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whole30 supercharged...kinda


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I'll probably write more later, but quickly on the July report: Weighed this morning since I won't be at that gym location again until next week. 8lbs lost, overshooting my Dr's goal for our September appointment by 3lbs (major milestone). I know, I shouldn't let the scale determine my mood, but I also can't say I'm not happy about this. I feel good and honestly a little relieved to be past this goal and still moving forward. yay.


awesome (tough!) yoga class this morning, slowly getting over my cold (thinking I'll be ready for tumbling tomorrow night. can't wait!). New hair on Friday :) .

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ha. taking a break from the "I feel fantastic!" to whine and complain about feeling like crap. :angry:  Sent myself home after lunch with gurgly tummy, spent all afternoon trudging between bathroom and bed. Now in the unfortunate condition of hungry with mostly not so bad gurgly tummy but scared to eat anything for the chance of setting it off again. Seriously, this was so bad I am wondering if I got glutened or dairied, but all I ate today I packed myself. Maybe I didn't wash my mushrooms or squash enough? Maybe my avocado or chicken breast had gone off? Could a drop of milk from the espresso machine have done this to me?  (the office machine has nozzles for milk right next to the espresso nozzles, I'm talking one drop, though I did notice that happened today) ugh. I was perfectly fine in yoga and in meetings all morning, too. now, yuck.

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I'm sorry you are not feeling good Mary. Maybe it was nothing you ate and just getting sick? Is it especially hot? I hope that even if you don't answer the why you feel better soon. As far as eating...maybe eat something really gentle and easy to digest like a light soup?

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Thanks Bethany. Honestly I'm hoping it was food so it will be over quickly. It certainly did arrive quickly! I've eaten a hardboiled egg and a few cubes of sweet potato (had these already to go in the fridge), and I think I'll eat a peach and a packet of almond butter too--none of my protein options appeal to me at all at the moment, so less than stellar, but better than nothing.

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Ouuuuuuch ouch ouch. Poor M. I would think it's a virus, because there must be a sufficient amount of irritant to launch reaction so severe....Chicken would smell and you don't eat avocado skin, eh? Do you have aversion to food or just think it might bring round2? I find that kombucha settles my stomach when it does this kind of thing. I also find that a teaspoon of coconut oil straight from the jar helps. Do you have charcoal? It also works wonders for "poisoning" kind of stuff. Fingers crossed you'll have some sleep tonight and it will all be gone by tomorrow.

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hey guys (and welcome back Nadia!), I'm feeling perfectly fine this morning. I did have a bunch of kombucha, so maybe that helped?


No lunch to pack (bringing my own can of wild planet salmon to put over plain mixed greens at the pizza place co-workers wanted for lunch)...might end up tossing the last of the mushrooms and squash and cherry tomatoes out just in case. That was not my kind of adventure. Much happier turkish getups and tumbling today!

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  • 3 weeks later...

whole9 morning:

  1. slept in (til 7am!)
  2. best breakfast ever of lamb burger, roasted sweet potato (reheated in lamb burger fat), guac and cherry tomatoes
  3. whipped up some deodorant and face lotion, both scented with "self confidence" essential oil (blend of citrus, begamot, cedarwood, cypress, coriander, jasmine)
  4. now to bottle my strawberry/rhubarb batch of kombucha and start up a pineapple/coconut batch and decide what fun stuff to do with all my burger/sweet potato energy. maybe get my bike tire fixed and go for a long ride?


oh and fun from the nursery kids yesterday:

kid: do you have any kids?

me: no, but I have nieces and nephews

kid: you need some babies! those nieces and nephews need cousins!!!

me: well..sure, but I guess I need to get a husband first.

kid: you don't have a husband?! (shocked) what about a baby daddy?

me: hmmm, I guess that would work too, but nope.

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Sounds like a fantastic morning Mary! Oh the complete unfiltered honesty of kids. I was babysitting for my friends 5 and 2 year old and the 5 year old asked me why I didn't have any kids. I told her that God hadn't given me any yet. And she said you should ask God to give you some kids because I would like more friends.  :)


Enjoy the rest of your supercharged day!

