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Nadia's PW30. "Let's fix it" journey.

Nadia B

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Here comes my late post! 


1. CAST IS OFF. Free!!!!!!! I am limping around like a happy puppy. I need to be extra careful because it's slippery and I am out of balance completely. I can't point my swollen foot or flex it or do anything, really, but it's so good to be able to step on it. 


2. J keeps making funny meals out of his bachelor fridge contents. Like steak and grilled pineapples with cinnamon for lunch or bacon with mango. It makes me laugh so hard every time. Even though his eating doesn't get me mad somehow, what really gets me is his soda habit. Diet soda. I have never never understood why people drink it (and I talk years ago). This nasty sugar coat in your mouth. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeh. I don't feel like saying anything. He is stubborn as hell and i am not going to get involved there. I am not his Mom. Nor is he asking for my advice. I lied, I hate that he drinks 5 coffees a day as well (I am jealous. Kidding. Not really). 


3. I can not sleep. At all. I go to bed and can't fall asleep until midnight. I would wake up at 1. Then 2-30. Then 4 and then 6. Then I would sleep from 6-9 like a rock seeing lucid dreams. Crazy vivid action trailers. Magnesium - not helping. Melatonin - not helping. No coffee - haven't tried.  :ph34r:


4. Weight. I am up another __ pounds. I don't know how many, I feel that all the clothes is terribly tight. I can not fit into anything. I need to dig back all my giant bras. J doesn't see this as a terrible thing which is funny. Except it's not. Am I depressed about it? Guess. I am educated enough not to do anything stupid (plus my body now can't do on 900 , but I can't avoid micromanagement of every food thought that passes my mind. Every time I feel hungry I am freaking out. I hate being hungry. I hate wanting extra piece of chicken. I keep thinking that I imagine that I want to eat. And sometimes I do. Or not. I don't know anymore, people. I try not to get obsessed, upset or hate myself. "You can't fix the body you hate" - deep voice of Jason Seib says. Damn, he is right. 


5. Tummy. Well, it's been so weird recently. The minute I got back to the office it got worse. The whole month I was at home it has been working more or less alright. Now? Second day at the office and boy I am so so bloated and not feeling well at all. I ate several chocolates (milk and nuts included). I had a bit of coconut bliss ice-cream. Minor breakouts and that was it. 


Enough of sad stuff. Pictures time from cheerful Toronto (and my new cutest ever Kate Spade watches)! 


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Yay for the cast being off! And most of that post is yay stuff!


Your stomach problems returning with your return to the office screams something environmental or situational to me. Do you sit more when you are in the office than when you work from home? Is your desk set up differently? Perhaps something in the air filtration? Or maybe just the stress of the office?


I feel your pain on the soda drinking habits of a significant other. My husband drinks mountain dew like water. I hate buying it for him, but I still do because I know he will buy it anyway. Just keep reminding myself that I can't change him. :)


Beautiful pictures as always. Reminds me that I owe you a photo of a certain sparkly pair of shoes.

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I love your long posts.   I laughed out loud several times.  I hear happiness in your voice!


Congrats on the cast removal, and take it e a s y.


I went to the doctor this week and she declared I am very healthy, even though I am up 10 pounds from a year ago (!), my cholesterol is up, which I thought might happen,  My triglycerides are up too - significantly.  Not sure what is happening there.  Anyways, she basically said I am gaining due to menopause.  I am getting older, shorter and wider.  But I am strong like bull :).


You are the best Nadia!

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Happy Holidays to my favourite people!


You are such a wonderful crowd. Writing to you from a dark chocolate-greek yogurt (gasp) - macarons (gasp gaps) - pie (everyone faints. or not) coma. I feel surprisingly alright and I am curious to see my face tomorrow. I didn't eat much of the stuff, but still ate it. I shouldn't have but 1) I already did, let go 2) I would have died from tummy upset half a year ago, which I take as a good sign. 


My plan? 


1. Relax and breathe, and be silly. J and I decided to escape from the offices early tomorrow, wear pyjamas rest of the day, play monopoly and cook something ridiculously fancy for a pyjamas day. We thought lobster. Then I found escargot plates on sale and snails were added to the menu. I think lobster with garlic caper lemon ghee (if he has a saucepan to clarify it. Doubt it), asparagus, arugula fennel salad and snails with ghee, mushrooms and cheese. He thinks "No, you don't have to buy a cracker set for the lobster, Nadia. I have a hammer!". I hope you are laughing, because I was when I got this text. You can stop laughing after I tell you that he was NOT joking. Lucky me :rolleyes:


2. Fix my damned sleep. It's so bad. 


3. Do a whole 30 in Jan. Be well. Be mindful. 


Pictures as usual (croissant is not mine, but strawberries are surely mine). We are hit by major ice storm. So pretty, huh?


