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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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D, I hate to pay for manicure, they chip and I feel like I've wasted money. These, I confess, I've done at Sephora in 10 min while waiting for a friend standing in line. It's just white on ring finger with a coat of sparkly polish. Easy peasy ;)

M, new guys. I have no clue why they have all showed up all at once. Summer, hormones...dunno. Our city is full of skinny fit ladies, so double my surprise.

Decided to go dancing, since I've slept the entire day. Short skirt just to make myself comfortable with the uncomfortable. Love ya all. post-12442-13731673185539_thumb.jpg

With the duck face, of course.

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Nadia, if the only thing you acomplish this summer is to realize that YOU are indeed one of those skinny, fit ladies, you will have given yourself the gift of a lifetime. If you enjoy feeling like you don't measure up, figure out where that satisfaction lays. If you don't enjoy it, give it up and focus on how brilliant and beautiful you are. How many of tose supposed skinny, fit women can do what you do on the silks, barre or dance floor? Time to start seeing yourself as we all do. This is about healing all aspects of ourselves. Every time one of you tells me I'm strong, that filters into my subconscious brain.

You're fit, strong, beautiful, creative and live in a beautiful body Nadia!

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Nadia, if the only thing you acomplish this summer is to realize that YOU are indeed one of those skinny, fit ladies, you will have given yourself the gift of a lifetime. If you enjoy feeling like you don't measure up, figure out where that satisfaction lays. If you don't enjoy it, give it up and focus on how brilliant and beautiful you are. How many of tose supposed skinny, fit women can do what you do on the silks, barre or dance floor? Time to start seeing yourself as we all do. This is about healing all aspects of ourselves. Every time one of you tells me I'm strong, that filters into my subconscious brain.

You're fit, strong, beautiful, creative and live in a beautiful body Nadia!


1,000,000 times this! I couldn't have expressed it better myself so I'll just re-quote it.  :D  :wub:

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I was very overwhelmed by all this. I was very touched. I was embarrassed. Sometimes I amaze myself with amount of rubbish in my little head. Thankfully, I have some perspective through all of you. If only I've applied my energy for the good, right? Days have been good because:

- Iced Americano does not give me tummy ache. It still messes my sleep, so not going back to having caffee at home or drinking it every day.
- Defluffing is going somewhat good, stomach is getting flatter
- Odd cravings are not showing their ugly heads
- Skin is better but still minor breakouts + scalp trouble a bit
- Digestion. Can't handle fiber well (I crave my fav lemon balsamic broccoli...uhmmmm). Can't handle starches well. I can't digest anything raw. My stomach simply "ignores" it and doesn't want to try and digest it. Lazy tummy, lazy tummy. Ground beef and courgette forever. Safest food ever.
- Cooking. Cherry chicken is my fav. So tender. Long squash is a bit bland, but I can handle it. Roasted radishes with coconut amigos. Rave non-stop. It's so tasty, I don't want anything else. Well lie. Carrot coins roasted with cinnamon and walnut oil. Addictive. Beef stew with saffron and prunes is another fav. It calls for lamb, but I finished it off prior to cook up. Water kefir is ready tomorrow. Finally ordered Gather. Can't wait.
- Ballet is good, feeling more balanced. I will try to do a morning wo (30 min) in the gym next door. Nothing extreme, I need weights, I miss the feeling. I am so mot a morning person wo wise. We shall see. Circus tomorrow as usual. I hope I will be strong enough to do an inversion (butt high, straight legs in a split, upside down).
- Date went well. I thought that he wasn't too excited at all. Well, Wednesday is a second one. Oysters. Thank God no hardships with being compliant/explaining paleo. Just trouble with being somewhat graceful. Impossible with these little guys. I don't want to overthink it, I am just going to have fun. Okok, he is very attractive. I said it. On the other note, on Thursday I am meeting with another guy. My friend insists I make every effort to make this work. Because, he eats paleo (yaaaahhhhooooooo) aaaand he is a doctor. My friend teases me that he is the solution to my well being and I have to pull off the most charming version of myself. Too funny.
- What else. This post is too long already. Oh, I ate half bar of a fancy dark chocolate free from any nasties. I am curious to see reaction. I got it because we went to the theater (tradition of a coffee+treat at cultural events) and chocolaterie with hand made fantastic chocolate is next door. Not the best idea, but it was wirth it. Crazy thunderstorm, blackout in the city, flood on the streets, soaked in the rain, tea, chocolate, brilliant play and long walk home at night. New shoes as a gift from my friend. Aint she nice. post-12442-13733449269583_thumb.jpg

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Nadia, you sound better than you have for awhile. Stronger and perhaps a bit more balanced? I know how important your workouts are to you. Hope that inverted move was successful.

When you write your bites, I want them all. Your food is always colorful.

Love the pink shoes.

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Nadia, you sound better than you have for awhile. Stronger and perhaps a bit more balanced? I know how important your workouts are to you. Hope that inverted move was successful.

When you write your bites, I want them all. Your food is always colorful.

Love the pink shoes.



Calee, believe it or not, but your post is the answer to my balance lately. It was right on and I can't be grateful enough. I read it every day and it warms my heart (and makes me emotional). 


Balanced is the word, I finally stopped grieving about digestive issues and mood swings. I am not stronger, but I am very focused at the moment. Hopefully for a while. 


My food got so ugly, you've no idea. I can't even take a picture. I mean who wants to look at the ground beef mixed with courgette? Hehe. But seriously, try roasting radishes (lemon balsamic garlic coconut amigos ghee whatever). They are not bitter at all, tender and juicy. MMMMM. 

