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The "Return of the Dirty Thirty" 12 January start date


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Being part of the Dirty 30 makes me happy :).   Happiness is not always so easy for me so I am very grateful  to all of you.


Lots going on in my mind - overthinking, compulsive thoughts and some compulsive behaviors to help me gain control when I feel out of control.  This is not about food; it's about life.  Something insignificant happened this week and it totally threw me off - caused  lots of depression and anxiety. I need to live in the moment and not worry so much about everything.  Luckily, my food has not been affected. 


I have not been exercising as much as I used to.  I have a shoulder injury and  just started physical therapy.  No pushups, planks, or weights allowed - doctor's orders..  Most days I walk for one hour - I don't  consider these walks exercise - they are for mental well being.   Need to get back into bodyweight squats, lunges, chair step-ups, etc and  on the treadmill for a walk/run workout. 


I am an abstainer and this is the only way that works for me.  Moderation does not exist in my world.  I actually find it very easy to live this way.  There are definite rules and no back and forth in my mind of whether or not I should eat something.  A treat is not a treat if you eat something that makes you feel out of control or has physical consequences. 


No fruit was the answer to my Whole 30. I have been fruit free for 24 days (I started this W30 on Jan 7).  I have also been mostly nut free except for 3 bad pistachio nut days.  Stomach feels much better and I feel good about myself for not letting the fruit and nuts take over.


Who is continuing on after the 30 days?  I was thinking about taking a few days off but I need control in my life.  The W30 gives me the control that I desperately need so my plan will probably be a W60.

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ok need advice:  i had 4 eggs fried in avocado oil over a bowl of broccoli slaw / coleslaw dressed in my homemade mayo-dressing; 4 small tomatoes and 1/2 green pepper.  I'm still HUNGRY! what am I missing? oooh the starchy carbs?  more protein?  when is the best time of day to have starches?  


did I mention that I cleaned out my fridge last week?  or maybe the week before?  it was looking gross but now it looks new!  and yesterday, in anticipation of the weekend, i bought pre-cut veggies and  kumata tomatoes and fish and steak and lots of yummie stuff!  


i'm going to do a bit of cooking today, but if I can't I have my sardines and tuna and a big pot of soup I made!


oh and it's snowing here again!  


have a great weekend everyone!


ps - what are reasons you would continue past 30 days, for those of you who have done this before?  not sure what I should do at this point.  


I have seen that food and hunger do not have to be life or death, and that I can eat totally differently.  I can live without cheese.  I don't have to be hungry to "lose weight" or be healthy.  And I don't have to count and measure, I just have to visualize my food differently....... 


hope you are all doing well and hope to be reading from everyone soon! it's a little quiet here....

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Laurie - love ya.


Tulip - you're missing protein.  You need another protein with your eggs.   I don't know about your other two meals.    Start the day like a long distance truck driver.    We have a center cut pork chop; sugar free bacon; beef or fish with our eggs in the morning.   In December, I started eating fish and eggs for breakfast - I also had fish at lunch and sometimes dinner.   I don't know if you're a big protein eater.  If you'll completely remove nuts off of the table and out of your purse in the spirit of what Laurie has worked so hard this Whole 30 to do....you'll really up your game.


Fruits and nuts seem to be the bane of many a good Whole 30 that goes off the rails.   When fruits and nuts are replacing meals, there's bound to be many  rough patches.  You need quality protein, vegetables and good fats.   CC has told us how easy this formula for success is easy to remember.   It really is ....1  2   3.     Your protein is really lacking and that makes you hungry all of the time.   I know you don't eat cooked vegetables and raw vegetables tend to fly right through your system.     


Nuts are a fat.   Dried fruits are sugar bombs.   Too much of fruit fruits are more fruity sugar.  There is no substitute for good proteins.

Protein powders can't come anywhere close to the real thing.   After all, they are manufactured in a factory into a powder that goes poof in the wind.  A hard working man or woman can't live on protein powders.   Their health will begin to break down in a short amount of time.   If your fish is from a can,  I can understand how that might contribute to food boredom.   But you're hungry and your body has went through all kinds of changes after a major weight loss.   There are elements missing and you need to boost up proteins to keep the fat cells from screaming.    They don't go away, they only get smaller and they're really, really mad right now.   The memory of those fat cells want you to start shoving all of the wrong kinds of food into your body so they can go back to being supremely happy.   That's what they do.     The only way to shut their big fat mouthes is to shove protein down their gullets.   Take that and that....you screaming bawl baby.    


