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Day 3:

Meal 1: (mini) sliced roast beef with beet salad and avocado rolled inside

Meal 2: (mini) small dish of leftover beef/lamb/zucchini "curry"

Meal 3: can of tuna in olive oil, shredded carrot, herbs and coconut aminos

Meal 4: (mini) raw spinach rolled in prosciutto

Meal 5: (kinda mini) 2 small chicken thighs slow cooked with mushrooms, onions, and coconut milk, beet salad, probably going to eat a banana later

*Edited to add: I did not eat the banana later- had a cup of peppermint tea instead

Drinks: Pu-Erh tea (from which I am still feeling riled up from 12 hours later) and 1 1/2 cans coconut water, several large glass bottles of water

BM: only once first thing but it was magnificent

Spent most of the first part of the day lazing around the house and lying down due to having muscle fatigue and a headache. Had clients in the afternoon and got it together enough to go to yoga too, and I'm glad I did. I feel lots better and also have felt good eating more smaller meals. That may be better on my digestion and energy levels at the moment. I considered calling today day 1, but thought it wise not to do anything that may resemble a consequence for eating eggs and chocolate. Feeling like crap for 2 days is enough.

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Yeah, it's nice to feel you are making progress even if you don't feel good..... I had ssshhhhh coconut cream today, and two cups of coffee... Hope I can get through tomorrow okay.... What was I thinking!

Probably thinking something like: "man, coconut cream and coffee are deeeeee-lish!". The same thing I was thinking when I picked up a bag of sweet potato chips at the health food store today!

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Day 4:

Meal 1: (mini) 3 small slices of roast beef, spinach leaves and avocado rolled inside

Meal 2: bowl of butternut squash with coconut milk & oil, coconut aminos and cinnamon, chicken thigh

Meal 3: (mini) 2 smoked sardines and a couple of handfuls of sweet potato chips (canola oil, no-no)

Meal 4: Raw Beet Salad (shredded beet, mango, carmelized red onion, coconut flakes, cilantro, avocado oil, apple cider vinegar, and coconut aminos)

Meal 5: (really just a continuation of what I should have ate at meal 4) small dish of ground chicken browned in avocado oil with 1/2 small avocado

drinks: coconut water, gypsy cold care tea with cinnamon and coconut milk, pu-erh tea with coconut cream, water, sparkling water

BM: once in the morning, but later than usual and with much effort :angry:

Last night after yoga I thought I had fully recovered from the "egg chocolate incident" of the weekend, but this morning I woke up after a fitful night of sleep with a splitting sinus headache and 100 degree fever. While I may have in fact contracted a bug, I know that my immune system was overworked. I had to cancel 3 clients today and spent most of the day in bed. Luckily my husband was home and took care of me. By evening the pressure in my ears was so great I couldn't take it so went and got some ear candles and ear oil from the health food shop and was unable to resist the sweet potato chips on display right in the middle of everything. When I'm sick I am quite vulnerable to the lure of junk food. I only had a little and then thought better of it- it didn't turn into the binge that would have been likely in the past- so even though I ate something less than ideal, it was in control, and the chips were actually pretty tasty and fun to eat. Not something I want very often, but good to know I can have a little self control. After the ear candling I felt much better, though I did take 5 tylenol over the course of the day as well.

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Day 5:

Meal 1: woke up to Chet Atkins on the record player and warm vegetable beef soup in the slow cooker and I knew it was going to be a good day

Meal 2: (snack) 1/2 small avocado and carrots

Meal 3: more soup

Meal 4: grilled patties made with ground beef, chicken and beef liver, herbs and onion, leftover mango beet salad

Drinks: Pu-Erh tea with coconut milk, blackberry sage black tea with coconut milk, water

BM: again only once but a little better than yesterday.

Today I intentionally avoided fruit, starchy veg and coconut water (except the tiny bit of mango in my salad) in order to experiment with the way sugar affects my keratosis pilaris- the root cause of which no one seems to know. I was reading about Paleo mom doing a 21 day sugar detox and how it helped a skin condition she has which is autoimmune in nature. Despite her following an autoimmune protocol her skin lesions did not really heal until she cut her fruit consumption way way back. That got me to thinking about a time period when my KP had cleared up a lot- I was pregnant (a time when autoimmunity naturally decreases to keep from killing the fetus) but also for mch of that time I was on a candida protocol and was eating ZERO SUGAR. clearing up my KP is something that would make me feel really happy and confident, especially with a hot hot Texas summer upon me and my proclivity to the shortest of shorts. So I'm going to really scale back on the sweet things in my diet- which I do enjoy- but don't need. I may reserve my fruit eating and coconut water drinking for "special occasions", at least for a bit. If I really really want a piece of fruit I'm not gonna stress about it but I'm not going to have it daily.

