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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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Precious! In your little skirt, and with your parents.  You hide your troubles well dear because I just can't see it.  I know someone posted that on my log where I posted a pic where I thought I looked like a Haggis McBaggis who needed a big dose of Xanax, but in reality I know only I can see how crappy I feel.  I do so hope you turn a corner soon to feel better :)

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Nadia, I love to see you with your parents. You're so lucky to have this special relationship with them, and they are lucky you are so loving towards them. I too hope that you begin feeling better.

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Nadia, your dad looks well!  How is he feeling at the moment?


And like Mo said, you look lovely.  I know you aren't feeling good but you certainly don't need to worry about how you look.  

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What a cutie patootie :)  Bummer about the headaches with nausea, do you think they are migraines?  Lavender and peppermint are great headache killers.  If you mix a few drops of each in with some coconut or jojoba oil and apply it to your temples it should alleviate the pain.  Also ginger tea is good for inflammation which could be causing the headaches and will help soothe your tummy from the nausea.  Squish and Smooch and hopes for better days to come :P

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Omg. Those pics of you and your parents with the watermelon are the cutest! Yor parents seem like so much fun. I'm sure they have their issues, as we all do. But they definitely can enjoy the moment. That is a gift for sure.

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Liz, is there anything you don't have a remedy/cool recipe for? You are a hippie and i love it :D


Aw thanks, guys. I have had horrible relations with my parents (Dad especially). Life has it's ways. It took one big move across the ocean and a disease to make us a family again. 


Dad is not so great, but it's chemo, what do we expect. He even tries to work, brews booch, makes kraut and plans family trips. He has a pre-instagram going on. He calls me and reports when he ate good and to the template. He loves ghee and macadamia.


No periods. Bad painful acne. Test for thyroid is back on Friday. My teeth are going to cost me 4 times more than I expected. Fabulous but it has to be done. What is really upsetting is that I will have to take a very strong antibiotics for 2 weeks. I wonder if my gut can take it well. I know the answer I am afraid. How can I help it?  


Overall, I am feeling a bit better, but I eat super safe foods and plan to do so. Tummy gets randomly upset (when it does it's insane) or bloated but not as insane as it used to be. I cut down booch as well.  I am still feeling like these extra pounds creeped in a matter of two weeks. I am on a no fruit/starches train because I can't stand the misery of picking an outfit in the morning. And I have 6 weeks until my birthday. Vanity pure vanity. And two more dates with crazy hot guys. Why now, when I feel like a little insecure teenager with pimples?! I am going to see M this weekend too and I don't want to look bad (we broke up, why do I care anyways?). We are going to see The Taming of the Shrew in the park. One theater puts together a performance every summer. Always a play by Shakespeare. Blankets, picnics in the park+ theater. Best idea ever. Our first date there last year. Now how do I make you believe I am over this relationship? Ahah. I am tho. 


Ballet class and silks class were SO good. I haven't felt so strong in a while. Good sign! It takes me forever to recover which is upsetting. My muscles are sore all the time. Here is my weekly monkey photo. 

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I am not touching the floor, just saying. We were doing a lot of swinging this class. So cool and hard. Who would have thought swinging is complicated. So much fun tho! I can't sleep after the classes tho. At all. I need to climb and jump around. Duuuh. 

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Yeah, oh my goodness I can't calm down after ballet class. I just keep moving, stretching, spinning until I pass out at 3:00 am. A naughty child I am. A girlfriend that was in the circus traveling moved back to town and another girlfriend has silks, I am waiting patiently for a casual class to form. You look fantastic.

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Yeah, oh my goodness I can't calm down after ballet class. I just keep moving, stretching, spinning until I pass out at 3:00 am. A naughty child I am. A girlfriend that was in the circus traveling moved back to town and another girlfriend has silks, I am waiting patiently for a casual class to form. You look fantastic.




Thanks. I hope you get to try silks. Right for big kids as you (or me). MO!!! I forgot to share. I know you will appreciate. You know that you can't buy point shoes if you are not enrolled to the proper training program? Safety first, thanks Canada. I found a point shoes class for dummies with no real background or extensive training. I am nearly fainting as I type it. Shoe fitting is next week.  


Have you heard about Cirque Du Soleil performer? We were talking about it last night. So scary and sad. 

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You must get it from your Dad then: even when things aren't so good inside, you still look gorgeous on the outside.  It is so good he is keeping himself busy.  Sending good thoughts to both of you.  Glad you are feeling a teeny bit better, it's good that you have that little bit of control that eating super safe foods give you.  Now hopefully the dentist will get rid of some of that inflammation and it will be a chain reaction from there.  


Hopefully your water kefir will be ready when you have to start those antibiotics.  Can you make your coconut yoghurt as well?  I'd be trying to get as much good bacteria in as I could!

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Nadia, you are beautiful on the silks. The best read is that you felt stronger. Things are going in the right direction!

Let's visualize your guts handling the antibiotics. It will give you reason to drink more hooch for the probiotic effects. I'm sorry your teeth will be so pricey.