Do not give in to those spoiled-brat-fat cells.   The only way you're ever going to be able to muffle their screams is to eat proteins, vegetables and good fats.    Try roasting your vegetables that your system can handle.   Later on, think over that FODMAP W30 approach.

There's a reason you can't handle alot of vegetables.    


For now, concentrate on good, solid proteins  alongside your eggs.    More protein for lunch and dinner.   Make your bone broth.   It's very possible you're lacking some good minerals, too.    I know that I was.   


I am a 'souped up' Chevy.    My new fuel is Bone Broth.    I didn't think it was possible to feel better but with this tweak that Higs started it's the after burners.    O peoples, get yourself some.     




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Tulip, what Meadow said! She was right on target. And remember that tomatoes are a fruit.

As far as continuing on or stopping, I plan to continue. This is my 3rd go round and this is the first time I am extending. I too seem to be an abstainer, not a moderator. It has taken me 3 times to get this through my thick skull even though I knew it deep inside all along. I simply feel way too good eating this way to stop. I won't beat myself up over not figuring it out sooner, I will chalk it up to the learning process. I have learned so much about myself and my strengths and weaknesses, I know my triggers, I finally feel free from the hold that food has on me (I learned this on my 1st w30). I know there will be imperfections but I'm human. This is a process. I had so many questions just like you after my first time. I agree with Meadow about maybe looking into FODMAP. Now that you have the basics down, looking at another component won't seem so intimidating. You can do it. In the book they call it "riding your own bike".

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ugh; 4 eggs is not enough protein???? OKK; will add protein; more protein;  i like protein; i just don't eat pork.  i like beef chicken salmon fresh tuna canned tuna, sashimi, sardines, i bought ground fish yesterday; i love steak, burgers, next week my supermarket is bringing in bison, i will roast a chicken and broth the bones, and i will ask the butcher if he has bones;  will do will do; 


I don't eat that much nuts.  i think coconut does not agree with me.  i don't touch dried fruit.  


meadowlily, what do you do post whole30?  do you think i should go till 45 or 60 or re-introduce?

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Someone posted an interesting link a few pages back about abstainer vs moderator. Some people can have a BITE of a snack and not have it awaken their sugar dragon. Others would spiral and go into sugar land for days on end with potential of not returning. I spiral with one bite!

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Tulip - your meal plans are more vegetarian than Whole 30.  Eggs are definitely not enough.    This will be a lifelong struggle if you don't eat enough protein.   You like protein but I don't think you're eating enough of them.  If you were, this constant hunger would fly right out the window.   There would be no visions of popcorn and potato chips dancing through your life if you had enough proteins.


I'm concerned that fruits/tomatoes and nuts will lead you backwards.  FODMAP's.  


Throw that Larabar out the window and replace it with a foil pack of tuna or salmon in your purse.   Leaning on Larabars for emergencies is using a faux candy bar as a crutch.   It's  not the item you want to build on good decisions in the future.


Yesterday, you knew that thing was in your purse.  It's a battle with the mind/ body connection that doesn't need to be there.   I believe that all candy bars are SWYPO's.   Break the bonds with sugar.

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Dealing with a headache today - the last two days have  presented challenges that may explain my pain.  Wednesday night, the family had a buffet dinner presentation to attend.  I was worried because I didn't know what was going to be on the menu.  That was a day I wasn't able to eat lunch until late, so at least I still had that in my belly when we got there.  There was a mixed green salad and prime rib - so I felt good about surviving that.  Last night, we went to my  daughter's favorite restaurant for her birthday - Chinese.  They also serve some Thai, so I got Green chicken curry.  The waitress told me they used fish oil not soybean oil in the curry, so I thought it would be fine, and no MSG on anything in the restaurant.  I wondering now if either the beef from Wednesday or last night's curry had something on or in it that has given me this horrendous headache.    