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accomplishment!: I FINALLY FINALLY was able to get into a handstand against the wall at the kettlebell studio. I have been able to do this at tumbling for a while now, and I'm not sure if it was because of the padding against the wall at tumbling, or the context, because my tumbling teachers are super encouraging and supportive and patient and my kettlebell coach has a more...well...intimidating style (she is awesome, just with a high standards and no excuses sort of approach). Anyway, I've been super frustrated that I haven't been able to do them there when I can not only do them at tumbling, but actually pull away and fully support myself without the wall when I'm there. So, I got some suggestions from my tumbling teachers and from Max and I worked on forearm balance headstand and some extra core stuff for a couple weeks and today?


I did a handstand at the kettlebell studio. Twice.


Good ending to the month of August. Tomorrow I'll check a few other metrics and assess progress on various goals, but this one is officially checked off on my list.

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Hi guys. Here it is, September 2nd, and I haven't weighed in yet...and I won't today either  :ph34r: maybe Wednesday morning? I guess I just don't care to know enough that I want to make a special trip to the gym for it. Today I'm eating a big breakfast to get ready for a mega-workout, so my stomach will be full of food by the time I get there. Monday is my heavy day, and since I don't have to work I'm just going to take my time and do everything exactly right (lots of mobility work first, really nail my form. I'm excited, but no way could I do this on an empty stomach). Sunday is usually yoga day, but that class was cancelled so I just took the whole day off yesterday. Cleaned my condo in a major way, which makes me SO HAPPY. I don't know why I let it get so bad (other people might not think it was so bad before, but...I like it clean). Of course paleo kitty decided the night after I mop would be the perfect time to hack up several hairballs. I was spot cleaning 5-6 locations when I woke up. yuck. VERY happy I didn't find any of those when I woke up to use the restroom around 5am.


Invested in some new hair and skin products yesterday, which I'm hoping will be right at that line between good whole ingredients but actually work a bit better than what I can make myself at the moment. I keep waivering, but the stuff I made isn't quite cutting it, and I can't really convince myself that Aveda is good for me anymore (I mean, wheat protein? what was I thinking!). Also these new ones have really nice packaging. I'm a sucker for good graphic design.


AND....drumroll please....I bought myself a tiny tripod that holds my iphone. I can hardly believe I'm a person who is going to take fitness selfies but I need evidence of these handstands and cartwheels and whatnot. Who knows, mayble I'll start a blog or something.  :o .


Oh and confession time: after smuggly posting that I am "never tempted" by the gluten-free muffins at the co-op, I bought (and ate) one yesterday: peach raspberry. They use rice flour and maple syrup and honestly it's pretty darn clean for a not-on-a-whole30-at-the-moment person. I did find myself going for the bits of fruit more so than the bready stuff, but it was pretty good. I should have just gotten a peach and some raspberries. next time.

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I've read the tripod part like five times. Hihihihi. Just create a little instagram account for your gym adventures and make it private to share with only ppl you want? I kind of like it now. Especially after getting some advice on my silks move from a cirque du soleil artist who just happen to see this photo. Hashtags unite people by interests :)

It took me forever to find a shampoo from organic stores that works for my thin baby hair. Baking soda method scares me still tho. But real problem is toothpaste. Ones with the best ingredients taste horrible, I can't help it. I even have a normal tasting paste for guests :)

Happy Labour Day!

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But real problem is toothpaste. 

 Toothpaste, I've got sorted! After using weleda salt for a long time and never really liking it, I finally found one that seems pretty good: Redmond Earthpaste. It has xylitol, but I guess I'm ok with that. It tastes good and seems to work really well. It is brown like dirt.  :P

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Sounds like you have a fantastic day planned Mary! I hate it when I find kitty "presents" on my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Yucky! 


I use Earthpaste too...love it...and it is lasting a really long time. 


I was liking my dirty poo but it didn't seem to play well with the pink and purple hair colors I like at this time of year so I'm back to something that has a pretty short ingredient list but still some things that I don't think are ideal. Just until the color starts fading on its own.


Enjoy your workout and day off!