Good on you for healing with your parents. I moved far away from home. We didn't heal until my folks were in their eighties. Your parents always look so happy when thyme are with you!

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Been meaning to go to Shakespeare in the park since I moved to NYC almost 14 years ago. That's pitiful when I put it like that, but it's a major PITA to get tickets. He myself enjoy that, broken up boyfriend or no. Dates sound fun. Even if. You are feeling crummy you seem a lot more hope-ful than last time I read your log. Good things.

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Beets, luckily it's a pay what you can show, so no trouble getting tickets. BUT the weather is really crappy, thunderstorms etc. Well, they run the whole summer. 


I am feeling better, not optimal though. Skin becomes clear again (thank GGOOOOOD) and a little de-fluff is happening. I am eating same thing over and over and it doesn't bother me anymore. Better safe than sorry. I am still eating a bit more berries than I should. One step at a time. When tummy starts to work great I will cut them too. So damn hard when a pint of fresh raspberries is 1$. Or cherries are everywhere. 


On Wednesday I was walking around with the girl from the silks class. She just moved in, so she wanted to go around and see the hood. She was so excited about every single food joint we passed. Even the crappy ones. She was jumping from excitement and asking "ohhh this looks good! have you been there?" or "oh my I should try this place, wanna go with me someday?". By the end of the walk she was shocked that me, living on the street with million great places to eat and billion of not so great places to eat, doesn't know a thing about them. I didn't explain much about my food habits to her, she is just an girl who takes classes with me. I felt a bit weird thinking if all these people who eat their souls out there every day feel bad at all? I also felt weird when I thought that I might be not eating out without fear for a long time. Just curious. Just because needless to say that this girl the best, strongest and bendiest in the bunch. She inhales dumplings, ice-cream cakes and lives off poutine as a late night treat. I hope you know what it is and not too grossed out. If not - fries drowning in gravy and cheese curds. If you have a strong stomach - click.


Trying to bail on everything (both dates, really don't want to go. well, maybe a little meet up with my dear circus boy M) this weekend and just sleep, take care of kombucha (scoby is just floating in one cup of liquid), kefir grains (kept them for too long for revival), cook and finally clean my place. Doctor with thyroid labs tomorrow. Ballet and gym as usual. If rain stops - outdoor salsa.   

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Just as a tradition. Some pictures. Funky nails and snobby party at the National Art GalLery last night (I wore 15 $ dress but nice exp shoes, don't care really). I flirted with the DJ and made a comment about Magritte print that made my friends tease me to the rest of the night. Worthless night...kind of.post-12442-13730545817512_thumb.jpg

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Super fun nails! I need to redo my fingers tonight as they are all chipped already. Toes look fine still so decision between doing the fingers the same again so they match, doing something different on fingers, or re-doing both.

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Nadia, it's really amazing how crappy some people can eat and still appear healthy. But the telling doesn't happen for years to come of whether they are really healthy, or not. Bad habits ten to catch up with us eventually.

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Nadia, I just wanna give you a big 'ol hug!  You nails look darling, dahling!  And regardless of of misfired comment about Magritte, the good thing is that you were out at a cultured all be it snobby affair AND got your flirt on.  sounds like a good evening to me :D


Who cares really what other people eat, in the greater scheme of things it really doesn't matter.  What matters is eating what makes you feel good, even if it happens to be the same thing over and over.  It sounds like right now you've got a decent balance of what won't bother you too much so maybe food can simply be sustenance for a bit while you straighten other aspects out.  I think it's amazing that you sound so melancholy but are doing beautiful and strenuous body work and appear so vibrant while doing it!  Keep at that, it shows how much you enjoy it!

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Hugging log it is, weeeeee. And smooch log it is, weeeee. Random facts:

Last night was so much fun, dancing at the harbourfront like mad people. Latin rhythms and great positive vibe. My friends were constantly hungry and looking for something to eat two hours after they left home. Uhmm. Got comments - do you eat at all? You skipped ice-cream, no mexican food with us, no pizza? I said that I had dinner already. They replied that they had it too, but 2 hours ago. I didn't say mine was 4 h ago and I am fine for the rest if the night.

Today I slept in till 10, went to the gym and sort of sucked but less than usuall. Abnormal

Pain in the right knee so I did 't jump.

Went to see doc. Hypothyroid is offthe table, phewww. Is there anyone who can read bloodwork results? Estrogen is still low but higher than in may. Majes sense beause it's store in fat. I am up

Numerous pounds and these are not muscles.

Fell aslepp right after and woke up now. Whaaaat? Never happened to me. Ever. I'll take this, dear body. Sleep debt I guess. Or low carb. Whatever, thinking of going to dance to the bar with friends.

I was dreaming a lot. I saw that I caught my Dad eating whole bagel. I was crying and yelling at him. I was pleading to stop. Ahaha so f up in my brain.

Coffee date tomorrow after ballet. Maybe I will also see M.

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I sometimes can read some labs. Void where prohibited, some restrictions apply  ;).

Do you do your own nails or have them done? They are very fun. I, myself, do not have such a steady hand for such things.

Yay for tummy and other troubles improving, and may it continue in that direction.

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