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The "Return of the Dirty Thirty" 12 January start date


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Last night, my BB smelled raw and strong and not so good. This morning, heavenly. What an amazing aroma to wake to in the morning! YUM!


I hope we get closer to the 12 inch mark on the snow we are getting. Sadly, we probably won't as I noticed they have changed it to 4-5 inches from 6-12. I know it is a lot of work and I'd have to cancel my mom's Dr. app tomorrow, but I'd love to see it just once. These weather people get your hopes up and then let you down... :D

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Hello everyone! Been busy as usual. Friday was spent running errands and taking the '66 Comet in for new exhaust.....it came back yesterday and sounds beautiful. Kelly and I also went to see our youngest swim for his High School.......he is getting amazingly fast. Had friends over yesterday for dinner and played a dice game until early in the morning (Farkle). Also putting in a bunch of time on the homework. Today will be church and then Kelly and I are heading to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to replace all of our flatware and do some other shopping....I could care less about the Super Bowl. If it's not the Chargers....I am not watching! My pre-surgery appointment is tomorrow and then surgery will be a week from this Friday. I hope they have tools strong enough to get thru these rock hard muscles....hahahaha. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.


CC- congrats on your finish!


Meadow - need more solar flares......it's down right cold on the east coast right now!




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I am releasing lard to the sun and it comes back in the form of solar flares to warm you up.   When you grill a beautiful steak or salmon, there's that sizzle and loud pop.....  Well,  my lard is the pop heard 'round the world when it hits the sun.   




It's never coming back to me because I have dispersed it back throughout the Universe to warm up the coldest peoples who are freezing this winter.

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I don't give two hoots about that football game.  I do enjoy the commercials and half-time.      I know you won't be in the hospital very long.....but bring in some cozy pillows and a cute lamp.    You need creature comforts right now for a complete healing and full recovery.    You're on my list.  (prayers).


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Does anyone know about ketogenic paleo?  I'm worried that  my body is so adapted to paleo that excess weight isn't dropping off like it did last year.

Tracy - Kirkor and Brewer are the W30 Keto threads on this forum.    Tracy, it's not paleo adaptation...it's the incredible amount of stress you're under that's slowing you down.   


Gentle stuff can be just as effective as extreme or better when you're stressed out to the maxi-mum.


There is mini-mum and zero-mum.   You're wanting to take it down to zero-mum with a demanding job, kids, and family dynamic.    It's not a Paleo rut,  you're in a survival mode.   


Don't change a WINNING game.   I don't really believe there is a hard and fast definition of what 80/20 or 90/10 Paleo really is.   Paleo is such a generic term that everyone is jumping on the bandwagon.   Books filled with Paleo desserts and all kinds of SWYPO's that will pull you right back into a world  of food triggers.   Paleo doesn't do anything to break the bonds with sugar with the fluffy swapped out versions.   They're not worth two hoots.


Heck-a-toot.   It's not my intention to be Mrs. Peevy Preachy Pants but dance with the one who brought you.

Return to your former love.   Start over with the Whole 30 and don't change a WINNING game.   Dialing it down to the nub at this particular time in your life is another whopping boatload of stress.


Embrace simplicity and the gentle approach.    A rubber band can only stretch so far.    Go back, turn around and return to the Whole 30.     Follow through with a slow roll reintroduction.   Create a maintenance strategy for yourself.   It's the only way to keep our positive accomplishments.   


Ping-ponging back and forth,   periodic dieting is a recipe for sadness.   


Progress.   Not Perfection.


Change your world, today.   Do not look backwards and turn into a salty seaweed stick/pillar.  Don't look over your shoulder,   move forward.   


It is worth it to keep breaking the cycles so we can heal.

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Tracy - Kirkor and Brewer are the W30 Keto threads on this forum.    Tracy, it's not paleo adaptation...it's the incredible amount of stress you're under that's slowing you down.   


Gentle stuff can be just as effective as extreme or better when you're stressed out to the maximum.


