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Sara's Post W30


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LadyM - I did some deep breathing in the car, I think it helped.  I think the major part of the stress is now past, we'll see.


Nothing exciting to report here.  No run last night.  My sinuses are still really bad, so I think I'm going to get the prescription filled.  I have almost all of my normal sinus infection symptoms, and I waited longer than the doctor told me to wait.


Tonight my son has karate, so no run again.  But maybe some more deep breathing.  Maybe I'll be able to sneak in a short walk?

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The more I am reading what you're saying about wanting to be strong the more I think you should check out Tonique. Sylwia is really into being strong, about women being strong and also about women taking the time in their lives to focus on fitness. She is also so positive and cheerful, but not in a fake way at all. 


Don't fret about the two pounds. At my old job they would order whatever dessert you requested for your birthday. I wanted a cheesecake and they got a huge one of the famous deli cheesecakes. OMG! That thing weighed like 40 lbs. Cheesecake is indeed heavy, and if you aren't used to dairy or grains that will definitely make you temporarily gain weight. 


Hope your sinuses get better. I was just saying I have a freakish summer cold, or so I thought, but everyone keeps telling me they are suffering from strange mid-summer allergies. Deep breaths. Don't beat yourself up over food. BTDT. I was feeling so bad this last month but suddenly something shifted in my thinking and now I'm back on the wagon. It's summer, like PB said, and yummy treats abound. 

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Beets - I don't know if this is allergies or an infection or allergies that turned into an infection, but whatever it is, it is awful.  Thanks for your support.  I hope I get some shifts in my thinking soon.  I like the idea of the tonique videos, you'll  have to give me some reviews and which one you think is best.


Something about not feeling well allows me to wallow in negative thoughts.  Instead of being excited to see women out running, I've been comparing myself to them - and negatively.  It is something I thought I had curbed in myself, but I see it rearing its ugly head the last couple of weeks.  Need to work on that and keep positive thoughts, even when I'm not feeling well.


Tonight is my late night at work, month end.  Plus I've been working on Forecasting with my boss - 6 hours in his office yesterday, 2 already today with more to come.  I think I'll be coming into the office tomorrow to work on end of month.  I'm off Monday and then the following week, with lots of meetings and training scheduled for next week, not leaving me much time to actually get any work done.


Sunday-Monday we are heading to the beach for a quick over-nighter.  I'm glad we are going, even if it is only a short trip.  I'm hoping to maybe get in a nice flat Jersey shore run.

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Yay beach time!

Pain will do a doozy on your mindset and thinking, that's for sure. Sometimes I think beating ourselves up over negative thinking is worse than just allowing ourselves to have the negative thoughts and let them pass. I'm sure your self judgment with the other runners is rooted in the fact that you haven't been able to run as much as you'd like.

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LadyM - I think you might be right about my lack of miles messing with me.  I just see these svelte ladies out running and think, why can't I look like that.  So silly!  I certainly wouldn't trade my life for a body I find more aesthetically pleasing.


Juz - Snow!  Oh my!  I hope you enjoyed your day all snuggled in, sounds fabulous.  Hope you went out and played in it, since it is a rare event.  Thanks for checking in!


Thought I'd do a quick check in.  I had a good day yesterday.  6 mile run, some time with my sister and her family, and then a nice evening at home.  I just got done a 9.7 miler, and up the big hill, so that made me feel good (sitting here eating my egg whites and sweet potato).  My times are off, but that is to be expected with my lack of miles.  I fully intend to do a nice run either tomorrow or Monday morning by the beach.


I wanted to put it in writing here - my goal for the next two days - I will not let my body dissatisfaction stop me from doing ANYTHING I want to do while we are at the beach.  That is a promise to myself and my family.  I will enjoy my family and friends.


I've got some packing to do and then MIL's birthday party.  We may head to the beach right after that or else first thing tomorrow morning.


Have a great weekend!  Stay warm, Juz!

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I'm feeling sad at my lack of running too.... My foot flared up two weeks ago... I'm blaming too much coffee and sugar would you believe.

Enjoy the beach! The snow didnt make landfall in my yard... Not sure if I would have gone out to play as I really hate the cold and we don't really get any nice powdery stuff, only like what you'd scrape out of a defrosting freezer LOL.