I was probably going to continue for a Whole 45 or 60 anyway, but I think given this headache I definitely need to go 30 more days.  There's something that has impacted me and I want to be able to figure out what that was, and I won't be able to do so until I hit a clean 30-day mark and begin reintroduction.  I guess it's possible that I could be coming down with something, or it could be the cologne samples in my purse (I'm sensitive to smells).  But I'm not sure how much I can trust that these two meals were as clean as I was told and believed they were.  It really is tough to eat out.   If I didn't have this headache, I would believe that I had been compliant, but now I can't guarantee that I have been.  So, I think I'll count today as old Day 18 and new Day 1, just to ensure that I get 30 more days in. 


Can't wait to make bone broth - I've been looking at recipes.  It's supposed to be a cold and rainy weekend, so perfect to be simmering this on the stove.  My kids were discussing how yummy the wonton soup broth was last night, so I'm thinking they might really enjoy some good bone broth, too. 


I also had my first banana on Whole 30 last night - this was my treat in place of birthday cake!   What a sweet, creamy, delicious treat it was!  I in no way wished that I was eating a slice of that cake.  I probably won't have any more bananas until I'm done with Whole 30, but I was impressed by how good it was. That is what I want to obtain - to completely satisfy my sweet tooth with one good piece of fruit only every once in a while. 

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I was probably going to continue for a Whole 45 or 60 anyway, but I think given this headache I definitely need to go 30 more days.  There's something that has impacted me and I want to be able to figure out what that was, and I won't be able to do so until I hit a clean 30-day mark and begin reintroduction.  I guess it's possible that I could be coming down with something, or it could be the cologne samples in my purse (I'm sensitive to smells).  But I'm not sure how much I can trust that these two meals were as clean as I was told and believed they were.  It really is tough to eat out.   If I didn't have this headache, I would believe that I had been compliant, but now I can't guarantee that I have been.  So, I think I'll count today as old Day 18 and new Day 1, just to ensure that I get 30 more days in. 

I really like your attitude around restarting and wanting to have an absolutely clean baseline when you get to Day 30.  Very positive!


As far as what could have been the trigger, maybe the prime rib was marinated or injected? Dairy in the curry? Wheat flour to thicken?


I never feel as good eating out as I do when I eat at home, even if I know for absolute, 100% certain that the food, cooking oil etc is compliant...there is just something about restaurant food that doesn't agree with me.  We still go out from time to time but I never leave feeling as well as I did when I got there.

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Thank you, Ladyshanny!  It's probably both the prime rib and the curry, and I never thought about the possibilities you suggested- I'll know better next time. 


I also just completed my log, and looking back over this week, I haven't had any starchy veggies since Sunday.  I wonder if that contributes to my headache, too?  Certainly, the banana was high -carb, but I have found I do better with sweet potatoes and pumpkin.  Maybe that's why that banana was so good ;) .

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It's usually too difficult to do a FODMAP Whole 30 right out of the chute.   It's not recommended.   Some of us have a hunch that a FODMAP Whole 30 may be the next step.  


There are some foods that you're eating (tomatoes) that may be causing your gut havoc that you may not be aware of ...and why so many vegetables you're not able to tolerate.  It's a hunch based on what you've shared with us. 


It's a hunch based on many foods you've already eliminated without really knowing why.   You'll never know until you try it.   It's only 30 days.    

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ok sometimes things are more obvious to others; which foods that I can't tolerate?  i just don't like  cooked veggies and prefer them raw.  the only thing i've come across that gave me distress was tea.  i'm going to read about fodmaps and look at the recommended veggie list again.   i have my food sensitivities charted by blood test so that does give me some additional info.  I will take a look at that again also.  the blood test also recommends a reintroduction schedule similar to but much slower than the whole 30, but also based on the test findings. hmmm. I did that thru my naturopath..... 


I just had a ton of my home made beef kabobs; I wonder why you think I'm mostly vegetarian?  You are seeing something. 


Be back soon; I'll be reading.

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Yes, yes, yes.  I do see that based on the meals you've posted.     I just want to say, Tulip....thanks a million.   You make me think and ponder.  I love research and data.   We're all trying to help you figure this thing out.   There's a key that will unlock this mystery for you.

It's there.   

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I think it comes down to "trial and error" and really tuning in to how your feeling.  You have to start with a clean slate though.  This fodmap thing sounds very science-ey.  But I am seeing some overlap with my food sensitivities which I have to find the chart for.


