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The "Return of the Dirty Thirty" 12 January start date


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It's almost 3:30 p.m. where I am and I'm just eating lunch.  My days are always hectic with a varying schedule, so I never get to have lunch at the same time everyday.  Today, I had a 2:00 meeting that I had to drive to - I wasn't hungry at 1:15 pm, so I decided to wait.  When I got back to my office, I was hungry but not "pulling my hair out, scream at the next person I see, eat everything in sight" hungry.  Another benefit of Whole 30?  I think so. 


I have had a few instances of wanting something sweet the last day or so, triggered by things my family members have been eating.  The Hawaiian rolls at dinner last night, the chocolate chip cookies my daughter made yesterday on a day off from school.  It's a transient wanting, and quickly relieved by remembering I'm not eating that type of food anymore, but it's there.  It's easy to push away the feeling at this point and I hope it gets easier.  When eating clean/Paleo/Primal in the past, I have been able to have those foods in the house no problem.  But there is always that little voice in the back of my head that says, "That would taste really good!"  Here's to continuing on this path to good health and wellbeing, and continuing to convince my brain that those foods are not food! 

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Another Whole30 benefit:  at the dentist yesterday, and for the second time since I've started my Whole30 path, the dentist remarked on how little plaque I have, and how much healthier my gums are.  Even my periodontal pockets are all in normal range now except for one tooth.  I told my dentist I've been doing a Paleo diet and she said that would account for the improvements in my oral health.  Yippee!

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I just saw in a different thread that canned tuna has soy in it.  Sure enough I checked my new pack of tuna cans I got from Costco and there it is in the ingredients.  tuna in water contains soy.  the really good tuna in olive oil, yum, that one does not.  I'll check my favorite sardines now.  Even if you're buying fresh fish, I've noticed a lot of added ingredients when they are honest and diligent about reporting it.  Who knew?

some of the tuna in oil also contains Soy. Just read the labels

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Hi Gang,


Meadow - may your services be uplifting and bring you all peace and fond memories.


GrannieD thank you for the recipes.


Spent the day with the boss. We drank bubbly water and herb tea. We didn't eat. We decided we would each eat on our own, which was perfect. Got home and kids asked me out for Mexican, I declined with a smile and gave them money, lots of successes.


Sadly, nothing feels looser.

Great Dreams.

Solid sleep.

less pain, but not gone.

More energy.


I think mayo may be a no brakes food for me. 


I think I'm way over on my fat and my serving sizes, so will work on that  this week. My other issue is night time eating. I am definitely eating healthier, which has to be good for me.


Nighty Night.

Don't worry Mik, I am right there with you, nothing looser for me, but family says face is slimmer. I am doing this for healthy purposes any way.  And planning in continue with a Whole 60 :-) May all the force be with us

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Bone broth, definitely bone broth....Higs.


I've been reading up on what Bone Broth does for the joints, skin, hair and nails.   I think it is the fountain of youth.    Then there are the stomach healing benefits.   Bone broth is what our elders used to make but alas, it too was lost at the mini marts and fast food eateries.   Old things become new again.   Pretty soon, I bet a very popular coffee place will start selling it.  coffee.gif    I can just see it, they'll jump on the bandwagon.    I wonder what they'll add to it though.....sugar and so forth.   Maybe it will be coffee and bone broth together, like red eye gravy.   coffee2.gif

Hi Lily,


I am so in love with the Bone broth, I started my 2nd one on Saturday and last night turned it off, and let is sit for a little before putting it into the fridge. Ohhhh, I had a cup, so good! But I prefer to clean the cold fat on top once it is cold. :-)


Love y'all!!!

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Busy busy with doctors appts and work here. Day 24 for me.  If the Ecoli is not clear from my body doctor said he would hook me up to an IV for stronger antibiotic, which I hope it does not happen. Will see in a couple of days.


I send everybody hugs and virtual xoxoxoxoxo.


Will be back tomorrow! :-)

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Tulip - I'm surprised the carb curve in the book says you should stay at 25 grams or less.  Is that number for the whole day?  I'll have to check out the book.  If you go too low on carbs, your mood and energy may be affected in a negative way so be careful.  You need to eat in a way that supports both your mental health and activity level.