Sara, the sad thing about having had such a good running stint is feeling like you are failing when you can't keep up the same miles. That's one of the disheartening things about hitting a peak, the slope either side always feels substandard yet it is hardly any distance away from the point. I hope you can think of your previous fantastic efforts as money in the bank and your current running efforts like putting more money in the bank even if its less than before its still increasing the balance.

Now to take my own advice.....

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So happy you've been able to make time for a couple long runs. I can tell it's making you feel better.

Do set aside your body woes and simply enjoy the wonderful sensual experience of being at the beach!

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I hope you got to run near the beach. That's my all time favorite thing to do! Especially in the summer, early enough in the morning so I can jump into the ocean after the run in my sports bra and shorts. :) Nothing feels better!

Of course I haven't done this in a few years bc of my knee injury. Be glad you can run. But yeah it's easy to fall into that comparison trap. I hate when I do it. Last time I went to the beach I was comparing myself to the teenage girls. :(

I remember someone, Derval I think, wrote "comparison is the thief of joy" on my log last year. It's someone else's quote...can't recall. Anyway. So true. So true. But yeah sometimes your brain wants to wallow in that kind of thinking. I think we all go there sometimes.

Be glad for movement and enjoying the time to yourself!

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Thanks, ladies.  I have been feeling down about my running.  And it doesn't help that I have my first half coming up very quickly.  I don't feel prepared.  Juz - I think you are right about having a peak and then feeling like you can't keep up with your own record.  I like that thinking of  increasing the balance, even if it isn't increasing as rapidly as at some other time, still increasing.  I did get in a wonderful run down at the shore.  Despite it being flat, I had to run slowly, because I forgot my inhaler.  But the good news is that I was able to run without my inhaler.  I could never do that at home because it is so hilly.  I did about a mile on the boardwalk and then I just ran anywhere I felt like.  I had to get off the boardwalk because it was so crowded.  I got in a good 4 miles.  Beets - I didn't jump in the ocean after, but I should have!   :D


Beets and LadyM - I took off my cover up on the beach and enjoyed the sun and the sand.  Bathing suits definitely leave me feeling vulnerable, but I did it anyway.  I did have some mental comparison battles as my friend is very thin, and I have to remind myself it isn't a competition, it just doesn't matter.  Beets - Ugh, the teenagers!  I just refuse to let myself consider comparisons there.  It is definitely the thief of joy!


We had an amazing time at the beach and it went by much too quickly.  I had lots of time on the beach.  My son spent lots of time in the ocean, in the pool, crabbing on the boat, and riding the boardwalk rides (first time on a roller coaster!).  So much fun and he had a blast.  He's exhausted.   ;)


Now back to reality.  Lots going on at work and August is beyond crazy.  Tonight I have to go grocery shopping, grab my son, and then try to get in a run.  We'll see how it all pans out.


Ah, eating.  My eating wasn't the best, but I'm okay with most of what I had.  I had big salads at almost every meal.  I drank much less than I expected.  But the chips and salsa really weren't necessary.  The boardwalk slice of pizza was absolutely necessary.   :P   Back on track today!  Eggs and veg soup, salad and grilled chicken for lunch.

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Are you all better?  Being sick in the summer is the worst.  No wonder your mood was down.  BTW - how is being positive in the car going? 


I’m so glad you enjoyed the beach and didn’t let body issues get in the way of having fun. 


Good job getting in the runs!  Running near water is lovely.


I’m back on track today, too.  Chips and salsa and guac were eaten often this past week. J

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Jen - I'm better, but not all better.  Still a lot of sinus congestion.  But I no longer feel dizzy or sick to my stomach, so that's a relief.  My being positive in the car is going great.  I barely ever have to say my mantra anymore (maybe once or twice a week).  I am just so much calmer in the car, and it has definitely made me a nicer driver.   :)


LadyM - It does feel good to be back to normal.  My stomach is thankful for no more tortilla chips.


I didn't get my run in last night.  I got stuck picking up my son from my parents'.  My sister is in town, and I ended up being there for an hour.  I did get four loads of laundry folded and put away, so at least I was productive.  No run tonight, my son has late karate and then I'm going out for a drink with my sister.


