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Starting January 5th! Who wants to start with me? :)


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Day 7, woo hoo!  I made kalua pork last night for the second time....wonderful as the first!  I'll be making "pig in a skillet" with some leftovers this week, and adding it to salad and maybe as a sweet potato topping, too.  Chocolate chili is going into the crockpot tomorrow morning.  I've never made it before, but with all the great reviews I'm excited to try it.  I'm going to head over to amazon and order both Well Fed cookbooks, too, since they come so highly recommended.

My favorite breakfast so far has been to saute leftover roasted veg (sweet potato, parsnip and carrots), then top them with a couple eggs over easy.


Congrats to everyone making it to day 7!

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Chocolate Chili was one of my favorites last week! I'm trying the Cinnamon Beef Stew this week and can't wait. I'm feeling good, but since I started the week out (day 2, fever and all) with some nasty flu, I figure I can get through this W30 without complaining... well, without complaining much. BRING IT ON!

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Welcome to Day 8 January 5thers! :) I am so glad I'm following this thread, because there have been some really good topics to read up on! I made bulletproof coffee this morning with a teaspoon of my homemade ghee using my Cuisinart emulsifier this morning, and I was so surprised that it was not bitter...in the past (pre-whole30) I could only stand coffee with a little sweetener and almond milk....this really surprised me- I think I will do this again. It's not that I *NEED* my coffee, I just enjoy the taste once in a while. I can see myself doing this as part of my morning routine. 


What part of your morning routine have you been missing, are you trying to find a replacement for it? 


Have a GREAT day everyone!

:) Jenn

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You guys. The bags under my eyes are gone. I went to put on my really expensive under eye cover up that I've been using for 1/2 my life (13 years) and found I don't need it. I'm so excited. I want to tell everyone. I must have a  food sensitivity. I also have this bizarre skin condition (dermatographia) which is trigged by a histamine issue and I'm hoping I can quit the Zyrtec soon too, also been on allergy drugs for 13 years. Today is so good.

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Good morning all!


I haven't been able to check the thread for a few days, and I loved watching everyone coming around. Isn't it amazing how things start to fall into place after the first week?!


This weekend, I started to feel the sweet sweet bliss that is Whole30 sleep starting to arrive and my energy has started to hold throughout the day as well. During my last Whole30, I didn't really snack, but I'm finding here and there that it helps keep me on track. I also had my first food dream (spray cheese and crackers, anyone?) and managed to get in a nice long walk on Saturday before some wintry weather arrived.


Keeping it pretty simple with food this week because I know my calendar is pretty packed. Lots of simple throw together meals that didn't require a lot of prep over the weekend. I'll also be trying the Rogan Josh from Well Fed I in my new Dutch oven! I've still never tried the Chocolate Chili, but because so many people here have raved about it, it's going on next week's menu.


Happy Day 8, all. Let's keep rocking!



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Day 7 today for me and feeling great!!! I also made Nom Nom Paleo's Kalua pig for dinner last night with some over roasted broccoli and some pineapple sauce... Everyone had it for dinner and my Stepson had 3 helpings of the pork, he said it was so good!!! Glad that everyone could enjoy a compliant meal! I made the Lizard Sauce from Well Fed 2 last night and I had to take it away from my husband who was using it to dip pretzels into... He said I have to make a double batch next time! Also made Bora Bora Fireballs to have as my lunches this week, some oven roasted red potatoes, and have some fresh kale and spinach to throw into my eggs in the morning!!!


Took my fuzzy running buddy out with me yesterday and we had a great run!!!! 


Keep up the good work!!!

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Just think, this time last week, a few of us were starting our Day 1 lunches, and wondering if we were going to make it!!! Day 8 won't give us the headaches that day 1 and 2 did, thank goodness!!! I'm having some chicken thighs right now for lunch with spinach and roasted sweet potato cubes from my cook up yesterday, and thinking how far I've come in just a week. 


I think I remember having a "food dream" last night, but it wasn't crystal clear, thank god!! The food dreams will be more like nightmares in my opinion! 


I haven't needed to snack since starting, I enjoy the thought of making meals that will satiate you until your next. Today nearing lunch time, i actually heard my stomach grumble, indicating that it was possibly time to eat-- I hadn't realized it had gotten close to lunch time until hearing it grumble! That's new for me-- before I fed myself regardless of my hunger level...


Ok, have a good lunch everyone- What are you having?

