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July 1 Start Date - Who's with Me?!


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Random thought for the day...I just glanced at my calendar and realized that day 30 is one week from today! Yahoo!! It really IS the home stretch for us.  :D


What are everyone's thoughts/concerns/excitements as we engage this last phase of our Whole30? 


For me, I'm interested in reintroducing dairy in small amounts (e.g. butter, high-quality cheeses) and legumes. I really don't have much interest in reintroducing grains though. Alcohol...that's a different story. I have a fraught relationship with booze. My ex. was an alcoholic and I react badly to alcohol (seriously, I get the WORST hangovers and I expect they'll be even more terrible now). I do like to have an occasional beer/glass of wine though. 

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I am looking forward to small amounts of quality cheese but I've decided that I'll save dairy cream for occasional coffeehouse treats and continue to use coconut milk or cream at home. I want to continue consuming the amount of vegetables I have been on this program and I'll still make strict Paleo recipes most of the time because so many of them have been so flavorful. I made the Best Chicken out of Well Fed last night and it was amazing.

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Just got back from a camping trip. Sad to say that it didn't go well and I wasn't compliant. 


That said, I have already planned all my meals for the rest of the month, so I will continue to eat as planned, I just can't say I completed a Whole 30. 


I do plan on trying again (and now I know to be more diligent in planning trips/vacations)- I believe Mrs.R and a few others mentioned a September one, that I will probably join in on. 


To all of you- I am still cheering you on! I am looking forward to reading about these last days and stalking following you as you reintroduce foods after the 30 days is up!

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Don't feel badly, HeatherH. My first attempt in June was not wholly compliant. It helped prepare me for this second go with W30, which has been easier than last month. 


Stay involved and you'll continue to glean more information about the program and find tips/tricks to help you on your next camping trip. 

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Yep, I'm going again in September, though I don't plan on August looking so very much different from July because I feel like I've reestablished forward motion and I don't want to lose momentum. I'll use August as a month to try new recipes, expand my repertoire of compliant favorites, that sort of thing. More of my clothes are falling off so I know this was the jump start I needed and since the only major change I made to an already changed diet was dairy elimination I know what my kryptonite is. I feel like I'm letting go of the last corner of my security blanket, but it's okay.

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Pizza will always be that last corner of security for me. As much as I miss our Friday night pizza parties as a family, I don't think I can ever go down that road again. It's a sad, but very necessary lifestyle change I have to make. 

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Pizza will always be that last corner of security for me. As much as I miss our Friday night pizza parties as a family, I don't think I can ever go down that road again. It's a sad, but very necessary lifestyle change I have to make. 


For a long time after I ditched wheat, I tried this or that wheat free crust recipe. The one I make most often is largely comprised of cheese, and since I haven't had it in more than a month (I hadn't made it recently before this even started) I am finding that pizza is losing its hold on me. As time goes on I enjoy the other flavors more...the meat toppings, good homemade sauce....so I find that pizza has been replaced for us with zoodles, homemade meatballs and sauce. 


This week I've been re-reading ISWF and I find that a lot of it resonates with me more than it did with the first pass. I think the first time I read it I was just looking for 'okay, what do I need to do'? But now I understand a little better than before about food that doesn't pass the standard for psychological affects..food with no brakes....I'm willing to identify and eliminate those things, where a year or so ago I definitely wasn't in that place. 

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I know I am planning to do another round of Whole30 starting August 5th. I need food rules at the start of a new semester when my work life gets chaotic. I do want to use the few days in between to see how my body responds to dairy and grains in particular since I suspect they may be the cause of my tummy issues over the years especially corn and wheat. We should have a fully function kitchen by the time I start Round 2 which would make life much easier. Garage cooking and dining is do-able but for the birds.

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Well my reintro won't go according to plan I'm afraid. I'm off on my holidays to the French countryside on Aug 1st.

I will fully admit, I have no desire to stay compliant while I am there as I know if I tried I could be. As would always be the case on our holidays there, we will do 90% of the cooking ourselves and it will be mostly non processed, locally sourced ingredients but I'm confident there will be baguettes, figgy cheese and artisan belgian beers. For me this constitutes part of the whole experience.


I'm lucky that I didn't have any major issues with food in terms of pain or discomfort so I would hope that will stay the same. My complaints were more emotional and I think having done this whole30 (paleo ice-cream incident excepted ;) ) that my issue may be with sugar and refined carbohydrates and not eating enough protein and vegetables. I've always known that dairy is an issue for me so apart from small amounts of chocolate, cheese and butter I tend to avoid it unconsciously so that won't change.