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Thanks for the holiday wishes, people/ Writing to you from Glutenland. What's new with me:


- Christmas Eve was awesome. Lobsters turned out amazing. Garlic butter, arugula/fennel salad and parmesan asparagus were eaten and praised. J will eat anything though. We made a funny picture with tag "forgot to bring my cracker set". 



- I ate homemade crinkle cookies. My friend said they were egg-free. I started to turn red and said that I can bet a million there were eggs. She emailed me from home saying that she looked up the recipe again and I was right. I am still ridiculously allergic to them. I want eggggsssss. Runny yolk of a perfectly poached egg. Dear Santa, can you please reverse my egg sensitivity? Please? 


- My sleep it out of control. I can't fall asleep. I wake up 5 times and can't go back to sleep. I try not to drink or eat before bed at all. Has anyone ever gone through such a thing? What to do what to do?  I am exhausted. I think I should give a cafeine-free week a go. Look at this coffee junkie! 




- I got the Nomnom Paleo book. I am sad to say that I am disappointed a bit. I find that introduction to paleo and basics is irrelevant to me, eggs part is irrelevant to me and part of recipes I already have through Ipad app. It is a cool book to have, but I expected something different, you know? I am still waiting for Well Fed 2 and I hope that it will not disappoint. My dad seemed to like it though.




- Mark and I went to the Rock Lobster place for his birthday. I sneaked fries and a piece of cod (and it tasted like it was breaded). I had scallops with butter and a bit of wine. I also ate a slice of cake for Mark's birthday. My brain is a piece of cheesecake at this moment. No severe reaction and no regrets. No picture of the cheesecake, so not in the spirit of this forum. Trust me it was worth every bite, because it was a slice shared with a special person in the name of our friendship. I told M about J. It wasn't taken too well, so little sugar high was in order for everyone. 


Aaaaaand just showing off my  nails. Seriously, this is day 4 and this color is just ideal. Lola by Marc Jacobs. I might change the dress I am wearing for the NY party just because I want to be wearing this nail polish. Btw, I have 5 dresses (whooooooops) and I will return half of them, because, seriously, Nadia, who needs that many dresses. This mantra doesn't seem to work. Anywho, I suspect I might not fit in in them. AAAA. If so, I will bake sweet potatoes, make orange goat cheese whip from OMGPaleo and stay in watching something. Kidding. Or not. 




Happy Holidays again and see you in WH30 log as Jan 1st is the day! It's been a year, can you imagine?!

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  • 2 months later...

Hiyaaa! I am back! Happy and tanned. Trip was phenomenal (except my phone was stolen, but I treated myself with a new iPhone upon return) - we snorkelled, dived in underwater caves, rode bikes (first time since I was 7yo), swam in sinkhole, watched flamingo, climbed mountains, lived in the jungles, walked at the ruins and explored amazing caves. We met great people, we partied and had time of our life. Food wise - it was hard. I expected a better situation. Corn corn corn and beans and rice everywhere. Fresh veggies and fruits are rare in some areas. Nightshades in everything obviously. Raw onions too. Breakfast - eggs eggs eggs. I ate it all, because sometimes I could not afford to be picky. I ate bread several times for breakfast in hostels when we had to be out the door. Sometimes fruits and yoghurt for breakfast. Cheese is everywhere too. I drank crazy amount of coffee. I drank margaritas almost every night and I figured that I can handle it alright. I ate frozen ice-cream like bars, no way to figure out what they were made of. I was bloated and swollen most of the time. I didn't feel comfortable on the beach or in my party attire, but that's alright, I still had fun. I had to let go evaluating my food choices all the time. It felt pretty awesome tbh. Back home - back to real food thing. Just vegetables and meat. Debloated and tummy seem to work well. Life is pretty good. Pictures!!!!


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Gorgeous! You sound wonderful, Nadia! Hooray for having a wonderful time, letting go of obstacles and control, and getting back to your healthiest eating now that you're home.

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Hi Nadia, thank you for making me feel a little better about letting go on my recent vacation. I gave up trying to avoid all the foods I love when I visit family in Greece last week - traditional pastries, amazing bread, red wine...

Like you I felt a little bloated and uncomfortable but I know I can get right back on track now I'm home and it won't take long to feel good again. And I'm going nowhere near those scales!

Your pictures are beautiful.

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Gorgeous! You sound wonderful, Nadia! Hooray for having a wonderful time, letting go of obstacles and control, and getting back to your healthiest eating now that you're home.


Oh hey, you! Long time no see. Hope you are alright? Such a nice surprise to see your post here. 


Hi Nadia, thank you for making me feel a little better about letting go on my recent vacation. I gave up trying to avoid all the foods I love when I visit family in Greece last week - traditional pastries, amazing bread, red wine...