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So happy for you, Nadia! You are so sweet and generous. You deserve every happiness. We who struggle must revel in the good times, fleeting though they may be!

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you do sound better NB. Maybe all these new guys are just what the (hormone) Dr. ordered? enjoy, and yes, try not to think too much.  ;)



That's the hormone supplementation I am very willing to take! 

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Nadia so nice to hear you sound so calm and relaxed! 


3 things that I wanted to comment on from your post:


1 - You ordered the food porn book! Everyone I have showed that book to has ooed and ahhed and I'm sure there is drool to wipe off some of the pages. I can't wait to cook from it. Just been waiting for my W30 to be all done. Next month I'll be adding some stuff from it to my meal plan for sure.


2 - Paleo Doctor??? Hello! I agree with your friend.  ;) Hope he has even more going for him then that.


3 - Inverted splits while hanging upside down in the air. Crazy monkey girl! Maybe someday I will be able to do splits on the floor again. I'm pretty flexible naturally but haven't been able to do that since I was in middle school. Can't wait to see the next set of Happy Nadia Monkey pictures.

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Bethany, sugar makes me crazy, proven fact. Dropped fruits and voila, mood stabilized. Bhaha splits is the ideal we are all trying to reach for! I couldn't even kick my butt high enough to flip over, splits, yea right. One day! I believe! I have found a routine for a split specifically, I am not far off, but last inches are the hardest. Be my split-buddy :)


Yes, food porn book. It will motivate me to heal faster, so I can get creative again :D 


I have new gained respect for people who workout in the morning. Just when I thought Mary couldn't appear more of a hero in my eyes. Ok, this morning it was ok, nice 30 min circuit. Just when I felt all warmed up it has ended. They have 30 min body pump twice a week too. Since I am a busy most of days after work I might give it a try. God help me. 


Calee, and we need to clean. I feel ashamed amoung these "Ms. Clean Kitchen". 

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Oh yay Nadia, your post made me smile.  You really sound like you're in a better place. *happy hugs and smooches*  (they shouldn't just be for tough times, should they?).


Attractive paleo doctor sounds very intriguing  ;)   I like how you're under instruction to be super charming.  You'll charm the socks (or *insert other item of clothing here* :P ) off him.

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You spoil me, Soph! Yes, my friend is so sick of listening to my stories about medical system here, so she is happy to get this burden off her shoulders. 


Paleo doctor yes, very funny talking to him. Man who gets happy when finds out that I am wearing flats to the parties. Doooh. 


Alright, for the record attractive guy (oysters guy?) and paleo doctor are two different guys  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:

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What is this routine for acheiving splits you talk of? I'm so very far away from it. My hips are very tight. Every time I think of it I just have an image of me splitting my pants.  :ph34r:


Is Paleo doctor not attractive or just not as attractive?


Is the 30 min bodypump class followed by a cx class? They usually are. It's an interesting combo. I love working out in the morning. It helps me get my energy up for the rest of the day and I don't have to take a 2nd shower.

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It's a stretching sequence I try to do after class/workout. Splitting pants? Totally happened to me  :D Yes, body pump + cx class. I don't feel warmed up and stretched at all even if I do extra stuff prior to the class. Dunno why. By the night I feel all agile and ready. Maybe it's a matter of habit, I'll try. 


Oh, I was just giving names to them so you know which one I am referring to. Let it be Oyster Guy and Paleo Doc.  

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Honestly I think the best time to workout is different for everyone. Personally I'm more motivated for and energized by a morning workout. And again the no 2nd shower thing - bonus points. 


I probably need to focus a little more on stretching. I just find it so very BORING.  :P


Maybe when I don't have to commute an hour+ a day I can find time to start taking a dance class again which would probably help. Watching So You Think You Can Dance makes me really want to take Hip Hop or Bollywood classes.  :ph34r:

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I have new gained respect for people who workout in the morning. 



 I love working out in the morning. It helps me get my energy up for the rest of the day and I don't have to take a 2nd shower.



This. I am stronger and have more energy in the morning, and I hate changing/showering/grooming nonsense, so it is good to only do it once per day. Tumbling at night is killing me, I don't know how you do your circus act so late!

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Calee, believe it or not, but your post is the answer to my balance lately. It was right on and I can't be grateful enough. I read it every day and it warms my heart (and makes me emotional). 


Balanced is the word, I finally stopped grieving about digestive issues and mood swings. I am not stronger, but I am very focused at the moment. Hopefully for a while. 


Nadia, I'm humbled that something I said meant so much to you. Focus on the positive aspects of your health. You're doing great!

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I will see, maybe I will get this morning workout mood. I think I have an issue with "small" meal. I need full meal, but before wo it doesn't feel right. After it's office time. When do I eat properly? At the table, enjoying etc. Lunch is eaten at the desk, dinner usually in a rush...so breakfast is the only meal to enjoy. We'll seeeeee! And yeah, Beth, gotta stretch. It is very very very important.

Happy monkey. Mega sweaty class. Sweetest pain ever. My half face is frozen from dentist (3 hours today urhg). On positive note - I wasn't scared to fall my face down at the class. I would not feel it :) 3 more hours of needles at the dentist tomorrow and I will have a break.




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Lovelovelove the silks pics. You are clearly in your element. Yeah, eating properly for an early morning workout really is a pain, especially without protein shakes or eggs. Maybe others can chime in with what works for them.

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