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btw - I tried to make the mayo again, it was fluffy and then I don't know what happened!?!? either it was too much olive oil or the lemon made it separate?  it was delicious on my kale salad with steak; yum; i'll use it as fish marinade, again;  and I will re-read the carb curve again.  is it for the day or for post work out only?  


do you guys think the AMOUNT of sugar in let's say smoked salmon or something that has a bit of added sugar is significant?  I mean for after the whole30?  I've been eating sugar"free" for over a year now, but I would occasionally have lox and it did not seem to bother me . . . . I will check trader joe's TY!

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Another Whole30 benefit:  at the dentist yesterday, and for the second time since I've started my Whole30 path, the dentist remarked on how little plaque I have, and how much healthier my gums are.  Even my periodontal pockets are all in normal range now except for one tooth.  I told my dentist I've been doing a Paleo diet and she said that would account for the improvements in my oral health.  Yippee!



Dr. Weston A Price, a dentist who traveled and studied isolated populations around the world and their native diets. Dr. Price was surprised to discover that many of these native peoples eating a diet devoid of modern foods had perfect teeth structure and little tooth decay. Their teeth were well spaced with plenty of room, and were white and healthy. Lest we think this is just genetics, Dr. Price studied people all over the world with widely different genes and found the same common factor. (An interesting note: when these people are removed from their native environment and switch to a western diet, they get tooth decay, bone loss and other health problems at the same rate as people in western industrialized countries)

These doctors all reached the same conclusion after years of research, mainly that tooth structure and health is largely determined by diet, especially three main factors:

  1. The presence of enough minerals in the diet.
  2. The presence of enough fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) in the diet.
  3. How bio-available these nutrients are and how well the body is absorbing them. They found that this is largely influenced by the presence of Phytic Acid in the diet.

These doctors hypothesized that these three factors influenced the body’s ability to reverse cavities and oral health problems, and that if you could optimize these factors, you could prevent further damage and even reverse present damage.


People who consume large amounts of phytic acid (most Americans) in the form of grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes have higher rates of tooth decay, mineral deficiencies and osteoporosis.


Over the long term, when the diet lacks minerals or contains high levels of phytates or both, the metabolism goes down, and the body goes into mineral-starvation mode. The body then sets itself up to use as little of these minerals as possible. Adults may get by for decades on a high-phytate diet, but growing children run into severe problems. In a phytate-rich diet, their bodies will suffer from the lack of calcium and phosphorus with poor bone growth, short stature, rickets, narrow jaws and tooth decay; and for the lack of zinc and iron with anemia.


Just as lack of Vitamin D and poor calcium absorption can cause malformation of the bones of the legs (as in the case of Rickets), it can cause the jawbone to form poorly, resulting in spacing problems for the teeth and braces for the child.


Sadly, the most commonly eaten diet in America these days is high in grains, sugars, and vegetable oils, and low in animal fats and fat soluble vitamins- the exact opposite of what the Drs. Mellanby found to be helpful for optimal bone health and the prevention of tooth decay.


The good news is that teeth (and bones) are able to heal themselves in a process called remineralization. Basically, specialized cells in the center of the tooth are able to regenerate dentin, the layer of tooth just under the enamel, and the enamel can then properly remineralize from the outside. This same process happens in bones when phytic acid is removed from the diet and minerals/fat soluble vitamins are added.



Diet to Help Heal Cavities and Improve Oral Health

  1. I drastically cut foods that contained phytic acid. I already wasn’t eating grains or beans, but I also cut or limited nuts.
  2. Limited foods containing even natural sugars or starches- I limited fruit and even starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes and focused on mineral rich vegetables, bone broths, meats, and healthy fats.
  3. Ate a LOT of healthy fats. I added about 1/4 cup extra of coconut oil to my diet each day, and used only pastured, cultured butter.
  4. I made an effort to consume a lot of homemade bone broth for its added minerals.

To recap: No grains, beans or nuts and limited fruits and starches. Lots of vegetables, protein, healthy fats and bone broth.

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