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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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Ahaha ok, confession time. I buy all the clothes (80%) for Mom. Yep, without her. She doesn't know her size probably and completely helpless with it :D (not shoes, shes on her own there). 


Day off is not happening anytime soon, checked the calendar and appointments.Maybe I'll get lucky with Wednesday if the dentist will be able to cancel. 

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Sounds like you had a very fun weekend despite the body distress you are in now. Love the pictures of you and mommy and auntie. So cute! I hope you can find things that can be cancelled or rescheduled so you can rest. I wouldn't be surprised if getting the rest you need sorts out much of the rest of the discomfort. I always gain weight when I'm chronically getting too little sleep.

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She definitely goes on pointe as other female characters. It is modern production, so I wouldn't be surprised if she changed from poimte to slipper at some parts. However, ballet is always on pointe generally. As far as I know, might be wrong. It looks like a slipper on the first pic, but second has pointe for sure.

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Came from date but not really with the smart guy. Ate ton of chocolate chips (insert lots of swearwords) and a roasted duck. How is that? I think I am in trouble though I am in such a better place than I used to. Read an article about orthorexia. The say at the end - you don't have a life, you have a menu. Couldn't have said it better.

Off to the concert at the park instead of sleeping. Because I just ate and because I can possibly binge on God knows what my crazy body will fancy if I stay at home.

Btw, duck was fantastic. Even after chocolate. I wish it was cheaper :D

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One more note. Old-time string band is playing, bango castsnets etc. We are dancing and I feel that my belly is like this ball they've installed in the hub for the festival. Ok, I shut up and go dance more.post-12442-1371520542871_thumb.jpg

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First, I want your Mom's dress.

Second, oh how I wish I could cure your tummy issues. I wish I had answers, but I only have hugs.

Hoping your strict days help. Maybe the homemade booch is too strong?

Hang in there kid!

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I love slipper ballet but didn't know a really good one to watch (on YouTube obvsly it's the best I can do from the armpit of Texas). Mostly I am fascinated with ultra skilled slipper ballet because slippers represent what may very well be the pinnacle of my dancing so I want to see the best top level performers so I can absorb the lines. Which are incredible! And also the pic of your mom and aunt jumping has to be the cutest ever. Did you and you're mom plan to wear the same collar shape on your dresses because the effect is beyond charming!

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K I'm watching Carmen on youtube, def no slippers in this ballet.  I know I've heard on one, but have no idea which one.  I love the castenettes!!  Your post and pics gave me a reminder to give that interest a little attention, I'd been neglecting.

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Read an article about orthorexia. The say at the end - you don't have a life, you have a menu. Couldn't have said it better.


I have to ponder this. I think it hits way too close to home for me.

Love all the mom and auntie pics. All you beautiful women. I'm so glad you had fun with them.

I wish for you that your tummy distress gets resolved.

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I am afraid to read anything about orthorexia. Want. To. Stop. Thinking. About. Food. And disorders.


Lovely, lovely pics. So glad you're enjoying yourself despite the body hardships.

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Thank you all for your warm support, I wish I could always post happy stuff, but it is what it is. I feel restricted, malnourished and sort of trapped. I am doing my best not to let food become an enemy. I love it too much :) Susan, I know what you are saying, being home alone is peaceful and recharging. I am restless (you all have figured) and always feel that I am missing something out there.

Mo, I have never never heard if a slipper ballet. I have to ask my teacher. Dancing on pointe is a standard for women. They even do the standard routine classes (not rehearsals) on pointe, while we do same sequences in our slipper shoes at our class. Honesty, I don't think that watching a slipper ballet is much different for learning purposes. It's just a new level of the same move, like you can do pirouette from first, fifth and fourth (those succkkkkk), it's still a pirouette. If you do arabesque to the back you have to keep proper alignment of shoulders, hips etc and it doesn't matter if you are on pointe or a beginner in the slippers. I am intrigued regardless. If you will be able to find it on youtube, watch Chroma, Emergence, Alice in Wonderland and Nijinsky. They were beyond fantastic to watch. Our library has DVDs with baet too, maybe you can check yours?