There is mini-mum and zero-mum.   You're wanting to take it down to zero-mum with a demanding job, kids, and family dynamic.    It's not a Paleo rut,  you're in a survival mode.   


This is perfect!

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Heck-a-toot.   It's not my intention to be Mrs. Peevy Preachy Pants but dance with the one who brought you.


I think your way with words is wonderful, Mrs. PPP Meadow!  I take your words and wisdom to heart - the stress in my life has wrecked havock with my weight and food relationship.  My 'recovery' is not going to be accomplished in 30 days, I know.  So the slow and gentle is how I'm doin it - thanks for the insight you offer between food and mind.

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Y'all are too sweet.  Are you watching the game?  The half-time was very splashy.  


ChiggerCane...keep on going.  I'm going to be here.  There's not enough solar flares,  more pops need be heard 'round the world.

Snap..crackle..pop,  another lard release.  rofl3.gif

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Bone broth brewing. I hope I'm doing it right! Ox tails and other left over bones with onion, carrots, and celery, a bit of ACV, and now it's on simmer for the next 24 hours. It should be ready when I get home from work tomorrow. It's supposed to get cold here tomorrow (in the upper 30's to 40's I think) which calls for the heavy coats, scarves, and gloves in New Orleans!!! Lol!

I'm ready to continue on with my W30 for as long as I need to. Looks like we have a crew marching forward!

Dr. Tracy, I am tired just hearing about all that you have on your plate! You are definitely burning the candle at both ends! I think meadow is right. Time to think about yourself for sure.

Meadow, I like that you are releasing all your fat to the universe. I think I shall do the same! I don't want it back either!

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Meadow -  I don't know why the Whole 30 staff is not knocking on your door asking for your assistance. I reread your posts so that I can absorb every word.  Love your post about when we were kids.  It's really refreshing to watch a child eat and just enjoy food without all that inner turmoil.  I also view the Whole 30 as a maintenance plan - with  a few days off here and there to eat foods that are worth it (as long as those foods don't make you sick). Although I have eaten mostly Whole 30 since June 2014, there is still so much to learn and gain, and each day is an opportunity to make positive changes.


Higs - thanks for asking about Steve.  Exhaustion and sore bones are his biggest issues.  This seems to be getting worse but it may be just part of the process.  Steve sees the transplant doctor on Wednesday so we will discuss these problems. Regarding my shoulder, I believe I injured it doing to many pushups and planks.  Doctor said it may be a tear in the tendon. 


I am inspired by Higs and CC - runners.  Like, Higs I have always wanted to run a half marathon but my consistency with running has been terrible over the last few years - to the point of nonexistent at times.  Yesterday, I began the C to 5K program.  I added a little extra for a total of 3 miles/40 minutes.  I doubt I will ever run a half but I can definitely run a 10K.  Felt great to get on the treadmill and commit to a program. 

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Laurie, You continue to sound good, keep up the good work.


Meadow - we applaud you for being the "solar-flare" of our group- I LOVE THAT VISUAL and will meadow-tate on that this week. I struggle with the fact that I'm not a huge meat eater. The bone broth appeals to me, although i haven't done it but will this week as soon as I kick my darling boss and good friend to the curb and get my evenings back.


Darling Dave - I didn't remember you were a Charger fan. OH MY GOSH...I thought we had it this year...what the heck...a toot.


Dr. T - if you ever hear of an adult dog that becomes humanless, please let me know. I'm not sure how long it would take to get my 2, 20+ pound cats used to the dog, but I'm sure I could accomplish it.


I'm focusing on fish this week. I will experiment with some. We have a cool fish market in Pedro that I will try to get to. My girfriend in Montana who eats whole 30 but doesn't even know it, makes a bone broth that includes a pear and then for dinner the other night, they heated bone broth and added shrimp and bok choy...it sounded amazing. oh, and she throws a whole bulb of garlic in, then fishes it out, cools it and squeezes the innards into the broth...plus ads ginger - sounds like somethin Grannie D would make, no?