I'm also still a little fatigued but much better than yesterday. Went to power yoga and was not as strong as other days but am glad I went. Realized the prosciutto I are twice has "spice" listed, possible nightshades. Really now I only have 2 days on the AIP so I think I'll call this a w33.

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Remember when I freaked out last week because the Athleta pants I ordered were too small? I received the tank and shorts I ordered from patagonia- same size shorts mind you- and I had to send them back because they were too big. A better problem I suppose but clothesmakers, please can we get some standard measurements going?!

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Day 6:

Meal 1: broiled lamburger patty with herbs made into little sliders on carrot crinkles with spinach leaves and 1/2 small avocado

Meal 2: 3tbsp coconut butter (no tummy ache!), carrot crinkles, can of tuna with coconut aminos and a little pepper

Meal 3: palm size of sea bass (my husband put cumin on it but I just scraped most of it off) mango salsa (1/8 of a mango, cucumber, red onion and parsley with acv and evoo), steamed broccoli, and 1/2 large avocado. Also had 2 slices of cold bake sweet potato right before the meal because I was post yoga and getting pretty hungry.

Drinks: Pu-Erh with coconut milk, 2 cups of tulsi mango tea, lots and lots of water (yeh!)

BM: can't remember, but possibly none :(

I felt really clear headed and calm today and just comfortable in my skin. I'm gathering materials for my art and worked a little on a paper sculpture in the works.

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what's that saying Moluv? Comparison is the thief of joy?

Remember they are in that mag because they are models, it's their job. Your job is to strive to be the best you you can be.


I must have heard that quote before but thanks so much for it! I need to have it tattooed on the back of my hand.

Whenever I'm feeling good about my progress I invariably will start comparing myself. I think that is one of the greatest lessons of yoga class: to stop comparing yourself with everyone around you and go inside yourself. Not that I can always or even often do that! And even when I do go inside I will compare my present self to my younger smaller more fit self.

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Also: What are carrot crinkles? Mango salsa sounds very yummy. And thanks for your note about AIP. I'm mentally gearing up for it.

Glad you are feeling more comfortable in your skin. Sizes are crazy--even within a brand.

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At first I had typed carrot chips, but didn't want anyone to think I was eating deap fried carrots, but oooooh now that I think about it maybe I should... But the carrot crinkles are those pre sliced carrots that come in a bag at the supermarket. The ones I get are crinkle cut on the diagonal so they are pretty big and good for dipping or stacking things on.

The mango salsa was so good and I just used a tiny bit of mango for the flavor- it was mostly cucumber. I am limiting fruit and that was a condiment so I felt like it was limited. I was telling a client of mine who is a fancy chef about my autoimmune diet (she said she would make a special meal in her restaurant for me, yay!) and not eating spices and she suggested adding arugula for spice and I think that's a fantastic idea.

Beets I think the AIP is so worth the restrictions. If anything it will clear your system out so that you can test each thing and at least know for sure what's a problem. Crazy thing- I uses to have a lot of problems with FODMAPs and since I went AIP I've been eating garlic, onions and broccoli and cauli with no pain. So I do think there is something to leaky gut and I believe it is largely reversible. I think I'll be able to add many things back in very strict moderation but I've also come to appreciate this way of eating for how calm and happy I feel and don't really care much about coffee or nuts anymore.

Viva la gut lining!

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Day 7:

Meal 1: ground chicken sautéed with coconut oil, spinach, red onion and ginger, with leftover mango salsa, carrot crinkles and cucumber slices and half an avocado

Meal 2: exactly the same thing but with only 1/4 avocado

Meal 3: an intimate sit down with me, a spoon and a jar of coconut butter ;) I don't feel the least bit bad about this even though I think I'm supposed to (?)

Meal 4: browned ground beef, roasted sweet potato, green beans with a little more coconut butter after. Still don't feel bad.

Drinks: 1/2 cup Pu-Erh with coconut milk, cup of tulsi, 1/2 can coconut water, water but not quite enough

BM: once in the morning was great but then all day feel like I need to but don't.

Hmmmm. So I read a couple of interesting things today about w30 and extended versions. One was on this forum and Tom suggested its a bad idea to go for so long. Another was a chick I follow on Instagram and she decided to quit her w90 on day 9 or so. I went to her blog and read her reasoning and, because I am frustratingly impressionable started toying with the notion of quitting mine. I mean, I did 60 days but didn't get to claim a finish because of all my lame restarts- which were my own idea. So *%#& it. I FINISHED A WHOLE60 by golly. And I reckon I'll finish this w30- but I'm not going to be overly harsh about restarts. And then I'm done. I love the w30 and will be forever grateful because it really has changes my life but I finally get what M&D (and Tom) mean about its not a 365 thing- rational adults don't need those kind of strict rules coming from an external source for very long. THAT'S not healthy.