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My news. I got sick on top of everything. My body cries havoc (and let slip the dogs of war, of course). Sore throat, fever and muscle pain. i got the bug from a friend on Sunday who has same sympthoms. F great. On the positive side I went home early and slept for sweet 4 hours. Feel so much better. I hope I won't have trouble falling asleep tonight. Still going to the circus class (so inconsiderate I know) but will scale back all the efforts.

I've made a list for my clean reset. Sort of tragic, don't you think? Crossed out AIP, FODMAPS (I will add some back but most give me troubles) and personal digestion nonos. Saddest list ever, but I want to heal. I am concerned if I will get all nutrients eating this little variety. post-12442-13716011775111_thumb.jpg

Mhhmm positive, end with positive rule. Oh, ok, new shoes! I love my flats and whenever I find a perfect fitting pair it will be one of two brands, either Le Mie Ballerine or Bloch. post-12442-13716013850935_thumb.jpgSurprise surprise, but they do know how to make good and pretty shoes.

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Darn it! I want you to feel GOOD. Fingers crossed this latest plan will fix things right up.


At least there are pretty shoes. And you and your mom are the cutest ever. 


Take it easy NB, try to rest your busy self and busy mind a bit.

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Thanks, Mary. I need to get better, otherwise what kind of a sidekick I am. If the squashes diet won't help, I don't know what will. Well, sleep obviously.

Woke up and went to the class regardless. It's a crack. It's a pure crack. Even though my muscles are aching I don't regret going. Nicest stretch and positive emotions. Now back to bed.

And I am totally showing off here. It is not hard to do at all, just a little bit of focus. post-12442-13716113637691_thumb.jpgpost-12442-13716113758697_thumb.jpg

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Orthorexia is the word of the month. I'm hearing it everywhere. Maybe because it's the latest label I am attaching to myself, so it is on my radar. Do you have the link to the article you read?


That "jump" pic is the best ever!

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Orthorexia is the word of the month. I'm hearing it everywhere. Maybe because it's the latest label I am attaching to myself, so it is on my radar. Do you have the link to the article you read?


That "jump" pic is the best ever!



I don't think that it's a label to use, really. This term comes from people who think that cutting out grains is a sign of orthorexia. However we do suffer from it to a degree (orthorexia inside paleo frame?), but I wouldn't qualify it as a full blown disorder.


PaleoDietLifestyle makes a good point. "One of the biggest challenges with orthorexia is determining the point where a commitment to eating healthy becomes compulsive and disordered. Toughing out the occasional ice cream craving doesn't make you orthorexic. And self-assessments like this one are worse than useless: planning food for the next day is perfectly normal. The line is hard to draw". 


I have a food obsession I admit. My health issues contribute a lot, because I can't stop thinking about food and it's effect on me. This is a very sarcastic and healthy article about this deal that bring in a reality check. 

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Oh and I was sleeping like dead. Woke up once at 3AM to pee but talked myself into sleeping again. This is dead in my book. My face decided that everything looks too good and broke out again with painful nasties. I am crazy hungry all the day. I ate dates. I am itching and scratching myself like a homeless dog now! I am tired of these allergies, TIRED! I feel sort of ok and getting ready to my squeeky clean week. Yes, I've changed my mind a bit, I'll do a week, but I need to be ready. I am not now. Now I need to catch up on sleep and calm down (and clean my damned apartment and organize the fridge). My appointment with doctor is coming up again and she will offer me BC pill again. I am almost ready to surrender, but I'd hate to do this. blahblahblah 

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Interesting article and response, and that's where I got my bison meatloaf recipe, wouldn't you know.

"It's a hard line to dray."

Yea, I wasn't using the label as an indicator of health ;). I am just pondering my disordered eating history and behavior (and it's not the eating according to a paleo template and being uber-focused on it that I'm using to characterize it as such), so maybe orthorexic is the wrong label. Guess I'll go back to the old one, which is more accurate anyway ... recovering binger and sugar junkie :blink:.

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