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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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Yes, but who. With upcoming dentist stuff (7K yikes), bills to pay and circus to go to I am not sure I can spend money on trying different FMDs. Their first consultation is like half semester at my ballet school. I k ow it's my health and is a priority, but I am concerned with cost still. I am just an average office rat. I've seen several holistic health practicioners in paleo meetup group. They have a gathering for a day out in the park, I might go just to see if I can pick up some contacts or maybe meet them in person (even better). Will be really weird to hang out with paleo families crowd.

Dragged myself to the kitchen, had get your shit together self talk and decide that if I am about to suffer, I'd rather suffer from something very tasty. I know that I am the only person here who qualifies pork's heart as tasty, whatever.

Spaghetti squash, pan seared pork's heart with herbes de provence/cm/parsley/nutritional yeast, baby arugula with mashed avocado. Lots of smoked salt, this stuff is awesome. Made Derval's salt too, mighty good. Thank you my Asian neighbors, 400 gr (13 oz?) pack of dried shiitake for 7$. Glass of booch. I probably shouldn't have it, but it's 36 C (96 F) here at 6pm. Going to the play tonight because I had tickets since forever. Will come back and fall face down on my bed right away. P.S. I really want a banana.

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I like the smooch and hugs even virtual! Inflammation is still going on, but face has cleared up. I am thrilled about the fact that I can use four products for my whole face routine in the morning - honey to wash it, cocoa butter (I've tried it for showering, lotion and cooking so far, review later) to moist it, concealer (sleep is still no good) and one mainstream beauty thing I will never give up - Meteorites by Guerlain. This is a true pixie dust. I am not even sure that it does anything, really. They are just pretty, smell like flower violets and fun to apply. 


I went to see the play yesterday, it was so interesting, witty and moving, I forgot the tummy is triple the normal size. Calee, I really wish you could see it. It was about the Korean family who runs the convenience store in Toronto. They moved here for their kids who grew somewhat different that they've expected (of course). Kids have complex of "immigrant parents" and not being like other kids. So tense, sad and funny.


Woke up and apartment was filled with the aromas of broth. I've taken one duck neck out (1 dollar for 4 pieces!!!!!) for breakfast. Spiced with steroid salt (thanks, D! I think I need more mushrooms) and served over creamed spinach with blueberries. Trashy combo? Yes, but still yummy. Green beans with coconut/lemongrass chicken (my new fav! coconut milk, lemongrass, fish sauce and coconut amogos + Chinese five spices that I've skipped). Lemme know if you want the recipe. Super tender and creamy. A bit of butternut squash. Had some bacon (my butcher cooked it for me on the spot, can you believe it?) as a snack. My tummy is GIANT. I drink a glass of water and voila! I eat a bit - bloat. As well I've noticed strange weakness while walking. You know this sensation when you get scared by something and your legs are weak? Yeah like that from time to time. I don't like this feeling. 


Good stuff - circus tonight! I hope my arms won't give up and i won't fall my face down lol. As well, I've found two yoga studios who do a cool promo - unlimited month for 40$. All you yoga gurus, can you look these up and say which one looks better? I like Downward dog more, but yogatree is closer. Thank you in advance, I want to devote more time to flexibility, balance and try that nidra thing LadyaM says I need. 


http://www.downwarddog.com/web/index.php and http://www.yogatree.ca/


What do you think? Thanks in advance. 

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I am so sorry this is happening! I agree about a specialist. It is not right at all that a simple meal would lead to that much distress. Even on strict AIP there is, ideally, the comforting fact that a simple meal will leave you feeling calm and nourished. I hope you can find some answers soon, or at least relief from the intensity you've been experiencing.

As for the yoga, I think they both look fine, downward dog looks less corporate-y from the website. But try both!

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I hope so too, it would suck big time to cut all the activities to pay the doctor. Dear tummy, I expect more cooperation, really. Speaking of activities, circus Tuesday. Super hard class and my full giant timmy was not helping. You can actually see my pregnancy in the pictures but I don't care much now. I took pain killer and enjoyed every second of it. Happy monkey. Tomorrow will be better. Should be! Thank you all for being here when I am so down.


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Places like that will have certified instructors- it's just a matter of which you like. I actually didn't read past the first pages of either website. I have a car so I go to yoga wherever fits in my schedule depending on if I have kids are not. One place is a health club, the other a dedicated studio. Both have something to offer and honestly there is one teacher at the club that is my all time fave so you just never know.

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Nadia, walk into both studios, then trust your gut response and go with it.

I'm sorry but your picture of pregnant tummy is hilarious to me. You are a tiny girl. That said, I hope your bloat goes away.