Did I mention to you that I'm in the pre-diabetic zone?  Something that has lingered on since my last pregnancy?  And I think I'm insulin resistant.  and I have a big belly. This whole30 has helped with some of the bloat though.


But what's wrong with tomatoes?


And maybe I just eat veggies that are familiar to me?  I swear there is no rutabaga around here.  And the avocados have been really bad recently.  I didn't even buy any yesterday.


Meadowlily:  thanks for telling me about this group and inviting me to join!  You guys I am snowed in with a napping baby, just want you to know I'm eagerly waiting for you to post to help my day go by.  It keeps my spirits up.  Until the big kids come home from school....... 


xoxo Tulip

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Tulip, yes I knew you were in the pre-T2 zone.   Yep, I already knew that and that's why bananas, and too many other fruity fruits are not the best for blood sugar.   


The fact that you're attracted to tomatoes which are technically a fruit is a clue.   Were you allergic to ketchup as a lil kid?   Did your face turn bright red all around your lips and burn when you ate ketchup?

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Laurie - you and I have a lot in common- I'm going through a lot of the same stuff and also am grateful for all of the info and encouragement of everyone in this group.


I'm an abstainer as well, and it seems more pronounced since going through menopause.  ugh.....


I will probably take a couple of days off and then start again on Ash Wednesday.

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Lactose: milk, milk products

Fructose: honey, HFCS, molasses, processed condiments (BBQ sauce, catsup, tomato paste, jam, sweet & sour sauce, etc.), fruit juice, dried fruit (except raisins), and certain fresh fruits (melon, mango, papaya, figs)

Fructans: wheat, onions, garlic, shallots/leeks, inulin, pineapples, and certain vegetables (asparagus, artichokes, zucchini)

Polyols: hydrogenated starches, isomalt, and most sugar additives that end in –ol (ie lactitol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol), and certain fruits (apricots, nectarines, plums)

Galactans: beans, peas, hummus, lentils, soy (and soy based products), TVP, tempeh, and certain vegetables (green beans, cabbage, peas)

[This is by no means a complete list, just an idea of foods containing FODMAPS in each group]

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Being part of the Dirty 30 makes me happy :).   Happiness is not always so easy for me so I am very grateful  to all of you.


Lots going on in my mind - overthinking, compulsive thoughts and some compulsive behaviors to help me gain control when I feel out of control.  This is not about food; it's about life.  Something insignificant happened this week and it totally threw me off - caused  lots of depression and anxiety. I need to live in the moment and not worry so much about everything.  Luckily, my food has not been affected. 


I have not been exercising as much as I used to.  I have a shoulder injury and  just started physical therapy.  No pushups, planks, or weights allowed - doctor's orders..  Most days I walk for one hour - I don't  consider these walks exercise - they are for mental well being.   Need to get back into bodyweight squats, lunges, chair step-ups, etc and  on the treadmill for a walk/run workout. 


I am an abstainer and this is the only way that works for me.  Moderation does not exist in my world.  I actually find it very easy to live this way.  There are definite rules and no back and forth in my mind of whether or not I should eat something.  A treat is not a treat if you eat something that makes you feel out of control or has physical consequences. 


No fruit was the answer to my Whole 30. I have been fruit free for 24 days (I started this W30 on Jan 7).  I have also been mostly nut free except for 3 bad pistachio nut days.  Stomach feels much better and I feel good about myself for not letting the fruit and nuts take over.


Who is continuing on after the 30 days?  I was thinking about taking a few days off but I need control in my life.  The W30 gives me the control that I desperately need so my plan will probably be a W60.

We are on the same page Laurie, I need the Whole 60 Day 27 for me today. And I had reduced significantly nuts and fruits, I think for the 2nd part I will just avoid it all together... I need that kind of control.  Feeling better physically, I am a work in motion. Blessings and best to you. xoxoxox

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After testing your body’s reaction to one category, you return to the elimination diet, let your GI system re-set itself, and then try the next. 


In theory, by the end of all the phases, you will be able to know what FODMAPS containing foods you can get away with, and what will produce symptoms. 


However, as an example:   knowing that galactans are a real problem area for you may mean you avoid eating a tofu scramble for breakfast, a hummus and tempeh sandwich for lunch, and lentil soup for dinner.  It’s about finding the right balance for YOUR gut. 

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