That said, I am absolutely on for another whole30 in September where I will do a proper reintroduction afterwards so that I can pin down exactly how my body deals with all the different foods being eliminated. I do believe it is a very good exercise but just not one that will fit in with my current plans :D



My day 30 is on Sunday so from Monday I will be 'free' .. however that doesn't particularly excite me, I'm actually very happy with the plan as a way of living day to day. I will reintroduce wholemeal bread first I think and take it from there but I know once we hit the road on the Thursday that unless I am super organised, non-compliant foods will start creep in. Given we have an 18hour ferry crossing followed by a 10 hour overnight drive with 3 young children, my energies will be elswhere!


Diet coke however, will never be reintroduced. I am now a diet coke free zone and thankful for that.

I have also decided that this year I won't put the supersized bar of Milka hazelnut chocolate into the fridge on the first day of my holidays :)


I'm pretty apprehensive about doing my weigh-in on monday though. I've definitely lost inches, I've even gone down a cup size! (and my not so inexpensive, brand new with tags, bikini top is now obsolete, maybe by the end of the holiday it will be fitting again lol)

But I do seem to have an attachment to scales numbers. I'm hoping that I'm over that, I'm now fitting back into my clothes which is all I wanted so the numbers shouldn't change how that feels. I hope I'm better than that and it is something that I've been working on with myself for the past few weeks.

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Oh and another wonderful success for us:


My husband has suffered from serious mouth ulcers since childhood. A few years ago he stopped using toothpaste with SLS in it and that reduced the severity and longevity of his mouth ulcers but didn't eradicate them.

Well today he winced as he does when his food gets stuck in one, I realised that I hadn't seen him do that in a few weeks. And yes, it appears that this is his first one since he started the whole30! A quick look at our foodlists showed that yesterday he had strawberries for the first time on this journey so we are now sure that this may be a trigger for them.

But there must be more in it as he would never have stawberries in the winter and still gets mouth ulcers. This means that something he has eliminated from his diet was the cause of them and once we determine what it is he could be looking at a future free of pain :)

Another good reason to do a September whole30 with full reintroduction.

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For you chocoholics, have you heard about http://www.iquitsugar.com/. I can take or leave chocolate and I haven't read up much about the program because I don't want to get sidetracked from this W30 - and I suspect it's not W30 compliant anyway. But it might be ok after / during reintroduction. Does anyone know?

I can live without alcohol. Have done it before for 3 months, and again now for the W30. I feel like having a drink out of habit, but that's all it is for me. I bought some soda water yesterday so that I can have something to drink as a treat, and I looked at it a couple of times sitting on my kitchen bench thinking 'I'll have that treat now', but I didn't really ever feel like it. The other thing I bought though, was some pure coconut water. And that was a treat! It was a bit expensive – $5 per litre – but a whole lot cheaper than a bottle of wine! Now that I've tasted it though, I'm going back for a couple more cartons today.

I think I can do without grains too. And probably legumes as well. As for dairy, well that's another matter. I love yoghurt, but could probably do coconut cream as an alternative. Haven't tried that yet. I been trying not to do substitutions because I feel that in some way it defeats the purpose of the W30 program. The purpose of the program for me is to make changes to my eating habits and not to eat the same things using alternative products. What I need to find now is a happy compromise.

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Mimiigo - its not a 'full' as a whole 30, but I think Sarah's experience is still really useful. If you read her book she talks about how she's experimented, eliminated, reintroduced and found her only limits of tolerance with her hashi's in mind. So that experience is a great one to learn from. For her, sugar is the major trigger, she can tolerate wheat/gluten in small amounts, so that's the focus on sugar in her program. I do like her chocolate/bark recipes though, I find glucose isn't an issue for me where fructose can flare me up, so its good to have that resource there. And she has some good breakky ideas too, lots of frittatas, eggy muffins etc, all of which would also work as pre/post workout snacks on a W30. And she's a huge coconut oil and avocado fan. There's quite a bit in the books that would be W30 compliant, you'd just have to avoid the bread (only a few suggestions of that though) and substitute full fat dairy for coconut cream.


So there's some merit, but no, its not completely W30 compliant.

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I'm leaving Friday afternoon (Day 26) for a 1000 mile drive to a week-long, out-of-state work conference and then visiting family afterward, and I'm concerned about my ability to finish the last few days of this Whole 30 completely on track. I do have a plan, however:


I have a large cooler and a list of compliant foods I can put in it for our 2-day drive. And we'll be renting a vacation apartment with full kitchen while we're at the conference. I plan to hit up the grocery stores as soon as we roll into town, and then I can cook my meals for the week of the conference. 


After the conference - and officially after the Whole 30 - we're driving to my parents' house for a 4-day stay, and after that, another drive to my in-laws' house for a 4-day stay. Then a 1200 mile drive back home.


So we'll be gone from home for 2.5+ weeks. I'll do the best I can given the circumstances. I'm not planning on reintroducing anything really bad (grains, soy, dairy), since I already know that those things all give me big problems. I might add a little sugar here and there so that I can have some chocolate. Oh, and occasional white potatoes. That might be all.