"see" you here and there :)

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I stayed home yesterday to rest and cook! Tons of veggies, turkey breast, Well Fed 2 Taj Mahal Chicken. That was delicious, the only problem was I had leftover raisins from the recipe and couldn't resist snacking on them. Next time, I will buy only what I need for the dish from the bulk food section so I won't have the temptation. So even though I haven't been perfect, I feel really good about only having W30 compliant stuff going into my body. keeping my other commitments too.

I have a conference this week, drinks meetings, cocktail parties, etc. but I'm planning on sticking to spruced up seltzer and eating before the parties so I don't get tempted by mystery food. Have a great day all.

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Thanks for all the recipe suggestions! I made the Chocolate chili in the crockpot (cooked onions and meat ahead of time) and used venison and pork instead of beef (2:1 venison:pork). I ate it over red cabbage cooked with onion, garlic, and anchovies (nomnompaleo recipe). Can't wait to try more new recipes. 


Day 8 going strong! I was wide awake at 3:30 this morning (no idea why, not tired at all) so i suspect I'll be crashing soon. @Jenn1270 I miss my morning/evening coffee with milk (well a shot of espresso in a cup of warmed milk). I've been doing black coffee if i can and putting coconut milk in it if I need to (aka its burnt). 

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Susan, I did that end of day one, then woke up with fever and nausea to point of not being able to move on Tuesday. My whole family had had it the previous week to some extent. I just looked at it like I was going to feel like garbage anyway, so at least my family was sympathetic because they felt the same way. I feel you about the plans though... when all you want to do is sleep it off, you don't end up getting much accomplished. Here's hoping you feel better quickly!! Hopefully you have some bone broth made... I wish I had!


Oh, here's the sad part: I spent a day with bone broth in the crock pot....only to have someone pour it down the drain by accident. Long story. But....grrr.


I survived the weekend without resorting to noncompliant foods. Still not 100%, but back at work today a little improved.

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I woke up today like superwoman. I woke up like an hour before my alarm super well rested ( please understand well rested isn't part of my life cause I have small children). I cleaned my kitchen, my living room, washed my kids potty, and made breakfast for myself and family (to eat when they wake up). May I please add I didn't even drink coffee at this point. I hope my new found energy can be attributed to all the spinach I have been consuming lately  lol, but ya I so excited I started this program and I'm even lucky to have such an active group of Jan 5ers to read about their progress to help me stay motivated. 

I'm sure everyone around me  is sick of hearing about the whole30 from me because I won't stop talking about it. My Facebook page has turned into the annoying girl that won't stop uploading pictures of her food. But its ok cause I'm happy & excited about the changes I have made in my life. Here is to day 8 yall. 

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Oh, here's the sad part: I spent a day with bone broth in the crock pot....only to have someone pour it down the drain by accident. Long story. But....grrr.


I survived the weekend without resorting to noncompliant foods. Still not 100%, but back at work today a little improved.

oh no! 

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bonbons54 (and everyone!) - My faves from Well Fed are chocolate chili, bora bora fireballs and my new fave, which I made yesterday, is the pad thai.  So good!  I honestly haven't made a ton from Well Fed 2 but I've made a few of her meatball variations - my faves there are the thai meatballs and the gyoza meatballs.


I really wanted a glass (or two) of wine over the weekend but happy to say I didn't give in.  Happy day 8 everyone!

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Anyone else having trouble with focus issues? Day 8 here.


I can't tell if it's diet-related (brain fog), or if I'm just spending so much time concentrating on finding recipes, planning meals, shopping, cooking, and staying compliant that I don't have any energy left for other things? But my work at the office has definitely suffered. Home front is a disaster too (except for the kitchen, since I'm in it all the time).


I know that part of the way I stay compliant is because of the novelty factor - as long as I'm concentrating on everything about the 30, I can keep it together. But I need to get back to doing more real work at the office, at least!

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Oh, here's the sad part: I spent a day with bone broth in the crock pot....only to have someone pour it down the drain by accident. Long story. But....grrr.


I survived the weekend without resorting to noncompliant foods. Still not 100%, but back at work today a little improved.


That's funny, because the same thing happened at my house this weekend. (Had I not been feeling well still, I may have cried...) Glad you're back to work, maybe your "brain fog" is you still recovering from being sick? Either way, way to go sticking to it!

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Day 8 and brain fog is not as bad as a few days ago, but still there. I'm really hoping it clears up soon, makes it hard to have a coherent thought!