I bet I would have liked that play. South Korea is an amazing place to eat meat. Nom nom. Zach taught school there and then helped the sun if his boss get into a private boarding high school in southern California. Z was his guardian for four years before he went to college. I think that many kids of immigrant familes have a tough time of it. I was the first in my family born in the states. Even my older brother was born in Argentina. I was the alien baby. :)

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What calee said, your tummy might seem giant to you but you look teeny-tiny to me!  So you mustn't worry about how you look.  I just hope how you feel starts coming right for you very very soon.


Ah, immigration!  We moved to a rural town in NZ from England when I was 6, and the English accent along with looking very Chinese made for some interesting experiences.  I hated it, but now I am so grateful for having experienced as much of the world as I have.

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listen to Michelle. Two of my most favorite yoga teachers teach at the most corporate gym. I would do one month at one place, one at the other and see what you like better.


hrmm. Yoga might really help with non-existant pregnant tummy. Some poses are really good for stimulating the digestive tract.

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Like others have said, your pregnant belly is barely visible, and you have such a cute figure there is so much eyecandy happening, it's really like the last thing anyone would notice. That said, I sympathize with you as someone who experiences the same symptom and the bloating I believe is more of inflammation than gas and it feels, from the inside, HUGE. And it's wildly uncomfortable, a waistband is agony on it. I feel your pain sister!

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Ok, my dear tummy detectives :) I don't know about you, but we used to play "doctors" and put pillows underneath our t-shirts to imitate a pregnant patient. Feels like I still have it. It is about the feeling, you are right. It's like Mo posting picture of her glorious self with cute kids. Looks good, but doesn't feel so (so she says). Oh well, we all know what to do. Eat, sleep, rest and play. Stop overthinking would go nicely here.

Events of the day: sore fingers (I sort of like this), surprise at the corporate pizza-soda-cupcakes potluck (lady brought actual slow cooker with simmering home smoked pulled pork, heavenly good), giant tray of mixed greens no one wanted to eat/take homef after potluck is safely at the fridge, tasty dinner and hibiscus booch is bottled. Potluck was fun, because everyone was asking me "You eat PORK?". They were standing near the crotchpot, salivating and not eating eat because red meat is going to kill us all. No no, not three cupcakes with cheap frosting, no, homesmoked and cooked piece of meat is guilty in making us unhealthy. More for me, I ate my souls out. Especially when I found out that it's a hormone free piggy. Dieting girls were struggling and slicing thinnest slices of cake and eating two bites of pizza and a handful of greens without dressing. Sorry, girls, you can give me all the weird looks you want, but it's you who behaves abnormal.

I bought my yoga month at one studio starting July1st. I went to yoga class near home. Lots of twist and pillow belly is no fun, but my back needed release after yesterday. Feeling peaceful and sleepy. Early to bed. Dental surgery tomorrow.



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"Dieting girls were struggling and slicing thinnest slices of cake and eating two bites of pizza and a handful of greens without dressing. Sorry, girls, you can give me all the weird looks you want, but it's you who behaves abnormal."


This is so true.  It's amazing and sad to me that people feel to lose weight and be healthy they have to eat the tiniest amounts of food, consume chemicals instead of food, or avoid fat all together.  Tonight I went to a friend's impromptu pool party where they and everyone said I had lost weight and asked what I was doing.  I replied "Eating meat and fat" mostly to see the shocked looks on their faces, which were awesome.  But let me tell you, after explaining what my food is all about, and having obviously (to them, not me) lost weight, they still thought I was crazy and couldn't conceive of what I was saying.  Well, let them enjoy their chemicals and slivers I say!


Nadia, I just stumbled across your PW30 log, after wondering earlier today if you had a log, and am glad to put more of a story to your name that simply pixie dusted booch goddess :P.  I am sending you healing thoughts of fuzzy warmth for all that you are going through.  I hope with continued W30 eating and healing movement that you will find peace and comfort in your body!


By the way, congrats on quitting smoking too!  i absolutely relate to being too busy to think about smoking during your W30, I think that really made it easy for me to quit as well!  And now that i am almost 4 weeks a non-smoker, it would be redonck to pick up another cigarette again (although I admittedly miss them).


Your photos are beautiful!  Keep them coming love!  Hang in there and keep those mouth corners turn up, everything else will follow in good time :)

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Let them eat cake! (With cheap frosting.) I'd take the pulled pork any day. When I brought my hunk of brisket up to my MIL's my in-laws were all looking skeptically at it when I pulled it from the fridge, all covered in congealed fat. They were mystified that I'd eat something like that. Nevermind my daughter! Meanwhile my SIL drinks liters of Diet Coke a day and they buy their weight in processed foods and she can't figure out why she struggles with her weight. Geez, people.

Yay for yoga. Hope it helps with your bloating.

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Nadia is going to do a downward dog, let out a massive fart, and her tummy will deflate like a balloon.





I giggled.  Fortunately Nadia isn't afraid of sharing so we'll get to hear all about it  :lol:

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