And then I plan to do another W30 once we get home to tighten the reins again after the trip's few indulgences.

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Pizza will always be that last corner of security for me. As much as I miss our Friday night pizza parties as a family, I don't think I can ever go down that road again. It's a sad, but very necessary lifestyle change I have to make. 

Before Whole 30, I started making zucchini pizzas. I find them to be just as delicious!


I know the goal is to get people away from making food the focal point for situations/emotions/etc., but a lot of people have some of their best memories due to food. If a pizza substitute works for you, and pizza night is something you don't want to give up, I say don't. You and your kids will always have these memories, which to me means you are living and loving! That said, if pizza or a pizza substitute causes you issues, well then it's time to gather the family and discuss making a new Friday night tradition.

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Boo. My baby woke up at 4 am (teething I guess) and didn't go back to sleep til after 5... and then I couldn't fall back asleep. Just when I was about to.fall back asleep my 3 yo woke up.and my husband's alarm went off. Awesome. :-( hate this tired hangover-like feeling. Instead of loading up on some huge bagel sandwich like I normally would after a rough night of sleep I had an awesome breakfast!! Sauteed ground pork and green cabbage in Bacon fat with a little salt and pepper. Fried two.eggs in bacon fat. Microwaved a sweet potato and put a smidgen of ghee on that. It was a super yummy, filling breakfast and gave me a good burst of energy.

Am I the only one who feels like I always have to have a "real" vegetable along.with the sweet potato?

Would it be weird.if I bring a plastic.cup filled with coconut milk to.Dunkin donuts to add to my plain iced.coffee?

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Boo. My baby woke up at 4 am (teething I guess) and didn't go back to sleep til after 5... and then I couldn't fall back asleep. Just when I was about to.fall back asleep my 3 yo woke up.and my husband's alarm went off. Awesome. :-( hate this tired hangover-like feeling. Instead of loading up on some huge bagel sandwich like I normally would after a rough night of sleep I had an awesome breakfast!! Sauteed ground pork and green cabbage in Bacon fat with a little salt and pepper. Fried two.eggs in bacon fat. Microwaved a sweet potato and put a smidgen of ghee on that. It was a super yummy, filling breakfast and gave me a good burst of energy.

Am I the only one who feels like I always have to have a "real" vegetable along.with the sweet potato?

Would it be weird.if I bring a plastic.cup filled with coconut milk to.Dunkin donuts to add to my plain iced.coffee?



I always try to have an additional vegetable when we have sweet potato because I kinda count that as my carb, not the vegetable. If I make sweet potato hash, for instance, I usually put mushrooms and spinach in my eggs. Plus all those flavors together are delicious. If we split a sweet potato with a steak I make a roasted or steamed vegetable to have also. I discovered that my new favorite topping for a burger is sauteed mushrooms and red peppers, and last time I made them I ate mine on a bed of spinach with the mushrooms and peppers on top. 

I've been using vegetables like I used to use cheese.  :D

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Oh, and @CharDoll, as a person who carries around a mason jar of homemade salad dressing to restaurants, coconut milk at DD is not at all strange. I have these tiny mason jars I put spices in (and salad dressing, and ghee to take to work for cooking meals) that would be perfect for that purpose, and they don't leak. 

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Hello Everyone!


A quick check-in since I've been off the radar for a couple of days.  The weekend went very well for me.  After the upsetting incident at my friend's birthday party where I got some flack for not eating anything, everything else went smooth for me.  I cleared up the misunderstanding with my friend during our evening run Sunday.  I made it through the husband's birthday dinner without any regrets for not partaking in the cake & ice-cream consumption.  I didn't even miss it.  I felt great watching others enjoy it and was perfectly content to be without any. I made it through another trip to the movies with just my sparkling water and was plenty satisfied despite the hubby eating a small popcorn sitting next to me.  I wasn't even tempted.  I also discovered that I prefer my homecooked meals over going to a restuarant and ordering a compliant one.  Despite their assurances, I just don't trust them as far as what ingredients are really added to my food.  Yesterday and the day before I was slightly off course by way of the fruit train... I probably consumed a few too many cherries but, at least I did try to balance them out with protein, fat and veggies.  =)  Less than one week to go until our 30 Day Anniversary!  Great job to all!  I'm looking forward to continuing on with the W30 up until October when I leave for San Francisco for one of my favorite marathon trips!  I don't really miss any of the non-compliant foods.  I don't see myself as giving anything up so much as deciding to show my body the respect it truly deserves.  Maybe by treating my body with a little more love and respect, it will in turn, show me more love and respect as well. 

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@Freylah Whole grain toast with butter is very rock n roll indeed.


I am now convinced that a bacon martini would be a good thing. This could be a delusion based on lack of bacon...and martinis.



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