My stomach is feeling back to normal today, which is a good feeling.  And I'm back to my normal weight range, which is also good.  Did I mention that the last couple of days I've been making scrambled eggs in the microwave?  With being away over the weekend, I didn't get any morning protein made, and I remembered reading about making them in the microwave.  Surprisingly, I like them.  I actually like them better than when I make them in a pan (I'm awful at making eggs).  Nice to know I have a backup plan.


I took my son to meet a new swim coach/team this morning.  He got himself so worked up that he had a bad stomach ache.  Then he wouldn't get back in the pool.  Now I'm not sure how to proceed.  I know he would like it if he gave it a shot (didn't help that it was cold this morning and they were at an outside pool, real practices will be inside), but I know he's going to fight me on it.  Do I push through and make him try it?  Do I let it go?  When I was a kid, I took dance with a friend for a year.  I was all ready to go back, but my friend decided not to, so I also didn't go back.  I still regret that and wished my parents had pushed me to continue.  But my son isn't me, so I don't want to make a decision because I have a regret from 35 years ago!  :rolleyes:   There is an option to sign up for two months.  Even if he really doesn't like it, 2 months isn't that long...

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I will be perfecting the microwave egg thing this fall!  Glad you like them. 


You know your son.  I'd push my 12yo, but not my 10yo.  Different personalities.  The 10yo, if he doesn't want to do something, will make us all pay, which isn't fair to the coach or teammates.  If it causes so much anxiety that he gets a stomach ache, maybe let it go.  Unless you're willing to sign him up and let him quit if it doesn't get better.  Having that option might make him willing to give it a try.


I think seeing your sister while she's in town is worth missing a couple of runs.  Enjoy your drink date!

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Jen - We are going to discuss swim team on our drive to vacation.  I wanted to give him a couple of days to process.  My husband is more leery of the whole thing, so I think between the three of us, we can make a good decision.


We had a lovely night out, drinks outside at a patio bar.  Nice to catch up without little ones running around.  I woke up with a small stomachache, probably due to the sugar in the drinks I had, but I'm fine now.  That's a pretty quick recovery.


I'm going to try to run tonight, we'll see.  Tomorrow we're getting my son's 8 year old portraits done.  Then back for lunch with my sisters and to let in the window washers.  I love the window washers.  :D


Saturday we leave for a week at my husband's parent's place NW of here.  It is our time to get away and relax.  And I'll be able to schedule my runs to my heart's content.  I plan to do my first 13-14 miler on the rail trail.  I'm so ready for some time off.


Last night I actually ate too much zucchini.  Who knew you could do that?  ;)

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You have so much great stuff on the horizon! Glad you've got some r&r including long trail runs. And clean windows! Enjoy!

(Also, I second what Jen said about your son and swimming, sounds like you've got it under control!)

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If I were to eat all the vegetables I have before picking up my CSA on Saturday I for sure would eat too much Zucchini. Yikes!


Glad you are getting back to feeling normal and I think your approach with your son is a good one. 

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If I were to eat all the vegetables I have before picking up my CSA on Saturday I for sure would eat too much Zucchini. Yikes!

Be like the cool kids, Bethany: eat too much zucchini!

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Be like the cool kids, Bethany: eat too much zucchini!


Well I bought pepperoni and cheese so I could make pizza with my 2nd gluten free pizza crust from the pack I bought for the party last Friday and now I have pepperoni and cheese but no pizza crust. I feel like I've seen somewhere someone making pizza in a halved zucchini. Would cooking it like a regular pizza work? If so I know what lunch is tomorrow.

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Beth, How about an egg/almond meal crust with sliced zucchinis on top then the pepperoni and cheese?. The crust also makes a super pie topper for a chicken casserole... Must make it again after my current whole30.

Have fun with your trail runs Sara.... Does it take a couple of hours?

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10yo had his karate tour/intro last night.  He seemed to be having fun but was so-so on it later.  I think we're going to sign him up for the trial month and see how he likes it.  Hopefully, his buddy will do it, too, but he has soccer so we're not sure if he'll have time.

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