the right thing was easy to do all the time. Also because I can't digest most of the veggies (and mushrooms too) I probably have malabsorption = increased hunger I try to suppress because it's not "by the template". I have heard interesting stuff about hunger today and it explained my crazy hunger attacks. They said that when body is inflamed it screams in such a way. I have to figure this shit out. 


@PP. Skin is the worst, yes. So damn hard to be patient when your confidence is being tested every morning. 

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Beautiful shoes.  I hope they help you feel a bit more cheerful.  I am so sad that you are having so many challenges at once.


I had to laugh about:


When I was 18 I dreamed that I have a man I can talk opera, Kafka and all these delicate matters. Now it makes me laugh somehow. Now it's like man, just fix the shelf please and don't ask too much (take decisions) from me. Planning, organizing and leading the way is what I can do very well. Ironically it's what I'd rather not do :D    


Cynical at such a young age.  I thought it only happened when we get to be my age.


I hope there are small joys coming your way that you can string together into a genuine smile and thoughts of gratitude.


I can't drink booch after noon or I don't sleep.  Those are the nights I dream of ambien as I lay awake, knowing that 5am will come much too quickly.

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I can't sleep. I've climbed the damned rope. To the top. Three times. It's a full closure of my childhood rope climbing nightmare and coach yelling at me advising to "get my fat ass up". Take that. Omg, I want to climb things. post-12442-13710085544621_thumb.jpgpost-12442-13710085680058_thumb.jpgpost-12442-13710085782856_thumb.jpg

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Happy kid, yes! Strong...uhm not so much. But I am improving. I will have strrrrooong arms one day. Can I consider this lifting heavy, because I am lifting my own bodyweigh all the time? Kidding.

Picture where It looks like I sit on my leg. Instructor said "now pretend you sprinkle the fairy's dust on the crowd!" I laughed so hard. Pixie dust is all around!!!

I wish my tummy was collaborative. Now, TMI, but I have a problem. I have wicked bloat. Like pregnancy bloat. I ate beef, carrots, rutabaga for M1. Chicken, turnips and squash and strawberries for M2. WHYYYYY. I have a VERY exciting event tonight and a VERY tight dress. What to do? Is there any magic pill? Omg.

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My friend and I went to the annual ballet Gala tonight. Mad Hot Ballet, Dangerous Love is the theme of this evening. Selected pieces from Carmen, Pas De Deux Vivaldi's Summer and Don Quixote. I had wine and dark chocolate. My tummy will make me pay for this (oh I am so going to regret it) but tonight I am very happy. Damn you, accountability.



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