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can i have as many approved drinks as i want?


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Yes its approved and its awesome dint worry I'm hungry for food. I kind of use it to kill the urge to snack but I'm wondering if that's a good idea or if i should push through it without something to drink

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Drinking too much water is rare. As long as you are not forcing yourself to drink obsessively, you are probably fine.

I drink almost continuously in the mornings. Two big glasses of water as soon as I go in the kitchen and then one more big glass of water over the next hour. A big glass of water with breakfast and two or three cups of herbal tea before lunch. At lunch I drink one big glass of water and a bottle of kombucha. In the afternoon I drink several cups of herbal tea. At night I drink a big glass of water with supper and usually one or two more big glasses before bed time. During workouts I drink several bottles of water. Before yoga sessions I drink a big glass of water and then usually half a glass afterwards. Sometimes I have a cup of herbal tea before bed.

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First Crio Bru, now Choffy? Interesting. Makes me want chocolate, but I suppose I'll have some chocolate chili to kill that urge. I'm curious, though: does it taste like toasted hot chocolate or more like a mocha-esque coffee? The complaints I've heard about crio bru is that it smells heavenly but tastes a bit weak, don't know if choffy is the same....

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I love both crio and chocolate. I dint follow their brewing recommendations though. I let it brew for 15 minutes minimum and use boiling water. It taste like you dipped your finger in cocoa powder and licked it. Pure chocolate but bitter. The only similarity to coffee is the bitter in your mouth thing. I hate coffee. I drink crio black

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there was another discussion about Crio Bru. Now we don't get either that or Choffy over here so I'm a bit vague on them but here's what Robin, another mod had to say about cocoa drinks.

"Tom speaks the truth. If it's an unhealthy habit for you, you are right to avoid it. But cocoa powder, even cocoa with water) without flavoring or sweeteners is not something that appeals to a broad audience, nor is it any different (in perspective) than coffee or tea. If it sounds good to you, but doesn't awaken a dragon, there's no issue"

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Every time I see athing about "chocolate" drinks or what ever fancy name they have other than chocolate all I think is SWYPO!


Shelli -

I guess that's where it gets personal. I can't stomach the thought of unsweetened cocoa. I like mine creamy with marshmallows. For me, that's like saying "Having an Americano instead of a latte is SWYPO". As above, if you're using it to get a chocolate fix, then that's a habit you're going to want to address.

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I have raw cacao powder not brewed roasted but too much drops your blood pressure which can be a problem for some (me!)?.. That's the bit that refers to it increasing your energy by dilating your blood vessels..... It is also a gut irritant for some (moderate fodmap) as is coffee. Raw cocoa has caffeine, I didn't see anything to indicate the brewed cocoa is decaffinated??

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Shelli -

I guess that's where it gets personal. I can't stomach the thought of unsweetened cocoa. I like mine creamy with marshmallows. For me, that's like saying "Having an Americano instead of a latte is SWYPO". As above, if you're using it to get a chocolate fix, then that's a habit you're going to want to address.

Robin, you are exactly right, it is very personal. In the original post she said she could easily drink 6 cups of choffy a day. And personally I don't think someone that was not really into chocolate would go looking for W30 compliant drinkable unsweetened cocoa. I LOVE CHOCOLATE and I would not drink it. Total, gateway. It would just make me want more chocolate. More power to anyone that could drink it and not just want sugar lol. :)

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I can drink it and not just want sugar. I have a bag of Crio Bru that I bought in August and there's still half of it in there. I like me a square of dark chocolate when I'm not doing W30 but a chocolate drink is just a "once in a while" thing for me. (I like it with cream or coconut milk.)

Admittedly, while I like chocolate, I'm not a chocoholic.


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It is also a gut irritant for some (moderate fodmap) as is coffee. Raw cocoa has caffeine, I didn't see anything to indicate the brewed cocoa is decaffinated??

Here is the what the website says about caffeine:

"Because Choffy is made entirely of the cocoa (cacao) bean, there is a very small amount of caffeine naturally. It is about the same as a 1 oz. of dark chocolate (20-24mg). The energy that you feel from Choffy is from Theobromine. This gentle yet long lasting stimulant provides you with a healthy energy lift by dilating the cardiovascular system making the heart's job easier. Theobromine does not negatively affect the nervous system, therefore delivers energy without the crash or other negative effects of caffeine."

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Is there any difference between choffy and plain cocoa powder? It sounds interesting....

I've been making a mocha type thing with a spoon of instant coffee and a spoon of cocoa powder with boiling water topped with a bit of coconut cream. I love it but it's definitely too bitter to be waking any dragons!

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Thanks J... That doesn't sound too high re caffeine level....

For some of us the dragon is the cocoa not the sugar swypo or the chocolate fix. I can't drink more than two cups of coffee in a row and can't have more than three a day... But I could easily have three cocoas in a row and six a day.... I used to love the muddy texture of turkish coffee too! I started on cocoa when on WW..... To stop eating at night.. Yet I was never a big eater of chocolate bars.... More candy if anything.

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