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The most important part of these whole whatevers is learning about yourself so well done Moluv!!!

So I have had coffee a few days in a row and it seems okay without nuts... I think nuts are a really bad inflammator (new word) for me. That said I do think coffee increases my aches and pains but I am not getting cravings this time around.

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The most important part of these whole whatevers is learning about yourself so well done Moluv!!!

So I have had coffee a few days in a row and it seems okay without nuts... I think nuts are a really bad inflammator (new word) for me. That said I do think coffee increases my aches and pains but I am not getting cravings this time around.

The Inflammator: I'll be back

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Day 8:

Today is my 34th birthday and I decided to loosen up on the AIP but stay within the W30 guidelines to allow for some special treats. 'Twas a fabulous day, top to bottom!

Meal 1: grilled a big ole grassfed New York strip. The treat part was not eating anything else with it.

French press coffee with coconut milk.

Meal 2: sweet potato and beet chips with 1/2 an avocado for dipping, carrot cake larabar

Meal 3: dinner out at a fancy restaurant where a client/friend of mine is the owner/chef and made sure I was taken care of. We had blue crab, arugula and Dijon mayo to start and for an entree I had a cedar plank red snapper (overnighted from Hawaii it was fantastic), jicama fries, grilled zucchini and pineapple. To drink I brought my own goji ginger Kombucha and sparkling water and just asked for a glass of ice.

By the end of the meal our waitress was very curious about exactly what my intolerances were as her mother was gluten intolerant. She was in high school and talking about quitting cokes and "carbs" (breads) in order to fit into her prom dress. She said she had mostly been eating chicken breast and green beans and my husband started telling her about whole30 (my husband!) and I told her about eating fat is ok and red meat and she was really curious and ended up writing the website down on her hand! So cute.

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Happy birthday! The cedar plank fish sounds delicious. And the rest.

Thanks for addressing my AIP concerns. I think I will start right after my husband's birthday on May 6. We are going out to dinner and I would just like a glass of wine. (But as I write that I'm thinking, "but will it damage my gut?")

I am encouraged to hear you think the sensitivities are reversible after gut repair. I don't think I have FODMAPS issues but the again I never thought I had issues with dairy. And I clearly feel better without it.

Also interesting thoughts about the duration of Wholing. Rational people do not need these strict rules. But I don't feel rational. I feel terrified of stopping and releasing myself into the wild. I guess that means I have to do a few more?

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Thanks you guys!!!!!!!! The yoga girl and the watermelon "cake" are right up my alley- so sweet!

Day 9:

Meal 1: Leftover red snapper, zucchini and jicama fries over arugula, avocado, red onion and vinaigrette, 1 fig

Meal 2: two of my best girlfriends took me on a birthday picnic/hike at the Canadian River. They made steamed lobster tails (my fave!), roasted butternut squash with Thai basil from one of their gardens, greens from a local community garden (we all garden so these are little touches that don't go unnoticed), olives, dehydrated bell peppers and carrots and garden chives pesto. Sparkling water and a Kombucha to share. 1/2 way hiking we perched up on a boulder and split a larabar 3 ways, and the some cacao nibs. Post hike we had a slice of watermelon.

Meal 3: 2 lamburgers made into sliders on cucumber slices with baby kale and avocado drizzled with coconut aminos. I was still starving (meal 2 was exquisite albeit very small) so I ate my fill of almond butter and one date roll.

Drinks: hydrangea leaf black tea (the hydrangea makes it sweet, it's phenomenal), lots of water, small coconut water, sparkling water with a splash of black cherry juice.

Was a wonderful weekend filled with family, friends, special times and special food. I learned how to celebrate with food in a way that adds to my well being instead of takes away from it. It has cemented for me the new kinds of food traditions my family will have. To sum it up the shift went from sweets to meats and I feel mighty fine for it.

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Happy birthday! The cedar plank fish sounds delicious. And the rest.

Thanks for addressing my AIP concerns. I think I will start right after my husband's birthday on May 6. We are going out to dinner and I would just like a glass of wine. (But as I write that I'm thinking, "but will it damage my gut?")

I am encouraged to hear you think the sensitivities are reversible after gut repair. I don't think I have FODMAPS issues but the again I never thought I had issues with dairy. And I clearly feel better without it.

Also interesting thoughts about the duration of Wholing. Rational people do not need these strict rules. But I don't feel rational. I feel terrified of stopping and releasing myself into the wild. I guess that means I have to do a few more?

I was scared to be without the rules and that's why I'm still going- but it was probably day 2 of this one where I felt truly and permanently changed. Now I'm stuck in it lol.

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