Otherwise I am feeling good.  Made some yummy pulled pork for Sunday dinner with coleslaw dressed with olive oil and (compliant) balsamic.  This is one of my family's favorite meals, so it made hubby happy as he's on this with me, but isn't loving the veggies!  I also made sweet potato and cauliflower mash on Saturday night, and I really like it, even my kids that don't like sweet potatoes enjoyed it, just lightened the flavor and density.


I made it to the gym 3 days last week and got back today, starting to feel a little less clumsy there which helps.  I took pictures on Day 1 and re-took them today (no weighing!) and I can definitely see a difference in my stomach bloat!  My skin isn't as red on my face.  Things are good today.  OH I also booked myself a massage for Thursday for a little something to look forward to.


Bad stuff, I'm still not sleeping great and have a nagging cough left over from my Christmas cold.  I've had some mild headaches over the weekend but they seem to be more hunger related.  Positive, my MS symptoms are starting to go away, still a few nagging ones, but I'm hoping the longer I go the better I will feel!


Keep up the good work everyone!

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Thanks for all the recipe suggestions! I made the Chocolate chili in the crockpot (cooked onions and meat ahead of time) and used venison and pork instead of beef (2:1 venison:pork). I ate it over red cabbage cooked with onion, garlic, and anchovies (nomnompaleo recipe). Can't wait to try more new recipes. 


Day 8 going strong! I was wide awake at 3:30 this morning (no idea why, not tired at all) so i suspect I'll be crashing soon. @Jenn1270 I miss my morning/evening coffee with milk (well a shot of espresso in a cup of warmed milk). I've been doing black coffee if i can and putting coconut milk in it if I need to (aka its burnt). 

BonBon, try using the emulsion method if you miss your milk, with either coconut oil or ghee...it was shockingly good! Foamed up a little even...for a second ;)

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I made it with bison over the weekend. It's goooood.

I made the chocolate chili for the first time today (in the crockpot).  It was good, but not quite the spectacular chili I expected from all the reviews.  Definitely worth making again, though, since both kids ate it without complaint, yay!  I'll have to try the bison next time, sounds good!  I love bison meatloaf!

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Anyone else having trouble with focus issues? Day 8 here.


I can't tell if it's diet-related (brain fog), or if I'm just spending so much time concentrating on finding recipes, planning meals, shopping, cooking, and staying compliant that I don't have any energy left for other things? But my work at the office has definitely suffered. Home front is a disaster too (except for the kitchen, since I'm in it all the time).


I know that part of the way I stay compliant is because of the novelty factor - as long as I'm concentrating on everything about the 30, I can keep it together. But I need to get back to doing more real work at the office, at least!

I don't feel like it's focus issues, but I know I certainly spend a LOT of time thinking about what food I have to make next to make sure I have enough W30 stuff to eat!  It is a distraction, to say the least, though!

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Well this is interesting - 


I've been swimming two or three times a week since August. Today - at the tail end of a pretty bad cold, having not really eaten well over the weekend (didn't go non-compliant, but my "meals" were really just some compliant foods when I could stomach them), slept like crap last night, missed my last swim because of the illness, and after work when I often don't have much energy (as opposed to first thing in the AM). Today is the day I had my first really good swim. 


Like, markedly better. I could have sworn that the pool was just shorter, based on how I felt every time I turned around. I didn't need to catch my breath between lengths the way I was used to.  


This is really strange, because in every other regard, I've been dragging and without any fire in me today.


But I'll take it, that's for sure. I wonder if I've just turned a corner finally?


This is day 8.

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I am a Jan 5er too!  Just finishing Day 8.  I am sleeping like a log and having some trouble slowing down at night and then waking in the morning.  I work a lot of night so that may be the problem.  Anyone else dealing with this?  I am needing at least 9 hours of sleep a night!


Also cooked up a bunch of recipes from Well Feed and Well Feed 2 yesterday to start the week.  I made, Beef Stew Provencal, Sunrise Scramble, Old School Italian Meat Sauce and Blue Ribbon Country Captain Chicken.  All yummy, but I think I let the beef stew marinate too long make sure you follow the directions!

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This is the end of day 7 for me


Yesterday I almost took a sip of my husbands glass of wine good thing he took it with him when he left the room. I am amazed that I have gone 7 days with out any alcohol. I did the Whole 30 in September so I know I can do it but the first week is always the hardest.

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