I'm staying with y'all. I think Meadow is right - it kind of inspires you to cook and experiment. I think we all want to eat this way forever...with an occasional this or that thrown in for enjoyment. It is amazing how good you feel and slowly (for me) food is becoming less of an overwhelming obsession.


Hey Dave, I played Farkle years ago, it was a fun game indeed.. 


CC- Next weekend is Wicked with the kids, Should be fun, fun fun. 


Make it a great day!



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This Note is for Meadow - 


Your advice to Dr. T hit me right between the eyes. No more on and off. No more start or stop no more 3rd or 4th week, rather a continuing journey of wholeness. Meadow, I agree with CC. You have gained such insight (or maybe you always have and we didn't know you before) into the workings of the food-driven mind and have swam through to cool, clear water - but never resting on your laurels, you continue to learn, grow, inspire and aspire for bigger (or smaller) and better things, all-the-while helping your friends create better lives as well.


BEAR IS ONE LUCKY MAN and we are one Lucky Dirty Dancin, Dog lovin, Crocheting, bone-broth-makin group of folks, because you love us.


Thank you for your time and efforts on our behalf. It makes me for one feel very worthy.



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I agree with you all that Meadow is AMAZING.  I remember when Meadow was starting to feel really, really good last summer and would tell us about how she would dissolve into fits of laughter and giggles.  It has been so inspiring to see your transformation, Meadow.  You are a rockstar of the Whole30 and you have become so knowledgable!  This forum would not be the same without you.  Whole30 MVP!!!


p.s.  Miki, your note to Meadow is perfect.  You say it all!  Thank you.

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O Peoples.   I belong with the tribe.    I have a tribal mentality.   I belong with the peoples.   I need a Chief.


Remember Catch and Release,  MamaMiki?    


In the beginning I was constantly editing myself and deleting everything I posted.   I still edit myself.  Our brains really are like a computer.   We have to defragment them every so often and consistently.   If we don't defrag our brains, our operation speed slows down to a crawl.    When the brain is clogged up with GMO's,  too many Paleo snacks and Larabars....just like your laptop - it starts skipping letters and they bounce all over the place.   You know it is time to stop everything and defrag.


I've been using fish to defrag my brain.    Fish is like a virus checker.   It goes through and does a complete scan of the brain.    It gives the brain protection from spams and junk emails.     Fish can change your world.


I belong with the peoples.   If I was moderating, I would constantly be editing myself and deleting everything.    The Chief lets me fling around, dance, post music and photos.   You can't do that as a Moderator.   What in the world would newbies think?      Just what kinda nut do we have here?   Is she on the loose from the Nut Hut?





Remember what Paw says about riding your bicycle.    Don't show off.   Don't take your hands off of the handlebars and say ..."Look Maw,  No Hands".      


Writing to you and editing myself is a total brain defrag.    I belong with the peoples.   I learn from their questions and experiences.    Progress.   Not  Perfection.   


This way I can dance and sing,  fling around and bounce off of the walls when I'm really happy.




You know, are we on Day 21 by chance.   There's something about Day 21 that makes me a Loon Ranger.  LoonRangerPatch-ltyelback.jpg




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Higs - we have a question for you about Bone Broth.    


Will vinegar extend the shelf life in the fridge of Bone Broth that's not been frozen?   We read that after three days, it should be thrown out?    Have you ever added any additional vinegar...just in case?


We made frozen packs but we have some that was not frozen.


We're riding the same wave, Higs.   We cross-posted at the same time.   Yes, fits of giggles.   It must be Day 21.   Today, let's dance like this.....altogether.



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Meadow, I use the vinegar to help draw the minerals out of the bones.  I don't know if it keeps fresh any longer than that.  I always freeze most of mine but keep the fresh or thawed BB for up to 5 days without any issue (usually it's gone before then anyway).

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