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quick update: finally weighed myself this am, not looking forward to it, because I'm still quite sore from Monday's workout (which was awesome! but probably means I'm holding some fluid, etc.). Anyway...lost 2lbs in August.


Then I took a shower and got dressed in my dress that is held together in back with safety pins (otherwise it is so big I have major cleavage issues) and tied my belt that used to barely tie in front but now has 12" tails hanging on both sides of the knot.


It's fine.


I'm actually kind of struggling to remember how big I used to be (was I really that big?) or to realize how small I am now. And I'm still not sure what is healthy or right, but I think that it is a little smaller than I am now. Possibly.


I feel good and strong. I'm getting stronger all the time. Pull-up, I'm looking at you for September! You are officially on my list.

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Congrats Mary! You are such a rockstar! Perhaps it is time to reward all your hard work with some new clothes and get rid of the ones that are too big. Maybe keep one item to remind yourself how far you have come. My item is a t-shirt that I was wearing in the last picture I have at my highest weight.


Pull-up...what a great goal. I can't even fathom it. I'm looking forward to having this next Half Marathon done so I can put more focus on strength building for the fall/winter.

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Thanks! Yeah, I've purchased a few things. This dress is one of the last holdouts, but I'm a little reluctant to spend much money on new clothes when I don't know where I will end up, size-wise. I know, it's a pretty nice problem to have, but still, I need that money for fitness classes and grass-fed meats :P ! I DID weed out my drawers this weekend, so it should be easier to find the things that actually fit.

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Ok, let's do it. I feel that I am close to it! Tiniest assistance band separates me (and you as far as I remember) from it! I will totally allow myself a silly dance and hand clapping when this happens!


It doesn't matter much how big o small I guess. What matters is if you are as big/small as you want (I am using want because you are smart non-obsessed lady hehe) to be.   

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ah, friends. I suppose if I report always when I'm a good girl, I should also report when I'm bad. Kind of all over the place mess this weekend: not enough food, stayed up too late Friday AND Saturday, had a few drinks: a hard cider, followed by lots of water on Friday, a hard cider followed by kombucha followed by a very ill advised tiny portion of rye wiskey on Saturday....woke up severely glutened from this, although the stuffy/runny nose/sneezyness/conjestion subsided after a few hours and a hard workout. I'm not really sorry, but I'm looking forward to getting back on track. I find it interesting that my default mode when I don't plan my food well now is to just eat the few things that are compliant or not at all, rather than even considering eating something off-plan. At these gatherings that meant mostly just meat...and a spoonful or two of guac. Foolishly ran around all day today eating a total of 2 hard boiled eggs, a few slices of deli ham, a fruit cup, a banana, a packet of almond butter and some iced espresso. Regardless my body rewarded me with two awesome workouts. Strength this morning, and a super tough hot yoga just now. 


Don't worry, oven is warming up and a serious and delicious lamb buger/roasted sweet potato/power greens dinner will be had, AND I have groceries to set me up for the week. I feel awesome at the moment, but I do know that if I keep this up I will crash quickly. silly silly girl.


Oh but this is good news!: succeeded at bird of paradise pose in class tonight (and handstand. and crow. and tripod headstand), which I thought was impossible just last week. progress.

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You were not bad! You made choices that were less healthy but you were not bad! You know this! I'm reminding you because I caught myself saying the same thing today and had to correct myself. I've offroaded a lot today because I'm just too tired after my race. I made choices, less healthy choices, but I was not bad and neither were you!


Congrats on your pose!

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You were not bad! You made choices that were less healthy but you were not bad! You know this! 


I know this! I was kidding, a little, but also: finding the right balance is TOUGH!


annnndddd, here's a deep and disturbing one: I wonder if my undereating on Sunday might be a subconsious response to a ridiculous amount of positive feedback/praise from friends all weekend for being "skinny"? I'm not really skinny, just smaller than I was, but I wonder if those two things were linked. Or maybe I just didn't want food because I was too stuffed up to enjoy it? Anyway, back to the straight and and narrow this morning. I WILL take care of myself. I know how to do it, so I will do it.


Thanks for the tough love Bethany, I hope everything went great for your race!

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