Like you I felt a little bloated and uncomfortable but I know I can get right back on track now I'm home and it won't take long to feel good again. And I'm going nowhere near those scales!

Your pictures are beautiful.


Well, it is a nice exercise now and then. It's all about awareness after all, isn't it? Thanks, I love taking pictures with my phone))) 


Welcome back beautiful Nadia and thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures! I'm glad you had so much fun and that you let yourself eat without stress. Look at those strong legs holding you up in those ruins! Awesome!


Thank you, super B!  It was way harder to smile and keep myself up there. Getting down wasn't the most graceful thing either. 


Awesome pictures!  I'm jealous of all the sun.  It sounds like an amazing vacation, a soul pick me up!

Thanksthanks. I want to go back so bad. Your son would be disappointed tho. No snakes, just howler monkeys))))

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Quick check-in. I am a bit scared to post happy stuff, like I will jinx it or something. Things were crazy since I came back. First, J caused a scene upon my return. Like SCENE (fact that I traveled with a male friend who flew all the way from Ireland to Mexico was driving someone nuts). Very ugly, but it has lead to talking about feelings, fears and expectations. It all has happened in one day and then he left to Dubai for work again. So much tenderness and care ever since. I never knew he is capable of opening up so much. Also I have been asked to put a tag on our relationship. So I guess I have a boyfriend and he is coming back tonight!!!

Food. Absolutely weird. I have not been hungry at all. I did not have time to cook at all. I did not have food to have breakfast at all. So I would have americano and head to work. I'd get hungry around 11, go to the supermarket, buy 2 big ass salads and half of a roasted chicken (compliant). That would be lunch and dinner. I am full and satisfied. I had "larabar" kind of deal now and then, but that's totally a dessert and not a hunger, I know that. Salads have tomatoes which I seem to tolerate better and better. Salads have a bit of cheese (mozarella is fine, feta not so much and goat not so much). So I guess I was inadvertidly IFing. I know that I am supposed to eat in the morning. My hormones are crazy and I need to support them. Here comes the but part. Buuuut I feel good, my tummy is flat-ish and I am not bloated as in Mx or prior. I feel awesome. What really pizzles me is the fact that if I eat proper breakfast I would still be hungry around same time. Not sure what to do about this.

Sleep. It's been good lately. Like good good. Please stay with me, I need you!

Workouts. None. Yoga class where I noticed a strange thing about my left arm. Going into W2 is hell of a pain. I need to see chiro asap. I still can't squat. Silks were cancelled twice. I found an awesome gym with great workouts. I loved that they have 101 program to teach all the basic movements properly. They will not allow you to go to crazy metcons classes unless you prove them that it's where you belong. A lot of strengh classes too. I liked their programing. Mary (and other gym heroes) would you be an expert? Could you please have a look at their website and tell me what you think? Google Fuel gym Toronto. Appreciate your input.

Weight. Bean and corn bloat went away. My weird eating pattern or quality sleep def did the job. Jeans that were super snug in Jan fit perfectly. Yaaaaay.

What else? I read all your logs and I want all the food you have, but I have no time. Sigh. I am going to Russia for a week in the end of March. I am excited as I haven't been there for almost 3 years. I am not so excited about food, but I proved to be capable of letting go, enjoy the moment and deal with consequences after. That's the plan.

Important question. Have any if you ordered Ancestral Table? I love Ross and his blog, but my latest book purchases like NomNom were a bit of a let down. Thoughts?

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I feel awesome.


Could you please have a look at their website and tell me what you think? Google Fuel gym Toronto. 


On food, feeling awesome is our goal. If no breakfast and big salads/chicken is your jam I say go for it until you don't feel awesome anymore and reassess at that point. I believe it was Max who told me "don't fix what's already working" :wub: that guy. 


I looked at fuel gym. Seems good? I mean, everything they say is pretty sane. If you click with the people there then I think it could be great.

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I agree with Mary. If this is working for you go with it for a while. I would say on the hormone side if your periods go away again than reassess, but otherwise this might just be what is ideal for your body. That is what this journey is really about right? Doing the work to find out what works.

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Feeling awesome is, well, awesome.  I'm with the other ladies, if it is working, then go with it.


Congrats (in a totally non-jinxing way) on moving to a label.  And despite the scene, it sounds like everything resolved positively in the end.  Enjoy your reunion!


Off again, this time to Russia!  Nice!

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I went to the gym last night for the first time since I broke my ankle. My life is complete. I missed it so much. SO MUCH. Goddammit, training is the best thing in the world (after love, friendship, dancing and chocolate). I went to the upper body strength class - overhead presses and wide grip pull ups sets for the strength part plus a short circuit (rowing machine, medicine ball throw -KILLER), push ups with knee tuck and burpees). Ankle? Hurts a bit, but bearable. I was careful. I was high after class. I though I will be crazy sore today - nope. Slightly tight in my back.

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